A draft version of the Burton Green Neighbourhood Development Plan has been published for public consultation.
The document can be viewed on the Parish Council website, here:
Complete details for submitting comments about the plan can be viewed on the Parish Council website, here:
Thursday, 19 December 2019
Sunday, 8 December 2019
Bugle - December 2019
The December 2019 edition of the Bugle has been published.
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
John Webb
Saturday, 7 December 2019
Burton Green Village Choir Christmas Concert
Please come along to our third Christmas Concert
20th December 7.30pm
Burton Green Village Hall CV8 1PH
Under the direction of Seb Farrall
A Wassailing Evening
Song and More !
£10 (Children free)
Including a complimentary glass
of Wassail Cup and seasonal puddings,
pastries and cheese etc.
BYO Drink and Glasses
Do join us to start the Christmas celebrations!
If you require details 02476464188 or 02476422977 or a choir member
New male and female members welcome
to join our new programme in the New Year.
No auditions required.
Meeting Monday 5.30-6.30pm details 024 7642 2977
John Webb
Sunday, 1 December 2019
Draft Minutes of Residents' Association Committee November 27th 2019
Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.
In attendance: Cheryl Wall, Chair of Village Hall committee (and Charlie the dog).
1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting
Apologies had been received from Paddy Deeley, Helen Hehir and Rona Taylor.
Summary of actions following the meeting
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of September 11th meeting
The minutes of the meeting were approved.
Matters Arising from the previous minutes
All other matters arising were to be agenda items.
2. Village Hall Update
Cheryl said meetings or telephone conferences were now being held monthly with HS2. HS2 wanted the hall vacated in October 2020 and demolished by December 2020. The architects had said this was feasible but unlikely especially as most hold ups were caused by HS2. A survey and architectural reports were needed before tenders could be issued for the building of the new hall and after that HS2 would need to approve builders’ quotes.
Ownership of the site was not possible until the pipeline construction team had handed back the land to HS2. Also, a written funding agreement needed to be in place to safeguard the hall trustees.
Investigations continued into landscaping, especially with regard to native trees suitable for use in car parks.
A bid had been made to the HS2 Community Environment Fund for the design and build of some stained-glass panels for the new hall.
Events: the trustees had held a successful development session looking at how the committee could work more efficiently and effectively and had resulted in a list of objectives. It was important to strive for a balance between community events and fund-raising activities. The Produce Show, quizzes and lunch for the retired would continue. It was suggested that although members of different committees and organisations worked together on an ad hoc basis, more collaborative working would be beneficial.
Q. Was the new hall to be on mains sewage?
This remained a problem as Severn Trent would not consider a link to the Cala site sewage system until the Cala site was completed.
Ideas were needed for use of the Red Lane site at the bottom of the field in between the hall and the current Greenway. A community orchard was one suggestion. This formed part of the Neighbourhood Plan consultation and needed to fit in with village plans.
Thanks were given to Cheryl for attending.
3. Treasurer's Report
See: Treasurer's Report
A report had been circulated. Dianne highlighted the items of expenditure: bulbs, weed killer, litter pickers, salt and pepper mill plus printing of welcome letter and of September Bugle.
Cllr Gibbs was asked if a larger grant could be requested because the £1275 this year had just about been spent. It was agreed to submit a larger claim to incorporate a new box for the defibrillator and increased costs for the the printing of the Bugle because of the amount of new housing to be delivered to and price increases at the printers. Judi would submit the application form. Action: Judi
4. Residents’ views/concerns
5. AGM review
Thanks were given to Janet and Judi for conducting the AGM so efficiently and at short notice in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair. There had been good attendance.
6. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues
7. Greenway Trust update
Negotiations were taking place regarding the crossings for the re-routed Greenway across Red Lane and Hob Lane and positioning of crossing light indicators suitable for horse riders.
8. Parish Councillor's Report
The Neighbour hood Plan was being approved to go to preliminary consultations.
9. Any Other Business
Children in Need ramble. Mary suggested this as an activity for 2020. Mary would liaise with local walkers to decide on a suitable route. Judi would add it to the March agenda. Action: Judi
Some broken recycling boxes were reported on Cromwell Lane. Andy agreed to remove them if possible. Action: Andy
10. Date of 2020 Meetings
The next committee meetings were scheduled for
January 22nd
March 4th
May 13th
July 15th
September 9th
AGM September 9th
November 25th
Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.
In attendance: Cheryl Wall, Chair of Village Hall committee (and Charlie the dog).
1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting
Apologies had been received from Paddy Deeley, Helen Hehir and Rona Taylor.
Summary of actions following the meeting
Summary of actions following the meeting | Responsible |
Application for grant from PC | Judi |
Availability of flood warning sign for Hob Lane | Mary |
Report to PC mess opposite entrance to Cala site | Judi |
Ask Chris Langton to register as a Santa Sleigh volunteer | Judi |
Arrange for flyers about Santa Sleigh at Hickory Smokehouse | Mary |
Christmas tree decisions | Mary |
Add to March agenda item about Children in Need ramble | Judi |
Disposal of broken recycling boxes in Cromwell Lane | Andy |
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of September 11th meeting
The minutes of the meeting were approved.
Matters Arising from the previous minutes
- Ask Peter Hallam again about rubble in Hob Lane as the problem was recurring – Rona (completed)
- Send to Parish Council (PC) HS2 response to letter about house in Hodgett’s Lane – Judi (completed)
- Contact Chair of Village Hall (VH) committee re website – Rona (completed)
- Contact representative of Broadwells Wood re dust problem – Rona (completed)
- Email PC about dust complaint – Judi(completed)
- Email PC regarding HS2 parking problems – Judi (completed)
- Sort out who is standing down and those willing to be re-elected at AGM – Janet (completed)
- Invite councillors, police and school head to AGM as guests – Judi (completed)
- Establish date for 2020 AGM and book room – Judi (completed)
- Book VH 18 Dec 2020 for Santa Sleigh – Judi (completed)
- Canvass opinion in Red Lane re shelter – Rona (completed)
- Introduce shelter topic at AGM – Rona (completed)
All other matters arising were to be agenda items.
2. Village Hall Update
Cheryl said meetings or telephone conferences were now being held monthly with HS2. HS2 wanted the hall vacated in October 2020 and demolished by December 2020. The architects had said this was feasible but unlikely especially as most hold ups were caused by HS2. A survey and architectural reports were needed before tenders could be issued for the building of the new hall and after that HS2 would need to approve builders’ quotes.
Ownership of the site was not possible until the pipeline construction team had handed back the land to HS2. Also, a written funding agreement needed to be in place to safeguard the hall trustees.
Investigations continued into landscaping, especially with regard to native trees suitable for use in car parks.
A bid had been made to the HS2 Community Environment Fund for the design and build of some stained-glass panels for the new hall.
Events: the trustees had held a successful development session looking at how the committee could work more efficiently and effectively and had resulted in a list of objectives. It was important to strive for a balance between community events and fund-raising activities. The Produce Show, quizzes and lunch for the retired would continue. It was suggested that although members of different committees and organisations worked together on an ad hoc basis, more collaborative working would be beneficial.
Q. Was the new hall to be on mains sewage?
This remained a problem as Severn Trent would not consider a link to the Cala site sewage system until the Cala site was completed.
Ideas were needed for use of the Red Lane site at the bottom of the field in between the hall and the current Greenway. A community orchard was one suggestion. This formed part of the Neighbourhood Plan consultation and needed to fit in with village plans.
Thanks were given to Cheryl for attending.
3. Treasurer's Report
See: Treasurer's Report
A report had been circulated. Dianne highlighted the items of expenditure: bulbs, weed killer, litter pickers, salt and pepper mill plus printing of welcome letter and of September Bugle.
Cllr Gibbs was asked if a larger grant could be requested because the £1275 this year had just about been spent. It was agreed to submit a larger claim to incorporate a new box for the defibrillator and increased costs for the the printing of the Bugle because of the amount of new housing to be delivered to and price increases at the printers. Judi would submit the application form. Action: Judi
4. Residents’ views/concerns
- Two street lights had been repaired thanks to reporting by the BGRA committee.
- Fly tipping had been reported in Hodgett’s Lane and had been dealt with by Solihull MBC. The same could not be said of rubbish left in Cromwell Lane which had not been dealt with courteously or efficiently by WCC.
- Flooding in Hob Lane was reported. Mary would ask if flood warning triangles were available. Action: Mary
5. AGM review
Thanks were given to Janet and Judi for conducting the AGM so efficiently and at short notice in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair. There had been good attendance.
6. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues
- Cala Homes update on the site. Paddy had reported her delivery of the Welcome leaflet to people who had moved into the Cala site. She would continue with this as people moved in. She had also left some in the Showroom. All new residents except one had been added to the email loop.
- Currently there were 12 properties sold with 6 moved in; 8 reserved and 3 available for sale.
- The mess opposite the site entrance should be reported to the Parish Council for them to contact the builders. Action: Judi
- VE DAY May 8th 2020. A sub committee to include members of the Village Hall committee was to meet the following week to discuss proposals. A report would be provided at the next meeting.
- HS2 fund – what should we ask for? It had already been reported that the Village Hall trustees had submitted an application for stained-glass panels. Another idea was for cosmetic “gates” to mark the entrances to the village. Some members felt it would be good to save some of the sandstone blocks and blue bricks from the bridges that are to be demolished on the Greenway and to use them in building projects such as a picnic area.
- Santa’s Sleigh planning. The event was scheduled with Balsall Common Lions on December 13th. There were considerable problems this year as the main hall and kitchen would not be available as they were being used by the dance class. In addition, the school play was taking place on the same night which would result in parking all along Hob Lane. After much discussion and regret it was agreed that Hob Lane would not be covered this year. Mary had compiled a list of volunteer collectors. Judi would ask Chris Langton if he would be happy to be added to the list so that he could collect at the Hickory Smokehouse. Action: Judi
- It was suggested some flyers were produced and the manager asked if these could be placed in the restaurant a few days prior to the event. Action: Mary
- Christmas tree. Sue Spence had offered a tree from her garden. This would be checked but if felling it looked a big job, a tree would be purchased from CostCo instead. Barry would be asked if he could erect it. Action: Mary
- Priorities for precept money. This had been discussed under Treasurer’s Report.
7. Greenway Trust update
Negotiations were taking place regarding the crossings for the re-routed Greenway across Red Lane and Hob Lane and positioning of crossing light indicators suitable for horse riders.
