A group of parents from Burton Green Primary school, together with colleagues at our partner school, All Saints in Leek Wootton, are organising a brand new running 10 kilometre running event.
The Green Leek 10k will take place at 10.00 am on Sunday 9th October. More details are in the flyer, below, and at the website: http://www.greenleek10k.co.uk
More than 250 runners have already signed up for the race.
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Sunday, 25 September 2016
Monday, 19 September 2016
Minutes of Residents' Association Committee September 13th 2016
Terry Heyes; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor
In attendance: Cllr Caryll Green, Diane Adams
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox, Andy Gibbs, Trish Hancock, Diane Swindells, Faith Ward, and Mary Webb
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting of July 12th 2016 were approved.
Matters Arising from the previous minutes
All other matters arising has been covered or were to be agenda items.
2. Treasurer's Report and discussion document of requests for funding
Terry said there was not a lot to report as things had been quiet over the holiday period. There had been very few transactions. The remaining £100 sponsorship from the most recent Jubilee Group event was being earmarked for framing of village mapsto go to the new Village Hall.
Subscriptions collected so far amounted to approximately £750 which was on a par with the same date in previous years. This was about three quarters of the final amount anticipated.
Funding for Speedwatch calibration: costs had risen significantly from £238p.a. to £298p.a. but this increase had been incorporated into funding applications. The ParishCouncil had a meeting the following week and it was hoped a favourable decision would be reached to fund 50% of the costs. The Kenilworth Forum would also be deciding the following week which applications would go forward for consideration.
Terry's BGRA Grant Policy was agreed with minor amendments. Thanks were expressed to Terry for producing this document which set out BGRA Residents’ Association financial position and the fact it is not a grant-making body.
It was agreed that Treasurer, Chair and Secretaries would hold copies of the document. Terry would forward the final version. Action: Terry
Cllr Green asked about the status of the Jubilee Group. Terry explained it had begun as a separate and independent group but when it started doing large scale events which needed an initial financial outlay, it had been agreed the Jubilee Group should become a subcommittee of BGRA. The Jubilee group had to raise funds to support each event. Significant profits were usually made but events needed to break even if possible. Terry gave a comprehensive explanation of the Jubilee Group's finances overthe past few years.
A request had been received from Berkswell Scouts for a contribution to a new scout hut. It was agreed the Policy would be sent to them but we would explain a willingness to assist where possible with any fundraising activities. Action: Terry
3. Residents' views/concerns
A resident had expressed concern about unused cable being left lying around by the BT Open Reach box on the corner of Hob Lane. In spite of several emails, the situation had not improved. Rona agreed to write a letter on behalf of BGRA. Action: Rona
There was a request from residents at Broadwell Wood that they be fully informed about matters regarding the siting of the new Village Hall and car parking. The chair of the Village Hall committee was addressing this.
4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues
5. AGM
To minimise outlay regarding wine and refreshments, Rona had agreed to put up a notice asking for donations.
The formalities of the election were still needed but the committee was keen to make the event more inclusive and less a series of presentations. It was agreed the councillors would be invited to join us but rather than presenting reports they would be there to answer specific questions. A request for questions had been placed in the Bugle and the issues the committee felt would be of interest included: housing (response from PC); HS2 (Andy Gibbs); Village Hall (VH Chair); Traffic to include Speedwatch; Police Matters. Each response should last no more than three minutes.
Publicity: notice had been included in the recent edition of the Bugle and would be sent round on the email loop. BGRA also had a banner which would be updated and placed at the top of Red Lane with A boards also strategically situated. Action: Terry and Rona
6 Village Hall
There was no report
7. HS2 Opposition Group: petition to the House of Lords and possible delay of HS2
The petitions had not been successful. Theresa May, the new Prime Minister, was in favour of HS2. There was still great uncertainty about timing etc. Concerns about costs were resulting in cost cutting. Drilling rigs were in place locally to test the grounds.
