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Thursday, 24 May 2018

Air Ambulance Clothing Bank

A clothing bank has been installed just outside the Village Hall.
The bank accepts clothing, sheets, towels, blankets, curtains, and paired shoes.

All proceeds from the sale of the fabrics go to the Air Ambulance.

Please ensure that items are placed inside the bin and not left in the car park.

The Air Ambulance in Hodgetts Lane

This is the air ambulance parked in a field in Hodgetts Lane (24th May 2018). We believe that this may have been evacuating a patient from one of the properties in Hodgetts Lane...

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Burton Green Choir 5th Anniversary

Please join us on
Friday 18th May at 7:30
to celebrate our 
5th Birthday

Joined by our young guests in
A string Quartet

Music Director
Seb Farrall

At Burton Green Village Hall

Enjoy a medley of songs,
homemade puddings and desserts
a complimentary glass of Pimms
during the interval

BYO Drinks and Glasses
£10 adults, £5 students and small ones free

Monday, 14 May 2018

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee May 8th 2018

Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting
May 8th, 2018

Dianne Adams; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Trish Hancock; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Mary Webb,

In attendance: Cllr Caryll Green

1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting

Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox and Faith Ward.
Sincere thanks were given to Judi for accommodating the meeting at short notice because of double booking of the Green Room. Vic had sent an apology.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Research into GDPRJudi, Paddy and Dianne
Application to Forum Armistice Day FundMary
Check progress with restoration of Red Lane vergesRona
Monitor litter situationAll

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the March 13th meeting were approved.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Rona had contacted a resident to discuss community involvement
  • Collaborative approach to HS2’s community funding: there was to be a presentation by Groundwork at the next Parish Council meeting about the various strands of funding available
  • Contact Marlene Hills regarding Greenway Trust’s application to HS2’s community fund: the Trust had submitted an application, but no details were available.
  • Further investigations into implications of GDPR: this was an agenda item.

All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.

2. Treasurer's Report

A report had been circulated. Dianne explained the various items. The total funds stood at £2880.63.

Expenditure since the last meeting related to a £100 donation to the Village Choir (following an unsuccessful application to Kenilworth Forum); purchase of salt and pepper pots for use at the lunches; and £170 for the printing cost of the Spring edition of the Bugle.

Profits from the Residents’ lunches amounted to £60.18. Funds had also been received from Warwick District Community Forum and Burton Green Parish Council to cover the total cost of calibration of the Speedwatch gun.

3. Residents' views/concerns

  • One resident had complained about blocked drains in Cromwell Lane and Peter Hallam had spoken to her.
  • The circulation title for the Village email loop had been changed to Burton Green Community after some complaints that all emails had appeared to emanate from BGRA. Currently, 208 people were registered on the loop. Thanks were given to Paddy for continuing to manage this valuable resource.
  • The title of Retired and Friends of Burton Green lunches had now been adopted to accommodate those who wished to remain in attendance even if they had moved from the village. It was good to see that people wanted to remain in contact.

4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues

General Data Protection Regulations - our actions:
It was accepted that there was much confusion (generally, not just locally) about procedures to be followed. Several committee members had carried out research with differing conclusions.
It was agreed that Judi, Paddy and Dianne would meet to decide on necessary actions and report back to the committee.
Action: Judi, Paddy and Dianne

Lunch. For Retired of Burton Green - May 18th:
Mary had scheduled a meeting with Diane to discuss the details of the next lunch. Help would be needed at this event.

Jubilee Group feedback on plans:
An afternoon tea and entertainment event was scheduled for July 1st from 3-5p.m. Mr Twister had been booked at a cost of £250 and tickets would be charged at £10 for a family or £5 per individual. Again, support would be needed with the teas. It was hoped that the event would break even. It would be advertised in the June edition of the Bugle.

Paddy suggested she might send the Bugle round electronically and John Webb was always kind enough to highlight events on his Village website.

5. Village Hall

There was no Village Hall report. The Village Hall committee was still heavily involved with discussions about the new Hall. Paddy was concerned that the temporary Greenway was to be re-routed but that this was not reflected on the current Village Hall planning application. A presentation was to be made at the next Parish Council meeting.

6. Parish Councillor's Report

Cllr Caryll Green was attending for the last time having resigned from the Parish Council on reaching her 80th birthday. She reported that Cllr Vine had also resigned having reached the same milestone. Two new potential councillors had volunteered themselves and their positions should be ratified at the next Parish Council meeting.

The Burrows Hill planning application had been agreed with a number of provisos. Mains sewerage was discussed, and Andy said that pumped sewage constituted mains sewerage. 40% of Homes were to be “affordable.”

The Westwood Heath Road sites had been postponed because of the designation of an ancient monument. This was the result of research and work by a resident in Bockendon Road. Mary reported that she had heard of plans to preserve the ancient Bockendon Woods.

7. Any Other Business

  • Subscriptions would be collected soon, and Mary would issue envelopes etc. with the next Bugles.
  • Mary asked for permission to buy a black cartridge and this was approved. She also pointed out that the pads on the defibrillator were out of date and had sourced new ones at a cost of £91.80. Purchase of these was agreed.
  • Mary would apply for £250 from the Forum which had a special fund to mark Armistice Day 1918. She had begun preparations to develop soldier outlines to be placed around the village and with Deirdre was investigating the creation of poppies. Action: Mary
  • The restoration of the verges in Red Lane was discussed as some felt these had not been left in good order after the work on the pavements. However, it was felt the work had yet to be completed. Rona would check the situation with Peter Hallam. Action Rona
  • It was noted that the Red Lane telephone boxes had now been removed.
  • A discussion was held regarding litter in the village which was a persistent problem. BGRA committee organised regular clean ups but anyone wishing to carry out more regular litter picks, perhaps while dog walking, should contact Mary for grabbers and bags. Residents should take care to leave their recycling bins in such a way that litter would not spill out and blow around. The Southern Area Team had reminded collectors of recycling to pick up any rubbish dropped during collection. The committee agreed to monitor thesituation.

Rona reported that she had represented BGRA at a special assembly at the school to mark its transition to an Academy. The Bishop of Coventry had conducted a service.

8. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

The next committee meeting was scheduled for July10th 2018

Future meetings were scheduled as follows:
September 11th
October 1st (AGM)

Friday, 11 May 2018

University of Warwick Development - Drop-In Consulation

There will be a public drop-in consultation to be held on 23rd May, 3pm-7pm, at the Arden Conference Centre, University of Warwick.

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