8. Parish Councillor's Report
The Neighbour hood Plan was being approved to go to preliminary consultations.
9. Any Other Business
Children in Need ramble. Mary suggested this as an activity for 2020. Mary would liaise with local walkers to decide on a suitable route. Judi would add it to the March agenda. Action: Judi
Some broken recycling boxes were reported on Cromwell Lane. Andy agreed to remove them if possible. Action: Andy
10. Date of 2020 Meetings
The next committee meetings were scheduled for
January 22nd
March 4th
May 13th
July 15th
September 9th
AGM September 9th
November 25th
John Webb
Friday, 29 November 2019
Burton Green - Recent Burglaries
Updated 29th November
Burglary, Red Lane, 28th November
Please be aware that between 15.30hrs and 22.15hrs on Thursday 28 November 2019 offenders have forced an upstairs window at a property at Red Lane, Kenilworth. The offenders have gained entry to the property and made an untidy search. A quantity of cash was stolen. This is incident 421 of 28 November 2019.
Criminal Damage, Red Lane, 26th November
Please be aware that between 0800hrs and 15.30hrs on Tuesday 26 November 2019 offenders have pulled off a rear windscreen wiper and dented an Audi motor vehicle parked at Red Lane, Kenilworth. This is incident 270 of 26 November 2019.
Burglary, Red Lane, 25th November
Please be aware that between 1600hrs on Friday 22 November and 0800hrs on Saturday 23 November and 1500hrs on Saturday 23 November and 0700hrs on Monday 25 November 2019 offenders have made two visits and broken into a construction site at Red Lane, Kenilworth stealing heaters, scaffolding, hand tools and ladders. This is incident 72 of 25 November 2019.
Theft, Hodgetts Lane, 14th October
Please be aware that at around 10.30hrs on Monday 14 October 2019 three male offenders have loaded a vehicle with an amount of copper piping and stolen it from a property at Hodgetts Lane, Burton Green. The value of pipe stolen is estimated to be £200. This is incident 140 of 14 October 2019.
Attempted Burglary, Hodgetts Lane, 21st September
Please be aware that between 21.30hrs and 22.15hrs on Saturday 21 September 2019 offenders tried to force the rear kitchen door and break into a property at Hodgetts Lane, Kenilworth. This is incident 492 of 21 September 2019.
Burglary, Cromwell Lane, 21st August
Please be aware that at some point before 10.30hrs on Wednesday 21 August 2019 offenders have stolen a Mercedes Benz 270 Jeep motor vehicle by entering a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. This is incident 170 of 21 August 2019.
Three Attempted Garden/Shed Burglaries, Cromwell Lane, 7th/8th August
Please be aware that between 21.30hrs on Wednesday 7 August and 06.30hrs on Thursday 8 August 2019 offenders have broken into a summer house, garden shed and old stable at a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. It is not clear at this stage what, if anything, has been stolen. This is incident 55 of 8 August 2019.
Please be aware that between 21.30hrs on Wednesday 7 August and 09.10hrs on Thursday 8 August 2019 offenders have smashed off the locks and entered a garden shed at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. It is not clear at this stage what, if anything has been stolen. This is incident 139 of 8 August 2019
Please be aware that between 20.00hrs on Wednesday 7 August and 13.30hrs on Thursday 8 August 2019 offenders have cut the padlock and entered a brick built detached garden shed at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. Power tools were stolen. This is incident 221 of 8 August 2019.
Three Burglaries in Red Lane and Cromwell Lane, 1st August
Please be aware that between 19.00hrs on Wednesday 31 July and 19.50hrs on Thursday 1 August offenders have forced a side door and broken into a detached garage at a property between Red Lane and Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. Once inside the offenders have stolen a bicycle estimated to be worth in excess of £5,000. This is incident 385 of 1 August 2019
Please be aware that at approximately 02.15hrs on Thursday 1 August 2019 offenders have broken into a property via its integral garage at Red Lane, Kenilworth. The occupants activated the intruder alarm immediately and the offenders made off without taking anything. This is incident 27 of 1 August 2019
Please be aware that overnight between Wednesday 31 July and Thursday 1 August 2019 offenders have broken into a garage and garden shed at a property on Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. It is not clear at this stage what, if anything, has been taken. This is incident 43 of 1 August 2019
Two Incidents in Cromwell Lane, Wednesday 25th July
Offenders have broken into a garage at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth overnight between Wednesday 24 July and Thursday 25 July 2019. The offenders removed a window to the garage and threw it into an adjacent field. It is not clear at this stage what, if anything, has been taken. This is incident 102 of 25 July 2019
Overnight between 20.00hrs on Wednesday 24 July and 09.00hrs Thursday 25 July 2019 offenders have damaged the fencing to a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. The offenders have then entered the property grounds but were unable to access the property. This is incident 116 of 25 July 2019
Car Key Burglary, Hodgetts Lane, 23rd July
Please be aware that between 12.45hrs and 13.15hrs on Tuesday 23 July 2019 offenders broke into a property at Hodgetts Lane. Once inside the property the offenders located the keys for a Black Vauxhall Insignia that was parked on the drive of the property. Consequently, the Vauxhall Insignia motor vehicle was stolen. This is incident 202 of 23 July 2019
Fences Cut, Cromwell Lane, 19th July
Several residents on Cromwell Lane have discovered that their boundary fences have been cut. As some residents have long gardens they may not always be aware that this has taken place. There have been several burglaries in the last few weeks so please do be vigilant and check your gardens and sheds and make everything as secure as you can.
There was a series of at least 4 garden shed burglaries in Cromwell Lane on Sunday night (7th July). It's possible that other residents may have been burgled, but have not yet discovered.
Please be aware that between 22.00hrs on Sunday 7 July and 09.00hrs on Monday 8 July 2019 offenders have broken into a shed situated in the rear garden of a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. Offenders forced off a padlock and stole 2 chainsaws, and a strimmer. This is incident 89 of 8 July 2019
Please be aware that between 21.00hrs on Sunday 7 July and 10.30hrs on Monday 8 July 2019 offenders have forced the patio doors to a summer house situated in the rear garden of a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. Offenders smashed a window to a small shed to look inside and also entered a secured shed nearby by unknown means but no items were stolen. This is incident 156 of 8 July 2019
Please be aware that it is believed that overnight between Sunday 7 July and Monday 8 July 2019 offenders have broken into a garage at a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth by removing the window. It is not known at this stage what, if anything, was stolen. This is incident 371 of 8 July 2019
Please be aware that overnight between Sunday 7 July and Monday 8 July 2019 offenders have cut through wire fencing to the rear garden of a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth possibly to gain access to the grounds of the property. This is incident 109 of 8 July 2019.
Motorcycle Theft, Cromwell Lane, 26/27th June
On the night of Wednesday (June 26) going into Thursday June 27 offenders entered the grounds of a property in Cromwell Lane through a side gate and stole a motorcycle. If you think that you may have seen or heard anything suspicious or have any information about either of these incidents then please contact Warwickshire Police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Caravan Theft, Red Lane, 12th June
Please be aware that between 18.00hrs on Tuesday 11 June and 07.30hrs on Wednesday 12 June 2019 offenders have cut through a fence and then forced the padlocks off gates to a secure area on premises at Red Lane, Kenilworth. Following the forced entry to the secure area the offenders have stolen a white “Classic” caravan that also contained a number of personal effects. It is believed the offenders made off along Red Lane with the caravan towards Birmingham Road. This is incident 56 of 12 June 2019.
Incident in Cromwell Lane, 15/16th May
Please be aware that between 20.00hrs on Tuesday 14 May and 10.00hrs on Thursday 16 May 2019 offenders have cut through a fence and associated fence wire at the rear of a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. No buildings were entered or property stolen.
Burglary in Red Lane, 25th April
Between 20.00hrs on Wednesday 24 April and 09.00hrs on Thursday 25 April 2019 offenders have forced the padlocks on a detached garage and two other outbuildings at Red Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. Once they gained entry to the buildings they stole a rotavator, chainsaws, compressors, strimmers, a leaf blower and a number of hand tools.
Two Thefts in Cromwell Lane, 9th April
A jet washer was stolen from a driveway on Cromwell Lane, 4pm, Tuesday 9th April. Two men were involved, one of whom distracted the owner of the jet washer under the pretext of requiring help with something along the road.
A large planter was stolen from the front of a house on Cromwell lane at the weekend.
Garden Theft Red Lane, 7th February
Between 9am Sunday 3rd February and 9am Thursday 7th February offenders have entered the garden of a property at Red Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth and stolen a Beehive and a garden bench.
Burglary, Red Lane, 28th November
Please be aware that between 15.30hrs and 22.15hrs on Thursday 28 November 2019 offenders have forced an upstairs window at a property at Red Lane, Kenilworth. The offenders have gained entry to the property and made an untidy search. A quantity of cash was stolen. This is incident 421 of 28 November 2019.
Criminal Damage, Red Lane, 26th November
Please be aware that between 0800hrs and 15.30hrs on Tuesday 26 November 2019 offenders have pulled off a rear windscreen wiper and dented an Audi motor vehicle parked at Red Lane, Kenilworth. This is incident 270 of 26 November 2019.
Burglary, Red Lane, 25th November
Please be aware that between 1600hrs on Friday 22 November and 0800hrs on Saturday 23 November and 1500hrs on Saturday 23 November and 0700hrs on Monday 25 November 2019 offenders have made two visits and broken into a construction site at Red Lane, Kenilworth stealing heaters, scaffolding, hand tools and ladders. This is incident 72 of 25 November 2019.
Theft, Hodgetts Lane, 14th October
Please be aware that at around 10.30hrs on Monday 14 October 2019 three male offenders have loaded a vehicle with an amount of copper piping and stolen it from a property at Hodgetts Lane, Burton Green. The value of pipe stolen is estimated to be £200. This is incident 140 of 14 October 2019.
Attempted Burglary, Hodgetts Lane, 21st September
Please be aware that between 21.30hrs and 22.15hrs on Saturday 21 September 2019 offenders tried to force the rear kitchen door and break into a property at Hodgetts Lane, Kenilworth. This is incident 492 of 21 September 2019.
Burglary, Cromwell Lane, 21st August
Please be aware that at some point before 10.30hrs on Wednesday 21 August 2019 offenders have stolen a Mercedes Benz 270 Jeep motor vehicle by entering a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. This is incident 170 of 21 August 2019.
