Update, Friday 18th December:
I have been totally overwhelmed by the amount of donations received this evening, in fact, so much so that I am literally bursting at the seems and I have no more room to take anymore. Unfortunately I will not be holding the collection in the village hall on Sunday as I just have no more storage space at present.
I do apologise for any inconvenience cause & would like to thank each & everyone of you that made kind donations today. It has been truly heart warming.
If you do wish to make donations still The Salvation Army church in Coventry collect items for the homeless shelters.
Many thanks & best wishes.
Dionne Reeve
Message from local resident, Dionne Reeve.
I have volunteered to work some shifts at the Coventry Winter Night Shelter who provide shelter 7 nights a week at various churches around Coventry giving a warm bed & a hot meal to the homeless of Coventry. I'm not asking anyone to spend money, I know we don't have much of that to spare this time of year but I am asking if you could look in the back of your wardrobes and cupboards and see if you have a spare winter coat, a sleeping bag, blankets, thick socks and any toiletries that you may be able to spare
I have arranged two dates that I will be at Burton Green Village Hall to collect any items you can spare which I will then deliver to the homeless when I work my shifts at the night shelter. I will be at the village hall on Thursday 17th December between 4pm & 7.30pm and Sunday 20th December between 10am-1pm. Please please check if you have anything you can spare, these people have absolutely nothing.
Let's spread a little love this Christmas.
Many many thanks in advance,
Dionne Reeve
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Monday, 14 December 2015
Friday, 11 December 2015
Bugle - December 2015
The December 2015 edition of the Bugle has been published.
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page,
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page,
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
Residents' Association
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
This table lists the contacts for various groups that meet at the Village Hall. The table also shows when each of these groups meets.
All of this information is also duplicated in the Events Calendar here: Events Calendar.
This page can also be accessed from the 'Contacts' tab in the menu along the top of the website.
All of this information is also duplicated in the Events Calendar here: Events Calendar.
This page can also be accessed from the 'Contacts' tab in the menu along the top of the website.
Group | Frequency | Contact |
BilinguaSing | Wednesday 2.00 - 3.45 pm | 07815 149877 |
BG Congregation | 1st Sunday 11am | www.westwoodchurch.co.uk |
Dandy Development | Wednesday 10-12 noon | Nikki 07890 241301 |
Flower Club | Monday afternoon | Barbara 01676 534 820 |
Hodgetts Lane WI | 2nd Monday 7.30pm | Jane 02476 415162 |
Line Dancing | Thursday 8pm | 07894 947334 |
lyengar Yoga | Tuesday 10.30am -12 noon | Paula 07734 801698 |
Martial Arts | Wednesday 5.30-8.30pm | Kian 07951 055610 |
Parent & Toddler | Thursday 10-12 noon term time; drop in group | |
Photography Group | 2nd Friday 7.30pm | 02476 463 810 |
Pilates Monday | Monday 9.30am | Stacey 07714 655012 |
Swan Pilates | Friday 9.30am | Karen 07794 439224 |
Stitch Group/made in BG | Thursday 7.30pm | madeinburtongreen@me.com |
Yoga [Hatha] | Tuesday 8-9.30 pm | Maureen 02476 692797 |
Zumba | Tuesday 6.30-7.30 pm | Jenny 07870315118 |
BG Village Choir | Monday 5.30 - 6.30pm | Judi 024 7642 2977 |
BG HS2 Action Group | bghs2ag@gibbshome.plus.com 02476464188 | |
BG Wine Club | 1st Friday 8.00 | burtongreenwineclu@gmail.com 02476 466524 |
BG Residents Association | rpataylor@gmail.corn 02476 463844 | |
BG Parish Council | 3rd Monday 7.30pm | Parish clerk Paul Knight 07917 074666 Email burtongreen@hotmail.co.uk http://www.burtongreenpc.org.uk/ |
Website contact: burton.green@burtongreen.com
Village Hall
Monday, 7 December 2015
Pop Up Cafe
Forthcoming Event
Burton Green Village Hall Pop up Cafe
Friday 12th Feb, 2016
Servings from 6.30 to 8.30pm
Matar Keema ( minced Iamb with peas ) + Rice
Aloo Baingan Matar ( potato with peas and aubergines ) + Rice
Chicken in Red Wine + Rice
A pop up Vegetarian Special + Rice
all home made, fresh, gluten, dairy and nut free ingredients
no deliveries, collection only
To eat in at B.G. Village Hall £8 p.p.
please bring your own drink and glasses [ no corkage! ]
To take away £7 p.p.
please call us to give us an indication of the numbers by Mon. 8th
contact Deirdre 02476 464188 or dipa.jethwa@tiscali.co.uk
Monies raised will be ring fenced for a new high capacity oven
at the proposed new Village Hall
Pop Up Cafe,
Village Event,
Village Hall
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Christmas Craft and Gift Fayre
Sunday 22nd November - time 12 noon until 4.30
19 Different Craft stalls including Cushions, Jewellery,
pictures, cakes, Jam and Preserves, Vintage Craft,
Christmas Wreaths and Table decorations,
Christmas Tree decorations, Toys,
lots of beautiful handmade items,
Cards, 2 Charity stalls, Bags,
Wood carved items
and lots, lots more.
Come along and do your Christmas Shopping
and then relax with tea or coffee and lovely home made cake.
Light lunches will be served from 12.00
For more information please contact Jill on 024 7646 2070
Or email davidline@onetel.com
Christmas Fayre,
Village Event,
Village Hall
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Christmas Fayre 21st November 2015
Please note that the Christmas Fayre being organised by Burton Green School (described on the flier below) is a different event to the Craft Fayre which is being organised by the Village Hall on the following day.
Burton Green School,
Christmas Fayre,
Village Event
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting November 3rd 2015
Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting November 3, 2015
Present: Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Trish Hancock; Terry Heyes; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Faith Ward; and Mary Webb.
Trish was welcomed to her first meeting. Thanks were recorded to Alice Hawkins who had stepped down at the AGM.
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Diane Swindells; Rona Taylor; and Cllr. Caryll Green.
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting of September 15th 2015 were approved. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.
The minutes were approved.
2. Treasurer's Report
A report was circulated.
Terry said there was not a lot to report. The recent Retired of Burton Green lunch did well. Overall about £500 had been made over two years even though the lunches were not intended to make a profit. Much of this had been ploughed back into dining equipment etc.
The Village Hall fee of £194 for all the occasions it had been used was not yet recorded in the accounts.
Terry had discussed with Peter Tacon whether the refund from the Mine Opposition Group should be ring fenced but it had been decided this was not necessary.
The cost of ingredients for the 60th celebration cake at the AGM had been £39. Vicki Aizlewood who baked the cakes did not want payment for her time but asked for a donation to be made to the Village Choir. It was agreed that a donation of £30 would be given.
The Speedwatch equipment was due for recalibration in December. The cost so far had been £238. Terry reported that the Parish Council and the Kenilworth Forum had agreed to share the recalibration cost.
Terry said the Speedwatch team had been wondering about obtaining a small camera to assist their work. It was agreed to take advice from the police regarding the legalities of this before taking a decision.
Action: Terry
Thanks were given to Terry.
3. Residents' views/concerns
Nothing reported.
4. Update on and discussion of Residents; Association initiatives and issues
a Peeping Tom: a meeting had been held recently with the owners of the Hickory Smokehouse company which was looking into taking over the Peeping Tom.
The meeting had been very heated with a number of residents, especially those living close to the pub, in opposition to the scheme. Complaints seemed to be against opening hours and outside eating (because of noise). Few residents had spoken in favour of the move even though it was believed many had no opposition and indeed some were in agreement. If the Hickory Smokehouse was not introduced the village might lose its pub.
The committee decided that if individuals wished to express their support they should write their own letters and that the committee did not feel it could express an overall opinion. The suggestion to write individually in support (or in opposition) would be made on the email loop in case some residents wishedto do this. Mary would let Janet and Judi have the contact details of the Hickory Smokehouse manager.
Action: Mary, Janet and Judi
b Christmas tree. As so little interest had been shown in carol singing this wouldnot take place round a tree but it was agreed a Christmas tree should still be erected and decorated. Mary was contacting the various volunteers who helped with this task each year. She would also ask Diane to contact the supplier of the tree to see if one could be made available. It was agreed to of purchase s new set of lights at no more than £40.
Action: Mary
Andy also had some decorative lights which he would have tested first.
Action: Andy
c. Speedwatch. This item had already been covered.
d. Broadband Update. Superfast broadband was now available to homes connected to the box at the Red Lane/Hob Lane junction.
e. Retired of Burton Green lunch October 29th. This had gone very well and there had been many positive comments. The menu had been extended as it was the final lunch of the year. 37 lunches had been served with 5 takeaways. A shortage of red wine was commented upon!
f. Youth Forum and Quiz October 29th. Only about 6 children had attended. It was decided a valiant attempt had been made to hold these events but they would not be continued.
g. Red Land verge/ bank improvements. The footpath starting after the semis on the left hand side of Red Lane before the bends had become overgrown and was far too narrow for pushchairs. Mary would follow this up.
Action: Mary
h. Flower tubs. These had been replanted with bulbs, pansies and primula. Another tub had been placed along Cromwell Lane. Mary would ask Peter Hallam about strimming verges.
i. The Jubilee Group event 2016. A meeting had been held with the head teacher of the school and discussions were taking place about a community picnic with games and fairground rides. A date of Sunday June 12th was suggested and profits would go to the school. It was hoped that funds might be made available by the Forum to help celebrate the queen’s 90th birthday.
5. Success of AGM Oct 5th
The AGM was deemed a success. It was agreed that some of the invited speakers took too long and there was no time for residents to pose questions and raise issues. This matter would be discussed in more detail nearer the time of the next AGM and the agenda would reflect the suggested changes,
Action: Judi
6. Village hall
There was no report. The Village Hall AGM was to take place on Friday November AGM 27th Nov
7. HS2 Opposition Group
Andy said he needed to contact Ian about progress with the barrister. A letter about people's need to sell had been sent round the loop to ascertain whether the schemes were working. A newspaper article had also been sent round about the cost to the taxpayer of leaving properties vacant once they had been purchased by HS2.
Andy said the locus standi hearing was to take place on 16th (for those who had petitioned on AP2 and been challenged).
8. Parish Councillor's Report
The Parish Council had agreed to a grant of £300.
Cllr. Andy Gibbs said various planning applications had been considered. The current
concern was the number of houses that Burton Green might be expected to accommodate as the former Local Plan had been rejected. Was the Burrow Hill site sufficient? As yet nothing was defined and the County Council was asking for sites.
