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Friday 31 May 2024

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting 20th May 2024


Draft Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting

May 20th 2024 at 6:30pm

Present:  Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Mary Webb, Faith Ward.

  1. Apologies and minutes of the last meeting (March 25th 2024):

Apologies had been received from Janet Hickinbottom and Andy Gibbs

Summary of actions following the meeting


Charity donations

All to choose 1 charity and tell Judi before the next meeting

Charity choice

Judi to produce a ballot sheet

Bus story by Chloe to be checked

Rona and Mary

Contact Sar Louise about strimming Greenway


Welcome leaflet updated


Garden Open day Poster for Bugle


Plaque money returned

Rona and Mary

Wood at Hubbards

Agenda item next meeting


Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of March 25th 2024 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Mary will purchase gloves and aprons nearer Oct when the next lunch is. 

  • She and Hilary are renewing the hygiene certificate.

  • The scarecrow trail was not publicised due to an error and so will no longer be included in the open day.

  • The Bugle delivery is now sorted

The minutes of the March 2024 meeting were approved.

  1. Village Hall:

It was reported that the plant sale and time capsule opening was a success. The BBC reported the event on the local news.

There continue to be lots of bookings. The first blood donor session has been held.

There are still noise complaints from Broadwells Wood residents. Paddy has met with them, and a possibility of fencing is being pursued.

HS2 has agreed to pay for more drainage in the field and they are looking again at landscaping.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

See: Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

 BGRA Accounts as at 14 May 2024 

Current Account net balance: £5048.60 

Deposit Account net balance: £1021.00 

Total Funds: £6069.60 

Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting 

Purchase Sumup machine £39.99 

March 2024 Bugle Printing - £490 

Annual insurance renewal £284.40 

Income Since Last Meeting 

Profit from BGRA Lunches 22 March 2024 - £155.07 

Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2025 - £2472.12

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. 

Mary asked for thanks to Dianne be noted for dealing with the Hamilton trip.

  1. Residents’ views/concerns:

Red Lane bus service – Jeremy Wright sent and email to Rona saying the service is up   

and running. Chloe is to do a write up for the Bugle on how to access the service and the Bugle production has been delayed to include the piece. Rona and Mary will do a read through before its inclusion in the Bugle.

Concerns over safety Hodgetts Lane/Cromwell Lane junction – response from Highways

Rona had contacted and received the reply below:

Thank you for your very unsatisfactory response. Referring me to WCC is of no use since they referred me to you. It seems no one wants to take responsibility for listening to residents. Our Parish Council is now pursuing the matter and it will be raised at the annual parish meeting next Monday.

Kind regards, Rona Taylor, on behalf of Burton Green Residents' Association 


On Mon, 15 Apr 2024, 18:49 ComplaintsandEnquiries, <ComplaintsandEnquiries@balfourbeattyvinci.com> wrote:

Dear Rona Taylor,

Ref: HS2-24-107753-E

 Thank you for contacting the HS2 Helpdesk on the 27.03.24, regarding requesting sings. Your concern has been forwarded to us at BBV working in partnership with HS2 Ltd.

 Our community engagement team has informed us that we are unable to assist with this specific request for new signs. This is due to the fact that Cromwell Lane's current alignment is temporary, and we are unable to place new signage because of the current design. It is important to remember that any requests for new or extra signage must go through the local council, in this case Warwickshire County Council. Please use the following link to put your request though .


Rona has now passed this to the Parish Council to deal with which they have accepted.

  1. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:

  • HS2 issues :

           There have been complaints that the Greenway needs strimming to keep down 

           brambles etc. Paddy with chase Sara Louise re the issue.


           Jeremy Wright has convened a meeting to discuss the top of the tunnel. The 

           Representatives of the PC will be Paddy and Alan Marshall. Hilary asked to be

           included re the Greenway Trust and was directed to Jeremy Wright’s PA.

           The BGRA has not been included in the meeting. Rona asked for what the PC 

           should feed in from the BGRA re benches etc

  • Lunch

Date chosen is Oct 11th 2024. We will have outside caterers as before. The caterer cooks the mains, and the BGRA does the puddings and coffee.

  • Mosaic maintenance

            Jo Edler has put the now refurbished mosaics back on the verge. The plaque, 

            although a second one, still has letters coming off. Mary is asking for our   

            money back and looking for another printer. Rona and Mary to try and get the

            refund from the original printer.

  • Bugle 

The delivery route is now complete

  • Flower tubs

Hilary and Mary have now planted the tubs with summer bedding.

  • Charity donation

Mary had produced a list of 31 possible local charities.( see below)

Decision: each committee member can choose 1 charity and tell Judi before the next meeting. Judi to send a reminder out with the next agenda, and then produce a ballot paper. We will then vote on a charity at the next meeting.

1.The Kenilworth Centre

Services to all – children, elderly, old

2.Tile Hill and Westwood Charities

Makes grants to people with disabilities, elderly, children/young people

3.Warwickshire Young Carers

4.Warwick Hospital

5.Acorns Children’s Hospice

6.Air Ambulance

7.St. Johns Ambulance

8.Myton Hospice

9.Action for children (Rouncil Lane)

Helping children and young people who are unable to live with their families and need support

10.The Trussell Trust Food bank

11.Age UK Coventry

12.Dogs Trust Honiley

13.Guide dogs for the Blind

14.MacMillan Cancer Support Cov and Warwick

15.Homeless Action project Leamington

16.Baby Lifeline Balsall common

17.Warwick district Foodbank

18.Marie Curie


20.The Lighthouse Trust Ltd


22.Molly Ollys Childrens charity

Supports children with life threatening illnesses and their families to help with their emotional wellbeing.

       23.Spencer Retreat Care Farm

       24.Friends of the Holy Land

Supports Christians living in the Holy Land

       25.Burton Green Village Hall

26.First Responders

27.Kenilworth Helping hands club

Promotes welfare of mentally or physically challenged people in Kenilworth

28.Kenilworth Phab

Provides services to people with disabilities – recreation or other leisure time occupation for people with or without physical disabilities

29.Talisman Theatre company

Promotes and improvse and advances education particularly by the production of educational plays and encouragement of the arts – dance mime drama singing and music….

30.The Priory Theatre

Education/training/arts/culture/ heritage/science

  • Welcome leaflet

It is time to update the leaflet so the possible changes were noted and Judi to produce an updated version for the next meeting to be approved by the committee.

  • Garden Open Day 2024

            Judi reported on the progress to date. There is a poster produced and going up. 

            Mary asked for a copy to go in the Bugle and Judi agreed to ask Janet to do 

            that. Judi went through the arrangements for the day and confirmed we have 7

            gardens opening. The date was confirmed as Sunday June 16th 12 till 5pm.

  1. Parish Council Report

The solar powered cabinet and defib are to be installed by the bus stop once the bus stop in Red Lane is finished.

  1. Any Other Business: 

George Illingworth has sent us a photo of the table he had been gifted on his retirement.

Mary reminded us the replica soldiers were going up on the verge for the 80th anniversary of D Day on June 5th.

Faith thanked the committee for her lovely plants.

Paddy reminded us that we have wood stored at Hubbard’s, we need to decide what to do with it. There are swift boxes still at Paddy’s house.

7. Date of next Meeting:

            The next committee meeting is scheduled for July 22nd 2024. 

Other meetings would take place in 2024 as follows:

September 23rd

November 25th

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