Three Attempted Garden/Shed Burglaries, Cromwell Lane, 7th/8th August
Please be aware that between 21.30hrs on Wednesday 7 August and 06.30hrs on Thursday 8 August 2019 offenders have broken into a summer house, garden shed and old stable at a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. It is not clear at this stage what, if anything, has been stolen. This is incident 55 of 8 August 2019.
Please be aware that between 21.30hrs on Wednesday 7 August and 09.10hrs on Thursday 8 August 2019 offenders have smashed off the locks and entered a garden shed at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. It is not clear at this stage what, if anything has been stolen. This is incident 139 of 8 August 2019
Please be aware that between 20.00hrs on Wednesday 7 August and 13.30hrs on Thursday 8 August 2019 offenders have cut the padlock and entered a brick built detached garden shed at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. Power tools were stolen. This is incident 221 of 8 August 2019.
Three Burglaries in Red Lane and Cromwell Lane, 1st August
Please be aware that between 19.00hrs on Wednesday 31 July and 19.50hrs on Thursday 1 August offenders have forced a side door and broken into a detached garage at a property between Red Lane and Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. Once inside the offenders have stolen a bicycle estimated to be worth in excess of £5,000. This is incident 385 of 1 August 2019
Please be aware that at approximately 02.15hrs on Thursday 1 August 2019 offenders have broken into a property via its integral garage at Red Lane, Kenilworth. The occupants activated the intruder alarm immediately and the offenders made off without taking anything. This is incident 27 of 1 August 2019
Please be aware that overnight between Wednesday 31 July and Thursday 1 August 2019 offenders have broken into a garage and garden shed at a property on Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. It is not clear at this stage what, if anything, has been taken. This is incident 43 of 1 August 2019
Two Incidents in Cromwell Lane, Wednesday 25th July
Offenders have broken into a garage at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth overnight between Wednesday 24 July and Thursday 25 July 2019. The offenders removed a window to the garage and threw it into an adjacent field. It is not clear at this stage what, if anything, has been taken. This is incident 102 of 25 July 2019
Overnight between 20.00hrs on Wednesday 24 July and 09.00hrs Thursday 25 July 2019 offenders have damaged the fencing to a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. The offenders have then entered the property grounds but were unable to access the property. This is incident 116 of 25 July 2019
Car Key Burglary, Hodgetts Lane, 23rd July
Please be aware that between 12.45hrs and 13.15hrs on Tuesday 23 July 2019 offenders broke into a property at Hodgetts Lane. Once inside the property the offenders located the keys for a Black Vauxhall Insignia that was parked on the drive of the property. Consequently, the Vauxhall Insignia motor vehicle was stolen. This is incident 202 of 23 July 2019
Fences Cut, Cromwell Lane, 19th July
Several residents on Cromwell Lane have discovered that their boundary fences have been cut. As some residents have long gardens they may not always be aware that this has taken place. There have been several burglaries in the last few weeks so please do be vigilant and check your gardens and sheds and make everything as secure as you can.
Four Garden Shed Burglaries, Cromwell Lane, 7th July
There was a series of at least 4 garden shed burglaries in Cromwell Lane on Sunday night (7th July). It's possible that other residents may have been burgled, but have not yet discovered.
Please be aware that between 22.00hrs on Sunday 7 July and 09.00hrs on Monday 8 July 2019 offenders have broken into a shed situated in the rear garden of a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. Offenders forced off a padlock and stole 2 chainsaws, and a strimmer. This is incident 89 of 8 July 2019
Please be aware that between 21.00hrs on Sunday 7 July and 10.30hrs on Monday 8 July 2019 offenders have forced the patio doors to a summer house situated in the rear garden of a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. Offenders smashed a window to a small shed to look inside and also entered a secured shed nearby by unknown means but no items were stolen. This is incident 156 of 8 July 2019
Please be aware that it is believed that overnight between Sunday 7 July and Monday 8 July 2019 offenders have broken into a garage at a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth by removing the window. It is not known at this stage what, if anything, was stolen. This is incident 371 of 8 July 2019
Please be aware that overnight between Sunday 7 July and Monday 8 July 2019 offenders have cut through wire fencing to the rear garden of a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth possibly to gain access to the grounds of the property. This is incident 109 of 8 July 2019.
Motorcycle Theft, Cromwell Lane, 26/27th June
On the night of Wednesday (June 26) going into Thursday June 27 offenders entered the grounds of a property in Cromwell Lane through a side gate and stole a motorcycle. If you think that you may have seen or heard anything suspicious or have any information about either of these incidents then please contact Warwickshire Police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Caravan Theft, Red Lane, 12th June
Please be aware that between 18.00hrs on Tuesday 11 June and 07.30hrs on Wednesday 12 June 2019 offenders have cut through a fence and then forced the padlocks off gates to a secure area on premises at Red Lane, Kenilworth. Following the forced entry to the secure area the offenders have stolen a white “Classic” caravan that also contained a number of personal effects. It is believed the offenders made off along Red Lane with the caravan towards Birmingham Road. This is incident 56 of 12 June 2019.
Incident in Cromwell Lane, 15/16th May
Please be aware that between 20.00hrs on Tuesday 14 May and 10.00hrs on Thursday 16 May 2019 offenders have cut through a fence and associated fence wire at the rear of a property at Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. No buildings were entered or property stolen.
Burglary in Red Lane, 25th April
Between 20.00hrs on Wednesday 24 April and 09.00hrs on Thursday 25 April 2019 offenders have forced the padlocks on a detached garage and two other outbuildings at Red Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth. Once they gained entry to the buildings they stole a rotavator, chainsaws, compressors, strimmers, a leaf blower and a number of hand tools.
Two Thefts in Cromwell Lane, 9th April
A jet washer was stolen from a driveway on Cromwell Lane, 4pm, Tuesday 9th April. Two men were involved, one of whom distracted the owner of the jet washer under the pretext of requiring help with something along the road.
A large planter was stolen from the front of a house on Cromwell lane at the weekend.
Garden Theft Red Lane, 7th February
Between 9am Sunday 3rd February and 9am Thursday 7th February offenders have entered the garden of a property at Red Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth and stolen a Beehive and a garden bench.
John Webb
Monday, 18 November 2019
Village Hall Craft Fayre
Invites you to a
Sunday 24th November
12noon - 4pm
17 different stalls including:
- Outdoor Planters
- Christmas Wreaths and Table decorations
- Jewellery
- Cushions
- Wooden Snowmen and Laser cut wooden items
- Various Christmas crafts
- Toys, Glass and Ceramics
- Beauty Products
- Bags
- Personalised bunting
- Plus lots more
Refreshments served all afternoon: light lunches, tea and cakes etc.
John Webb
Friday, 15 November 2019
General Election Nominations
These are the General Election nominations for the Kenilworth & Southam Constituency.
(From https://www.warwickdc.gov.uk/downloads/file/5786/statement_of_persons_nominated_-_kenilworth_and_southam)
(From https://www.warwickdc.gov.uk/downloads/file/5786/statement_of_persons_nominated_-_kenilworth_and_southam)
John Webb
Monday, 4 November 2019
HS2: Oakervee Petition and Burton Green Tunnel Survey
Petition for Immediate Publication of Oakervee Report
You may be aware that the conclusions of the Oakervee review into HS2 have been completed but are being kept secret, and will not be made public until after the General Election.
Extract: "Boris Johnson has postponed a decision on whether to scrap High Speed 2, until after the election. Lord Berkeley, who was deputy chairman of the panel commissioned by the Prime Minister to review the scheme, said their report was now due to be "locked into the Department for Transport vaults" and published by the next Government."
There is a public petition asking for the report to be made public now. That petition is here:
Survey of Views about Burton Green Tunnel
Following on from the recent drop in sessions regarding The Burton Green Tunnel design, there is an overview of the proposals and additional information sheets here:
There is also an online survey which is open until 11pm on 18th November and which can be comleted here:
Those who attended the drop in may have completed a paper copy of the survey and we do encourage everyone to complete the survey so that their views are made known. Once the results are collated they will be presented to the community. This feedback will be combined with information previously gathered as part of The Neighbourhood Plan.
Drop In Events During October
During October HS2 will be hosting two events in the area. These events will allow residents to find out more about the design of the Burton Green ‘cut and cover’ tunnel and provide feedback on the design to HS2:
If you have any questions about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk.
"The government-owned firm behind HS2 is to release a series of documents it previously admitted could lead to ministers scrapping the planned rail line if they were made public, The Sunday Telegraph can disclose. HS2 Ltd said it will hand over papers detailing discussions with Theresa May's Government over the scheme's planned completion dates, following a two-and-a-half year legal battle by a GP who fears a "cover-up" took place to mask delays.
... Dr Paul Thornton, a GP who is campaigning against HS2, has been attempting to obtain the documents since April 2017. He said what was known as far back as 2016 about delays should "clearly should be in the public domain."... Dr Thornton wanted the papers to be released immediately to ensure an official review into the scheme is "fully informed" before it reports to Mr Johnson.
... the firm is understood to have said: "Detractors of the HS2 programme may use such information to renew their criticism of the HS2 programme, which could result in cancellation of the HS2 programme by the government."
You may be aware that the conclusions of the Oakervee review into HS2 have been completed but are being kept secret, and will not be made public until after the General Election.
Extract: "Boris Johnson has postponed a decision on whether to scrap High Speed 2, until after the election. Lord Berkeley, who was deputy chairman of the panel commissioned by the Prime Minister to review the scheme, said their report was now due to be "locked into the Department for Transport vaults" and published by the next Government."
There is a public petition asking for the report to be made public now. That petition is here:
Survey of Views about Burton Green Tunnel
Following on from the recent drop in sessions regarding The Burton Green Tunnel design, there is an overview of the proposals and additional information sheets here:
There is also an online survey which is open until 11pm on 18th November and which can be comleted here:
Those who attended the drop in may have completed a paper copy of the survey and we do encourage everyone to complete the survey so that their views are made known. Once the results are collated they will be presented to the community. This feedback will be combined with information previously gathered as part of The Neighbourhood Plan.
Drop In Events During October
During October HS2 will be hosting two events in the area. These events will allow residents to find out more about the design of the Burton Green ‘cut and cover’ tunnel and provide feedback on the design to HS2:
- Saturday 26th October 2019, 12pm – 4pm, Burton Green Village Hall
- Monday 28th October 2019, 5pm – 8pm, Burton Green Village Hall, Hodgetts Lane
If you have any questions about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk.