9. Any Other Business
There was no other business
Mary suggested that the Children in Need Walk should be considered along the Greenway in 2016.
10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting
The next committee meeting would take place on January19th 2016 at 7.30p.m.at the Village Hall.
Subject to availability of the hall, subsequent meetings would be on:
March 8th
May 3rd J
uly 12th
Sep 13th
Oct 3rd (AGM)
Nov 1st
Thanks were expressed to all for attending.
Present: Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Trish Hancock; Terry Heyes; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Faith Ward; and Mary Webb.
Trish was welcomed to her first meeting. Thanks were recorded to Alice Hawkins who had stepped down at the AGM.
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Diane Swindells; Rona Taylor; and Cllr. Caryll Green.
Summary of actions following the meeting | Responsible |
Derek Lawrence to be asked about progress of electronic calendar electronically | Mary |
Ask Peter Hallam re progress on footpaths in Red Lane and Hob Lane | Mary |
Ask police about legalities of Speedwatch team using a camera | Terry |
Contact details of Hickory Smokehouse to be circulated on email loop with suggestion that residents made known their opinions | Mary, Janet and Judi |
Arrangements to be made for Christmas tree | Mary |
Set of lights to be tested | Andy |
Footpath on Red Lane – follow up with Peter Hallam | Mary |
Query about strimming of verges. | Mary |
Changes to AGM agenda to be discussed and implemented | Judi |
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting of September 15th 2015 were approved. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
- Mary would ask Derek about progress with the electronic calendar,
- Work had started on the problem areas of the footpaths in Red Lane but there was more to be completed. Mary would pursue this.
All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.
The minutes were approved.
2. Treasurer's Report
A report was circulated.
Terry said there was not a lot to report. The recent Retired of Burton Green lunch did well. Overall about £500 had been made over two years even though the lunches were not intended to make a profit. Much of this had been ploughed back into dining equipment etc.
The Village Hall fee of £194 for all the occasions it had been used was not yet recorded in the accounts.
Terry had discussed with Peter Tacon whether the refund from the Mine Opposition Group should be ring fenced but it had been decided this was not necessary.
The cost of ingredients for the 60th celebration cake at the AGM had been £39. Vicki Aizlewood who baked the cakes did not want payment for her time but asked for a donation to be made to the Village Choir. It was agreed that a donation of £30 would be given.
The Speedwatch equipment was due for recalibration in December. The cost so far had been £238. Terry reported that the Parish Council and the Kenilworth Forum had agreed to share the recalibration cost.
Terry said the Speedwatch team had been wondering about obtaining a small camera to assist their work. It was agreed to take advice from the police regarding the legalities of this before taking a decision.
Action: Terry
Thanks were given to Terry.
3. Residents' views/concerns
Nothing reported.
4. Update on and discussion of Residents; Association initiatives and issues
a Peeping Tom: a meeting had been held recently with the owners of the Hickory Smokehouse company which was looking into taking over the Peeping Tom.
The meeting had been very heated with a number of residents, especially those living close to the pub, in opposition to the scheme. Complaints seemed to be against opening hours and outside eating (because of noise). Few residents had spoken in favour of the move even though it was believed many had no opposition and indeed some were in agreement. If the Hickory Smokehouse was not introduced the village might lose its pub.
The committee decided that if individuals wished to express their support they should write their own letters and that the committee did not feel it could express an overall opinion. The suggestion to write individually in support (or in opposition) would be made on the email loop in case some residents wishedto do this. Mary would let Janet and Judi have the contact details of the Hickory Smokehouse manager.
Action: Mary, Janet and Judi
b Christmas tree. As so little interest had been shown in carol singing this wouldnot take place round a tree but it was agreed a Christmas tree should still be erected and decorated. Mary was contacting the various volunteers who helped with this task each year. She would also ask Diane to contact the supplier of the tree to see if one could be made available. It was agreed to of purchase s new set of lights at no more than £40.
Action: Mary
Andy also had some decorative lights which he would have tested first.
Action: Andy
c. Speedwatch. This item had already been covered.
d. Broadband Update. Superfast broadband was now available to homes connected to the box at the Red Lane/Hob Lane junction.
e. Retired of Burton Green lunch October 29th. This had gone very well and there had been many positive comments. The menu had been extended as it was the final lunch of the year. 37 lunches had been served with 5 takeaways. A shortage of red wine was commented upon!
f. Youth Forum and Quiz October 29th. Only about 6 children had attended. It was decided a valiant attempt had been made to hold these events but they would not be continued.
g. Red Land verge/ bank improvements. The footpath starting after the semis on the left hand side of Red Lane before the bends had become overgrown and was far too narrow for pushchairs. Mary would follow this up.
Action: Mary
h. Flower tubs. These had been replanted with bulbs, pansies and primula. Another tub had been placed along Cromwell Lane. Mary would ask Peter Hallam about strimming verges.
i. The Jubilee Group event 2016. A meeting had been held with the head teacher of the school and discussions were taking place about a community picnic with games and fairground rides. A date of Sunday June 12th was suggested and profits would go to the school. It was hoped that funds might be made available by the Forum to help celebrate the queen’s 90th birthday.
5. Success of AGM Oct 5th
The AGM was deemed a success. It was agreed that some of the invited speakers took too long and there was no time for residents to pose questions and raise issues. This matter would be discussed in more detail nearer the time of the next AGM and the agenda would reflect the suggested changes,
Action: Judi
6. Village hall
There was no report. The Village Hall AGM was to take place on Friday November AGM 27th Nov
7. HS2 Opposition Group
Andy said he needed to contact Ian about progress with the barrister. A letter about people's need to sell had been sent round the loop to ascertain whether the schemes were working. A newspaper article had also been sent round about the cost to the taxpayer of leaving properties vacant once they had been purchased by HS2.
Andy said the locus standi hearing was to take place on 16th (for those who had petitioned on AP2 and been challenged).
8. Parish Councillor's Report
The Parish Council had agreed to a grant of £300.
Cllr. Andy Gibbs said various planning applications had been considered. The current
concern was the number of houses that Burton Green might be expected to accommodate as the former Local Plan had been rejected. Was the Burrow Hill site sufficient? As yet nothing was defined and the County Council was asking for sites.
9. Any Other Business
There was no other business
Mary suggested that the Children in Need Walk should be considered along the Greenway in 2016.
10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting
The next committee meeting would take place on January19th 2016 at 7.30p.m.at the Village Hall.
Subject to availability of the hall, subsequent meetings would be on:
March 8th
May 3rd J
uly 12th
Sep 13th
Oct 3rd (AGM)
Nov 1st
Thanks were expressed to all for attending.
Residents' Association
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
HS2 National Press Reports
These two articles appeared in The Daily Mail and The Mail on Sunday....
Click on this link to read the full article:
Scotland will NOT get high-speed rail: Fury of SNP as HS2 team says there's 'no business case' to extend line north of the border
Click on this link to read the full article:
Rail firm blows £225m of taxpayers' money to buy 300 houses by new line... and leaves them empty
Click on this link to read the full article:
Scotland will NOT get high-speed rail: Fury of SNP as HS2 team says there's 'no business case' to extend line north of the border
Click on this link to read the full article:
Rail firm blows £225m of taxpayers' money to buy 300 houses by new line... and leaves them empty
Saturday, 17 October 2015
Made in Burton Green 2016
For further details, email: madeinburtongreen@me.com
Images of the 2014 event are here:
More about Warwickshire Open Studios
Made in Burton Green
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Minutes of Residents' Association AGM October 5th 2015
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Burton Green Residents’ Association held on October 5th 2015 at the Village Hall.
The event marked a celebration of 60 years of Burton Green Residents' Association (BGRA). Old minute books were available for interest and everyone was offered wine and cake. The former had been donated by Liz Saxon in memory of her parents who had served on the BGRA in the 1950s; and thanks were given to Vicki Aizlewood for making the lovely cakes.
Rona welcomed everyone, in particular Cllr. John Whitehouse; Sue Patterson, head of Burton Green School; PCSO Craig Ricardo; past chairs of the BGRA Gary Crooks and David Skinner.
Cllrs. George Illingworth and Michael Coker joined the meeting at 8:30 after their attendance at a council meeting.She explained her aim was to make presentations as brief as possible allowing time for discussion of issues of importance.
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Liz Saxon; Cllr. Caryll Green; Paul Knight (clerk to the Parish Council); Cllr. Wendy and Geoff Exton; Peter and Janet Stanworth; Ann Blacklock; Mr and Mrs Silk; and Nicki Jackson.
2. Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of October 6th 2014 were accepted.
Proposed: Andy Jones
Seconded: Deirdre Vernon
Unanimously agreed
3. Matters Arising
All matters arising were to be covered by agenda points.
4. Chair’s Report
Rona presented the following report, highlighting the key events of 2015
Last month marked the 60th anniversary of the Residents' Association, which was set up in September 1955 with a membership of 100 paying subscriptions of five shillings! The Association has a proud history which we do our best to live up to.
Petitioning against HS2 has again been a major issue over the past year. Together with the Village Hall Committee, the School, Parish Council and Greenway Trustees, we appeared before the Select Committee on January 6th to present our petition and were complimented on our coordinated approach. Our main “ask”, for a deep bored tunnel , was rejected on grounds of cost , with the important criteria of community sustainability given no weighting. Together with the Parish Council, we submitted a petition against AP2 (Additional Provisions 2) in August, focusing on extension of the cut and cover tunnel. This petition was not deemed to have locus standi and the Parish Council has approved use of Parish Funds to employ a barrister to challenge this judgement.
The Parish Council and Residents’ Association’s opposition to a solar farm in Burton Green was outlined in last October’s report and we were delighted that Solihull Metropolitan Authority’s Planning Committee decided to reject the proposal.
There is currently a high level of interest in a planning application by Hickory Smokehouse to develop a pub and restaurant at the Peeping Tom. To provide an opportunity for residents to find out more, we have arranged a meeting at the Village Hall on Friday October 23rd.(See also report from Cllr Wendy Exton).
Parking on pavements in the village has been a controversial issue and we have worked with the Parish Council to draw up some helpful suggestions for residents.
The Residents’ Association has continued to be proactive in reporting potholes, fly tipping, overgrown hedges in Red Lane and obstructions to rights of way. We are pleased that WDC is planning some reconstruction of the bank beside a particularly narrow section of Red Lane, following our frequent expressions of concern. We have continued to work on the Residents’ Association Parish Plan tasks and have now completed them all, including the installation of flower tubs !
