Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting
July 25th 2022
Dianne Adams; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; and Mary Webb.
In attendance:
Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (May 23rd 2022):
Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox and Faith Ward. Cheryl Wall was also unable to attend to represent the Village Hall.
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of May 2022 meeting
Matters Arising from the previous minutes:
Contact WCC about damage to hedge at Burton Green Academy – the school was pursuing this with the grounds maintenance contractors.
Liaison with Cheryl regarding Village Hall landscaping plan – the plan was still awaited.
Information about bonfires to be included in the Bugle – completed
Purchase of replacement flower tubs. This had been postponed.
Contact Peter with response about viewing platform – response sent
Reference in Bugle to successful Games evening – completed
Finalise date for defibrillator training with Alice – this would take place during October half term week depending on availability of the hall.
Action: Mary
Contact WDC regarding streetlamp not working in Cromwell Lane – this had first been reported in December 2020. A light fitting had been removed and needs to be replaced. Rona to pursue again.
Action: Rona
Contact Severn Trent about flowing water in Cromwell Lane – hole dug and refilled but water still present. Rona to contact again.
Action: Rona
Letter of thanks to Peter Stanworth for storing the bench and wooden sculptures.
The minutes of the May 2022 meeting were approved.
Village Hall:
The construction was progressing. Preparations had begun to prepare for the electrical supply to the Hall. (No advance warning had been given about this).
Treasurer’s Report:
See: Treasurer’s Report
A report had been circulated as follows:
Current Account net balance: £ 3,640.50
Deposit Account net balance: £1006.26
Total Funds (A): £4646.76
Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent): -
Defibrillator: £ 149.56
Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £4497.20
For Information:
Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting
Gift for Betty Woodward - £29.48
Plants for Jubilee Verge and Tablecloths and napkins for Jubilee event - £39.96
Annual Insurance Premium - £231.74
Circus skills Workshop for Jubilee Event - £650
Jubilee cakes - £69.70
Fire extinguisher hire for Jubilee event - £15
Bugle and Jubilee Flyer - £607
Income Since Last Meeting
Donation from National Lottery Community Fund - £570
Donation from Sarginsons for Jubilee Event - £100
Donation from Deeley’s for Jubilee Event - £250
Donations from Jubilee Event - £20
Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2023 - £ £1886
Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts.
Residents’ views/concerns:
A significant grass fire had occurred off the Greenway between the footpath and Hob Lane. It had been attended by 7 fire engines. This had reignited a few days’ later and it was felt the authorities needed to take action. Rona agreed to contact the Parish Council to ask them to liaise with the relevant parties.
Action: Rona
Fly tipping on Hob Lane was not cleared very quickly by Solihull MBC although they pledged to remove waste within a week: some had been reported on June 30th and still remained in place.
Dog mess bins on Cromwell Lane had not been emptied although contractors were supposed to carry this out fortnightly. Paddy would follow this up.
Action: Paddy
A resident had raised the issue of speeding through the village. Two accidents had occurred recently in Red Lane and Hob Lane. Jeremy Wright MP, representatives of the council and of the police had arranged to visit to see what could be done. Some people had responded to a police request to start up SpeedWatch again.
Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:
Thanks were extended to the Jubilee Group for arranging the very successful events marking the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Although the Circus Mash was postponed because of wet weather, it was rescheduled and attracted a good audience.
Next year the group planned to arrange an outdoor theatre group.
Community fund from BBV – entrance gates, flower tubs
HS2 issues
There had been some discontent because the dates of the road closure over the Cromwell Lane Bridge had not been adhered to. The road was to be closed to traffic form July 27th to August 19th. A traffic plan was in place.
Broadwell Woods residents remained in dispute regarding the noise and dust created by HS2. The Broadwell Woods Residents’ Association had been disbanded.
A question was raised about what was “in storage” for Burton Green and where was this? For example, notices about the defibrillator had been removed.
The Jubilee Verge
A resident who kindly mowed the Jubilee verge had complained about the state of the grass and the number of weeds making mowing very difficult. However, as the verge was currently being excavated for the Village Hall electrical supply to be installed, it was decided to postpone any decisions and to see whether the contractors could restore the area satisfactorily once the work was completed.
Permanent banner poles top of Red Lane
It was agreed it would be a good idea to erect permanent fixings for banners advertising various village events. However, this needed to make sure they did not interfere with the farmer’s maintenance of the hedge and verge. Bron agreed to speak to him about the best way to facilitate this.
Action: Bron
Details of the AGM would be added to the next edition of the Bugle. Judi would discuss with Rona and provide details to Mary.
Action: Judi and Mary
Litter Pick
Several residents carry out regular litter picks and so it was decided not to organise a litter picking event. This would be removed as an agenda item from the minutes.
Action: Judi
Training first aid session for defibrillator
Already covered under Matters Arising.
Priorities for precept money- standing items
Bugle funding
Jubilee verge maintenance
£1886 remained to be spent before March 2023 but from this amount would come the cost of three print runs of the Bugle. This would leave sufficient funds for any decision on the banner poles.
Greenway Trust Update:
Hilary was not available to report. It was believed she still held the dog mess posters the payment for which had had initially been agreed by LM who later produced their own versions. It was agreed these needed to be erected and this would be discussed with Hilary on her return.
Action: Hilary
Parish Councillor's Report:
The most recent Parish Council meeting had been held at the allotments on Westwood Heath Road. Many residents were unaware of this facility and Alan Deeley, as the chair of the allotment association, had agreed to make a brief presentation at the AGM.
Action: Alan Deeley
Any Other Business:
Mary asked who would sponsor the 2022 Christmas card
The AGM should be added to the next agenda
Action: Judi
There was some confusion about dates for the new bin collection. It was pointed out that WDC had issued a very clear and useful leaflet which was inside the food caddies that had recently been delivered. Paddy would add a reminder on the email loop.
Action: Paddy
Rona thanked everyone sincerely for attending the meeting.
Date of next Meeting:
The next committee meeting was scheduled for Sept 26
Other meetings would take place in 2022 as follows:
AGM Oct 10th
Nov 28