Residents may also be interested in this report from The Sunday Telegraph, 13th October, which includes some references to Dr Paul Thornton, of Cromwell Lane...
"The government-owned firm behind HS2 is to release a series of documents it previously admitted could lead to ministers scrapping the planned rail line if they were made public, The Sunday Telegraph can disclose. HS2 Ltd said it will hand over papers detailing discussions with Theresa May's Government over the scheme's planned completion dates, following a two-and-a-half year legal battle by a GP who fears a "cover-up" took place to mask delays.
... Dr Paul Thornton, a GP who is campaigning against HS2, has been attempting to obtain the documents since April 2017. He said what was known as far back as 2016 about delays should "clearly should be in the public domain."... Dr Thornton wanted the papers to be released immediately to ensure an official review into the scheme is "fully informed" before it reports to Mr Johnson.
... the firm is understood to have said: "Detractors of the HS2 programme may use such information to renew their criticism of the HS2 programme, which could result in cancellation of the HS2 programme by the government."
John Webb
Sunday, 6 October 2019
Draft Minutes of Residents' Association AGM September 30th 2019
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Burton Green Residents’ Association held on September 30th, 2019 at the Village Hall
Janet Hickinbottom explained that the Chair, Rona Taylor, was unable to attend because of illness in the family and the Vice Chair, Mary Webb was in hospital. Janet Hickinbottom wished them both well and said she would be leading the meeting with the help of Judi Hibberd who shared the Secretarial role with Janet.
Janet welcomed everyone to the meeting and was pleased to see such a good turnout on a very wet evening. She thanked the catering team for providing refreshments.
Apologies had been received from Cllr. John Cooke, Alison Fielding, Rona Taylor and Mary Webb.
Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of October 1st, 2018 were accepted with the addition of Helen Hehir to attendees.
Proposed: Terry Heyes
Seconded: Andy Gibbs
Matters Arising
All other matters arising were to be covered by agenda points.
Chair’s Report
A report had been circulated in advance And Janet read this out:
The Residents’ Association has had another very busy year supporting the Burton Green community.
The commemorations of the First World War Armistice on November 11th, 2018 brought the whole community together with an armistice tea and the very moving lighting of the Beacon of Light when it seemed the whole of Burton Green turned out .The Jubilee Verge was a focus of much interest, with crosses laid in memory of loved ones and two First World War soldier silhouettes.
The Santa Sleigh evening raised £500 for the chosen charity, Canley Community Centre, and the Balsall Common Lions generously contributed a further £200 to this cause. This year’s event will take place on December 13th, when we will be collecting for the Warwickshire Air Ambulance.
The tradition of having a Christmas tree on the Jubilee Verge is now well established and will be continued this year. Burton Green Church of England Academy students’ Christmas card competition has also become one of our Christmas traditions with all the cards being displayed at the Village Hall and the winning card being delivered to residents on the Santa Sleigh evening.
Two Burton Green clean ups have been organised this year and the Burton Green school students’ anti- litter poster competition showed the children’s commitment to protecting our environment. The winning poster, displayed along our roads, is hopefully having an impact on motorists.
The flower tubs at the approaches to Burton Green continue to enhance our environment, thanks to the residents who plant, maintain and water them. There are now plans to plant large numbers of daffodils on verges.
The lunches for the retired of Burton Green have continued to be a great success and the Bugle updates us on Burton Green events and issues four times a year. New residents have been given welcome leaflets with useful information and contacts.
The Speedwatch team has not been operating this year because of insufficient numbers of volunteers. The team needs a minimum of 10 people to operate regularly, with members committing to do two sessions a month. Speeding is always identified as a top worry for residents, so if you think you can help the team, please contact Pat Hehir.
The Residents’ Association continues to liaise with the Parish Council, and to represent Burton Green at the Kenilworth Forum. Residents’ concerns about potholes, pavement problems and street lighting are taken up with the County or District Council on a regular basis. We have also flagged up concerns about empty houses owned by HS2 Ltd.
The Parish Council have agreed to give the Residents’ Association £3 for each household each year. So we no longer need an income from membership fees. The constitution has been amended to indicate that all residents of Burton Green are deemed to be members of the Residents’ Association unless they indicate to the contrary in writing to our secretary.
A strong sense of community continues to be a unique feature of Burton Green with so many people contributing in so many ways. Many thanks to everyone.
There were no questions.
Treasurer’s Report
Dianne had submitted a report which was provided.
The Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet are attached separately.
Janet thanked Dianne for keeping the accounts.
Election of Independent Examiner
Peter Tacon again agreed to act as Independent Examiner.
Proposed: Eileen Nisbet
Seconded: Paddy Deeley
Unanimously agreed.
Peter was thanked for his continued support.
Election of Committee members
Judi Hibberd, as Joint Secretary, conducted this agenda item.
The constitution required that the officers and three committee members should stand down. All the officers, Rona Taylor, Mary Webb, Janet Hickinbottom, Judi Hibberd and Dianne Adams were re-elected
Proposed: Deirdre Vernon
Seconded: Archie Taylor
Unanimously agreed.
Three committee members also stood down and agreed to be re-elected:
Hilary Cox, Paddy Deeley and Faith Ward
Proposed: Janet Stanworth
Seconded: Jill Line
Unanimously agreed.
Janet explained that more residents were welcome to join the committee and could either declare their willingness during or after the meeting.
Discussion of key Burton Green issues
Andy from HS2 provided a presentation which had also been available prior to the AGM and at a meeting for the Greenway Trust the previous month. Points covered included:
The presentation showed a computer simulation of the HS2 construction contracted to Balfour Beatty Vinci (owned by Taylor Woodrow) and costing £90k. The line was the section south of Lichfield with a spur into central Birmingham. The animation showed the line from the south of Cromwell Lane bridge as far as the National Grid site. It demonstrated how the road over the Cromwell Lane bridge would be diverted, the bridge demolition and the reinforcements and underpass structure.
The Burton Green tunnel would be the subject of public engagement meetings on October 26th and 28th. Much of the design was dominated by engineering works.
There was already a lot of work being undertaken in the area of which residents were aware including the creation of compounds near Balsall Common and by the A46. There would be no residential occupation on these sites and they were just intended for temporary offices and materials for storage and distribution. There would be a serious attempt not to move excavated materials by road and instead they would be redistributed along the route. Much groundwork surveying was ongoing and this would continue throughout the programme of works.
Q. When does the track go in? This was the responsibility of different contractors and there would be handover points at different stages. The starting point for the local excavations would be the summer of 2020 with compounds being established from April to June.
Q. Would there be more compounds? There would be about 100 compounds along the line but local ones had already been mentioned.
Q. How far below Cromwell Lane would the “green lid” be? The track was 12-14m below ground level. There was uncertainty about the height of the tunnel and so the distance between the level of Cromwell Lane and the “lid”. Details would be sought.
Q. The Neighbourhood Plan was considering the green space on top of the line. What structural capabilities did it have? HS2 would find the answer and respond.
Q. Could an underpass attract graffiti? It was difficult to say.
Q. What was the position regarding ancient woodland now as the government had issued a reprieve at the moment during a review. Sue, also of HS2, said yes there was a pause for review but what was absolutely necessary to do would stay on the programme.
Q. Was the contract issued for the demolition of the Village Hall? Different responsibilities lay with different contractors and the timescale was not currently available. Demolition would not take place until the new hall was operational.
Q. Would there be any encroachment on gardens along Hodgetts Lane that back onto the line? Only if already outlined within land limitations allowed.
Q. What contact was being made with Coventry City Council and what effects would there be especially on Westwood ward? The interface team was in regular contact with Coventry City Council and the names of individuals in the Council would be supplied. Traffic and vehicles would be the most obvious impact.
Q. Construction will generate traffic. What measures would be taken to alleviate this? The HS2 team would look at traffic models for the area and consider when would be the best time to move vehicles, considering peaks and troughs in the traffic, the routes available and using the line wherever possible to redistribute spoil. The haulage route would be utilised rather than local roads when feasible and the construction of this would begin in December 2019.
Q. How long will Cromwell Lane be closed when the diversion is created? Probably only a week.
Q. Would closure tie in with school holidays? This question would be taken back for a response.
Q. Will the Greenway be closed at any time? No, the temporary Greenway would be used.
Janet asked to whom answers to questions to HS2 would be sent and it was decided these should be conveyed to the clerk to the Parish Council.
The shelter
Terry Heyes asked how many attendees were aware that the overgrown structure in Red Lane had been build as an air raid warden’s shelter in the Second World War. A large proportion of residents was aware of this.
Terry explained that a group representing the Residents’ Association and the Parish Council has inspected the structure and discussed various options available. In its current state it was difficult to assess its true condition. Costs had been sought to remove the ivy but these were excessive. There were mixed views received when residents living close to the shelter were canvassed: some felt it was an eyesore whilst others wondered if it could be restored. It seemed to be used as a urinal by passing motorists but was unfit as a bus shelter for schoolchildren who waited nearby daily. There were only two buses that passed each week for other passengers. Even if restored, the shelter would not meet accessibility requirements. The safety of the structure was a concern.
Currently, no-one claimed ownership. Warwickshire County Council owned the verge on which the shelter stands and it was believed they would demolish it and re-grass the area if it was declared a health and safety issue. This seemed to be the best way forward but residents were asked to feedback their views before the next Parish Council meeting on October 18th. One resident suggested the open front could be bricked up and then the shelter left for the wildlife.
Relief Road
Cllr Alan Marshall showed a map of the proposed A46 relief road and explained the changes that had recently been made. Thanks were given to Cllr David Skinner, who was in attendance, and who had provided the information. This had also recently been sent round the village email loop. Full details were available via the link on that email which could be provided again as necessary.
There had been much speculation regarding the proposed route linking the A46 to Balsall Common/ Berkswell skirting Balsall Common via Catchems Corner.
The “strategic link road” formed stage 2 of the previous scheme and was a joint project costing an estimated £117m, to be completed in 2024/2025. The road would start at the A46 interchange near Stoneleigh which was long overdue and would cross countryside around the university to link with Westwood Heath Road.
Q. What was its purpose? To relieve traffic on Stoneleigh Road and the road through the university campus. The benefit for Burton Green was that it might stop the “rat run” of traffic in Red Lane, Cromwell Lane and Crackley Lane.