The Speedwatch Teaam has been operating often twice a week throughout the year and their work is having a real impact on the safety of our roads. The Jubilee Group organised an extremely successful Circus Event in June and plans for June 11th 2016 are well underway. The Retired of Burton Green lunches continue to be well attended with a well- deserved reputation for fabulous food and good company. It has been a very successful year for fundraising, with a coffee morning and lunch raising £374 for the Macmillan Cancer Charity and an amazing £2800 raised for Nepal in an afternoon tea and curry evening.
The four editions of the Bugle, funded partly from residents' £3 subscriptions and also from a Parish Council donation, have played a vital role in keeping residents up to date during the year. The editor welcomes contributions.
We see it as important to consult Burton Green children and young people about what they want for their community and have established an annual Youth Forum , which takes place this year during a quiz evening on Friday, October 9th, 6.30 -8.30pm at the village hall.Sincere thanks are due to all for the high level of commitment to working for the community and for the amazing support for Burton Green initiatives and events.
Rona asked Alan Dearnley-Davidson to update residents on the availability of superfast broadband. This was now available to all residents connected to cabinet 20 at the top of Red Lane. Those connected to the Tile Hill cabinet would have to wait until 2016. Advantages of switching to superfast broadband included boosting the sale of a house and the ability to stream TV. Opting to receive the CSW Broadband newsletter would provide residents with fuller information but Alan was happy to talk to anyone on the subject outside the meeting.
5. Treasurer’s Report
The Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet are attached separately. Copies were available at the meeting.
Terry explained the Income & Expenditure account for the year. He noted in particular the £1200 received from the Mine Opposition Group of which BGRA had been a part.The residual funds had now been distributed amongst participating organisations
Expenditure had included work opposing HS2 and the solar farm.
He said BGRA had three forms of income: the annual residents’ subscriptions of £3 per household; grants for specific items which were ring fenced; and a small profit from events such as the Retired of Burton Green lunches.
He pointed out that the collection of subscriptions often crossed two financial years.
Terry thanked Peter for inspecting the accounts. In turn, thanks were expressed to Terry.
6. Election of Independent Examiner
Peter Tacon again agreed to act as Independent Examiner.
Proposed: Jerry Marshall
Seconded: Eileen Nisbet
Unanimously agreed.
7. Election of Committee members
Janet Hickinbottom, as Joint Secretary, conducted this agenda item.
The constitution required that the officers and three committee members should stand down. All the officers (Rona Taylor, Mary Webb, Terry Heyes, Janet Hickinbottom and Judi Hibberd) were re-elected.
Proposed: Archie Taylor
Seconded : Sue Marshall
Unanimously agreed
Faith Ward and Hilary Cox stood down and were re-elected as committee members.
Proposed: Andy Gibbs
Seconded: Betty Woodward
Unanimously agreed.
Alice Hawkins was not standing for re-election because of family commitment. Thanks were given for her work during the past two years. Trish Hancock had agreed to join the committee
.Proposed: Eileen Nisbet
Seconded: Hilary Cox
Unanimously agreed
8. HS2 Update
Andy Gibbs explained that BGRA along with other organisations and individuals had petitioned in parliament in January 2015. This had been quite an experience for all and although not all matters had been successfully addressed such as the request for a bored tunnel, there were some amendments made as a result of the petitioning. For example, the traffic route for construction traffic was moved away from Hob Lane and the school; various work camp sites were moved; an equine underpass was agreed and the cut and cover tunnel was to be lengthened.
AP2 had more recently been petitioned against by some but with less success. Individuals and Jeremy Wright MP could still appear before parliamentary representatives to present residents’ concerns.
In the future the bill would also have to pass through the House of Lords so the fight continued. Proper compensation would be something to work towards.
Fight continues. Maybe in the future proper compensation may be something to work towards.
Cllr. Archie Taylor said the Parish Council had agreed to appoint a barrister to take things forward and he acknowledged the expertise of solicitor Ian Cox. He said so many people remained opposed to HS2 as he had witnessed at the Labour party conference.
Thanks were given to Andy.
David Skinner asked what the disposal route would be for waste. Andy replied that most would continue on down the line until it reached the Kenilworth A429 or Balsall Common via Waste Lane.
Was Crackley Lane to be widened? This had been considered in an earlier draft but was not accepted. Would there be increased traffic on Bockendon Road? A little but this was mainly concerned with pipeline changes. Bockendon Road would offer an emergency escape route at end of the rail building process.
9. Village Hall Report
Diane Swindells explained that the site of the new village hall was to be in the field next to the Broadwell Wood park homes site at the top of Red Lane. Much work had gone into research and planning and ongoing discussions were being held with HS2 Ltd. It was planned to have a new hall with increased capacity and higher specifications.
Architects from Kenilworth had been appointed and monthly meetings were taking place between them and a village hall sub group. It was hoped to share conceptual designs at the Village Hall AGM
A new Village Hall constitution was being drawn up as it was felt the old one was not fit for purpose.
Petitioning in January had been successful in certain respects for the Village Hall and the AP2 petitioning had focused on the lack of mains sewerage on the site in Red Lane.
Finally, a craft fair was to be held on Sunday November 22nd and a Christmas lunch was being organised for the retired on Friday December 4th.
Residents would be welcome to the Village Hall AGM at 7pm on November 27th.
10. Reports from Burton Green School and friends of Burton Green
Sue Patterson, the head teacher of Burton Green School, presented a report giving a flavour of the school’s activities during the year.
Many people new to the area were still unaware of the school’s existence and so residents were urged to make this known. Currently, the school had 105 pupils and 12 members of staff. She explained the school was small but with a special environment and offered a large range of quality experiences to the children. It had good SATs results and was making good progress.
All the children were known individually to all staff and there were great benefits to belonging to the Green Leek Federation with All Saints of Leek Wootton. This meant the pupils had access to more sporting, music and drama activities and all children in years 5 and 6 had taken part in a residential visit to Norfolk during the year. There were also widening opportunities for staff across the two schools who shared training.
Sue reminded everyone of the community picnic held at the school in the summer to celebrate the opening of the new land and facilities at the side of the school. During the summer holidays the front playground had been transformed to address health and safety issues. At the rear, the playground had been extended and a netball court incorporated. Modern facilities were housed at the back of historic buildings. Sue wanted the community to be proud of its school. Thanks were given to everyone who had volunteered over the years.
Currently, residents could continue to help by attending school events or by volunteering to hear children read. The school was trying to enable children to be active participants in the community.All the children were known individually to all staff and there were great benefits to belonging to the Green Leek Federation with All Saints of Leek Wootton. This meant the pupils had access to more sporting, music and drama activities and all children in years 5 and 6 had taken part in a residential visit to Norfolk during the year. There were also widening opportunities for staff across the two schools who shared training.Sue reminded everyone of the community picnic held at the school in the summer to celebrate the opening of the new land and facilities at the side of the school. During the summer holidays the front playground had been transformed to address health and safety issues. At the rear, the playground had been extended and a netball court incorporated. Modern facilities were housed at the back of historic buildings. Sue wanted the community to be proud of its school. Thanks were given to everyone who had volunteered over the years.Currently, residents could continue to help by attending school events or by volunteering to hear children read. The school was trying to enable children to be active participants in the community.
Derek Lawrence, as chair of the Friends of Burton Green School, said residents wouldbe welcome to join in the variety of events planned. Last year the group had raised £4600 mainly through the summer and Christmas fayres and funds had helped to purchase musical instruments and to support school visits. Derek explained he was developing an electronic calendar to contain details of the events organised within the village by a variety of groups.
11. Made in Burton Green
Deirdre Vernon explained that Made in Burton Green was a village event incorporating an arts and crafts exhibition at the Village Hall and scarecrow competition (open to all), set against the backdrop of the Kenilworth Greenway that runs through the village. The plans for 2016 were for a “larger than life” project a showcase of local arts and crafts talent and refreshments at the village hall. There will be a chance to vote for your favourite scarecrow. The exhibition is part of the Warwickshire Open Studios initiative and will be open on 25 & 26 June 2016. The scarecrows and "larger than life" will be in situ between 25 June and 10 July.
For further details, email: madeinburtongreen@me.com
12. Speedwatch
Pat Hehir said the village Speedwatch had now been operating for two and a half years. The volunteer team tried to operate once a week. Since April 1st when the speed limit changed on Cromwell Lane, 590 cars had been recorded exceeding the limit. 420 of these had received warning letters. He felt Speedwatch was having an impact.
Thanks were given to the team of six plus Craig and his team who had been supportive. Any new volunteers would be welcome.A question was asked about how it was decided where speed checks were in operation and whether Speedwatch could operate in Hodgetts Lane. Another resident queried the location of the operation in Red Lane. It was explained that decisions on priorities were taken at the Kenilworth Community Forum every three months and all were urged to attend.
Questions were asked relating to follow up by the police. Craig said repeat offenders received a more strongly worded letter and the local Safer Neighbourhoods team might be involved. It was not possible to link up with the Coventry police force on such matters apart from passing on relevant information.
13. Police Matters and Neighbourhood Watch
PCSO Craig Ricardo said the most serious reported crime in Burton Green had been the theft of two hanging baskets and theft from a motor vehicle. Obviously, it was good to report such a low level of crime but residents needed to stay alert and report potential burglars and other concerns via the 101 phone number. For example, door to door travelling salesmen should be reported as they were not operating legally.
He advised residents to be security conscious by leaving music playing when the house was unoccupied and not to leave any valuables including satnavs on show in vehicles.
A question was raised about cycling on footpaths. Craig said it was illegal for over 16s to do this and they could receive a warning. If this was a persistent problem residents could report it but a witness was always needed.
14. Councillors’ Report
County Cllr John Whitehouse said councillors were not allowed to petition but he had been able to as a member of the Greenway Trust. He was pleased that the points about improving sound attenuation and changes to the temporary route through the greenway looked likely to be tackled.
There had been delays in the implementation of the new speed limit changes but this did happen and was at the third attempt. Evidence of impact was still patchy and monitoring continued.
Two 40mph flashing signs had been moved to Red Lane increasing the number to four. He was aware of a desire amongst residents to see a change to 30mph for all of Red Lane but there was still not enough money to do that. Meanwhile, it was necessary to persuade the traffic to observe the 30mph limit. There was a set of proposals for Red Lane in place to improve signage eg size of repeater roundels, road markings and speed warning signs near bends with advisory 30mph signs.