8. Parish Councillor's Report
Cllr Green said PC had almost become owners of the playground in Red Lane. Some volunteers were to check it once a month for purposes of insurance.
The PC was short of councillors and needed to co-opt more members as soon as possible.
Cllrs Green and Vine looked at planning applications and felt the Planning Committee at the District Council was becoming stricter.
Thanks were given to Cllr Green for her support at BGRA meetings.
9. Any Other Business
Alex Skarlatas the Warwickshire Smart Start Officer had written asking for help in contacting child care groups etc which met in village halls so that she could visit to offer help. The Toddler group which met in the Village Hall on Thursday mornings was mentioned. It was decided to ask Kathryn Stewart for contact details. Action: Rona
Mary was collecting information about wells in Burton Green for a history project.
10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting
The AGM would be held on October 31st at 7pm
The next committee meeting would take place on November 15th 7.30p.m.at the Village Hall.
Judi would sort out with Vic Stuthridge an early October 2017 date for the next AGM. Action: Judi.
Thanks were expressed to all for attending
Terry Heyes; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor
In attendance: Cllr Caryll Green, Diane Adams
1. Apologies
Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox, Andy Gibbs, Trish Hancock, Diane Swindells, Faith Ward, and Mary Webb
Summary of actions following the meeting | Responsible |
Query about fly tipping from houses backing onto the Greenway | Rona |
Approach PC for full costs of Bugle printing | Rona |
Help with collection of subscriptions in Red Lane | All |
Further sponsorship | Mary |
Walking group suggestion in next edition of Bugle | Mary |
Invitation to councillors to AGM | Judi and Rona |
Request for financial contributions towards AGM refreshments | Rona |
Grant Policy to be forwarded to Treasurer, Chair and Secretaries | Terry |
Response to Berkswell Scout Group | Rona |
Letter to BT Open Reach regarding cable litter | Rona |
Volunteers welcome at Retired of Burton Green lunch October 28th | All |
Query about Christmas tree | Rona and Diane |
The Father Christmas sleigh | Rona |
Publicity for AGM | Rona |
Kathryn Stewart to be asked about toddler group contact details | Rona |
Date for 2017 AGM | Judi |
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the previous meeting of July 12th 2016 were approved.
Matters Arising from the previous minutes
- Joint letter about fly tipping. Rona would follow up the situation with Cllr John Whitehouse who had indicated it was a District Council matter.
- Rona would follow up with the Parish Council whether funding might be available for the full cost of Bugle printing throughout the year.
- Mary and Hilary had agreed to finalise collections in Red Lane but any help would be appreciated.
- Mary would approach Hickory's Smokehouse regarding Bugle sponsorship and/or sponsorship of flower tubs at an appropriate point.
- Walking group article would feature in a future edition of the Bugle.
- New treasurer: Diane Adams had volunteered her services and would be nominated at the AGM.
- Children in Need fundraising pack had been sent for by Hilary.
- Email to be sent to invited speakers.
- An invitation to submit questions for the AGM had been included in the Bugle.
- A card and flowers had been sent to Betty Woodward and the committee was pleased she was now much better.
- A request for financial contributions towards refreshments would be displayed at the AGM.
- Hilary had rung Peter Hallam about the footpath in Red Lane which had now been cleared.
All other matters arising has been covered or were to be agenda items.
2. Treasurer's Report and discussion document of requests for funding
Terry said there was not a lot to report as things had been quiet over the holiday period. There had been very few transactions. The remaining £100 sponsorship from the most recent Jubilee Group event was being earmarked for framing of village mapsto go to the new Village Hall.
Subscriptions collected so far amounted to approximately £750 which was on a par with the same date in previous years. This was about three quarters of the final amount anticipated.
Funding for Speedwatch calibration: costs had risen significantly from £238p.a. to £298p.a. but this increase had been incorporated into funding applications. The ParishCouncil had a meeting the following week and it was hoped a favourable decision would be reached to fund 50% of the costs. The Kenilworth Forum would also be deciding the following week which applications would go forward for consideration.
