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Sunday, 25 December 2016

Water Supply Problems

Rona Taylor, on behalf of the Residents' Association, has been in contact with Severn Trent.

Severn Trent will be at the village hall on Wednesday 22nd February - 3.30 - 6.30 to enable residents to ask questions, seek assurances etc - and understand what happened to disrupt the water supply.

The following letter was sent by Severn Trent to the Residents' Association on January 18th (and was included within the Residents' Association Minutes):
"Thank you for your email and the feedback given. It’s always nice to receive positive feedback and I’ve fed this back to those involved in your case. 
I’m pleased to see that the issues you and the other residents have been experienced should be resolved soon. I was concerned to learn that Western Power were not able to fix the fault last week, but I’d like to assure you that we’re working with them to help identify the faults so that it can be repaired as soon as possible. 
My team also assures me that whilst the investigation is ongoing we do have a process in place to keep supply disruption to a minimum. 
In light of the inconvenience caused by the supply interruptions and sewer blockages I’d like to make a gesture of goodwill offer of £500.....
The Residents' Association has also been concerned about the verge and fencing in Red lane which was destroyed getting the generator onto site - ST has assured us that this will be put back "as good as new".

Many customers will have received a letter from Severn Trent, on January 14th.

The state of the problem, as of January 13th, was:

"Severn Trent were hoping that the work being done by Western Power would be completed today (Fridday 13th). When the generator was switched off the water went off! So the problem has not been solved. The water supply is back on generator to maintain water supply at peak times. Severn Trent is booking the village hall and someone will come and speak with residents. The Residents' Association will let you know when this will happen."

The state of the problem, as of the morning of Friday 6th, appeared to be:

The information from Severn Trent, as of January 4th, was:

"Western Power have identified that the problem is caused by the power supply to the Hob Lane booster. Severn Trent and Western Power will be there until 8.0pm Wednesday 4th and again Thursday 5th 5.0am-8.0pm. Severn Trent have an emergency generator and if they do switch to it there will be a very brief interruption of supply."

The original problem recurred on January 3rd:

An earlier response from Severn Trent was:

"We believe the issue is being caused by the power supply to our kit as there seems to be no problem with the boosters themselves, and so we’re currently on site with Western Power trying to get to the bottom of the issue.

We’d like to apologise again for the issues that local residents faced over the Christmas period as we absolutely understand just how difficult it must have been for everyone.

We’re happy to keep you up to date with the situation as we work with Western Power to get everything back to normal."

Rona's additional comments are:

"The recent problem is independent of the on going problem we have been dealing with and is caused by one of the two boosters in Red Lane. Severn Trent thought they had rectified this on Christmas Day, but it crashed again , leading them to believe it is a power cable problem. So Western Power are currently working on the problem too. Western Power want to put loggers on the site for 7 days and it could be that there will be a brief (less than 5 minute) interruption while they take the boosters down. They are putting a generator on the site."


It's Christmas Day and we have no water.

The problem was fixed by midday...

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Father Christmas' Sleigh

Friday, December 16th 2016

The Balsall Common Lions together with the Burton Green Residents' Association bring Santa and his Sleigh to Burton Green.

Stopping places have been arranged along the route.  Please bring children to these points if they wish to sit with Father Christmas on his sleigh.

  • Times are approximate but we hope to keep as near as possible to the schedule.
  • The village hall will be open from 4.30 until 9.00pm.  Mince pies and drinks will be available if you wish to drop in.
  • Collectors will be knocking on doors; all money collected will go to the Myton Hospices.  A food bank is at the Village Hall from the 12th to 16th of December for any Christmas donations.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Major New A46 Link Road Through Westwood Heath

You may have seen a report on the Coventry Telegraph concerning plans for a link road from the A46 to the A452.

Full report in the Coventry Telegraph:

Precise details of the proposed route have not been made public. How could the A46 and Westwood Heath Road be linked to the A452? One solution would be to connect Westwood Heath Road to Hallmeadow Road, Balsall Common, as shown here.

 It should be emphasised that the routes shown are purely speculative.

Westwood Heath Road and Hallmeadow Road have both already been designed and built to high capacity standards.

Hallmeadow Road was originally intended to form part of a Balsall Common bypass, though that work was not completed, and the road currently takes virtually no traffic off the A452.

If a link to Westwood Heath Road was constructed then some of the traffic that currently uses the A452 could be diverted via Westwood Heath Road and on to the A46. Traffic taken off the A452 would also relieve congestion in Kenilworth.

A new road between Balsall Common and Westwood Heath would also remove much of the traffic that currently passes through Burton Green.

The original statement from Warwick District Council can be seen in the link just below. This is a link to a downloadable PDF file:

The justification for building the new road may be related to the future of HS2. The current political climate is highly volatile and nothing is certain.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Bugle December 2016

The December 2016 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page,

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

HS2 Ground Surveys

Planned surveys along the Greenway during December...