Cllr Whitehouse reported that the station in Kenilworth was still on track for Dec 2016 if Network Rail had completed their part.
County council boundaries were set to change and from April 2017 Burton Green would form part of Lapworth and West Kenilworth division.
The county was part way through saving £92million over 4 years. This had necessitated the removal of many non statutory services such as housing support for vulnerable people and home to school transport. The county was facing decisions about school sufficiency: how to make sure there were enough school places to cope with housing developments. Would there be a significant shortfall of capital to build schools to fulfill this? Should Warwickshire go in with the West Midlands authorities in a combined authority? Warwickshire had declined the offer presented. It was generally felt that Coventry was the right partner or there might be other solutions.
Cllr Whitehouse was keen to make everything transparent and available to the public.He stressed again the importance of the community forum and said the local community was welcome to apply for community funds.
As a county councillor, he had funds to address the problem of isolation in older people and was looking for ideas and projects as to how he might provide seed funding to projects with this aim.He advised that whenever a pothole needed fixing, this could be reported via the website and this was very effective. http://warwickshire.fixmystreet.com/
A query was raised about reversing the traffic priority on the Cromwell Lane bridge. There were diverse opinions on this. Cllr Whitehouse said only if there was clear evidence of danger would this be looked at.
District Cllr Michael Coker, now mayor of Kenilworth, said the District was likely to agree with the County and go for Coventry as the partner authority. At present far greater clarification was needed of what was on offer.
The Local Plan had been suspended, claiming it relied on windfall sites. The inspector had said there must be agreement on five more potential housing sites on Warwickshire, to be allocated in all districts.District Cllr George Illingworth pointed out minor changes in Stoneleigh under AP4.
He reminded residents that boundaries had been redrawn about a year ago placing Crackley Woods in Kenilworth and the university in Burton Green. With regard to planning applications, a site in Red Lane was a permitted development.
The fight against Broadwells Wood site had focused on the importance of a level site. It was hoped hedging would be replanted.
The Peeping Tom had applied for modest extensions. As a public house it could also operate as a restaurant. Environmental health had suggested a note to be added to any agreements. Problems could be dealt with retrospectively if a nuisance occurred.
Parish Cllr Archie Taylor explained the make up of the new council and thanked previous parish councillors who had all stood down. Details of the parish councillors are available here: http://www.burtongreenpc.org.uk/councilors/
He said the Parish Council was concerned about the potential increased number of houses. The Burrow Hill site was in the Local Plan but it might be that more houses were needed. Could residents living at Broadwells Wood be included in these numbers? He welcomed new residents there.
Cllr Taylor recommended everyone with internet access to subscribe to “Paddy’s loop” which circulated information of interest to villagers via email. He looked forward to the enhancement of the Peeping Tom and said the parish council would make sure residents' concerns were addressed. He felt the Hickory Smokehouse management would be supportive of the community.
On the forthcoming Remembrance Sunday Cllr John Vine would be laying a wreath on behalf of Burton Green. There were many challenges lying ahead for the parish council but he felt sure they would work hard on behalf of residents and thanked everyone for their support.
All councillors were thanked for attending the meeting and for everything they did on behalf of Burton Green
15. Any Other Business
Thanks were extended to all who had initiated or supported events.
Thank you was expressed to Janet for writing the minutes. Faith Ward said thanks must go to Rona too.
16. Date of Next Annual General Meeting
The next Annual General Meeting would be held on Monday October 3rd 2016 at the Village Hall.
The event marked a celebration of 60 years of Burton Green Residents' Association (BGRA). Old minute books were available for interest and everyone was offered wine and cake. The former had been donated by Liz Saxon in memory of her parents who had served on the BGRA in the 1950s; and thanks were given to Vicki Aizlewood for making the lovely cakes.
Rona welcomed everyone, in particular Cllr. John Whitehouse; Sue Patterson, head of Burton Green School; PCSO Craig Ricardo; past chairs of the BGRA Gary Crooks and David Skinner.
Cllrs. George Illingworth and Michael Coker joined the meeting at 8:30 after their attendance at a council meeting.She explained her aim was to make presentations as brief as possible allowing time for discussion of issues of importance.
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Liz Saxon; Cllr. Caryll Green; Paul Knight (clerk to the Parish Council); Cllr. Wendy and Geoff Exton; Peter and Janet Stanworth; Ann Blacklock; Mr and Mrs Silk; and Nicki Jackson.
2. Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of October 6th 2014 were accepted.
Proposed: Andy Jones
Seconded: Deirdre Vernon
Unanimously agreed
3. Matters Arising
All matters arising were to be covered by agenda points.
4. Chair’s Report
Rona presented the following report, highlighting the key events of 2015
Last month marked the 60th anniversary of the Residents' Association, which was set up in September 1955 with a membership of 100 paying subscriptions of five shillings! The Association has a proud history which we do our best to live up to.
Petitioning against HS2 has again been a major issue over the past year. Together with the Village Hall Committee, the School, Parish Council and Greenway Trustees, we appeared before the Select Committee on January 6th to present our petition and were complimented on our coordinated approach. Our main “ask”, for a deep bored tunnel , was rejected on grounds of cost , with the important criteria of community sustainability given no weighting. Together with the Parish Council, we submitted a petition against AP2 (Additional Provisions 2) in August, focusing on extension of the cut and cover tunnel. This petition was not deemed to have locus standi and the Parish Council has approved use of Parish Funds to employ a barrister to challenge this judgement.
The Parish Council and Residents’ Association’s opposition to a solar farm in Burton Green was outlined in last October’s report and we were delighted that Solihull Metropolitan Authority’s Planning Committee decided to reject the proposal.
There is currently a high level of interest in a planning application by Hickory Smokehouse to develop a pub and restaurant at the Peeping Tom. To provide an opportunity for residents to find out more, we have arranged a meeting at the Village Hall on Friday October 23rd.(See also report from Cllr Wendy Exton).
Parking on pavements in the village has been a controversial issue and we have worked with the Parish Council to draw up some helpful suggestions for residents.
The Residents’ Association has continued to be proactive in reporting potholes, fly tipping, overgrown hedges in Red Lane and obstructions to rights of way. We are pleased that WDC is planning some reconstruction of the bank beside a particularly narrow section of Red Lane, following our frequent expressions of concern. We have continued to work on the Residents’ Association Parish Plan tasks and have now completed them all, including the installation of flower tubs !
The Speedwatch Teaam has been operating often twice a week throughout the year and their work is having a real impact on the safety of our roads. The Jubilee Group organised an extremely successful Circus Event in June and plans for June 11th 2016 are well underway. The Retired of Burton Green lunches continue to be well attended with a well- deserved reputation for fabulous food and good company. It has been a very successful year for fundraising, with a coffee morning and lunch raising £374 for the Macmillan Cancer Charity and an amazing £2800 raised for Nepal in an afternoon tea and curry evening.
The four editions of the Bugle, funded partly from residents' £3 subscriptions and also from a Parish Council donation, have played a vital role in keeping residents up to date during the year. The editor welcomes contributions.
We see it as important to consult Burton Green children and young people about what they want for their community and have established an annual Youth Forum , which takes place this year during a quiz evening on Friday, October 9th, 6.30 -8.30pm at the village hall.Sincere thanks are due to all for the high level of commitment to working for the community and for the amazing support for Burton Green initiatives and events.
Rona asked Alan Dearnley-Davidson to update residents on the availability of superfast broadband. This was now available to all residents connected to cabinet 20 at the top of Red Lane. Those connected to the Tile Hill cabinet would have to wait until 2016. Advantages of switching to superfast broadband included boosting the sale of a house and the ability to stream TV. Opting to receive the CSW Broadband newsletter would provide residents with fuller information but Alan was happy to talk to anyone on the subject outside the meeting.
5. Treasurer’s Report
The Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet are attached separately. Copies were available at the meeting.
Terry explained the Income & Expenditure account for the year. He noted in particular the £1200 received from the Mine Opposition Group of which BGRA had been a part.The residual funds had now been distributed amongst participating organisations
Expenditure had included work opposing HS2 and the solar farm.
He said BGRA had three forms of income: the annual residents’ subscriptions of £3 per household; grants for specific items which were ring fenced; and a small profit from events such as the Retired of Burton Green lunches.
He pointed out that the collection of subscriptions often crossed two financial years.
Terry thanked Peter for inspecting the accounts. In turn, thanks were expressed to Terry.
6. Election of Independent Examiner
Peter Tacon again agreed to act as Independent Examiner.
Proposed: Jerry Marshall
Seconded: Eileen Nisbet
Unanimously agreed.
7. Election of Committee members
Janet Hickinbottom, as Joint Secretary, conducted this agenda item.
The constitution required that the officers and three committee members should stand down. All the officers (Rona Taylor, Mary Webb, Terry Heyes, Janet Hickinbottom and Judi Hibberd) were re-elected.
Proposed: Archie Taylor
Seconded : Sue Marshall
Unanimously agreed
Faith Ward and Hilary Cox stood down and were re-elected as committee members.
Proposed: Andy Gibbs
Seconded: Betty Woodward
Unanimously agreed.
Alice Hawkins was not standing for re-election because of family commitment. Thanks were given for her work during the past two years. Trish Hancock had agreed to join the committee
.Proposed: Eileen Nisbet
Seconded: Hilary Cox
Unanimously agreed
8. HS2 Update
Andy Gibbs explained that BGRA along with other organisations and individuals had petitioned in parliament in January 2015. This had been quite an experience for all and although not all matters had been successfully addressed such as the request for a bored tunnel, there were some amendments made as a result of the petitioning. For example, the traffic route for construction traffic was moved away from Hob Lane and the school; various work camp sites were moved; an equine underpass was agreed and the cut and cover tunnel was to be lengthened.
AP2 had more recently been petitioned against by some but with less success. Individuals and Jeremy Wright MP could still appear before parliamentary representatives to present residents’ concerns.
In the future the bill would also have to pass through the House of Lords so the fight continued. Proper compensation would be something to work towards.
Fight continues. Maybe in the future proper compensation may be something to work towards.
Cllr. Archie Taylor said the Parish Council had agreed to appoint a barrister to take things forward and he acknowledged the expertise of solicitor Ian Cox. He said so many people remained opposed to HS2 as he had witnessed at the Labour party conference.
Thanks were given to Andy.
David Skinner asked what the disposal route would be for waste. Andy replied that most would continue on down the line until it reached the Kenilworth A429 or Balsall Common via Waste Lane.