Q. Would it be a dual carriageway? As yet this was unclear. There might be an increase in traffic via Hob Lane but this might be better than the original threat of a new road running through the village.
Q. Is the road to be partly financed by the university? Nothing had been seen to indicate this. There might be a slip road to the university at a later stage.
Coventry City Council had not been informed of the latest plans. There were concerns because of the approval of the building of 130/140 houses in Westwood Heath Road which would only add to traffic problems.
Cllr. Illingworth added that it was a Coventry scheme which originally was trying to take traffic off the A45 and this version was crossing land within the boundary of Burton Green. It showed a lack of joined up thinking with HS2. The improvements to the junction of Westwood Heath Road and Cromwell Lane would not happen until after construction of new housing developments.
There was also disappointment regarding the removal of hedging along theWestwood Heath Road development site and again, Cllr Skinner had not been made aware this was to happen.
Any Other Business
Archie Taylor thanked the Residents’ Association committee and said, in spite of initial misgivings when a separate Parish Council was set up, he felt they were probably stronger than the Parish Council in many respects and were certainly very active and influential.
There was no other business
Date of Next Annual General Meeting
The next Annual General Meeting would be held on September 28th, 2020 at the Village Hall.
Janet Hickinbottom explained that the Chair, Rona Taylor, was unable to attend because of illness in the family and the Vice Chair, Mary Webb was in hospital. Janet Hickinbottom wished them both well and said she would be leading the meeting with the help of Judi Hibberd who shared the Secretarial role with Janet.
Janet welcomed everyone to the meeting and was pleased to see such a good turnout on a very wet evening. She thanked the catering team for providing refreshments.
Apologies had been received from Cllr. John Cooke, Alison Fielding, Rona Taylor and Mary Webb.
Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of October 1st, 2018 were accepted with the addition of Helen Hehir to attendees.
Proposed: Terry Heyes
Seconded: Andy Gibbs
Matters Arising
All other matters arising were to be covered by agenda points.
Chair’s Report
A report had been circulated in advance And Janet read this out:
The Residents’ Association has had another very busy year supporting the Burton Green community.
The commemorations of the First World War Armistice on November 11th, 2018 brought the whole community together with an armistice tea and the very moving lighting of the Beacon of Light when it seemed the whole of Burton Green turned out .The Jubilee Verge was a focus of much interest, with crosses laid in memory of loved ones and two First World War soldier silhouettes.
The Santa Sleigh evening raised £500 for the chosen charity, Canley Community Centre, and the Balsall Common Lions generously contributed a further £200 to this cause. This year’s event will take place on December 13th, when we will be collecting for the Warwickshire Air Ambulance.
The tradition of having a Christmas tree on the Jubilee Verge is now well established and will be continued this year. Burton Green Church of England Academy students’ Christmas card competition has also become one of our Christmas traditions with all the cards being displayed at the Village Hall and the winning card being delivered to residents on the Santa Sleigh evening.
Two Burton Green clean ups have been organised this year and the Burton Green school students’ anti- litter poster competition showed the children’s commitment to protecting our environment. The winning poster, displayed along our roads, is hopefully having an impact on motorists.
The flower tubs at the approaches to Burton Green continue to enhance our environment, thanks to the residents who plant, maintain and water them. There are now plans to plant large numbers of daffodils on verges.
The lunches for the retired of Burton Green have continued to be a great success and the Bugle updates us on Burton Green events and issues four times a year. New residents have been given welcome leaflets with useful information and contacts.
The Speedwatch team has not been operating this year because of insufficient numbers of volunteers. The team needs a minimum of 10 people to operate regularly, with members committing to do two sessions a month. Speeding is always identified as a top worry for residents, so if you think you can help the team, please contact Pat Hehir.
The Residents’ Association continues to liaise with the Parish Council, and to represent Burton Green at the Kenilworth Forum. Residents’ concerns about potholes, pavement problems and street lighting are taken up with the County or District Council on a regular basis. We have also flagged up concerns about empty houses owned by HS2 Ltd.
The Parish Council have agreed to give the Residents’ Association £3 for each household each year. So we no longer need an income from membership fees. The constitution has been amended to indicate that all residents of Burton Green are deemed to be members of the Residents’ Association unless they indicate to the contrary in writing to our secretary.
A strong sense of community continues to be a unique feature of Burton Green with so many people contributing in so many ways. Many thanks to everyone.
There were no questions.
Treasurer’s Report
Dianne had submitted a report which was provided.
The Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet are attached separately.
Janet thanked Dianne for keeping the accounts.
Election of Independent Examiner
Peter Tacon again agreed to act as Independent Examiner.
Proposed: Eileen Nisbet
Seconded: Paddy Deeley
Unanimously agreed.
Peter was thanked for his continued support.
Election of Committee members
Judi Hibberd, as Joint Secretary, conducted this agenda item.
The constitution required that the officers and three committee members should stand down. All the officers, Rona Taylor, Mary Webb, Janet Hickinbottom, Judi Hibberd and Dianne Adams were re-elected
Proposed: Deirdre Vernon
Seconded: Archie Taylor
Unanimously agreed.
Three committee members also stood down and agreed to be re-elected:
Hilary Cox, Paddy Deeley and Faith Ward
Proposed: Janet Stanworth
Seconded: Jill Line
Unanimously agreed.
Janet explained that more residents were welcome to join the committee and could either declare their willingness during or after the meeting.
Discussion of key Burton Green issues
Andy from HS2 provided a presentation which had also been available prior to the AGM and at a meeting for the Greenway Trust the previous month. Points covered included:
- Programme of works
- Ground investigations
- Key design elements of the cut and cover tunnel
The presentation showed a computer simulation of the HS2 construction contracted to Balfour Beatty Vinci (owned by Taylor Woodrow) and costing £90k. The line was the section south of Lichfield with a spur into central Birmingham. The animation showed the line from the south of Cromwell Lane bridge as far as the National Grid site. It demonstrated how the road over the Cromwell Lane bridge would be diverted, the bridge demolition and the reinforcements and underpass structure.
The Burton Green tunnel would be the subject of public engagement meetings on October 26th and 28th. Much of the design was dominated by engineering works.
There was already a lot of work being undertaken in the area of which residents were aware including the creation of compounds near Balsall Common and by the A46. There would be no residential occupation on these sites and they were just intended for temporary offices and materials for storage and distribution. There would be a serious attempt not to move excavated materials by road and instead they would be redistributed along the route. Much groundwork surveying was ongoing and this would continue throughout the programme of works.
Q. When does the track go in? This was the responsibility of different contractors and there would be handover points at different stages. The starting point for the local excavations would be the summer of 2020 with compounds being established from April to June.
Q. Would there be more compounds? There would be about 100 compounds along the line but local ones had already been mentioned.
Q. How far below Cromwell Lane would the “green lid” be? The track was 12-14m below ground level. There was uncertainty about the height of the tunnel and so the distance between the level of Cromwell Lane and the “lid”. Details would be sought.
Q. The Neighbourhood Plan was considering the green space on top of the line. What structural capabilities did it have? HS2 would find the answer and respond.
Q. Could an underpass attract graffiti? It was difficult to say.
Q. What was the position regarding ancient woodland now as the government had issued a reprieve at the moment during a review. Sue, also of HS2, said yes there was a pause for review but what was absolutely necessary to do would stay on the programme.
Q. Was the contract issued for the demolition of the Village Hall? Different responsibilities lay with different contractors and the timescale was not currently available. Demolition would not take place until the new hall was operational.
Q. Would there be any encroachment on gardens along Hodgetts Lane that back onto the line? Only if already outlined within land limitations allowed.
Q. What contact was being made with Coventry City Council and what effects would there be especially on Westwood ward? The interface team was in regular contact with Coventry City Council and the names of individuals in the Council would be supplied. Traffic and vehicles would be the most obvious impact.
Q. Construction will generate traffic. What measures would be taken to alleviate this? The HS2 team would look at traffic models for the area and consider when would be the best time to move vehicles, considering peaks and troughs in the traffic, the routes available and using the line wherever possible to redistribute spoil. The haulage route would be utilised rather than local roads when feasible and the construction of this would begin in December 2019.
Q. How long will Cromwell Lane be closed when the diversion is created? Probably only a week.
Q. Would closure tie in with school holidays? This question would be taken back for a response.
Q. Will the Greenway be closed at any time? No, the temporary Greenway would be used.
Janet asked to whom answers to questions to HS2 would be sent and it was decided these should be conveyed to the clerk to the Parish Council.
The shelter
Terry Heyes asked how many attendees were aware that the overgrown structure in Red Lane had been build as an air raid warden’s shelter in the Second World War. A large proportion of residents was aware of this.
Terry explained that a group representing the Residents’ Association and the Parish Council has inspected the structure and discussed various options available. In its current state it was difficult to assess its true condition. Costs had been sought to remove the ivy but these were excessive. There were mixed views received when residents living close to the shelter were canvassed: some felt it was an eyesore whilst others wondered if it could be restored. It seemed to be used as a urinal by passing motorists but was unfit as a bus shelter for schoolchildren who waited nearby daily. There were only two buses that passed each week for other passengers. Even if restored, the shelter would not meet accessibility requirements. The safety of the structure was a concern.
Currently, no-one claimed ownership. Warwickshire County Council owned the verge on which the shelter stands and it was believed they would demolish it and re-grass the area if it was declared a health and safety issue. This seemed to be the best way forward but residents were asked to feedback their views before the next Parish Council meeting on October 18th. One resident suggested the open front could be bricked up and then the shelter left for the wildlife.
Relief Road
Cllr Alan Marshall showed a map of the proposed A46 relief road and explained the changes that had recently been made. Thanks were given to Cllr David Skinner, who was in attendance, and who had provided the information. This had also recently been sent round the village email loop. Full details were available via the link on that email which could be provided again as necessary.
There had been much speculation regarding the proposed route linking the A46 to Balsall Common/ Berkswell skirting Balsall Common via Catchems Corner.
The “strategic link road” formed stage 2 of the previous scheme and was a joint project costing an estimated £117m, to be completed in 2024/2025. The road would start at the A46 interchange near Stoneleigh which was long overdue and would cross countryside around the university to link with Westwood Heath Road.
Q. What was its purpose? To relieve traffic on Stoneleigh Road and the road through the university campus. The benefit for Burton Green was that it might stop the “rat run” of traffic in Red Lane, Cromwell Lane and Crackley Lane.
