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Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting May 23rd 2022


Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Helen Hehir; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; and Mary Webb.

In attendance: David Line

  1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (March 28th 2022):

Apologies had been received from Andy Gibbs and Faith Ward.

Summary of actions following the meeting


Contact WCC about damage to hedge at Burton Green Academy.


Liaison with Cheryl regarding Village Hall landscaping plan.


Information about bonfires to be included in the Bugle.


Purchase of replacement flower tubs.


Contact Peter with response about viewing platform.


Reference in Bugle to successful Games evening.


Finalise date for defibrillator training with Alice


Contact WDC regarding streetlamp not working in Cromwell Lane.


Contact Severn Trent about flowing water in Cromwell Lane.


Letter of thanks to Peter Stanworth for storing the bench and wooden sculptures.



Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of January 24th 2022 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Ask Lesley Tacon for details of damage to school hedge. Head consulted and said no damage to fence within the hedge and so no action considered necessary. Some members of the committee felt it looked so bad that that WCC should be contacted to see if they could tidy up the area. 

Action: Rona

  • Relay to Peter Stanworth committee response regarding viewing platform. Email sent. Agenda item.

  • Further details for the Queen’s Platinum celebration. Agenda item.

  • Alice to be asked to arrange a defibrillator training session. Date being arranged.

  • Burrow Hill green space questionnaire to be circulated on the email loop - completed


The minutes of the March 2022 meeting were approved.

  1. Village Hall: 

Paddy reported that the building was on course for completion by the end of the year with a handover to take place on January 1st 2023.

A response was awaited from Deeley’s about the provision of a boules pitch.

Questions were raised about the landscaping with offers of trees being put forward.  Paddy said a revised landscaping plan was being awaited. Meanwhile, she would liaise with Cheryl, Chair of the Village Hall trustees.

Action: Paddy

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

See: Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

Current Account net balance: £ 4,343.36 

Deposit Account net balance: £1006.24 

Total Funds (A): £5349.60 

Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent): - 

Defibrillator: £ 149.56 

Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £5200.04 

For Information: 

Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting 

Insurance for Platinum Jubilee Event - £194.88 

Book Token prizes for Platinum Jubilee Event – £40.00 

Income Since Last Meeting 

Donation from Emmerson’s for Platinum Jubilee Event - £100; £560 Lottery funding; and £160 from Sarginson’s.  Mary was congratulated for this fund raising.  Mary said approaches had also been made to Cala, Crest Nicholson and Deeley’s and responses were awaited.

Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2023 - £ £2,390.12

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts and for her help with aspects of the upcoming Queen’s Platinum Jubilee event. 

  1. Residents’ views/concerns:


All residents had received information attached to their bins about future collections. From August 1st, residents needed to pay £20 for a green bin up until March 2023 when costs for a full year will be announced.

Detailed information can be found here: https://www.warwickdc.gov.uk/123collections


A resident had complained about a neighbour lighting a daytime bonfire. Mary had responded with advice but saying BGRA could not get involved in neighbours’ disputes. It was acknowledged that residents who choose not to pay for a green bin might be inclined to burn their garden waste. Mary planned to add Council advice about bonfires to the next edition of the Bugle.

Action: Mary

  1. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:

Community fund from BBV – entrance gates, flower tubs

Paddy pointed out that the fund was really designed for help with labour.

A question was raised about the bricks that had been requested to be saved from demolition of bridges to use for flower tubs.  It seemed that they had been too badly damaged to be f use.  The flower tubs were beginning to disintegrate and the committee agreed new ones could be purchased.

Action: Hilary

HS2 issues

Residents had expressed discontent about further closures of the Cromwell Lane bridge in spite of earlier assurances this would not happen. BBV had provided a list as follows:

23rd May-17th June off-peak closures 9.30a.m.– 3p.m.

20th June-1st July full closure 24/7

15th July-20th August full closure 24/7

Residents of Broadwells Wood had formed their own Residents’ Association. This was not because of any disagreement with BGRA but because of issues with pollution on the new Village Hall site and problems with their landowner.

Possible viewing tower behind VH decision

Peter Stanworth had sent to Rona further points for consideration and each was considered by the committee. These included the fact that such a project should have been built into the development; that the construction would not be a small job; and that the current village hall actually belongs to HS2. The initial response sent to Peter had been shared with the committee and it was decided that the answer remained the same and that the rear of the current hall was not a safe or suitable site for a viewing platform. Rona agreed to relay this response.

Action: Rona

Platinum Jubilee celebration with the VH

The Jubilee Committee had worked hard to arrange the events to take place.  Notices had been issued to all residents and a specific one had been prepared for residents on Burrow Hill as that is where the events will take place. 

No-one would be allowed to use the car park on Burrow Hill during the Circus Mash event but would be encouraged to walk to the area or to park on Hob Lane.

Insurance was in place and litter picking sorted. A licence was being obtained from a Coventry solicitor regarding the lighting of the beacon and the Circus Mash events. First aid would be available.

The field needed the grass cutting.

Any spare bunting should be given to Helen.

Mary and the committee were thanked for their tremendously hard work in planning and preparing for this occasion.


Helen asked if reference could be made to the very successful Children’s Games Evening held recently at the Village Hall.

Action: Mary

Training first aid session for defibrillator

Mary was discussing a suitable date with Alice and it was suggested autumn would be a better time than the summer when more people are away.

Priorities for precept money- standing items

Bugle funding


Jubilee verge maintenance

  1. Greenway Trust Update:

There was nothing to update except dog mess notices had been erected and so the ones purchased by the BGRA should be placed elsewhere. Hilary would take a decision on this.

Action: Hilary

  1. Parish Councillor's Report:

Paddy gave information about the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on June 6th at 7.30p.m. A flyer had been produced with details and suggestions of topics of interest.

The PC was looking into complaints from residents about their children not being accepted at Kenilworth School. A WDC member was involved and it seemed the matter was being resolved.

The PC had agreed to £12k of the Community Infrastructure Levy being used to fund a stained-glass window created by a local resident for the new Village Hall.

  1. Any Other Business:

Concern was expressed about a streetlight on Cromwell Lane that had not been working for a couple of years in spite of being reported.

Action: Rona

There was another problem in the same vicinity with water constantly flowing into the road. Rona would contact Severn Trent.

Action: Rona

The mural created by schoolchildren was to be unveiled on Friday May 27th at the school. The plan was to erect it on the Burrow Hill walkway.

Rona said she would write to thank Peter Stanworth for storing the bench and carvings.

Action: Rona

Judi had persisted with the request for help with a socket for plugging in the Christmas tree lights. As a result the new Community Engagement Officer, Chris Garden, was to meet Judi and Adrian Hickinbottom on site to work on this. Thanks were expressed to Judi.

Potholes at the top of Red Lane were now indicated for attention.

Long-standing resident Betty Woodward had celebrated her 90th birthday.  Rona had delivered a card and plant from the Residents’ Association.

A query was raised about work being carried out at New Farm on Red Lane. Paddy said planning permission had been granted for a new house to the front of the existing property. This led to concern about the number of building applications being accepted in Red Lane.

Rona thanked everyone sincerely for attending the meeting.

10. Date of next Meeting:

The next committee meeting was scheduled for July 25th  


Other meetings would take place in 2022 as follows:

Sept 26

AGM Oct 10th

Nov 28