Was Crackley Lane to be widened? This had been considered in an earlier draft but was not accepted. Would there be increased traffic on Bockendon Road? A little but this was mainly concerned with pipeline changes. Bockendon Road would offer an emergency escape route at end of the rail building process.
9. Village Hall Report
Diane Swindells explained that the site of the new village hall was to be in the field next to the Broadwell Wood park homes site at the top of Red Lane. Much work had gone into research and planning and ongoing discussions were being held with HS2 Ltd. It was planned to have a new hall with increased capacity and higher specifications.
Architects from Kenilworth had been appointed and monthly meetings were taking place between them and a village hall sub group. It was hoped to share conceptual designs at the Village Hall AGM
A new Village Hall constitution was being drawn up as it was felt the old one was not fit for purpose.
Petitioning in January had been successful in certain respects for the Village Hall and the AP2 petitioning had focused on the lack of mains sewerage on the site in Red Lane.
Finally, a craft fair was to be held on Sunday November 22nd and a Christmas lunch was being organised for the retired on Friday December 4th.
Residents would be welcome to the Village Hall AGM at 7pm on November 27th.
10. Reports from Burton Green School and friends of Burton Green
Sue Patterson, the head teacher of Burton Green School, presented a report giving a flavour of the school’s activities during the year.
Many people new to the area were still unaware of the school’s existence and so residents were urged to make this known. Currently, the school had 105 pupils and 12 members of staff. She explained the school was small but with a special environment and offered a large range of quality experiences to the children. It had good SATs results and was making good progress.
All the children were known individually to all staff and there were great benefits to belonging to the Green Leek Federation with All Saints of Leek Wootton. This meant the pupils had access to more sporting, music and drama activities and all children in years 5 and 6 had taken part in a residential visit to Norfolk during the year. There were also widening opportunities for staff across the two schools who shared training.
Sue reminded everyone of the community picnic held at the school in the summer to celebrate the opening of the new land and facilities at the side of the school. During the summer holidays the front playground had been transformed to address health and safety issues. At the rear, the playground had been extended and a netball court incorporated. Modern facilities were housed at the back of historic buildings. Sue wanted the community to be proud of its school. Thanks were given to everyone who had volunteered over the years.
Currently, residents could continue to help by attending school events or by volunteering to hear children read. The school was trying to enable children to be active participants in the community.All the children were known individually to all staff and there were great benefits to belonging to the Green Leek Federation with All Saints of Leek Wootton. This meant the pupils had access to more sporting, music and drama activities and all children in years 5 and 6 had taken part in a residential visit to Norfolk during the year. There were also widening opportunities for staff across the two schools who shared training.Sue reminded everyone of the community picnic held at the school in the summer to celebrate the opening of the new land and facilities at the side of the school. During the summer holidays the front playground had been transformed to address health and safety issues. At the rear, the playground had been extended and a netball court incorporated. Modern facilities were housed at the back of historic buildings. Sue wanted the community to be proud of its school. Thanks were given to everyone who had volunteered over the years.Currently, residents could continue to help by attending school events or by volunteering to hear children read. The school was trying to enable children to be active participants in the community.
Derek Lawrence, as chair of the Friends of Burton Green School, said residents wouldbe welcome to join in the variety of events planned. Last year the group had raised £4600 mainly through the summer and Christmas fayres and funds had helped to purchase musical instruments and to support school visits. Derek explained he was developing an electronic calendar to contain details of the events organised within the village by a variety of groups.
11. Made in Burton Green
Deirdre Vernon explained that Made in Burton Green was a village event incorporating an arts and crafts exhibition at the Village Hall and scarecrow competition (open to all), set against the backdrop of the Kenilworth Greenway that runs through the village. The plans for 2016 were for a “larger than life” project a showcase of local arts and crafts talent and refreshments at the village hall. There will be a chance to vote for your favourite scarecrow. The exhibition is part of the Warwickshire Open Studios initiative and will be open on 25 & 26 June 2016. The scarecrows and "larger than life" will be in situ between 25 June and 10 July.
For further details, email: madeinburtongreen@me.com
12. Speedwatch
Pat Hehir said the village Speedwatch had now been operating for two and a half years. The volunteer team tried to operate once a week. Since April 1st when the speed limit changed on Cromwell Lane, 590 cars had been recorded exceeding the limit. 420 of these had received warning letters. He felt Speedwatch was having an impact.
Thanks were given to the team of six plus Craig and his team who had been supportive. Any new volunteers would be welcome.A question was asked about how it was decided where speed checks were in operation and whether Speedwatch could operate in Hodgetts Lane. Another resident queried the location of the operation in Red Lane. It was explained that decisions on priorities were taken at the Kenilworth Community Forum every three months and all were urged to attend.
Questions were asked relating to follow up by the police. Craig said repeat offenders received a more strongly worded letter and the local Safer Neighbourhoods team might be involved. It was not possible to link up with the Coventry police force on such matters apart from passing on relevant information.
13. Police Matters and Neighbourhood Watch
PCSO Craig Ricardo said the most serious reported crime in Burton Green had been the theft of two hanging baskets and theft from a motor vehicle. Obviously, it was good to report such a low level of crime but residents needed to stay alert and report potential burglars and other concerns via the 101 phone number. For example, door to door travelling salesmen should be reported as they were not operating legally.
He advised residents to be security conscious by leaving music playing when the house was unoccupied and not to leave any valuables including satnavs on show in vehicles.
A question was raised about cycling on footpaths. Craig said it was illegal for over 16s to do this and they could receive a warning. If this was a persistent problem residents could report it but a witness was always needed.
14. Councillors’ Report
County Cllr John Whitehouse said councillors were not allowed to petition but he had been able to as a member of the Greenway Trust. He was pleased that the points about improving sound attenuation and changes to the temporary route through the greenway looked likely to be tackled.
There had been delays in the implementation of the new speed limit changes but this did happen and was at the third attempt. Evidence of impact was still patchy and monitoring continued.
Two 40mph flashing signs had been moved to Red Lane increasing the number to four. He was aware of a desire amongst residents to see a change to 30mph for all of Red Lane but there was still not enough money to do that. Meanwhile, it was necessary to persuade the traffic to observe the 30mph limit. There was a set of proposals for Red Lane in place to improve signage eg size of repeater roundels, road markings and speed warning signs near bends with advisory 30mph signs.
Cllr Whitehouse reported that the station in Kenilworth was still on track for Dec 2016 if Network Rail had completed their part.
County council boundaries were set to change and from April 2017 Burton Green would form part of Lapworth and West Kenilworth division.
The county was part way through saving £92million over 4 years. This had necessitated the removal of many non statutory services such as housing support for vulnerable people and home to school transport. The county was facing decisions about school sufficiency: how to make sure there were enough school places to cope with housing developments. Would there be a significant shortfall of capital to build schools to fulfill this? Should Warwickshire go in with the West Midlands authorities in a combined authority? Warwickshire had declined the offer presented. It was generally felt that Coventry was the right partner or there might be other solutions.
Cllr Whitehouse was keen to make everything transparent and available to the public.He stressed again the importance of the community forum and said the local community was welcome to apply for community funds.
As a county councillor, he had funds to address the problem of isolation in older people and was looking for ideas and projects as to how he might provide seed funding to projects with this aim.He advised that whenever a pothole needed fixing, this could be reported via the website and this was very effective. http://warwickshire.fixmystreet.com/
A query was raised about reversing the traffic priority on the Cromwell Lane bridge. There were diverse opinions on this. Cllr Whitehouse said only if there was clear evidence of danger would this be looked at.
District Cllr Michael Coker, now mayor of Kenilworth, said the District was likely to agree with the County and go for Coventry as the partner authority. At present far greater clarification was needed of what was on offer.
The Local Plan had been suspended, claiming it relied on windfall sites. The inspector had said there must be agreement on five more potential housing sites on Warwickshire, to be allocated in all districts.District Cllr George Illingworth pointed out minor changes in Stoneleigh under AP4.
He reminded residents that boundaries had been redrawn about a year ago placing Crackley Woods in Kenilworth and the university in Burton Green. With regard to planning applications, a site in Red Lane was a permitted development.
The fight against Broadwells Wood site had focused on the importance of a level site. It was hoped hedging would be replanted.
The Peeping Tom had applied for modest extensions. As a public house it could also operate as a restaurant. Environmental health had suggested a note to be added to any agreements. Problems could be dealt with retrospectively if a nuisance occurred.
Parish Cllr Archie Taylor explained the make up of the new council and thanked previous parish councillors who had all stood down. Details of the parish councillors are available here: http://www.burtongreenpc.org.uk/councilors/
He said the Parish Council was concerned about the potential increased number of houses. The Burrow Hill site was in the Local Plan but it might be that more houses were needed. Could residents living at Broadwells Wood be included in these numbers? He welcomed new residents there.
Cllr Taylor recommended everyone with internet access to subscribe to “Paddy’s loop” which circulated information of interest to villagers via email. He looked forward to the enhancement of the Peeping Tom and said the parish council would make sure residents' concerns were addressed. He felt the Hickory Smokehouse management would be supportive of the community.
On the forthcoming Remembrance Sunday Cllr John Vine would be laying a wreath on behalf of Burton Green. There were many challenges lying ahead for the parish council but he felt sure they would work hard on behalf of residents and thanked everyone for their support.
All councillors were thanked for attending the meeting and for everything they did on behalf of Burton Green
15. Any Other Business
Thanks were extended to all who had initiated or supported events.
Thank you was expressed to Janet for writing the minutes. Faith Ward said thanks must go to Rona too.
16. Date of Next Annual General Meeting
The next Annual General Meeting would be held on Monday October 3rd 2016 at the Village Hall.
Residents' Association
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Agenda for Residents’ Association AGM Monday Oct 5th
Agenda for the Residents’ Association AGM
Monday October 5th 2015
7:00 pm for refreshments
7:30 pm AGM
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the last meeting
3. Matters arising
4. Chair’s report
5. Treasurer’s report
6. Election of Auditors
7. Election of committee members
8. HS2 update
9. Village Hall report
10.Reports from Burton Green School & Friends of Burton Green
11.Made In Burton Green June 2016
12. Police matters and neighbourhood watch
13. Councillors’ reports
14. Any other business
15. Date of next meeting
Residents' Association
Friday, 18 September 2015
Residents' Association Committee Minutes 15th September 2015
Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting Sept 15, 2015
Present: Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Terry Heyes; Judi Hibberd;Diane Swindells; Rona Taylor ; Mary Webb. Alice Hawkins, Caryll Green,
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Janet Hickinbottom, Bron Putnam and Faith Ward
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting of July 14th 2015 were approved.