Q. Would it be a dual carriageway? As yet this was unclear. There might be an increase in traffic via Hob Lane but this might be better than the original threat of a new road running through the village.
Q. Is the road to be partly financed by the university? Nothing had been seen to indicate this. There might be a slip road to the university at a later stage.
Coventry City Council had not been informed of the latest plans. There were concerns because of the approval of the building of 130/140 houses in Westwood Heath Road which would only add to traffic problems.
Cllr. Illingworth added that it was a Coventry scheme which originally was trying to take traffic off the A45 and this version was crossing land within the boundary of Burton Green. It showed a lack of joined up thinking with HS2. The improvements to the junction of Westwood Heath Road and Cromwell Lane would not happen until after construction of new housing developments.
There was also disappointment regarding the removal of hedging along theWestwood Heath Road development site and again, Cllr Skinner had not been made aware this was to happen.
Any Other Business
Archie Taylor thanked the Residents’ Association committee and said, in spite of initial misgivings when a separate Parish Council was set up, he felt they were probably stronger than the Parish Council in many respects and were certainly very active and influential.
There was no other business
Date of Next Annual General Meeting
The next Annual General Meeting would be held on September 28th, 2020 at the Village Hall.
John Webb
Monday, 16 September 2019
Minutes of Residents Association Committee September 11th 2019
Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; and Mary Webb
Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting
Apologies had been received from Dianne Adams, Paddy Deeley
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of July 17th meeting
The minutes of the meeting were approved.
1. Matters Arising from the previous minutes
All other matters arising were to be agenda items.
2. Village Hall Update
Cheryl was unable to attend but said there was nothing new to report.
3. Treasurer’s Report
See: Treasurer’s Report
Dianne had sent her apologies but a report had been circulated.
4. Residents’ views/concerns
5. AGM Sep 30th planning
6. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues
7. Greenway Trust update
There was no update.
8. Parish Councillor's Report
There was nothing to report as the PC had not met during the summer. Visibility splays at the entrance to Cala Homes site would be raised at the next P.C. meeting.
9. Any Other Business
10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting
The next committee meeting was scheduled for AGM Sept 30th Nov 27th
Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; and Mary Webb
Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting
Apologies had been received from Dianne Adams, Paddy Deeley
Summary of actions following the meeting | Responsible |
Ask Peter Hallam again about rubble in Hob Lane as the problem was recurring | Rona |
Send to Parish Council (PC) HS2 response to letter about house in Hodgett’s Lane | Judi |
Contact Chair of Village Hall (VH) committee re website | Rona |
Contact representative of Broadwells Wood re dust problem | Rona |
Email PC about dust complaint (as above) | Judi |
Email PC regarding HS2 parking problems | Judi |
Sort out who is standing down and those willing to be re-elected at AGM | Janet |
Invite councillors, police and school head to AGM as guests | Judi and Rona |
Establish date for 2020 AGM and book room | Judi |
Book VH 18 Dec 2020 for Santa Sleigh | Judi |
Canvass opinion in Red Lane re shelter | Rona |
Introduce shelter topic at AGM | Rona |
Ask Peter Hallam about the safety aspect of the shelter | Rona |
Add HS2 Community Fund discussion to AGM | Rona |
Add HS2 Community Fund discussion to Nov meeting | Judi |
Refreshments at AGM | Mary and Hilary |
Purchase spring bulbs | Mary and Hilary |
Arrange with school the Christmas card competition | Faith |
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of July 17th meeting
The minutes of the meeting were approved.
1. Matters Arising from the previous minutes
- Police Watch – link completed
- Letter to Hedgerow Nursery - completed
- Contact with Cheryl about website - to be actioned
- Minor wording changes to donations policy - completed
- Finalising of Welcome Leaflet, printing and distribution - completed
- Clarify the re-route of the Greenway – awaiting details
- HS2 Community Fund to be added to September agenda – carried forward to November
- Contact William Slater - completed
- Copies of the Bugle to Cala Homes - completed
- Weed killer to be purchased to use on the Jubilee verge - completed
All other matters arising were to be agenda items.
2. Village Hall Update
Cheryl was unable to attend but said there was nothing new to report.
3. Treasurer’s Report
See: Treasurer’s Report
Dianne had sent her apologies but a report had been circulated.
4. Residents’ views/concerns
- A complaint had been received from Broadwells Wood residents about the dust caused by HS2 works on the pipeline. Cllr Gibbs said the pipeline work was almost completed but there remained work to do on the diversion of the Greenway and then the construction of the new Village Hall. Rona would contact residents to signpost them to the HS2 Helpline to complain about insufficient attention to dust management and to refer to the Code of Construction Practice. The PC would also be informed. Action: Rona
- Dangerous parking by HS2 contractors was causing traffic problems in Hodgett’s Lane. It was agreed to report this to the HS2 Helpline.
- A resident had reported the difficulty in contacting HS2 with complaints Email: mailto:HS2enquiries@hs2.org.uk Freephone: 08081 434 434
- A resident had reported two lampposts were not working in Cromwell Lane. Residents should make a note of the lamp post number and contact Warwick District Council: https://www.warwickdc.gov.uk/reportstreetlighting Or phone 01926 456076
5. AGM Sep 30th planning
- The banner had been amended to the 2019 date and would be erected at the top of Red Lane.
- Mary and Hilary agreed to arrange refreshments. Action: Mary and Hilary
- HS2 had agreed to put their presentation about the tunnel on a loop to be shown at the AGM with someone available to answer questions.
- The committee agreed that no vote was needed regarding selection of the charity to receive funds from the Santa Sleigh collection as it was unanimously agreed to donate to Warwickshire Air Ambulance.
6. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues
- Former air raid warden’s shelter. Rona provided a brief history of the structure and explained the costs she had researched should it be decided to attempt restoration. Questions were asked about whether this was a good use of finances (although the costs might be sought from external sources) and whether there was a general consensus in the community that the shelter needed restoration. There were concerns as to whether the roof contained asbestos. It was agreed it was an eyesore in its current state and it was decided that Peter Hallam should be asked about its safety. Residents on the opposite side of the road should be canvassed to find their opinions. Action: Rona
- Cala homes had agreed to buy a bench and, if it was decided to demolish the structure, the bench should at least bear a plaque referring to the air raid warden’s shelter.
- Cala Homes update on the site. Three houses were now occupied. The entrance to the site is being adapted and Cala Homes reported the need to trim back the hedges to allow for visibility. This will need further discussion. The PC is likely to be putting together a proposition regarding the speed limit and signage at the top of Red Lane as both the Greenway diversion and Cala Homes site will impact on the road.
- Bulbs on the verge. It was agreed to spend up to £100 on the purchase and planting of spring bulbs. Action: Hilary and Mary
- HS2 letter reply. Following concerns expressed by the Residents’ Association regarding the empty property at 36 Hodgett’s Lane, this response was received from Stephen Leigh, the HS2 Interface Manager:
Thank you for your email. I have now heard from my colleague and can respond as follows:
I have been informed that 36 Hodgetts Lane is to be kept vacant due to the level of costs being required to bring this up to a lettable standard.
I can, however, give you a bit more background on the £20,000 limit in relation to this property. HS2 has to ensure that any property it lets out meets the required standards. The property requires complex works that will cost over £20,000 and as such this will require tendering and sign off by Department for Transport (DfT). We have carried out a budget cost exercise and the costs identified far exceeds this limit. As such our financial model has proven that carrying out the works will not be value for money. As a publicly funded organisation we have to ensure that any spend represents good value for money for the taxpayer.
We have reviewed the costs in detail and cannot proceed with the works due to reasons set out above. Community use was suggested as there may be grants or funding available that we, as HS2 Ltd, cannot access. This option is still available and HS2 would be glad to discuss this further should some form of community use be found for this property. HS2 is examining options for potentially disposing of the property earlier but this is subject to approvals being sought from DfT. The current stance from HS2 is that unfortunately this property is likely to remain vacant until one year after the line is operational.
If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact me.
- VE DAY May 8th, 2020. It had been agreed to work with the VH committee to arrange an event on May 8th, 2020. Mary had booked the Hall. Ideas included a lunch with entertainment, but the final details were to be agreed with representatives of the VH.
- HS2 fund – what should we ask for? Suggestions included landscaping and a play area on top of the tunnel.
- A problem was highlighted as being unable to apply for funding until the tunnel was completed. The query about choice of projects would be raised at the AGM. It was felt important to liaise with e Neighbourhood Plan group.
7. Greenway Trust update
There was no update.
8. Parish Councillor's Report
There was nothing to report as the PC had not met during the summer. Visibility splays at the entrance to Cala Homes site would be raised at the next P.C. meeting.
9. Any Other Business
- It was reported that the dog waste bin at the Cromwell Land entrance to the Greenway was overflowing and people continued to place bags on the top of the bin. This had been reported and it would be emptied within the next 2 weeks.
- The Christmas card competition for the schoolchildren would be overseen by Faith as the winning entry needed to be at the printers by prior to the next committee meeting. Action: Hilary
- Santa’s Sleigh collection would take place on Friday December 13th. As dance classes were taking place at the VH, the Green Room would be used at the start of the evening.
- A Christmas tree would be purchased in December.
- A litter pick would start from the bridge on Cromwell Lane at 10.30 on October 13th.
- The next Residents’ lunch was scheduled for October 4th.
10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting
The next committee meeting was scheduled for AGM Sept 30th Nov 27th
John Webb
Monday, 9 September 2019
HS2 Community Event 11th September
Two events are being organised by HS2 on September 11th.
The first event is between 1pm and 3pm. This was originally intended for the Greenway Group but has been broadened out so others can also attend.
The second event is between 4pm and 6pm. This is being run by LM as a drop in type session with the 3D model of the Greenway also present.
The agenda will be:
1. Introductions
2. Terms of Reference
3. Background
4. LM 3D Model Demonstration
5. Winter Clearance
6. BBV Update on Design Engagement
7. Future Engagement in the Area
8. Questions
Original Notice
We have been informed by HS2 that they will be holding a drop in meeting on Wednesday September 11th, 1pm -3pm when they will be demonstrating their digital modelling of what the area of Burton Green affected by HS2 will look like after construction is completed.
Update 7th September
Some residents have just received a notice from HS2 regarding the meeting on 11th September stating that the session runs from 4pm - 6pm with 3D model demonstrations about the Greenway works being shown at 4:15pm and 5:15pm.
