The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.
Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.
1 Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (September 9th 2020)
Apologies had been received from Helen Hehir, Bron Putnam and Faith Ward.
Summary of actions following the September meeting | Responsible |
Contact HS2 about the well on Cromwell Lane bridge | Rona |
Report back on progress with metal Christmas tree | Mary and Hilary |
Increase Bugle print run | Mary |
Arrange Zoom meeting for AGM | Judi |
Submit Chair’s Report etc. for distribution via the email loop | Rona |
Liaison with school regarding Christmas card competition | Faith |
Further ideas for chosen charity to be supported at Christmas | All to Judi by September 25th |
Community Fund item to remain on agenda | Judi |
Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests | Judi |
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of September 9th 2020 meeting
Matters Arising from the previous minutes
- Contact HS2 about the well on Cromwell Lane bridge – matter still being progressed by Diana Dean, Community Engagement, LMS
- Report back on progress with metal Christmas tree – agenda item
- Increase Bugle print run – completed. There are now 513 dwellings in Burton Green
- Arrange Zoom meeting for AGM – completed
- Submit Chair’s Report etc. for distribution via the email loop – completed
- Liaison with school regarding Christmas card competition – completed. Agenda item
- Further ideas for chosen charity to be supported at Christmas – food collection to be organized for Trussell Trust food bank
- Community Fund item to remain on agenda – ongoing
- Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests - ongoing
- The minutes of the September meeting were approved.
2 Village Hall Update
Paddy reported that a contractor had now been appointed but much time was being spent sorting out the legalities. On the site work on the pipeline was underway as was the Greenway diversion. It would be at least January before the site becomes available.
3 Treasurer’s Report
A report had been circulated which Dianne explained. This was accepted.
There was still £931 of the Parish Council grant to be spent before March 2021. Expenditure still to be covered included Bugle costs and the Christmas tree.
The BGRA Year End accounts were also accepted. A letter of thanks had been sent to Marlene Hills for arranging this at short notice following the untimely death of Peter Tacon as Independent Examiner. The committee was reminded that arrangements for the following year needed to be sorted.
Action: Dianne and all
Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts.
4 Residents’ views/concerns
HS2 issues
- Access to and use of Greenway- there had been many complaints about the state of the temporary Greenway because of lack of regular maintenance. The surface was not fit for purpose and frequent and sufficient resurfacing with wood chippings was not taking place in spite of reassurances.
- The route of the temporary Greenway from the top of Red Lane across to the existing Greenway would be frequently re-routed because of on-going work there and this would exacerbate the problem of accessibility and re-surfacing of the route.
- A compound of welfare units had been established in the field at the top of Red Lane without consultation with neighbours or the community. This showed appalling disregard for the community engagement that was much spoken about but not implemented.
- It seemed the contractors felt they should communicate only about traffic management and not all the accompanying issues.
- The committee felt the basic courtesy of communication was not taking place and considered this insulting.
- Why should it be left to residents to check the state of everything rather than HS2 employees themselves?
Other HS2 related matters
- A local elderly resident had fallen from his cycle because of the way barriers had been left. The resident had been put in touch with Diana Dean.
- A resident of Hodgett’s Lane had complained about contractors – maybe involved in bat watching – parking outside her house during the night and causing a disturbance with chatting loudly, leaving engines running etc. Her verbal complaints had met with abuse. Again, she had been put in touch with Diana Dean
- Contractors at the top of Red Lane frequently sit in their vans with the engines running constantly. This is in spite of HS2 claiming they are raising the bar on air quality.
A46 Link Road
Communication about this has been delivered to all homes and residents wishing to be involved in the consultation are asked to register their interest at
There have been reports of blocked drains in Cromwell Lane at the Westwood Heath Road end. Rona agreed to investigate and to contact Peter Hallam as necessary. Action: Rona
5 Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues
- Christmas tree – It was decided to defer the idea of the metal tree for a variety of reasons and plans are now in progress to buy and install a “real” tree with help from Mike Hibberd and Adrian Hickinbottom who are overseeing the project.
- Christmas cards – Thanks to Faith for liaising with the school. She and Mary judged the entries and the cards are now being printed.
- Planting – Thanks to Mary and Hilary for re-planting the flower tubs at the entrances to the village. It was agreed they lift people’s spirits. Plans were taking shape for the schoolchildren to plant bulbs in areas at the top pf Red Lane that have been disturbed by all the construction work. The bulbs would be funded by LM.
- Cala Homes update on the site – There remain only three unsold properties on the site. The remainder of the empty properties are going to a housing association. Builders aim to be off site by June 2021.
- HS2 fund- what should we ask for? (Further suggestions welcome) Action: all
Entrance gates
Trees around the village
Top of the tunnel ideas
Village hall signage recycling
A suggestion had been made by LM to put in a bid for tree planting. Mary said consideration was being given to trees with the greatest environmental benefits.Action: Mary
- Priorities for precept money- ideas so far (Further suggestions welcome) Action: all
Bugle funding
- Bugle -the next edition was to be distributed on the weekend of December 4th /5th
6 Greenway Trust Update
Nick Hillard had written an article in the forthcoming edition of the Bugle.
The temporary Greenway was being opened in phases.
A question was raised about accessing the existing Greenway from the Balsall Common end. Paddy said this was now possible. It was stated that the temporary Greenway would be maintained for only 12 months by HS2.
Were there plans for preventing motorbikes from accessing the Greenway? Hilary would raise this. Action: Hilary
7. Parish Councillor's Report
The Parish Council had agreed to pay WCC£500 to draw up a plan to deter speeding in the village (e.g. installation of speed cushions). WCC had requested a formal consultation to see if a majority of residents agreed with this idea.
8. Any Other Business
- Bookings had been placed for use of the Green Room on Wednesdays in 2021. However, as virtual meeting were likely for the foreseeable future, the committee decided Thursdays were preferable. Judi agreed to circulate a calendar of dates for virtual meetings. It was also agreed to add the link to each virtual meeting on the agenda. Action: Judi
- Food bank – collections of donated foods would be collected by volunteers on Sunday December 13th. Details would be in the Bugle. It was pointed out that CALA Homes residents were already donating to a food bank.
- The Village Hall AGM was to take place virtually on Friday November 27th. Details had been circulated via the Village loop.
9. Date of next Meeting
The next committee meeting was scheduled for January 21st 2020 via Zoom.
Summary of actions following the meeting | Responsible |
Community Fund item to remain on agenda | Judi |
Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests | Judi |
Arrangements for next year’s end of year accounts | Dianne |
Investigation of blocked drains in Cromwell Lane | Rona |
Suggestions for HS2 funding | All |
Tree planting bid | Mary |
Priorities for precept money | All |
Query to Greenway Trust about preventing motorbike access | Hilary |
Dates for future meetings and inclusion on agenda of Zoom details | Judi |