Matters arising from the previous minutes:
A report was circulated.Terry discussed the year end accounts. He explained the Nepal money had been paid to the DEC-Disasters Emergency Committee. Thanks were given to Terry.
3. Residents' views/concerns:
Hilary reported that the footpaths on Red Lane are difficult to negotiate because of overgrown weeds from the ditch and grass over the footpath. Rona told the committee that she had been in touch with Peter Hallam from the Highways Dept and that within a month they were scheduled to restructure the bank and bend in Red Lane, cut back the vegetation and build a retaining wall. Rona will ask him about the footpaths issues.
Alice noted the lack of footpaths beyond the school and asked if this could be looked at . Rona will ask Peter Hallam.
4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues
5.AGM Oct 5 th
The committee have asked Janet to decide who stands down and needs re electing.All members present agreed to keep their allotted roles. As it’s the Associations 60th anniversary it was decided to have a cake and wine at the AGM. Decision to ask Vicki Aizlewood to make the cake taken. The fizzy wine has been donated by the Saxon family and thanks were given to them. Rona will contact the media to see if they would like to cover it as a story and to find the oldest resident to cut the cake.Rona suggested we have a banner made that was reuseable to publicize the event yearly.
6.. Village hall
The village hall committee had a meeting with HS2 on Sept 11th to discuss moving forward. They should be in a position to report back on details at their AGM in November.
7 . HS2 Opposition Group
Andy reported that the petition was in but we are not sure when it will be heard.
8.. Parish Councillor's Report
Caryll reported that the clerk and councillors are settling in. The Notice Board will be ordered soon. There is an ongoing problem with the former chairman which is not resolved. They had had a meeting with the university so see how the university can engage with the community. The local plan is to be reported on at the next PC meeting. Caryll then outlined some planning applications including the Avon estates appeal. Caryll thanked the distributors of the Bugle who had delivered the parking notices.
9. Any Other Business:There was no other business
10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting:
The next committee meeting would take place on Nov 3rd at 7.30p.m.at the Village Hall. The AGM is on Oct 5th 2015.
Rona asked Judi to try and arrange provisional dates for 2016 to be discussed at the committee meeting in Nov.
Thanks were expressed to all for attending
Present: Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Terry Heyes; Judi Hibberd;Diane Swindells; Rona Taylor ; Mary Webb. Alice Hawkins, Caryll Green,
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Janet Hickinbottom, Bron Putnam and Faith Ward
Summary of actions following the meeting | Responsible |
Welcome leaflet to go to Derek Lawrence electronically | Judi |
Ask Peter Hallam re footpaths in Red Lane and Hob Lane | Rona |
Flower tub to be put in place in Cromwell Lane | Hilary and Mary |
Village calendar instructions for use to be distributed to committee | Alice |
Vicki Azelwood to be asked to make a cake | Rona |
Dates for next years meetings to be arranged at the next committee meeting | Judi |
Re elections needed for AGM | Janet |
Banner for the AGM and contact press | Rona |
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting of July 14th 2015 were approved.
Matters arising from the previous minutes:
- 1. Judi filled in the PC application form for funds for the Bugle.
- 2. The building on the Thistle Estates has been referred to the council.
- 3. Faith did talk to Meg to make sure Broadwells deliveries are no longer being dumped on her drive.All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.The minutes were approved.
A report was circulated.Terry discussed the year end accounts. He explained the Nepal money had been paid to the DEC-Disasters Emergency Committee. Thanks were given to Terry.
3. Residents' views/concerns:
Hilary reported that the footpaths on Red Lane are difficult to negotiate because of overgrown weeds from the ditch and grass over the footpath. Rona told the committee that she had been in touch with Peter Hallam from the Highways Dept and that within a month they were scheduled to restructure the bank and bend in Red Lane, cut back the vegetation and build a retaining wall. Rona will ask him about the footpaths issues.
Alice noted the lack of footpaths beyond the school and asked if this could be looked at . Rona will ask Peter Hallam.
4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues
- 1. AP2 petitioning- BGRA put in a petition and have had acknowledgement. Rona reported that there have been 187 petitions submitted.
- 2. Speedwatch. Terry reported at length how the speedwatch was going. There has been an incident with one resident that has been resolved by the police. The police are going to have a presence to show that it is a partnership between the police and the community. In the rush hour they are recording 1 person speeding every 2 minutes. Letters are going out but some people are not traceable. Fleet or trade car drivers are more difficult to trace.
- 3. Broadband update – The promised improvement in speed should be delivered within 2 months.
- 4. Retired of Burton Green – bookings are being taken for Oct 29th
- 5. Youth forum and quiz.Oct 9th –Hoping for a good turnout.
- 6. Flower tubs- Hilary reported that the tubs are being emptied and refilled this week. Caryll Green asked if we could have a tub on Cromwell Lane under the Burton green sign, but we need a resident to be responsible for watering it. The committee agreed that a flower tub would be good and so Hilary and Mary will put that in place.Rona reported that she had had several volunteers to mow the Jubilee Verge.
- 7. Calendar- After a discussion it was decided that Alice will send details of howto upload and use the google calendar on iphones, tablets and computers, the committee members will trial it and report back.
5.AGM Oct 5 th
The committee have asked Janet to decide who stands down and needs re electing.All members present agreed to keep their allotted roles. As it’s the Associations 60th anniversary it was decided to have a cake and wine at the AGM. Decision to ask Vicki Aizlewood to make the cake taken. The fizzy wine has been donated by the Saxon family and thanks were given to them. Rona will contact the media to see if they would like to cover it as a story and to find the oldest resident to cut the cake.Rona suggested we have a banner made that was reuseable to publicize the event yearly.
6.. Village hall
The village hall committee had a meeting with HS2 on Sept 11th to discuss moving forward. They should be in a position to report back on details at their AGM in November.
7 . HS2 Opposition Group
Andy reported that the petition was in but we are not sure when it will be heard.
8.. Parish Councillor's Report
Caryll reported that the clerk and councillors are settling in. The Notice Board will be ordered soon. There is an ongoing problem with the former chairman which is not resolved. They had had a meeting with the university so see how the university can engage with the community. The local plan is to be reported on at the next PC meeting. Caryll then outlined some planning applications including the Avon estates appeal. Caryll thanked the distributors of the Bugle who had delivered the parking notices.
9. Any Other Business:There was no other business
10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting:
The next committee meeting would take place on Nov 3rd at 7.30p.m.at the Village Hall. The AGM is on Oct 5th 2015.
Rona asked Judi to try and arrange provisional dates for 2016 to be discussed at the committee meeting in Nov.
Thanks were expressed to all for attending
Residents' Association
Monday, 14 September 2015
Made in Burton Green 2016
Made in Burton Green 2016
Burton Green’s biennial community arts project will be held on
25th/26th June 2016
as part of Warwickshire Open Studios, and planning is now underway.
The theme for the 2016 outdoor sculpture exhibition is “Larger than Life”,
& events will include the popular scarecrow competition, & an arts & crafts fair
& cafe in the hall.
Details of past year’s events can be found here:
and here:
Entry Details (2014)
Entry Details (2014)
There will be a first meeting to generate ideas and plans on
Tuesday 29th September, 8pm, at 293 Cromwell Lane.
Anyone interested in getting involved would be warmly welcomed, and it’s a
great way to get to know the community. We need your input, ideas and
creativity to make a success of the project, and everyone will be able to make a
contribution of some kind, whether or not you see yourself as artistic!
If you would like to exhibit at the arts and crafts fair please also get in touch.
If you’re unable to make the meeting on 29th September you can contact the
Made in Burton Green team via madeinburtongreen@me.com or drop in to
Stitch Group on Thursday evenings 7.30pm at the village hall.
**Materials needed for sculptures**
If you have any of the following materials that you can donate for making
Chicken wire, wire coat hangers, old cotton sheets / plain wool blankets (any
sculptures we are looking for:
colours), oddments of fabrics, ribbon, etc.
Also needed
Usable white table linen, damask, lace and embroidered along with napkins to
use for exhibitions, village hall cafe and occasional events.
Drop off: 28 Hodgetts Lane porch. Thank you! Best Wishes Deirdre & Thea
Diary Dates
25th/26th June 2016 Scarecrow competition
& community exhibition at V Hall
Scarecrows and sculptures trail will remain in situ
till Sunday July 10th 2016
Arts and Crafts,
Made in Burton Green,
Village Event
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Bugle September 2015
The September 2015 edition of the Bugle has been published.
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page,
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page,
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
Residents' Association
Friday, 28 August 2015
Produce Show 13th September 2015
Annual Produce Show
We hope you are all tending your vegetables
and watching out for your longest runner bean.
Is your carrot going to be the “smallest”
You can make your lemon curd now so it is nice and fresh.
Please keep in the fridge.
Make sure your pickles and jams are labelled and dated
Have you taken your photos yet; don’t forget to get them printed off.
There is still time to knit a baby coat for the competition
and for sending overseas if you wish.
Come along and get some
fresh prize winning vegetables
and cakes in the AUCTION
Looking forward to seeing you all on
Produce Show,
Village Event,
Village Hall
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
HS2 Plans Could be Derailed and then Corbyn Backtracks
Full report here:
HS2 plans could be derailed if Jeremy Corbyn wins Labour leadership
Jeremy Corbyn Backtracks
But this from the Financial Times, September 7th.
"Mr Corbyn voted against HS2 in 2013 but his opposition appears to have evaporated in recent weeks. This summer, he wrote a draft speech opposing the project: but when he delivered it, all references to the line had disappeared.
"Mr Corbyn recently told the Financial Times that it was too late to halt the first section of the route from London to Birmingham — and he would not stop the second leg to Leeds and Manchester. "
Commencement of Work Could be Stalled by Two Years
Other sources are claiming that the project could be stalled by 2 or 3 years:
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Afternoon Tea for the Retired - Sunday 9th August
Retired of Burton Green
Sunday 9th August
Village Hall
Village Event,
Village Hall
Monday, 20 July 2015
Minutes of Residents' Association Committee 15th July 2015
Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting July 14th 2015
Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Terry Heyes; Judi Hibberd; Bron Putnam; Diane Swindells; Rona Taylor ; Faith Ward; Mary Webb. Alice Hawkins.
In attendance: Cllr Caryll Green, Derek Lawrence.
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Janet Hickinbottom.
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting of May 5th 2015 were approved.