This is a different time and not quite the subject matter that HS2 originally agreed to present. They originally agreed to demonstrate a 'digital model of the Scheme Design for the railway in the Burton Green area with a future event to demonstrate a digital model of the Temporary Greenway'; this event was never intended to be solely about The Greenway.
It is of course possible that this event is in addition to the one originally scheduled from 1pm to 3pm and if so then this should have been included on the original notice.
The first event is between 1pm and 3pm. This was originally intended for the Greenway Group but has been broadened out so others can also attend.
The second event is between 4pm and 6pm. This is being run by LM as a drop in type session with the 3D model of the Greenway also present.
The agenda will be:
1. Introductions
2. Terms of Reference
3. Background
4. LM 3D Model Demonstration
5. Winter Clearance
6. BBV Update on Design Engagement
7. Future Engagement in the Area
8. Questions
Original Notice
We have been informed by HS2 that they will be holding a drop in meeting on Wednesday September 11th, 1pm -3pm when they will be demonstrating their digital modelling of what the area of Burton Green affected by HS2 will look like after construction is completed.
Update 7th September
Some residents have just received a notice from HS2 regarding the meeting on 11th September stating that the session runs from 4pm - 6pm with 3D model demonstrations about the Greenway works being shown at 4:15pm and 5:15pm.
This is a different time and not quite the subject matter that HS2 originally agreed to present. They originally agreed to demonstrate a 'digital model of the Scheme Design for the railway in the Burton Green area with a future event to demonstrate a digital model of the Temporary Greenway'; this event was never intended to be solely about The Greenway.
It is of course possible that this event is in addition to the one originally scheduled from 1pm to 3pm and if so then this should have been included on the original notice.
John Webb
Sunday, 8 September 2019
HS2 Mammoth Overruns
It has been a hectic week at Westminster and a very good time for the Government to bury bad news.
The timescales for HS2 delivery have been set back again. The delivery of the Birmingham phase may now be five years behind schedule.
Full report:
An interesting consequence of this is that an extended timescale may incur yet further cost increases over and above those already conceded.
The timescales for HS2 delivery have been set back again. The delivery of the Birmingham phase may now be five years behind schedule.
Full report:
An interesting consequence of this is that an extended timescale may incur yet further cost increases over and above those already conceded.
John Webb
Coffee, Cake, Computers........and Chat
Coffee Cakes and Computers is changing!
New time, new venture. We will now be starting at 10.00 and finishing at 12.00.
We will be starting on Tuesday 10th September.
We will continue to offer information and support on all matters relating to IT gadgets, but we will also be offering Coffee, Cake and Chat for those who would like to come to the village hall just for some company. We will have a pack of cards, a chess set and various board games for anyone wishing to just come along and enjoy some social interaction. If you wish, you can bring your own games.
At our meeting on Tuesday 24th September, we will be making a presentation about home security when we will be explaining some technical and non-technical ways to improve your home security.
At £3.00 per session for tea or coffee and a slice of cake, it’s a bargain and (we feel) much more interesting than sitting in Costa! Come and join us!
You will all be very welcome.
New time, new venture. We will now be starting at 10.00 and finishing at 12.00.
We will be starting on Tuesday 10th September.
We will continue to offer information and support on all matters relating to IT gadgets, but we will also be offering Coffee, Cake and Chat for those who would like to come to the village hall just for some company. We will have a pack of cards, a chess set and various board games for anyone wishing to just come along and enjoy some social interaction. If you wish, you can bring your own games.
At our meeting on Tuesday 24th September, we will be making a presentation about home security when we will be explaining some technical and non-technical ways to improve your home security.
At £3.00 per session for tea or coffee and a slice of cake, it’s a bargain and (we feel) much more interesting than sitting in Costa! Come and join us!
You will all be very welcome.
John Webb
Saturday, 7 September 2019
Bugle - September 2019
The September 2019 edition of the Bugle has been published.
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
John Webb
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Burton Green Produce Show
would like to remind you that our
13th Annual Produce Show
is on Sunday 1st September
1:00pm - 4:00pm
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Fruit and Vegetables, Flower arranging,
Photographic Competition, Baking for all, Children and Adult Crafts
- Check your roses, have you a single rose that will win you a first prize?
- Have you a "best red" flower that could be a winner
- Check your schedule and see what else you might find in your garden that is suitable to enter
- Bring your entries to the Village Hall on Sunday morning, 1st September between 7:30am and 9:45am
- Come and see what wonderful things the children of Burton Green can make plus see the talents of villagers and surrounding areas
- Choose some new reading or game from our second hand books or buy your new bulbs from our Plant and Bulb Sale
- Join us for a 'hot dog' from 1:00pm or a cup of tea and homemade cake
- Please come and join us for an enjoyable afternoon
Prize giving 3.45
Produce auctioned at end of show.
Something for everyone -
Plant and Bulb Sale,
Book and Games Stall, Tombola,
Children's Table and Tasting Table.
Donations for the Plant Stall, Book and Game stall plus the Tombola are still appreciated. Please drop off at the hall on Saturday 31st August at 2:00pm or we can arrange collection.
John Webb
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Petition to Halt HS2 Enabling Work
This petition was created by Joe Rudkin.
"Because HS2 is an unjustifiable project, with terrible management that has not been subject to enough scrutiny, it will not face 'notice to proceed' tests before December. Consequently, HS2 Ltd must be stopped from trying to make it harder to cancel HS2 by maximising expenditure and destruction now.
Whilst supporters of HS2 pretend construction has started, the DfT has confirmed that only the highly destructive enabling works are taking place, years behind schedule. Construction and the release of full funds cannot happen until HS2 Ltd gets notice to proceed, by passing “Management Capability, Affordability of Contracts & Robustness of Revised Business Case” tests. If it is tested impartially on these bases, I believe it will fail all of them and be cancelled, so they should stop causing damage now."
If you agree, you can sign the petition here:
You may also find the following of interest:
HS2 Must Be Cancelled Immediately
Andrew Brigden, Conservative MP for NW Leicestershire, has written an article about HS2 on the Conservative Party website. This is not yet official policy, just his opinion...
"It has never been clearer than now that HS2 is a complete mess. There has already been a 13-month delay in phase one getting signed off for ‘Notice to Proceed’ because the project has been unable to demonstrate management capability, affordability of contracts and the robustness of the business case. Add to that the fact that both the former and current chairmen have admitted that it can’t be delivered on time on budget and to scope, and becomes clear that HS2 should be immediately cancelled before any more money is wasted on it....
... Following the news of even more cost escalations, gagging of whistle-blowers and assertions that the true costs of the project have been kept secret and Parliament misled for years, it is now a national scandal...
... With Lord Berkeley, the former chair of the Rail Freight Group, saying that HS2 Ltd is ‘rampant with fraud’, and several other parliamentary colleagues very angry and determined to get to the bottom of this, it is clear that this scandal will not go away... One also has to ask that if we have been misled about the cost of HS2, what else has been said in support of the project that has no basis in reality? I would say almost everything..."
The Inflection Point Has Been Reached
A government leak, originally reported in the Financial Times, has been re-reported via the BBC. It says...
"... there has been a subtle shift of tone in recent months from both HS2 and the government; a creeping acceptance that the project, in its current form, is increasingly unlikely to come in within its £56bn budget... This leak comes at a very sensitive time... Transport Secretary Chris Grayling, who has repeatedly insisted that the project HAS to be delivered within budget, is possibly leaving his post in a matter of days..."
Northern Powerhouse Has Priority
Boris Johnson has made a major speech about a plan for a railway - from Manchester to Leeds (44 miles), to be constructed ASAP. The Labour Party have countered by saying that that's not sufficiently ambitious, and what is really required is railway from Liverpool to Hull (128 miles), which is what they would build.
That scenario envisages that the Northern railway would be constructed first, with the result that construction of the London to Birmingham section would be deferred by some 10 years, or cancelled.
"Because HS2 is an unjustifiable project, with terrible management that has not been subject to enough scrutiny, it will not face 'notice to proceed' tests before December. Consequently, HS2 Ltd must be stopped from trying to make it harder to cancel HS2 by maximising expenditure and destruction now.
Whilst supporters of HS2 pretend construction has started, the DfT has confirmed that only the highly destructive enabling works are taking place, years behind schedule. Construction and the release of full funds cannot happen until HS2 Ltd gets notice to proceed, by passing “Management Capability, Affordability of Contracts & Robustness of Revised Business Case” tests. If it is tested impartially on these bases, I believe it will fail all of them and be cancelled, so they should stop causing damage now."
If you agree, you can sign the petition here:
You may also find the following of interest:
HS2 Must Be Cancelled Immediately
Andrew Brigden, Conservative MP for NW Leicestershire, has written an article about HS2 on the Conservative Party website. This is not yet official policy, just his opinion...
"It has never been clearer than now that HS2 is a complete mess. There has already been a 13-month delay in phase one getting signed off for ‘Notice to Proceed’ because the project has been unable to demonstrate management capability, affordability of contracts and the robustness of the business case. Add to that the fact that both the former and current chairmen have admitted that it can’t be delivered on time on budget and to scope, and becomes clear that HS2 should be immediately cancelled before any more money is wasted on it....
... Following the news of even more cost escalations, gagging of whistle-blowers and assertions that the true costs of the project have been kept secret and Parliament misled for years, it is now a national scandal...
... With Lord Berkeley, the former chair of the Rail Freight Group, saying that HS2 Ltd is ‘rampant with fraud’, and several other parliamentary colleagues very angry and determined to get to the bottom of this, it is clear that this scandal will not go away... One also has to ask that if we have been misled about the cost of HS2, what else has been said in support of the project that has no basis in reality? I would say almost everything..."
The Inflection Point Has Been Reached
A government leak, originally reported in the Financial Times, has been re-reported via the BBC. It says...
"... there has been a subtle shift of tone in recent months from both HS2 and the government; a creeping acceptance that the project, in its current form, is increasingly unlikely to come in within its £56bn budget... This leak comes at a very sensitive time... Transport Secretary Chris Grayling, who has repeatedly insisted that the project HAS to be delivered within budget, is possibly leaving his post in a matter of days..."
Northern Powerhouse Has Priority
Boris Johnson has made a major speech about a plan for a railway - from Manchester to Leeds (44 miles), to be constructed ASAP. The Labour Party have countered by saying that that's not sufficiently ambitious, and what is really required is railway from Liverpool to Hull (128 miles), which is what they would build.
