The Made In Burton Green Arts and Crafts Exhibition was held over the weekend of 14th-15th July 2012.
An exhibition of arts and crafts was held in the village hall, and a scarecrow trail and competition was held along the Greenway.
There were 24 exhibits from Burton Green residents, plus 3 exhibitors who run classes, or hope to start in the Autumn in the Village Hall.
The weekend was part of the Warwickshire Open Studios biannual celebration of Visual and Creative Art. It is the first time Burton Green residents have taken part.
Just below are two short videos of the weekend's activities, and there are also two separate slide-shows showing scarecrows, and willow sculptures.
The first video shows and describes the exhibits inside the village hall. This video is presented by the principal organisers, Deirdre Vernon and Thea Gibbs:
To contact any of the exhibitors, please E-mail
The Scarecrow Competition
This is a second video showing the scarecrow trail along the Greenway. This video also includes reactions from a few of the people who I bumped into along the way....
This is a slideshow of still photos of the scarecrows...
Willow Sculptures
A series of willow sculptures, made by residents, were exhibited along with the scarecrows.
Willow grown in Burton Green was used. The lead artist was Iris Bertz an experienced tutor of willow sculpture, who has taught in the UK, Germany, Norway and Brazil.
Residents took part over 2 days at Easter. The sculptures were stored and slowly dried for the event.
Groups and classes at the Village Hall this Autumn
Drawing for pleasure
Tues 10am-12. Start 25th Sept [10 weeks £85]
077 6731 8646
Digital Photography
Monday 7-9pm, 3rd Sept. 5 weeks £45
Parchment Craft/Sugar Craft
Stitch as you wish
A club for beginners and experienced makers, functional and non functional!
First meeting Thursday 20th September 7.30 pm, Village Hall Green Room, and weekly thereafter.
Contact: Deirdre Vernon
024 7646 4188
Basket weaving
Basket weaving for beginners, Weekday and/or Sunday. Time 10 - 4.30 (date to be arranged). 10 Maximum. Tutor Carol de la Pole.
If you would like more details, or to be added to the list, contact Deirdre (024 7646 4188) or email Carol -
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