Matters arising from the previous minutes:
All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.
The minutes were approved.
2. Treasurer's Report
A report was circulated.
Thanks were given to Terry.
3. Residents' views/concerns
Derek Lawrence, Chair of Friends of BG School attended the meeting to suggest a coordinated BG electronic calendar. There are 9 groups in Burton Green who could have the dates of their events recorded. Each group could access the calendar and have designated persons to upload dates. Janet and Judi to upload for the BGRA.
Derek Lawrence will tell us how.
Alice reported a problem with the Thistle Estate property in Red Lane. The building has damaged a neighbour’s septic tank requiring a new pump to be installed. There are concerns re its status and the concerns were handed to Caryll Green of the PC to continue with. Alice will let the complainants know who is dealing with it.
4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues
Report back from meetings June 5th and 12th to negotiate with HS2, attended by RA,VH and Greenway representatives
Rona reported back that there was a pre meeting chaired by John Whitehouse to discuss the issues and then the meeting with HS2. The village hall are asking for 30% more space and more area outside. The rest of the land will hopefully be bought by WCC and a wildflower meadow was suggested. There will be pedestrian access to the Greenway behind the new village hall and a Greenway carpark which would act as an overflow for the village hall car park. Ideas are needed as to what happens to the area over the tunnel. Suggestions were made re the old site of the village hall. The siting of the building will take account of the aviation pipeline under the field.
Speedwatch. Nothing to report and thanks given to the team. The camera was used at the school summer barbecue to speed gun the children and adults so it was a re-use of resources.
Broadband update – we are 3 months in to the promised 6 months so awaiting an email soon. Mary reported that a lot of BG was leafleted about it.
Retired of Burton Green – future events
Afternoon tea on Sun 9th Aug
Lunch on Thur 29th Oct
Circus event- was a great success and thanks given to the Jubilee Committee and the Stanworths for providing the venue. The circus cost £1500, the toilets £168 and the insurance £26. The take was £1482 so we made a loss of £212.
Mary has some photos she would like printed at Costco and Terry agreed to the cost. She wants to put them up in the HS2 space in the entrance of the Village Hall and will ask the committee if she can.
Diane reminded us it was the Queens 90th birthday in June 2016, this could be the focus of a future event.
Bugle- will go out the first week of Sept, deadline for entries is 19th Aug
Welcome Pack - Judi reported that it was finished and passed to Deirdre Vernon and Chris Langton to use if new residents arrived. There is no distributor for Cromwell Lane and no decision was made. Derek Lawrence offered to distribute around his network and Judi to send to him electronically.
Celebrating 60 years of BGRA – founded Sep 1st 1955- Rona suggested marking the event at the AGM. It was agreed to have a Costco cake and 60 candles and sparkling wine.
5. Village Hall
Diane reported that they are on the verge of appointing an architect. Talks with HS2 are slow and she confirmed they are asking for 30 % more space and more outdoor space. May need to petition re loss of income if they leave the present hall before the next one is built.
Next event is the Produce Show on Sun Sept 13th
Faith thanked the village hall committee for the barbecue held on the 11th July.
6. HS2 Opposition Group
Andy said that AP2 had been published yesterday and that we need to petition by August. General message is thanks for all the changes but it’s not enough. Discussion ensued about tunnel exits and portals.
7. Parish Councillor's Report
Caryll reported that we have 8 of the 11 councillors with co-option of Andy Gibbs, John Vine, Dipa Jethwa and Ray Watkins. There is now a full complement of BG councillors and more recruits from Warwick University are anticipated.
The PC have been looking at the parking issue in BG and are going to leaflet all householders about being considerate when parking. This is not for out of area drivers, a problem that has not yet been addressed.
Broadwells is appealing Warwick District council’s enforcement order and so the PC will put in a submission as to why it continues to be opposed to the work going on there. There is particular concern about the need to replace the hedge removed by Broadwells site.
8. Any Other Business
Mary has had a lot of information on Macmillan since running a coffee morning to support them. There is a date in Oct they are encouraging us to note and Rona suggests we talk about this next time.
9. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting
The next committee meeting would take place on September 15th at 7.30p.m.at the Village Hall.
Thanks were expressed to all for attending.
Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Terry Heyes; Judi Hibberd; Bron Putnam; Diane Swindells; Rona Taylor ; Faith Ward; Mary Webb. Alice Hawkins.
In attendance: Cllr Caryll Green, Derek Lawrence.
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Janet Hickinbottom.
Summary of actions following the meeting | Responsible |
Form still needed from PC for grant | Andy Gibbs and Caryll Green to find form |
Grant form still needed to be filled in | Judi |
Problems with the Thistle Estate | Caryll to ask WDC |
Letter to Broadwells re deliveries | Rona to write to Le Van |
Welcome leaflet to go to Dereck Lawrence electronically | Judi |
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting of May 5th 2015 were approved.
Matters arising from the previous minutes:
- The money raised for Nepal was paid into the official charity( see accounts)
- Andy did send ideas to WCC re use of community fund.
- Mary put up the parking notices
- Police did look into the man sleeping rough on the Greenway
- Flower tubs are in place and being watered
- Judi unable to find form on PC site so Caryll to find the form for her
All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.
The minutes were approved.
2. Treasurer's Report
A report was circulated.
Thanks were given to Terry.
3. Residents' views/concerns
Derek Lawrence, Chair of Friends of BG School attended the meeting to suggest a coordinated BG electronic calendar. There are 9 groups in Burton Green who could have the dates of their events recorded. Each group could access the calendar and have designated persons to upload dates. Janet and Judi to upload for the BGRA.
Derek Lawrence will tell us how.
Alice reported a problem with the Thistle Estate property in Red Lane. The building has damaged a neighbour’s septic tank requiring a new pump to be installed. There are concerns re its status and the concerns were handed to Caryll Green of the PC to continue with. Alice will let the complainants know who is dealing with it.
4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues
Report back from meetings June 5th and 12th to negotiate with HS2, attended by RA,VH and Greenway representatives
Rona reported back that there was a pre meeting chaired by John Whitehouse to discuss the issues and then the meeting with HS2. The village hall are asking for 30% more space and more area outside. The rest of the land will hopefully be bought by WCC and a wildflower meadow was suggested. There will be pedestrian access to the Greenway behind the new village hall and a Greenway carpark which would act as an overflow for the village hall car park. Ideas are needed as to what happens to the area over the tunnel. Suggestions were made re the old site of the village hall. The siting of the building will take account of the aviation pipeline under the field.
Speedwatch. Nothing to report and thanks given to the team. The camera was used at the school summer barbecue to speed gun the children and adults so it was a re-use of resources.
Broadband update – we are 3 months in to the promised 6 months so awaiting an email soon. Mary reported that a lot of BG was leafleted about it.
Retired of Burton Green – future events
Afternoon tea on Sun 9th Aug
Lunch on Thur 29th Oct
Circus event- was a great success and thanks given to the Jubilee Committee and the Stanworths for providing the venue. The circus cost £1500, the toilets £168 and the insurance £26. The take was £1482 so we made a loss of £212.
Mary has some photos she would like printed at Costco and Terry agreed to the cost. She wants to put them up in the HS2 space in the entrance of the Village Hall and will ask the committee if she can.
Diane reminded us it was the Queens 90th birthday in June 2016, this could be the focus of a future event.
Bugle- will go out the first week of Sept, deadline for entries is 19th Aug
Welcome Pack - Judi reported that it was finished and passed to Deirdre Vernon and Chris Langton to use if new residents arrived. There is no distributor for Cromwell Lane and no decision was made. Derek Lawrence offered to distribute around his network and Judi to send to him electronically.
Celebrating 60 years of BGRA – founded Sep 1st 1955- Rona suggested marking the event at the AGM. It was agreed to have a Costco cake and 60 candles and sparkling wine.
5. Village Hall
Diane reported that they are on the verge of appointing an architect. Talks with HS2 are slow and she confirmed they are asking for 30 % more space and more outdoor space. May need to petition re loss of income if they leave the present hall before the next one is built.
Next event is the Produce Show on Sun Sept 13th
Faith thanked the village hall committee for the barbecue held on the 11th July.
6. HS2 Opposition Group
Andy said that AP2 had been published yesterday and that we need to petition by August. General message is thanks for all the changes but it’s not enough. Discussion ensued about tunnel exits and portals.
7. Parish Councillor's Report
Caryll reported that we have 8 of the 11 councillors with co-option of Andy Gibbs, John Vine, Dipa Jethwa and Ray Watkins. There is now a full complement of BG councillors and more recruits from Warwick University are anticipated.
The PC have been looking at the parking issue in BG and are going to leaflet all householders about being considerate when parking. This is not for out of area drivers, a problem that has not yet been addressed.
Broadwells is appealing Warwick District council’s enforcement order and so the PC will put in a submission as to why it continues to be opposed to the work going on there. There is particular concern about the need to replace the hedge removed by Broadwells site.
8. Any Other Business
Mary has had a lot of information on Macmillan since running a coffee morning to support them. There is a date in Oct they are encouraging us to note and Rona suggests we talk about this next time.
9. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting
The next committee meeting would take place on September 15th at 7.30p.m.at the Village Hall.
Thanks were expressed to all for attending.
Residents' Association
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
On Yer Bike
This is a contributed article, written by Sally Davids, an aspiring local poet and freelance writer:
On Two Wheels in Burton Green: A Quick Guide to Cycling in Warwickshire
With its blissful rolling hills, lush green trees and picturesque skies, Shakespeare’s own country is a haven of sights, sounds, and smells perfect for the leisurely stroll or relaxing bike ride. And with so many beautiful attractions en route, visitors and locals alike can make the most of Burton Green’s gorgeous landscapes as well as Warwickshire’s big, open spaces and small, winding lanes.
With popular destinations like Coventry about 40 minutes away by bike via the shortest route, Burton Green is ideally placed. The area is surrounded by beautiful, pastoral countryside and quaint villages. The most popular way is via the Kenilworth Greenway, Warwickshire’s most popular bike network, running through some of the country’s most scenic locales. This is the perfect setting to bring the family for a picnic and do some nature watching, as well as enjoy a number of recreational activities.