Terry's BGRA Grant Policy was agreed with minor amendments. Thanks were expressed to Terry for producing this document which set out BGRA Residents’ Association financial position and the fact it is not a grant-making body.
It was agreed that Treasurer, Chair and Secretaries would hold copies of the document. Terry would forward the final version. Action: Terry
Cllr Green asked about the status of the Jubilee Group. Terry explained it had begun as a separate and independent group but when it started doing large scale events which needed an initial financial outlay, it had been agreed the Jubilee Group should become a subcommittee of BGRA. The Jubilee group had to raise funds to support each event. Significant profits were usually made but events needed to break even if possible. Terry gave a comprehensive explanation of the Jubilee Group's finances overthe past few years.
A request had been received from Berkswell Scouts for a contribution to a new scout hut. It was agreed the Policy would be sent to them but we would explain a willingness to assist where possible with any fundraising activities. Action: Terry
3. Residents' views/concerns
A resident had expressed concern about unused cable being left lying around by the BT Open Reach box on the corner of Hob Lane. In spite of several emails, the situation had not improved. Rona agreed to write a letter on behalf of BGRA. Action: Rona
There was a request from residents at Broadwell Wood that they be fully informed about matters regarding the siting of the new Village Hall and car parking. The chair of the Village Hall committee was addressing this.
4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues
- Water pressure. Problems of water pressure persisted in certain parts of the village. Nick Hogue had gathered responses from residents about low water pressure and had collated these to send to Severn Trent.A response had been received which, although it indicated Severn Trent felt they wereproviding an above average service, they were willing to monitor the areas of specific concern and indeed the individual properties. They promised to install "loggers" at the most affected properties to see if they could identify the problems being experienced with a view to solving the issues. Thanks were extended to Nick.
- Overhanging tree.A resident had been concerned about a willow tree in the grounds of the Hickory’s Smokehouse which had been over growing the pavement and obscuring the view of motorists exiting the site. Once concerns had been relayed to the management, the matter had been dealt with promptly and the tree pruned.
- Retired of Burton Green lunchOctober 28th was scheduled as the date of the next Retired of Burton Green lunch. Any volunteers to help Mary and Diane would be welcome.
- Children in Need ramble, October 29th. This did not match the national date as the Green Leek Run was already taking place on that date.
- Chatsworth visit November 23rd. As yet there were not enough people booked on the visit. Money was not being banked until it was certain the visit would go ahead.
- Father Christmas and Christmas tree. For the past few years Rob and Joy Barnes had generously donated a tree for the Jubilee Verge. Diane Swindells would be asked if an approach would be appropriate again.Action: RonaShould Burton Green have its own Father Christmas float? Balsall Common Lions covered only part of the village and as Balsall Common was growing, they found it difficult to continue to include Burton Green in their schedule. It was agreed that the first question would be to ask if the Lions could lend us their sleigh for one night if allmoney collected went to their charities.(Post meeting note: Balsall Common Lions had said this would not be possible) The second option would involve research into the technicalities and legalities of creating a Burton Green sleigh. Both Peter Stanworth with his tuk tuk and Barry Putnam with his 4x4 and trailer were willing to be involved. Volunteers would also beneeded for the collection. There would be an outlay in the first year to create the sleigh etc but this would then be available in subsequent years. Rona would approach the Lions and then feed back to the committee Action: Rona
5. AGM
To minimise outlay regarding wine and refreshments, Rona had agreed to put up a notice asking for donations.
The formalities of the election were still needed but the committee was keen to make the event more inclusive and less a series of presentations. It was agreed the councillors would be invited to join us but rather than presenting reports they would be there to answer specific questions. A request for questions had been placed in the Bugle and the issues the committee felt would be of interest included: housing (response from PC); HS2 (Andy Gibbs); Village Hall (VH Chair); Traffic to include Speedwatch; Police Matters. Each response should last no more than three minutes.
