Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Janet Hickinbottom; Mary Webb.
1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (January 24th 2022)
Apologies had been received from Judi Hibberd, Peter Stanworth, Rona Taylor, Cheryl Wall and Faith Ward.
Mary Webb chaired the meeting.
Summary of actions following the meeting | Responsible |
Ask Lesley Tacon for details of damage to school hedge | Janet |
Relay to Peter Stanworth committee response regarding viewing platform | Janet |
Further details for the Queen’s Platinum celebration | The organising committee |
Alice to be asked to arrange a defibrillator training session | Mary |
Burrow Hill green space questionnaire to be circulated on the email loop | Paddy |
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of January 24th 2022 meeting
Matters Arising from the previous minutes:
- Traffic lights timing – Paddy. Resolved.
- Temporary road signs in Hodgett’s Lane – Rona (removed the day following the last meeting without intervention)
- Large pothole in Hodgett’s Lane – Rona. Completed.
- Platinum celebration details – agenda item
- Letter of thanks to litter pickers – Rona. Completed.
- Examples of village entrance gates – all. Ongoing.
- Locate cornet player – all. Mary finalising.
- Santa Sleigh proceeds to be sent – Mary. Completed by Balsall Common Lions and acknowledgements received.
- Order dog mess signs – Hilary. Printed and ready to erect.
- The minutes of the January 2022 meeting were approved.
2. Village Hall
Cheryl had sent her apologies.
The Hall build had started!
3. Treasurer’s Report
A report had been circulated as follows:
BGRA Accounts as at 24 March 2022
Current Account net balance: £ 4,789.93
Deposit Account net balance: £1006.22
Total Funds (A): £5796.15
Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent):-
Defibrillator: £ 149.56
Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £5646.59
For Information:
Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting:
Costs for Residents’ Lunches - £120.76
March Bugle Printing - £428
WC Hire for Queen’s Platinum Event - £243
Income Since Last Meeting:
Parish Council contribution to BGRA - £2887
Profit from Residents’ Lunches - £41.24
Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2022 - £5.60
Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts and for her help with aspects of the upcoming Queen’s Platinum Jubilee event.
4. Residents’ views/concerns
There had been some complaints about noise from HS2’s generators.
A query was raised about damage to the school hedge in Hob Lane caused by a vehicle. Janet was asked to enquire if the hedge belonged to the school and whether an insurance claim was involved. Janet would ask Lesley Tacon, one of the school governors. Action: Janet
(Post meeting note: Lesley made enquiries via the Head Teacher who confirmed that the hedge was the property of the school. The damage was inspected at the time of the accident and it was decided the boundary was secure and there was no need for any work to be carried out.)
Fly tipping remained a problem in Hodgett’s Lane and there was one layby in particular that was regularly used for the dumping of rubbish. Residents generally informed Solihull MBC about incidents.
Warwickshire residents will soon have to pay for their garden waste to be collected in a move that will generate tens of thousands for the local council. From August 1, 2022, a £20 subscription will be required for customers who opt for a fortnightly green bin collection until the end of March 2023. The annual cost after this would be £44. It was not fully understood how this would be administered.
A new flashing sign had been erected in Hodgett’s Lane near the crossroads with Waste Lane as a previous sign had been damaged by passing lorries.
5. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues
• Community Fund from BBV – entrance gates; flower tubs
Committee members had been asked to look out for examples of village entrance gates. (Ongoing)
It was reported that BBV tend to provide people and time rather than money.
A request had been made to save some of the coping stones as the Cromwell Lane bridge was dismantled so that they could be re-used in a future project but there was some doubt as to whether the stones had been saved.
• HS2 issues
Peter Stanworth had submitted the following report:
Bentonite. There have been questions about the black towers that have been erected just off the line of the track between Cromwell Lane and Waste Lane. These store Bentonite. Bentonite is a mineral volcanic ash which has been allowed to weather. When mixed with water it forms a paste or slurry. It expands to 8 times its volume and is therefore very good at providing a sealant in rough surfaces like a wall of soil. A mass of the slurry in a trench provides a bolster to the walls and thus prevents them falling into the trench. It is being used for producing the HS2 tunnel walls in Burton Green. The slurry is stored in the black silos. Some silos contain the clean slurry whilst others contain the contaminated slurry mixed with dirt etc. awaiting cleaning, reprocessing and then reuse.
