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Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting July 22nd 2024


Draft Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting

July 22nd 2024 at 7.30pm

Present: Judi Hibberd, Janet Hickinbottom, Bron Putnam, Helen Hehir, Rona Taylor, Faith Ward, Mary Webb, Dianne Adams. Paddy Deeley and Andy Gibbs arrived at 8:05

  1. Apologies and minutes of the last meeting (May 20th 2024):

Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox 

Summary of actions following the meeting


Speak to P.C. clerk about problems with Hodgett’s Lane/Cromwell Lane junction


Remove Community Fund from the agenda for six months


Details of the chosen charities for Santa Sleigh collection to be added to the Bugle


Finalise amendments to Welcome leaflet and then distribute as required


Obtain photo of the wood stored at Hubbards and then share with committee


Send link to Helen for reporting road surface problems to WDC


Investigate cost of anti-littering signs



Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of May 20th 2024 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Charities selected donations for ballot (agenda item)

  • Ballot sheet produced (agenda item)

  • Chloe’s article for Bugle to be checked - completed

  • Contact Sara Louise about strimming Greenway - completed

  • Welcome leaflet updated (agenda item) Traffic and Safety team 

  • Garden open Day poster for Bugle (agenda item)

  • Plaque money returned – replacement new plaque provided

  • Wood at Hubbards (agenda item)

The minutes of the May 20th 2024 meeting were approved.

  1. Village Hall:

Dianne reported that there had been a series of problems with recent hirers. In particular, noise at parties had resulted in complaints from neighbours. The trustees would be looking at how to manage expectations and how to implement noise reductions. As the hall does not have air conditioning, hirers have to open doors and windows in hot weather, thus allowing noise to be heard.

There were some positive comments : playing the final of the European Cup Final was deemed a good move as it allowed residents to share in the atmosphere. Rona thanked the Village Hall committee for waiving the rental fee for the community lunches.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

See: Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 15 July 2024

Current Account net balance: £4342.73

Deposit Account net balance: £1023.22

Total Funds: £5365.95

Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting

Expenditure for Open Gardens £65

Coventry Food Network Donation from Open Gardens Event - £505.59

Plants for tubs - £23.96

Plaque for D Day Sign - £19.44

June 2024 Bugle Printing - £520

Payment for Hamilton Theatre Tickets £1275

Payment for Hamilton visit transport £220

Income Since Last Meeting

Monies raised from Open Gardens 2024 - £570.59

Income from Hamilton Tickets £1275

Income from transport to Hamilton £220

Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2025 - £1932.68

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. Mary added her thanks to Dianne for dealing with he finances for the Hamilton trip.

  1. Residents’ views/concerns:

Red Lane bus service – several people had been using the IndieGo+ bus service which was pleasing to see.

Concerns over safety of the Hodgetts Lane/Cromwell Lane junction remained. There had been no accidents and members were worried that nothing would be done until an accident occurred. Rona would speak to the P.C. clerk about this as no-one seemed to be taking responsibility.

Action: Rona

Battery storage ; a new consultation had taken place regarding yet another battery storage proposal at Big Poors Wood to the rear of Burton Green Farm. Concerns were expressed as the entrance to the site in Hob Lane would be close to the school and there might be impact on parking. The P.C. had promised to keep residents informed of developments. Jeremy Wright MP has asked for a meeting with the battery storage company.

Police coverage of Burton Green: Rona, Mary and Judi had attended the “Cuppa with a Copper” session which was well attended. Police and the Housing Association are aware of issues on the Burrow Hill development and are actioning The police were convinced burglaries in Burton Green were being committed by gangs from outside the area.

HS2 issues – overgrown hedges had been cut back. Jeremy Wright MP was planning to hold a meeting to discuss the top of the tunnel and what residents wanted to see there.

  1. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:

  • Community fund from HS2: Judi had continued to look into this.  She reported that there were three steps to observe:

1. guidance and priorities but Burton Green does not appear as a priority. 2. Understanding the process 3. Completion of an eligibility checker which is necessary before being able to access the online form. Evidence of disruption was an important part of the application.

It was agreed that we should remove this agenda item for six months and then revisit it to see if any changes had been implemented.

Action: Judi

  • Defibrillator update: The defibrillator at Hedgerows Nursery had been used twice and the P.C. had agreed to pay for the replacement of the pads. Once the new bus shelter was in place on Red Lane, a defibrillator would be erected there.

  • Priorities for precept money

The amount remaining to be spent before March 2025 (£1932.68) would pay for two further editions of the Bugle and the Residents’ Association Christmas cards.

  • Lunch – the next community lunch was scheduled for October and the chef had been booked. Further details would be available nearer the time.

  • Mosaic maintenance – it was agreed the mosaics were looking good. Paddy had removed the ragwort from the Coronation verge.

  • Bugle – Someone on Broadwells Wood had been added to the distributors’ rota. Archie had taken on the new housing in Westwood Heath Road and so Mary had taken on Archie’s former patch.

  • Flower tubs – thanks were given to Mary and Hilary for planting the tubs.

  • Charity donation vote – committee members had selected a number of local charities and a ballot was held at the meeting. It was agreed to share the proceeds of the 2024 Santa Sleigh between the Air Ambulance and Warwick Young Carers. Details would be added to the Bugle.

Action: Mary

  • Welcome leaflet – amendments had been made to the outdated leaflet.  Any further changes should be sent to Judi. A revised pdf version would then be sent to each committee member to retain online.  When a new resident moved in, Committee members were responsible for printing off and delivering a welcome leaflet. Rona also suggested a copy should be placed on the P.C. notice board.

Action: all

  • Garden Open Day 2024 – this had been a very successful event organised by Janet and Judi with seven gardens open.  £570.59 had been raised for Coventry Food Network. A letter of thanks had been received as a result.

  • Wood at Hubbards – There was still a quantity of wood donated by HS2 which  was being held at Hubbards. Paddy would arrange for a photo of it to be available to committee members so a decision could be reached as to how best to use it.

Action: Paddy

6. Parish Council Report

A planning meeting had been held earlier that evening with a focus on the new battery farm proposals and the house being remodelled in Hodgett’s Lane. The bus shelter in Red Lane had been agreed with a dropped kerb and space for the defibrillator.

There had bene discussion about gates at the entry points to the village but WCC had said these were possible only where there was a change of speed limit.

A question was asked about the demolition of a bungalow on Cromwell Lane adjacent to the entrance to the former sports field.

A working party was looking at the refurbishment of the Red alane playground.

It was believed that a consultation would be held in September regarding the proposed almshouses opposite the top of Red Lane.

The Parish Council was thanked for its activities and efficiency.

7. Any Other Business: 

 The overgrown hedge on Hob Lane at the front of the Burrow Hill site was raised. It was pointed out that the hedge on the Red Lane edge was the responsibility of Cala.

Another planning application had been submitted for one of the pods near Peter Stanworth’s land. The P.C was aware of this application that had only just been submitted and so no action could yet be taken.

The state of local roads was another concern. It was agreed that residents could report problems but needed to state the postcode of the defect. Mary would send the link to Helen to report to WDC.

Action: Mary

The presence of litter at the Red Lane/Birmingham Road junction was pointed out. Rona agreed to investigate the cost of signs.

Action: Rona

8. Date of next Meeting:

The next committee meeting was scheduled for September 23rd 2024. 

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