We need your help to fill the Greenway between Cromwell Lane Bridge (towards Berkswell) to the National Grid Wood entrance. It may be the last year we will be able to do this. We have had some great scarecrows in 2012 and 2014. We hope you will help us make 2016 our very best.
Registration is on June 18th, 10am-12 am at the Village Hall. You can then take your crow to your chosen spot.
Any problems or help required email
madeinburtongreen@me.com or drop into stitch group at the village hall Thurs. 7.30pm-9.30pm.
We look forward to your entries.
All of the entries from previous competitions can be seen on these pages:
2014 Competition
2012 Competition
Guidelines for Scarecrow Competition Entries
Maximum height of scarecrow is 2 metres.
Your scarecrow should show resourcefulness and creativity! Try to incorporate natural materials and / or recycled or found objects.
Your scarecrow should be freestanding, so that it can be staged along the Greenway without disturbing the vegetation and wildlife. It could be upright or sitting down or be perched in a tree – you will be able to choose how it is displayed and the location.
You may use props or accessories to enhance your Scarecrow, but the organisers cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or theft of these items, or of the Scarecrows themselves.
Your scarecrow should be inoffensive and designed in good taste and decency for a family audience.
Entries should be brought to the Village Hall for registration on Saturday 18 June between 10 am and 12 noon. You will then be given an entry number and you can then install your scarecrow on the Greenway ready for the exhibition. Cromwell Lane Bridge – National Grid Wood entrance along the Greenway. Scarecrows should be be collected from their positions after 5 pm on Sunday 10 July. Any scarecrows uncollected after 6 pm on Monday 11th July will be removed to the front garden of 293 Cromwell Lane for collection & subsequent recycling.
The Made in Burton Green group reserves the right to photograph entries for promotionalpurposes, and the photographs will belong to the group.
If a scarecrow is deemed unsafe in any way, the organisers reserve the right to remove it.
You will be asked to give your scarecrow a name for the exhibition, so use your imagination to bring him/her to life and have fun getting creative!
Competition Voting slips & sculptural trail maps will be available at the Village Hall 25th June, 12 noon -5pm & 26th June, 10am-4pm. Results announced at 4.45pm at the Hall.
For more details or if you would like to help, please contact Deirdre on 02476 464188 or email :
Making Your Scarecrow
You can click on these images to enlarge them: