The paragraphs below refer to some specific privacy issues related to the website.
This website is hosted by Google. When you first use this website Google displays a message:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyse traffic. Your IP address and user agent are shared with Google, together with performance and security metrics, to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics and to detect and address abuse."This website itself does not collect or store personal information.
This website is not an economic entity and is free of advertising. There are no links to advertisers, social media buttons, tracking pixels, or other hidden third party applications, which may collect personal information, except for Google as previously referred to.
This website does include copies of Public Notices from various sources, the Parish Magazine, the Minutes of Residents' Association Meetings and local history accounts, any of which may refer to the names of individuals (but not their addresses) as part of their legitimate and intended purpose.