Draft Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting
January 27th at 7.30pm
Present: Judi Hibberd, Janet Hickinbottom, Rona Taylor, Mary Webb, Dianne Adams, Helen Hehir, Faith Ward, Andy Gibbs, Rob Wright
Summary of actions following the meeting | Responsible |
Check if Sally Keyes is happy to be the independent examiner | Dianne |
Ask PC if could produce a leaflet about the alms houses proposal. | Andy |
Consult Delance about a logo for BGRA | Rona |
Consult Delance about anti-littering poster design | Rona |
Find out how much raised by Santa Sleigh in Burton Green | Mary |
Complete and send funding request to P.C. | Judi |
Investigate availability of Village Hall for VE Day celebrations. | Dianne |
Consult Lesley about insurance requirements for VE Day celebrations. | Rona |
Progress idea about a Food Bank collection | Rob and Faith |
Arrange replacement pads for the defibrillator | Judi |
Rob to liaise with Mary re article for the Bugle offering to raise residents’ concerns | Rob and Mary |
Contact Warwickshire Highways about surface of road in Red Lane | Rona |
Apologies and minutes of the last meeting (November 20th 2024):
Apologies had been received from Bron Putnam, Paddy Deeley and Hilary Cox.
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of meeting November 20th
Matters Arising from the previous minutes:
Remove from future agendas item about Hodgetts Lane/Cromwell Lane junction – completed
Arrange banner informing about public meeting regarding the proposed almshouses – agenda item
Chase up cost of anti-littering poster – agenda item
Changes to and printing of Welcome leaflet – completed
Liaise with the school regarding children’s Christmas card designs – agenda item
Arrange Christmas tree on the Coronation Verge – agenda item
Send email to Deirdre to confirm support of BGRA committee for pétanque pitch – completed
Circulate dates for 2025 meetings - completed
The minutes of the November 2024 meeting were approved.
Village Hall:
Dianne said bookings were very healthy.
A new activity called Little Kickers will be starting in March for pre-school children.
The one-man theatre performance had been successful with an audience of approximately 40 people. It was agreed it was good to see live theatre in the Hall.
Treasurer’s Report:
A report had been circulated as follows:
BGRA Accounts as at 26 January 2025
Current Account net balance: £2,290.66
Deposit Account net balance: £1028.53
Total Funds: £3319.19
Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting
Book Token for Xmas card competition £40
December 2024 Bugle Printing £891
Income Since Last Meeting None
Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2025 - £54.08
Other Items: Bank Accounts Paddy now has full access to the Lloyds bank accounts for the Residents’ Association Accounts y/e 2024
Lucy Hatton has not responded to requests as to date when accounts will be audited.
Dianne presented details of the need or otherwise for an audit or an independent examination. As our accounts are significantly less than £25,000 it was agreed to use an independent examiner in future. Dianne will ask Sally Keyes who had previously dealt with our accounts if she would be happy to take on this role.
Action: Dianne
Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts.
Residents’ views/concerns:
Battery storage. There was nothing of significance to report. Andy said some plans had been submitted and the Parish Council was keeping a watching brief.
Alms Houses. A planning request has been submitted to Solihull. It was agreed that individuals need to respond to the application by visiting Solihull planning site and referring to application PL/2025/00092/PPFL. The Parish Council was objecting to the proposal. Residents needed to be aware that the almshouses would not just be available for residents of the village but for the whole of Solihull MBC. Andy will speak to the Parish Council about producing a leaflet about the alms houses proposal.
Action: Andy Gibbs
As a separate matter, the P.C. will be issuing a leaflet about safeguarded land.
Speed signage at the end of Red Lane. Rona had investigated this and had been told by Warwickshire County Council that new parts had been installed on the sign but it was still not working. A new sign would need to be built and erected.
Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:
Action: Rona
Action: Rona
Christmas review: sleigh, cards, tree. As yet, Mary had not heard how much money had been raised by the Santa Sleigh in Burton Green. She would pursue this. Thanks were given to all those involved in the Christmas arrangements.
Action: Mary
Mary was meeting Alex Stuthridge to discuss the production of a replacement soldier outline after one had been stolen from the verge. Once costs have been established, a further application might be made to the P.C.
VE Day arrangements. Mary had discovered that Churchill had advocated chip shops staying open during the war to ensure the population had access to hot meals. As a result of this research, she advocated hiring a fish and chip van for our VE Day celebrations. The cost was £900 and she would enquire how many portions this would cover. BGRA members would sell tickets foe the event. It was suggested this could take place at the Village Hall on May 8th but this will depend on the Hall’s availability. Peter Hancock had volunteered to light the beacon at 9:30. If residents wished, they could attend in 1940s costume. Rona will check with Lesley about insurance requirements.
Action: Dianne and Rona
Action: Rob and Faith
Judi reported that the defibrillator pads were due to be replaced at a cost of £147.60. This was agreed.
Action: Judi
Parish Council Report
There was nothing further to report.
Any Other Business:
Action: Rob and Mary
Action: Rob
Action: Rona
Date of next Meeting:
Meeting dates for 2025 are booked as follows:
March 24th
May 12th
July 28th
September 22nd
AGM October 27th
November 24th