Further afield lies Warwick and the beloved city of Stratford-upon-Avon just less than 2 hours by bike. There are several other routes in the region showcasing the best that the county has to offer, and most of them are completely accessible for people of all ages and levels. These include:
- Coombe Country Park
- Pooley Country Park
- Ryton Pools Country Park
- Burton Dassett Hills Country Park
- Brailes Hill & Ascott
- Stratford Greenway
- Burton Dassett Hills Country Park
- ...and more incorporating but National Cycle Networks and local trails
Gearing Up for the Ride
While many cyclists pass through Burton Green, the village itself has no bicycle shops or repairs but there are several throughout the area which cyclists can use up Coventry way and further south in Kenilworth. These include:
- The A1 Motor Store: CV7 7EL
- Biker’s Paradise: CV4 9UY
- Jardine Cycles: CV4 9PP
- Motor World: CV4 9DU
- Funky Bikes: CV5 6ET
- Albany Cycles: CV5 6NF
- Sports Direct: CV1 1DL
- Re-Cycle Bike Repairs: CV1 4AE
- Hawk Factory Cycle Stores: CV1 4JJ
- Cycle One Stop: CV1 5PR
- Cycle Repairs -uk-: CV3 1FP
- Halfords: CV3 4RP
- Coventry Recycled Cycles: CV3 2BE
- Behind Bars: CV8 2EL
- Mike Vaughan Cycles: CV8 1LY
Many of these stores serve as a handy one-stop-shop for repairs (or new models), accessories, and protective bicycle gear. Specialists can assist with what kind of bicycle and equipment is suited to individual riding style and level.
Safety and Security
Regardless of age, all cyclists should wear protective head gear and knee and elbow pads are also recommended, as well as safety features on the bike like front and rear lights and reflectors. Cyclists should also be aware of the road rules, including how to signal, when and where right of way is granted, and which public areas are permitted for cycling use. Understandably, many cyclists will want to stop en route for refreshments or shopping. Bike theft continues to be a huge problem in the UK as well as damage seats and tires. You can help prevent loss or damage to your bike by securing it with double locks, removing wheels, seats, and other accessories, using designated bike parking areas like parking meters, lockers, racks and corrals, keeping it within safe distance to where you are walking, and preferably within view. If you have a valuable bike, register your serial number and consider purchasing coverage. Preferably, try not to leave your bike unless you can keep it within safe distance.
Useful Tools
There are numerous tools available online and in app stores that instruct you how to do a bike tune-up, how to monitor your bike routes with GPS and keep track of your progress, where you can find the nearest bike repair shop, weather, points of interest, and more. Some of the top recommendations are:
- Cycle Hire
- Bike Gear Calculator
- BBC Weather
- Map My Ride
- St John Ambulance First Aid for Cyclists
- CycleMaps
Note that many of these are free, but could use up your smartphone’s data. They are great ways to enhance your ride and also provide open forums where fellow cyclists can meet and share stories, advice, and organise events, whether it’s a cycling derby in Coventry or simply a meet-up in Burton Green. Summer is usually when the height of these events occur, but luckily the English weather is fairly hospitable for cycling year-round with moderate temperatures (and, of course, a fair helping of rain depending on the year). And with Burton’s Green’s own beloved sites and nearby attractions, there isn’t a better place to begin exploring the mighty Midlands. Wherever the tranquil routes of Warwickshire take you, just remember to gear up, respect the road, and enjoy.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Local Resident Secures Release of Secret HS2 Report
Dr Paul Thornton has fought for years to get a report released which has been blocked by the Government - despite lengthy and costly Freedom of Information Act requests. The report now released provides evidence of the weakness of the HS2 project and coincides with the Government's decision to postpone previously promised rail upgrades.
These are just a few examples of media coverage about the newly released disclosures (click on the paragraph headings, to read the complete articles):
Transport Officials Warned HS2 was Unaffordable in 2012
"A highly critical Department of Transport report on the viability of HS2 has been released by the government. The 2012 review of HS2 has been released under freedom of information, and confirms that officials believed then that the project was unaffordable. Transport secretary Patrick McLoughlin had tried to fight anti-HS2 campaigners’ demands for the report to be released... In the report, the Department of Transport said “the costs of this project are so large, and over such a long period, that it will not be able to afford it alongside all its other likely spending commitments.”
Suppressed HS2 Report Reveals Serious Cost Concerns
"The crisis in Britain’s railways is threatening to engulf HS2, with the government being forced to release a damning report showing the Department for Transport believed the high-speed project was unaffordable given its other spending commitments... Until now, ministers have claimed that upgrades to the conventional railway would be delivered alongside HS2. But the reorganisation of Network Rail and its new, strict funding caps mean there will need to be further negotiations before work on promised schemes, such as electrification, can go ahead... The rail historian Christian Wolmar said: “There has always been an unstated conflict... I think that line [HS2] will come apart.”
Fears of Spiralling Costs are Laid Bare in Previously Hidden Official Reports
"The June 2012 report published today states: ‘Without a comprehensive budget in circulation it is difficult to have fully meaningful discussions on affordability'. The Department for Transport believes however that the costs of HS2 are so large, and over such a long period, that it will not be able to afford it alongside all its other likely spending commitments... Dr Paul Thornton who had sought to have the reports published said: ’At the time these reports were written, the Government were publicly claiming a myriad of benefits from HS2 while reassuring all and sundry about the costs. These reports show clearly that behind the scenes, they knew they could not substantiate those claims."
Rail Farce Raises Serious Questions About HS2
"It is six years since the TaxPayers’ Alliance first calculated that major capital projects tend to go 38 per cent over budget on average... But as Patrick McLoughlin could tell you, the problem is still not solved. The latest news that £38 billion of rail improvements has been put on hold (because Network Rail wildly over-promised on its capacity to deliver them) is troubling and frustrating in itself. Sizeable amounts of money may already have been wasted, and rail passengers who have spent years waiting for upgrades face yet more delays... All of which raises serious questions about the biggest of the Government’s capital projects: HS2. Keen readers will remember that the ConHome Manifesto suggested HS2 should be cancelled and the money used to benefit the North of England in other, more effective, ways."
These are a few extracts from the 'ConHome Manifesto'. This document was published in September 2014, but gives some insights into progressive Conservative party thinking:
"The distance between Manchester and Leeds is about the same length as the Piccadilly Line. Yet despite the proven success of infrastructure upgrades like the Northern Hub in the Greater Manchester area, Whitehall’s big idea for the North is HS2 – a luxury train to London that won’t even reach the North until 2032 at the earliest, won’t reach certain key cities like Liverpool at all and which won’t provide east-west links across the region. While George Osborne’s recent suggestion for a new high speed line – or ‘HS3’ – between Leeds and Manchester is to be welcomed, its very name says all we need to know about Whitehall’s order of priorities... We propose: To scrap HS2 and re-direct the planned public investment in its entirety to a Northern Infrastructure Fund....
"For all the importance of railways, motorways and airports, these are essentially technologies of the 19th and 20th centuries. A forward facing infrastructure policy needs to get serious about the new networks of the 21st century.... Sophisticated robotics, civilian drone technology, self-driving vehicles, smart utility infrastructure, decentralised energy sources, advanced user interfaces and the pervasive deployment of electronic sensors will enable us to transform the economy within decades."
These are just a few examples of media coverage about the newly released disclosures (click on the paragraph headings, to read the complete articles):
Transport Officials Warned HS2 was Unaffordable in 2012
"A highly critical Department of Transport report on the viability of HS2 has been released by the government. The 2012 review of HS2 has been released under freedom of information, and confirms that officials believed then that the project was unaffordable. Transport secretary Patrick McLoughlin had tried to fight anti-HS2 campaigners’ demands for the report to be released... In the report, the Department of Transport said “the costs of this project are so large, and over such a long period, that it will not be able to afford it alongside all its other likely spending commitments.”
Suppressed HS2 Report Reveals Serious Cost Concerns
"The crisis in Britain’s railways is threatening to engulf HS2, with the government being forced to release a damning report showing the Department for Transport believed the high-speed project was unaffordable given its other spending commitments... Until now, ministers have claimed that upgrades to the conventional railway would be delivered alongside HS2. But the reorganisation of Network Rail and its new, strict funding caps mean there will need to be further negotiations before work on promised schemes, such as electrification, can go ahead... The rail historian Christian Wolmar said: “There has always been an unstated conflict... I think that line [HS2] will come apart.”
Fears of Spiralling Costs are Laid Bare in Previously Hidden Official Reports
"The June 2012 report published today states: ‘Without a comprehensive budget in circulation it is difficult to have fully meaningful discussions on affordability'. The Department for Transport believes however that the costs of HS2 are so large, and over such a long period, that it will not be able to afford it alongside all its other likely spending commitments... Dr Paul Thornton who had sought to have the reports published said: ’At the time these reports were written, the Government were publicly claiming a myriad of benefits from HS2 while reassuring all and sundry about the costs. These reports show clearly that behind the scenes, they knew they could not substantiate those claims."
Rail Farce Raises Serious Questions About HS2
"It is six years since the TaxPayers’ Alliance first calculated that major capital projects tend to go 38 per cent over budget on average... But as Patrick McLoughlin could tell you, the problem is still not solved. The latest news that £38 billion of rail improvements has been put on hold (because Network Rail wildly over-promised on its capacity to deliver them) is troubling and frustrating in itself. Sizeable amounts of money may already have been wasted, and rail passengers who have spent years waiting for upgrades face yet more delays... All of which raises serious questions about the biggest of the Government’s capital projects: HS2. Keen readers will remember that the ConHome Manifesto suggested HS2 should be cancelled and the money used to benefit the North of England in other, more effective, ways."
These are a few extracts from the 'ConHome Manifesto'. This document was published in September 2014, but gives some insights into progressive Conservative party thinking:
"The distance between Manchester and Leeds is about the same length as the Piccadilly Line. Yet despite the proven success of infrastructure upgrades like the Northern Hub in the Greater Manchester area, Whitehall’s big idea for the North is HS2 – a luxury train to London that won’t even reach the North until 2032 at the earliest, won’t reach certain key cities like Liverpool at all and which won’t provide east-west links across the region. While George Osborne’s recent suggestion for a new high speed line – or ‘HS3’ – between Leeds and Manchester is to be welcomed, its very name says all we need to know about Whitehall’s order of priorities... We propose: To scrap HS2 and re-direct the planned public investment in its entirety to a Northern Infrastructure Fund....
"For all the importance of railways, motorways and airports, these are essentially technologies of the 19th and 20th centuries. A forward facing infrastructure policy needs to get serious about the new networks of the 21st century.... Sophisticated robotics, civilian drone technology, self-driving vehicles, smart utility infrastructure, decentralised energy sources, advanced user interfaces and the pervasive deployment of electronic sensors will enable us to transform the economy within decades."
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