Construction. There are two main types of work being undertaken. The tunnel walls (so called diaphragm walls) are being fashioned and the roof will be added later. Secondly at either end the walls are extended by interlocking piles (secant piles). Residents have commented about the pair of straight wall structures extending north from Cromwell Lane bridge. These are not foundations but a pair of guide walls for the machinery which makes the tunnel walls. A trench is dug out between the walls and filled with Bentonite. When the trench has reached the appropriate depth reinforcing cages are dropped into the trench and sink to the bottom. Concrete is then poured into the base using a long hose which reaches to the base of the trench. Bentonite being lighter floats to the surface, is pumped out as the concrete wall rises, and then recycled in the plant. Once the walls have been formed then the roof of the tunnel will be cast between them.
At either end of the tunnel the walls are formed from concrete piles. The guide walls in these cases are single with a scalloped inner surface. One of the walls can be clearly seen from the Waste Lane bridge. These guide the piling machine. Alternate holes are made to a depth of 10 metres and then concrete poured to produce a concrete pillar, known as a secondary pillar. The primary pillar that holds the whole structure together is drilled in between the existing secondary ones. It cuts a bite out of the adjacent pillar so that they are locked together and goes down to a greater depth of 15metres. It also contains reinforcing bars so that the whole structure is rigid and strong. They will extend some way from the north portal within the retained cutting to protect the surrounding land.
In addition, some piling work is currently being undertaken to avoid subsidence next to the residences on the west side of the cutting around the bridge.
Discussion is being undertaken for a viewing window/platform. There is no room for one on the Cromwell Lane bridge but the rear of the current village hall is being considered. One sited there would also provide parking facilities.
The vibration in some houses close to the workings mentioned by some residents was due to the compacting of crushed stone for the piling machine. It has now been completed and should therefore not cause a further problem
We have a very good relationship with BBV. If you have any questions do approach them on the helpdesk number (08081-434-434)
Thanks would be sent to Peter with a request to submit a condensed version of the report for the next edition of the Bugle.
• Possible viewing tower behind current village hall.
The committee had been asked to consider the erection of a viewing platform to the rear of the current Village Hall. (See Peter’s report above.)
Discussion took place and various comments were put forward including concerns regarding safety; whether hall users would object to residents and others visiting the hall surroundings while the hall was in use (and possibly affecting safeguarding issues); the need to obtain HS2 approval which could be a long process; and whether viewing from other places such as the bridge in Cromwell Lane already afforded sufficient viewing.
The committee did not disapprove the concept of a viewing area but felt the situation behind the current hall was not appropriate.
Janet would relay this response to peter Stanworth. Action: Janet
• Platinum Jubilee Celebration with the Village Hall
Mary reported that everything was in hand with the Circus Mash and temporary toilets booked. A flyer had been circulated with the recent edition of the Bugle and it was agreed more notices would be needed nearer the event; the police would supply traffic cones. Access to power needed to be arranged.
Dianne would arrange the finances. A further meeting of the organisers would take place shortly.
Action: the organising committee
• Bugle
The March Bugle ran to 6 x A4 pages, one of which was advert for the Platinum Jubilee Community Celebrations. This was cheaper and more manageable than printing and inserting a separate sheet.
• Training first aid session for defibrillator
It was agreed another training event was needed as the last one had been over two years ago. Alice would be asked if a date later in the year could be offered. Action: Mary
• Priorities for precept money
Bugle funding
Jubilee verge maintenance
Cost of defibrillator training session
6. Greenway Trust Update
The dog mess signs had been obtained and locations now needed to be agreed.
7. Parish Councillor's Report
The Neighbourhood Plan had been accepted with a 29.6% turnout of voters. 9 people had opposed it and 290 agreed. The Parish Council had sent out a questionnaire asking for residents’ views on the use of the green space at the Burow Hill site. So far 26 responses had been received. Paddy agreed to circulate the link again on the email loop. Action: Paddy
Some residents were unhappy that children in Burton Green had not received offers of secondary school places in Kenilworth. The alternative offer was in Leamington Spa.
8. Any Other Business
The Electoral Services Manager at Warwick District Council had sent Rona a list of all the properties within roads in the parish and a schedule detailing total properties and electorate. (997 electors in 424 properties)
10. Date of next Meeting
The next committee meeting was scheduled for May 23rd
Other meetings would take place in 2022 as follows:
July 25
Sept 26
AGM Oct 10th
Nov 28