Publicity: notice had been included in the recent edition of the Bugle and would be sent round on the email loop. BGRA also had a banner which would be updated and placed at the top of Red Lane with A boards also strategically situated. Action: Terry and Rona
6 Village Hall
There was no report
7. HS2 Opposition Group: petition to the House of Lords and possible delay of HS2
The petitions had not been successful. Theresa May, the new Prime Minister, was in favour of HS2. There was still great uncertainty about timing etc. Concerns about costs were resulting in cost cutting. Drilling rigs were in place locally to test the grounds.
8. Parish Councillor's Report
Cllr Green said PC had almost become owners of the playground in Red Lane. Some volunteers were to check it once a month for purposes of insurance.
The PC was short of councillors and needed to co-opt more members as soon as possible.
Cllrs Green and Vine looked at planning applications and felt the Planning Committee at the District Council was becoming stricter.
Thanks were given to Cllr Green for her support at BGRA meetings.
9. Any Other Business
Alex Skarlatas the Warwickshire Smart Start Officer had written asking for help in contacting child care groups etc which met in village halls so that she could visit to offer help. The Toddler group which met in the Village Hall on Thursday mornings was mentioned. It was decided to ask Kathryn Stewart for contact details. Action: Rona
Mary was collecting information about wells in Burton Green for a history project.
10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting
The AGM would be held on October 31st at 7pm
The next committee meeting would take place on November 15th 7.30p.m.at the Village Hall.
Judi would sort out with Vic Stuthridge an early October 2017 date for the next AGM. Action: Judi.
Thanks were expressed to all for attending
Residents' Association
Monday, 12 September 2016
Warwick District Local Plan - Proposed Building at Westwood Heath
WDC has provided the following information on how representations concerning how the proposed local plan modifications have been dealt with.
The Council has not made any individual responses to the representations received during the modifications, but did pass them all to the Inspector who is considering the soundness of the plan and its modifications. Representations concerning Westwood Heath are available to view here.
The questions and concerns people raised will in turn have helped him draw up a list of detailed questions that will be addressed during the forthcoming local plan examination in public, which is due to start during the last week in September and which runs until December.
A number of statements have now been produced by all parties interested in participating in the examination hearings. The statements are available to view on this page. Please scroll down to Written Statements – Resumed Hearings. A number of written statements concerning the Westwood Heath site can be seen here. The former page also contains details of the hearing dates and times and the inspector’s matters and issues paper, containing the questions he has about various topics.
There is an evidence base available to view for both the submitted plan and the modifications. The main evidence base page is here and the Local Plan examination evidence base page is here, which also contains the documents and evidence prepared for the proposed modifications.
For example, this particular PDF document (which is listed among the written statements) includes numerous annotated photos of Westwood Heath Road and proposed developments:
This map, included in that document, shows proposals for the area immediately behind Cromwell Lane (the old sports field)...
Related Housing Articles
Warwick DC Local Plan - Westwood Heath (Feb 2016):
Coventry Local Plan - Cromwell Lane (Jan 2016):
Solihull Local Plan - Balsall Common(Aug 2016):
The Council has not made any individual responses to the representations received during the modifications, but did pass them all to the Inspector who is considering the soundness of the plan and its modifications. Representations concerning Westwood Heath are available to view here.
The questions and concerns people raised will in turn have helped him draw up a list of detailed questions that will be addressed during the forthcoming local plan examination in public, which is due to start during the last week in September and which runs until December.
A number of statements have now been produced by all parties interested in participating in the examination hearings. The statements are available to view on this page. Please scroll down to Written Statements – Resumed Hearings. A number of written statements concerning the Westwood Heath site can be seen here. The former page also contains details of the hearing dates and times and the inspector’s matters and issues paper, containing the questions he has about various topics.
There is an evidence base available to view for both the submitted plan and the modifications. The main evidence base page is here and the Local Plan examination evidence base page is here, which also contains the documents and evidence prepared for the proposed modifications.
