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Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting (July 15th 2021)

 The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.

Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

1 Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (May 13th 2021)

Apologies had been received from Dianne Adams; Paddy Deeley; and Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Set up fund-raising page for Children in Need rambleDianne
Ask PC about noticeboard for Burrow HillRona
Who has responsibility for the footpath next to the Hales on Red Lane?Rona
Signs about dog mess on GreenwayHilary
Check if Chris Langton able to update footpath route mapsRona
Note of thanks to Pauline and Mervyn HarveyRona
Formation of a working group to progress application to HS2 Community and Environment FundJudi
Raise question at PC meeting about process of communication with HS2Rona
Further planning for Children in Need walkMary
October 10th litter pick – check not clashing with other eventsMary
Distribute information via the village loop and the banner etc regarding format of the AGM 2021All

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See May 13th 2021 meeting.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Set up fund-raising page for Children in Need ramble. Dianne had investigated costs which worked out at 39p for a £10 donation.  It was agreed to go ahead with this. Action: Dianne
  • Turfing bare patches on Jubilee Verge – local contact to be approached – now sorted.
  • Contact Parish Council suggesting noticeboard on Cala Estate – Rona would progress this.
  • Approach local businesses to sponsor 2021 Christmas card – Mary had this in hand.
  • Query local sculptor for wooden installations – Paddy had notified about progress with this. HS2 were liaising with Charlie Hubbard who might also be prepared to construct simple benches. HS2 were sourcing another chainsaw sculptor.
  • Investigate route for Children in Need ramble – agenda item.
  • Speak to Deirdre about art installations and a proposal to HS2 Community Fund – agenda item.
  • July agenda item to look in detail at proposals for HS2 Community Fund and precept spending - agenda item.
  • Update Welcome leaflet - completed.
  • Create diary of annual events for discussion at meetings - completed.

The minutes of the May meeting were approved.

2 Village Hall 

Cheryl, Chair of the Village Hall trustees, had kindly joined the meeting. She said there was still no date for starting the building work. Problems remained regarding foul drainage and the siting of a septic tank. A percolation test had been carried out by the contractors.

3 Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as of 12 July 2021
Current Account net balance: £ 3459.74
Deposit Account net balance: £1006.14
Total Funds (A): £4465.88
Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent): -
Defibrillator: £ 149.56
Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £4316.32
For Information: Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting
Printing June Bugle - £250
Condolence gift for J Whitehouse - £17.79 

Income Since Last Meeting None
Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2022 - £1,728.52.

Thanks were given to Dianne. 

4 Residents’ views/concerns

  • Access to and use of Greenway – the path from Red Lane next to the Hales was reported as overgrown and Rona agreed to find out who had responsibility for this footpath. Action: Rona
  • Dog mess being left on the Greenway. Hilary would ask the Greenway Trust to erect more signs. Action: Hilary
  • Publication of new circular walking routes in BG – Chris Langton would be approached to see if he would update his earlier work on village footpaths now that so many of them had been closed by HS2 work.  Action: Rona
  • It was agreed to thank Pauline and Mervyn Harvey of Red Lane for their verge improvements to add to the safety of the often-flooded bend on Red Lane. Rona would send a note of thanks.
  • It was established that the term “Burrow Hill” be used in future rather than “Cala Homes.”
  • Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:
  • HS2 Community and Environment Fund details – Judi
  • Judi had circulated a document about the HS2 Community and Environment Fund. She went through the document emphasising the key steps necessary before a bid could be submitted.  These included:

  • Reading a great deal of information
  • Considering the need for whatever is proposed
  • Looking at what disruption HS2 has caused (!)
  • The legacy of the project and how this ties in with HS2’s legacy.
  • In light of the complexity of the process, Judi would invite participants to a working group which would report back on progress at the next meeting. Action: Judi
Judi was thanked for all her research so far.
  • HS2 fund- what should we ask for? (Linked to above)

  • Entrance gates
  • Trees around the village
  • Ironwork sculpture
  • School project
  • Benches
  • Top of the tunnel ideas
  • Village hall signage recycling
  • Car park where VH car park was
  • Mosaic to be developed with children from the village school – discussions had begun on this.
  • Metal sculpture to reflect the history of the village. Deirdre and Thea would be asked to develop their idea and a costed proposal could then be given to HS2
  • HS2 issues
Communication/consultation regarding progress of HS2 work remained poor.  Rona would ask about this at the Parish Council meeting.  Action: Rona
  • Children in Need walk September
A date had been set for September 19th starting at the Village Hall with the route established. Mary was finding the marshals’ vests and had obtained material to make sashes to be bought by participants on the day for a small donation. Action: Mary
  • The verge
It was considered this was now sorted as grass had now grown and Bill had kindly mown.
  • Litter Pick
A litter pick would take place on Sunday October 10th at 11a.m. Mary would check this date did not clash with any other events in the village.
Action: Mary
  • Beacon
The Residents ‘Association was already in possession of a portable beacon and so would hope to use this in 2022 for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  Rona had signed up for further information.
A suggestion was made that the beacon might be able to be placed on the new sports field on Burrow Hill.
  • AGM – Zoom or live on Sep 27th
It was hoped that this year’s AGM could be a face-to-face event. Government guidance at the time would be followed, such as increased ventilation. The Village Hall trustees had suggested that the formalities of the AGM should be followed by a selection of stalls explaining the different activities on offer in the village hall with the hope of attracting new residents and especially residents from Burrow Hill and Broadwells Wood. The VH committee would also plan to offer a second event to attract families with children.  It was agreed that this was a good idea although some members of the committee were still hesitant about the possibility of a “live” event.  Plan B would be to hold the event by Zoom as in 2020. Information would be distributed via the usual channels nearer to the time.
  • Bugle
Mary reported that volunteers had come forward to deliver the Bugle on Burrow Hill.
  • Priorities for precept money- ideas so far
Bugle funding
Spring bulbs
Jubilee verge maintenance


6 Greenway Trust Update

Hilary reported that the Trust had purchased 6 oak saplings to be grown on the Greenway in memory of John Whitehouse. Very sadly, John had recently died and he was acknowledged as a great friend and supporter of Burton Green.

7 Parish Councillor's Report

Cllr Gibbs said that the bridge in Cromwell Lane was to be closed from July 21st to 24th to move some services. 

A meeting with BBV had been held with little outcome.

8 Any Other Business

Rona had delivered a card and plant to John Whitehouse’s widow as a mark of thanks for all his work with the Residents’ Association.

Rona had visited the new owners of the Water Tower and had received their approval for the continued use of the water tower logo by the Residents’ Association.

Thanks were extended to Jonathan Hehir for designing seasonal header images for the Bugle.

9 Date of next Meeting

All meetings would be held via Zoom until further notice.

The next committee meeting was scheduled for September 9th.

Further meetings
Monday September 27th AGM
November 25th

Thanks were given to Judi for arranging the Zoom call and to committee members for attending.