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Monday, 16 September 2019

Minutes of Residents Association Committee September 11th 2019

Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; and Mary Webb

Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting

Apologies had been received from Dianne Adams, Paddy Deeley

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Ask Peter Hallam again about rubble in Hob Lane as the problem was recurringRona
Send to Parish Council (PC) HS2 response to letter about house in Hodgett’s LaneJudi
Contact Chair of Village Hall (VH) committee re websiteRona
Contact representative of Broadwells Wood re dust problemRona
Email PC about dust complaint (as above)Judi
Email PC regarding HS2 parking problemsJudi
Sort out who is standing down and those willing to be re-elected at AGMJanet
Invite councillors, police and school head to AGM as guestsJudi and Rona
Establish date for 2020 AGM and book roomJudi
Book VH 18 Dec 2020 for Santa SleighJudi
Canvass opinion in Red Lane re shelterRona
Introduce shelter topic at AGMRona
Ask Peter Hallam about the safety aspect of the shelterRona
Add HS2 Community Fund discussion to AGMRona
Add HS2 Community Fund discussion to Nov meetingJudi
Refreshments at AGMMary and Hilary
Purchase spring bulbsMary and Hilary
Arrange with school the Christmas card competitionFaith

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of July 17th meeting

The minutes of the meeting were approved.

1. Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Police Watch – link completed
  • Letter to Hedgerow Nursery - completed
  • Contact with Cheryl about website - to be actioned
  • Minor wording changes to donations policy - completed
  • Finalising of Welcome Leaflet, printing and distribution - completed
  • Clarify the re-route of the Greenway – awaiting details
  • HS2 Community Fund to be added to September agenda – carried forward to November
  • Contact William Slater - completed
  • Copies of the Bugle to Cala Homes - completed
  • Weed killer to be purchased to use on the Jubilee verge - completed

All other matters arising were to be agenda items.

2. Village Hall Update

Cheryl was unable to attend but said there was nothing new to report.

3. Treasurer’s Report

See: Treasurer’s Report

Dianne had sent her apologies but a report had been circulated.

4. Residents’ views/concerns

  • A complaint had been received from Broadwells Wood residents about the dust caused by HS2 works on the pipeline. Cllr Gibbs said the pipeline work was almost completed but there remained work to do on the diversion of the Greenway and then the construction of the new Village Hall. Rona would contact residents to signpost them to the HS2 Helpline to complain about insufficient attention to dust management and to refer to the Code of Construction Practice. The PC would also be informed. Action: Rona
  • Dangerous parking by HS2 contractors was causing traffic problems in Hodgett’s Lane. It was agreed to report this to the HS2 Helpline.
  • A resident had reported the difficulty in contacting HS2 with complaints Email: mailto:HS2enquiries@hs2.org.uk Freephone: 08081 434 434
  • A resident had reported two lampposts were not working in Cromwell Lane.  Residents should make a note of the lamp post number and contact Warwick District Council:  https://www.warwickdc.gov.uk/reportstreetlighting  Or phone 01926 456076

5. AGM Sep 30th planning

  • The banner had been amended to the 2019 date and would be erected at the top of Red Lane.
  • Mary and Hilary agreed to arrange refreshments. Action: Mary and Hilary
  • HS2 had agreed to put their presentation about the tunnel on a loop to be shown at the AGM with someone available to answer questions.
  • The committee agreed that no vote was needed regarding selection of the charity to receive funds from the Santa Sleigh collection as it was unanimously agreed to donate to Warwickshire Air Ambulance.

6. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

  • Former air raid warden’s shelter. Rona provided a brief history of the structure and explained the costs she had researched should it be decided to attempt restoration. Questions were asked about whether this was a good use of finances (although the costs might be sought from external sources) and whether there was a general consensus in the community that the shelter needed restoration.  There were concerns as to whether the roof contained asbestos. It was agreed it was an eyesore in its current state and it was decided that Peter Hallam should be asked about its safety.  Residents on the opposite side of the road should be canvassed to find their opinions. Action: Rona
  • Cala homes had agreed to buy a bench and, if it was decided to demolish the structure, the bench should at least bear a plaque referring to the air raid warden’s shelter.
  • Cala Homes update on the site. Three houses were now occupied. The entrance to the site is being adapted and Cala Homes reported the need to trim back the hedges to allow for visibility. This will need further discussion. The PC is likely to be putting together a proposition regarding the speed limit and signage at the top of Red Lane as both the Greenway diversion and Cala Homes site will impact on the road.
  • Bulbs on the verge. It was agreed to spend up to £100 on the purchase and planting of spring bulbs. Action: Hilary and Mary
  • HS2 letter reply. Following concerns expressed by the Residents’ Association regarding the empty property at 36 Hodgett’s Lane, this response was received from Stephen Leigh, the HS2 Interface Manager:

Thank you for your email. I have now heard from my colleague and can respond as follows:
I have been informed that 36 Hodgetts Lane is to be kept vacant due to the level of costs being required to bring this up to a lettable standard. 
I can, however, give you a bit more background on the £20,000 limit in relation to this property. HS2 has to ensure that any property it lets out meets the required standards. The property requires complex works that will cost over £20,000 and as such this will require tendering and sign off by Department for Transport (DfT). We have carried out a budget cost exercise and the costs identified far exceeds this limit. As such our financial model has proven that carrying out the works will not be value for money. As a publicly funded organisation we have to ensure that any spend represents good value for money for the taxpayer.
We have reviewed the costs in detail and cannot proceed with the works due to reasons set out above. Community use was suggested as there may be grants or funding available that we, as HS2 Ltd, cannot access. This option is still available and HS2 would be glad to discuss this further should some form of community use be found for this property. HS2 is examining options for potentially disposing of the property earlier but this is subject to approvals being sought from DfT. The current stance from HS2 is that unfortunately this property is likely to remain vacant until one year after the line is operational.
If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact me.

  • VE DAY May 8th, 2020. It had been agreed to work with the VH committee to arrange an event on May 8th, 2020.  Mary had booked the Hall. Ideas included a lunch with entertainment, but the final details were to be agreed with representatives of the VH.
  • HS2 fund – what should we ask for? Suggestions included landscaping and a play area on top of the tunnel.
  • A problem was highlighted as being unable to apply for funding until the tunnel was completed. The query about choice of projects would be raised at the AGM. It was felt important to liaise with e Neighbourhood Plan group.

7. Greenway Trust update

There was no update.

8. Parish Councillor's Report

There was nothing to report as the PC had not met during the summer. Visibility splays at the entrance to Cala Homes site would be raised at the next P.C. meeting.

9. Any Other Business

  • It was reported that the dog waste bin at the Cromwell Land entrance to the Greenway was overflowing and people continued to place bags on the top of the bin.  This had been reported and it would be emptied within the next 2 weeks.
  • The Christmas card competition for the schoolchildren would be overseen by Faith as the winning entry needed to be at the printers by prior to the next committee meeting. Action: Hilary
  • Santa’s Sleigh collection would take place on Friday December 13th. As dance classes were taking place at the VH, the Green Room would be used at the start of the evening.
  • A Christmas tree would be purchased in December.
  • A litter pick would start from the bridge on Cromwell Lane at 10.30 on October 13th.
  • The next Residents’ lunch was scheduled for October 4th.

10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

The next committee meeting was scheduled for AGM Sept 30th Nov 27th

Monday, 9 September 2019

HS2 Community Event 11th September

Two events are being organised by HS2 on September 11th.

The first event is between 1pm and 3pm. This was originally intended for the Greenway Group but has been broadened out so others can also attend.

The second event is between 4pm and 6pm. This is being run by LM as a drop in type session with the 3D model of the Greenway also present.

The agenda will be:

1.      Introductions
2.      Terms of Reference
3.      Background
4.      LM 3D Model Demonstration
5.      Winter Clearance
6.      BBV Update on Design Engagement
7.      Future Engagement in the Area
8.      Questions

Original Notice

We have been informed by HS2 that they will be holding a drop in meeting on Wednesday September 11th, 1pm -3pm when they will be demonstrating their digital modelling of what the area of Burton Green affected by HS2 will look like after construction is completed.

Update 7th September

Some residents have just received a notice from HS2 regarding the meeting on 11th September stating that the session runs from  4pm - 6pm with 3D model demonstrations about the Greenway works being shown at 4:15pm and 5:15pm.

This is a different time and not quite the subject matter that HS2 originally agreed to present.  They originally agreed to demonstrate a 'digital model of the Scheme Design for the railway in the Burton Green area with a future event to demonstrate a digital model of the Temporary Greenway'; this event  was never intended to be solely about The Greenway.

It is of course possible that this event is in addition to the one originally scheduled from 1pm to 3pm and if so then this should have been included on the original notice.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

HS2 Mammoth Overruns

It has been a hectic week at Westminster and a very good time for the Government to bury bad news.

The timescales for HS2 delivery have been set back again. The delivery of the Birmingham phase may now be five years behind schedule.

Full report:

An interesting consequence of this is that an extended timescale may incur yet further cost increases over and above those already conceded.

Coffee, Cake, Computers........and Chat

Coffee Cakes and Computers is changing!

New time, new venture. We will now be starting at 10.00 and finishing at 12.00.

We will be starting on Tuesday 10th September.

We will continue to offer information and support on all matters relating to IT gadgets, but we will also be offering Coffee, Cake and Chat for those who would like to come to the village hall just for some company. We will have a pack of cards, a chess set and various board games for anyone wishing to just come along and enjoy some social interaction.  If you wish, you can bring your own games.

At our meeting on Tuesday 24th September, we will be making a presentation about home security when we will be explaining some technical and non-technical ways to improve your home security.

At £3.00 per session for tea or coffee and a slice of cake, it’s a bargain and (we feel) much more interesting than sitting in Costa!  Come and join us!

You will all be very welcome.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Bugle - September 2019

The September 2019 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.