For example, this particular PDF document (which is listed among the written statements) includes numerous annotated photos of Westwood Heath Road and proposed developments:
This map, included in that document, shows proposals for the area immediately behind Cromwell Lane (the old sports field)...
Related Housing Articles
Warwick DC Local Plan - Westwood Heath (Feb 2016):
Coventry Local Plan - Cromwell Lane (Jan 2016):
Solihull Local Plan - Balsall Common(Aug 2016):
Local Plan,
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Brexit and HS2
Updated 9th September.
From the Daily Telegraph, 8th September:
Chancellor of the Exchequer appears to rule out spending on big infrastructure projects.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, will deliver his first Autumn Statement, the budget, on Wednesday 23rd November. Mr Hammond, speaking before the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee last week, said that:
Britain's roads and railways are in line for a multi-billion pound boost to help cushion the impact of the Brexit vote. But any fiscal stimulus delivered by the Government would provide a “quick” boost to the economy, be “well designed” and “limited in duration”.
Mr Hammond appeared to rule out spending on big intrastructure projects.
Mr Hammond said "modest" projects would be more beneficial to the economy, citing the UK’s fiscal position and the lengthy time needed to start large projects.
Complete article:
These are some extracts from reports that appeared in some of the media on Friday (22nd July):
Daily Mail:
Financial Times:
"Billions of pounds’ worth of public projects will have to be scrapped because of a tidal wave of pressures from an impending Brexit.
The comptroller and auditor general of the National Audit Office, Sir Amyas Morse, said the government would have to treat leaving the EU as an emergency and that government departments would be forced to decide which plans could be cancelled or suspended. Major projects such as the Hinkley Point C nuclear plant, a third runway at Heathrow and the ambitious HS2 rail project would have to be reassessed as the government decides which can be done without.
Ministerial ambition also made it hard for the government to think rationally about which projects were “must have” and which were “would like” and expendable, he said.
We need to ask ourselves, can the public sector deliver Hinkley Point C, a third runway, HS2, a northern powerhouse, nuclear decommissioning, Trident renewal and restoration and renewal of the Palace of Westminster all at the same time? All these projects are drawing on the same pool of skills and many of these contain optimism bias that they will be able to meet their skill needs at an appropriate cost, he said, while declining to speculate on which should be scrapped."
Full reports:
From the Daily Telegraph, 8th September:
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, will deliver his first Autumn Statement, the budget, on Wednesday 23rd November. Mr Hammond, speaking before the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee last week, said that:
Britain's roads and railways are in line for a multi-billion pound boost to help cushion the impact of the Brexit vote. But any fiscal stimulus delivered by the Government would provide a “quick” boost to the economy, be “well designed” and “limited in duration”.
Mr Hammond appeared to rule out spending on big intrastructure projects.
Mr Hammond said "modest" projects would be more beneficial to the economy, citing the UK’s fiscal position and the lengthy time needed to start large projects.
Complete article:
Daily Mail:
Financial Times:
"Billions of pounds’ worth of public projects will have to be scrapped because of a tidal wave of pressures from an impending Brexit.
The comptroller and auditor general of the National Audit Office, Sir Amyas Morse, said the government would have to treat leaving the EU as an emergency and that government departments would be forced to decide which plans could be cancelled or suspended. Major projects such as the Hinkley Point C nuclear plant, a third runway at Heathrow and the ambitious HS2 rail project would have to be reassessed as the government decides which can be done without.
Ministerial ambition also made it hard for the government to think rationally about which projects were “must have” and which were “would like” and expendable, he said.
We need to ask ourselves, can the public sector deliver Hinkley Point C, a third runway, HS2, a northern powerhouse, nuclear decommissioning, Trident renewal and restoration and renewal of the Palace of Westminster all at the same time? All these projects are drawing on the same pool of skills and many of these contain optimism bias that they will be able to meet their skill needs at an appropriate cost, he said, while declining to speculate on which should be scrapped."
Full reports:
Saturday, 10 September 2016
Friday, 2 September 2016
Bugle September 2016
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page,
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
Residents' Association
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