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Burton Green Open Gardens

The photos on this page were taken in 2007 and 2010. There is a more recent page, with many more photos, taken during the Open Day in 2017, here:

Several of the photos below (but not all) can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Many of the first set of photos were taken by Chris Langton during the village Open Gardens Day in 2010.

The pictures below date from the Open Gardens Day in 2007...

Rosemary Cottage

Rosemary Cottage has a distinctive naturalistic garden. The main garden is filled with tall native flowers.

And the garden has a wildlife pond, and areas of tall grasses, with wild flowers in them. 

Bill Howes' Smallholding

In addition to a conventional garden, the most interesting feature of Bill Howes' 3-acre smallholding is his livestock.
This is a family of happy and lovable Tamworth piglets.

And this is the free-range chicken run, with chickens running about in grass. We also saw a broody hen sitting on some eggs in one of the chicken houses. It's quite rare for hens to raise their own chicks these days.

Mr Howes has a limited supply of eggs for sale to local customers.