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Tuesday 7 March 2017

HS2 Home Owner Payment Scheme Clarification

A resident has asked HS2 to clarify the Homeowner Payment Scheme. A leaflet about this scheme was sent out to affected residents after the Bill's Ascent. This is HS2's response:
"To be eligible for Homeowner Payment Scheme launched for the Phase 1 part of the route last month, your property would need to be within the homeowner payment zone.  
However, please note if your property is within both RSZ and HOP zone it is not possible to claim the cash offer and a homeowner payment. We will only make one payment under these discretionary property schemes.

I can confirm that if the line were to move after a resident received a homeowner payment, they would not be required to pay back the money. 
The only time we might want this money back is if a resident subsequently applied to the Need to Sell scheme and were successful, in which case we would recoup the homeowner payment by deducting the value from the Need to Sell offer price.

Further information on the Homeowner Payment Scheme can be found at the following link: https://www.gov.uk/claim-compensation-if-affected-by-hs2/homeowner-payment-scheme, or if you have further queries you can contact our Helpdesk on 020 7944 4908 or by email at HS2enquiries@hs2.org.uk. "

The map below shows payment zones for the Western part of Burton Green (Cromwell Lane) and Berkswell. You can enlarge the map by clicking the image, and you can then zoom in further using your browser. This map will enlarge to 83cm wide, so you can see the complete detail:

And this is a similar map which covers the Eastern part of Burton Green (Red Lane):

For your convenience, details from those maps showing Cromwell Lane and Red Lane are shown below (you can enlarge the Cromwell Lane map to full screen size by clicking on it, and then zoom in further using your browser to see closer detail):

Affected properties in Red Lane are shown here:

Legend to Maps

An extended 25-page version of the HS2 leaflet, complete with an application form, is here:

For your interest, these are the pages of the 4-page application form. You can click each page to enlarge:

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