That scenario envisages that the Northern railway would be constructed first, with the result that construction of the London to Birmingham section would be deferred by some 10 years, or cancelled.
John Webb
Monday, 22 July 2019
Minutes of Resident's Association Committee Meeting July 17th 2019
Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb
1 Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting
Apologies had been received from Helen Hehir
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb
1 Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting
Apologies had been received from Helen Hehir
Summary of actions following the meeting | Responsible |
Cala Homes to be asked again about refurbishment of the former air warden’s shelter | Rona |
Copies of the Bugle to Cala Homes | Mary |
Add to November agenda discussion of priorities ready for next application to PC | Judi |
Monitoring of recycled materials being littered | All |
Removal of rubble from ditch - ask Cala Homes | Paddy |
Speak to Peter Hallam re rut in Hob Lane | Rona |
Letter to HS2 regarding empty house in Hodgett’s Lane | Judi and Rona |
Police Watch. Link to be sent through | Paddy |
Letter to Hedgerow Nursery | Rona |
Contact with Cheryl about website | Rona |
Minor wording changes to donations policy | Judi |
Finalising of Welcome Leaflet, printing and distribution | Judi, Paddy and Mary |
Clarify the re-route of the Greenway | Hilary |
Regular agenda item on the Greenway Trust | Judi and Hilary |
HS2 Community Fund to be added to September agenda | Judi |
Contact William Slater | Rona |
Add VE Day celebrations to next agenda | Judi |
Weed killer to be purchased to use on the Jubilee verge | Mary |
Add bulb planting to September agenda | Judi |
Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of May 15th meeting
The minutes of the meeting were approved.
Matters Arising from the previous minutes
- Cala Homes to be asked about refurbishment of Red Lane air warden’s shelter. Rona had approached them, and they seemed interested, but no progress had been made. Rona would try again. Action: Rona
- Liaison with Cala Homes re Bugle entry. The entry had been declined because of cost.
- Progress litter posters. Completed.
- Add Village Hall chair to agenda distribution list. Completed.
- Update Welcome leaflet. Completed.
- Arrange for copies of the Bugle to go to Cala Homes. Mary would progress this. Action: Mary
- Speak to Berkswell charities regarding bench and plaque. Completed.
- Collapsed bench removed and plaque returned to BGRA for future use.
- Include thank you from Canley Community Centre in next edition of the Bugle. Completed.
- Rona had also spoken to the resident near the Cromwell Lane Bridge regarding an overgrown hedge and this was dealt with in a very timely manner.
All other matters arising were to be agenda items.
2 Treasurer's Report
A report had been circulated. Dianne explained the items. The only item of income was a cheque just received from the Parish Council for £1275. This was to replace the collection of subscriptions, as agreed. A question was asked about the need to repay if all the funds were not spent and Cllr Andy Gibbs replied that this would be the case. There was some concern that the BGRA would not be able to build contingency funds, but Cllr Gibbs said the payment did not prohibit further applications.
Cllr Gibbs also mentioned the Community Infrastructure Levy which resulted from the building of new houses and a percentage would be available for the Parish Council (currently an estimated £41k). This was something to be aware of in the future.
It was decided to discuss priorities at the November meeting in readiness for a further application for 2020.
Action: Judi and all
3 Residents’ views/concerns
- A resident had complained about dogs barking in Cromwell Lane, but this problem seemed to have been overcome.
- A resident had reported seeing recycled materials being rejected by collectors and thrown into a hedge. This would be monitored. Action: All
- Lights being left on overnight at the Cala Homes site had been reported. It was suggested that if this was witnessed, residents should go to the site and mention it. It was thought that most lights were now on timers.
- There had been a complaint about a significant rut in Hob Lane. An attempt had been made to fill the rut but there was also rubble in the adjoining ditch. It was unclear how the rut had been caused and it was believed Cala Homes had attempted to remedy this. There was concern that ditches must be kept clear. Paddy agreed to speak with Cala Homes to see if the ditch could be cleared. Action: Paddy
- Rona would contact Peter Hallam to discuss the rut in the road. Action: Rona
Post meeting note: Response from Peter Hallam:
I refer to our telephone conversation of yesterday concerning the above.
I have a look at the site yesterday and someone has had a go at filling the edge of carriageway erosion at this point. Road sections without kerbs are always a challenge for a Highway Authority as if you drive off the road you can encounter a dip. We normally fill such voids with stone and top soil to try and maintain the verge and not widen the road in such cases. It looks like someone has had attempt at doing this.
We are carrying out some carriageway patching works on Hob Lane on 23rd July but I will keep on eye on this section of verge.
- The question arose again of Marlene’s old house in Hodgett’s Lane (now an HS2 property). It had been reported that the house would cost too much to refurbish and HS2 were looking for ideas for community use. BGRA were opposed to this idea and would contact HS2 to ask them to reconsider so the property could be improved and let. BGRA was opposed to empty properties being left in the village. A letter would be sent. Action: Judi and Rona
- A query had been raised as to whether Neighbourhood Watch was still in operation. Police Watch was in operation and anyone could sign up for this to receive updates electronically. Paddy would send through the link. Action: Paddy
Post meeting note: https://www.warwickshire.police.uk/register
- A letter had been received from Hedgerow Nursery outlining a proposal to operate Hedgerow 2 in a separate property on Cromwell Lane. 22 children would be accommodated in the house which would be an additional facility to the original Hedgerow Nursery. Parking was the main query posed by members of the committee, but it was agreed that neighbours’ views should be sought. Rona would respond. Action: Rona
5. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues
- Cala Homes update on the site. Paddy reported that 8 houses had been sold with one completed and one to complete in August. Cala Homes were planning to tidy up the Red Lane entrance and this had been hindered by problems with the ditch. Once Severn Trent had installed new piping, the entrance would be completed with a culvert beneath.
- Thanks were extended to Barry Putnam for erecting the litter signs
- Website update. There had been some queries about the BGRA information on the Village Hall website. Rona agreed to speak to Cheryl to sort this out. Action: Rona
- Residents’ Association donation policy. The donations policy was reviewed and minor changes to wording made to update it. It was agreed the policy remained valid.Action: Judi
- Welcome leaflet – what next? Now that this had been completed, a decision needed to be reached about how to distribute it. It was agreed to have copies printed to include with the Bugle. Within the Bugle an article would ask residents for their opinions and whether any other information was needed. Action Paddy, Judi and Mary
6. Village Hall
- The VH Chair was now on the meeting’s distribution list but had sent apologies as she was on holiday. Deirdre had reported that payment of bills by HS2 had now taken place so the tender for the building of the new VH was no longer delayed. There was some confusion over the proposed re-route of the Greenway and this was to be checked with HS2 via the Greenway Trust. Action: Hilary
- It was suggested that there could be a regular agenda item on the Greenway Trust. Action Judi and Hilary
7. Parish Councillor's Report
- Andy reported that there had been a meeting the previous Monday following an unproductive meeting with HS2. The meeting had been attended by Cllr George Illingworth, Chair of the District Council. Discussions were held about the link road. The roundabout at the A46 was destined to go ahead followed by the university link road but the road that had been proposed through Burton Green was no longer likely because Solihull MBC showed no interest in it.
- The PC would be pursuing the problem with Marlene’s former house.
- Although initial indications had been that the HS2 Community Fund would be available to owners of the land where any projects were proposed, it was now stressed that ideas could be put forward irrespective of land ownership. This would be added to the next agenda. Action: Judi
8. Any Other Business
- At the HS2 meeting mentioned above, Rona had made contact with William Slater, a computer aided designer who had agreed to present at an open meeting so that residents could have a better idea of the look of the cut and cover tunnel etc. Rona would contact him to arrange a date for a meeting. Action: Rona
- A thank you card had been received from Kenilworth Helping Hands
- Mary had copies of a leaflet about scams and taking measures to protect oneself
- Mary asked to purchase plastic bags to contain the Bugles when she gave them to distributors. Agreed
- The Village Hall has been booked for Friday May 8th, 2020 for VE Day celebrations. This needed to be added to the next agenda. Action: Judi
- Sincere thanks were given to all those who had arranged the recent breakfast event.
- Thanks were also sent to Bill Homes for mowing the Jubilee verge.
- A suitable weed killer would be purchased for use on the Jubilee verge. Action: Mary
- Bulb planting needed to be added to the Jubilee verge.Action: Judi
- Thanks were extended to all who had involvement with the flower tubs, whether through planting or watering.
9. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting
The next committee meetings were scheduled for:
Sept 11th, AGM Sept 30th, Nov 27th
John Webb
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Village Hall Fashion Show
Invites you to a
Monday evening 1st July at 7.30pm
Tickets £8.00 This includes a glass of wine on arrival
(pay in advance or tickets at door)
Good variety of outfits, tops, trousers, dresses to suit all sizes
Accessories also available, jewellery, handbags etc.
All available to purchase on the evening with a 10% discount
Come along and see 8 glamorous LOCAL models helping us with this event
Tickets available from any Village Hall committee member.
John Webb
Monday, 17 June 2019
Ladies Day at Ascot
invites you to attend:
Thursday, 20 June 2019
See the Races on Large Screen
Glass of Prosecco on arrival (BYO drink for later)
Arrive 1:30 pm ready to see arrival of Queen and Royal Family
First Race 2:30 pm
Glass of Prosecco on arrival (BYO drink for later)
Arrive 1:30 pm ready to see arrival of Queen and Royal Family
First Race 2:30 pm
Variety of sandwiches
Assorted Hand Made cakes and Scones with Jam and Cream
Tickets: £12.00
Dress for the occasion if you wish. MEN are allowed!
Please contact any committee member.
John Webb
Sunday, 16 June 2019
Pointless Vandalism by HS2 Contractors
Update 19th June
After consultation with Warwickshire County Council and HS2, this particular oak tree has been reprieved.
Burton Green are trying to save a mature oak tree in Red Lane, Burton Green.
The tree is due to be cut down on Wednesday 19th by contractors working for British Pipeline Agency, on behalf of HS2, unless a reprieve can be obtained some way.
Apparently the reason why HS2 want to cut this tree down is that it would obstruct the view of lorry drivers coming out of the field behind; even though the road is being completely closed to traffic this week.
The tree is apparently in the way by 50 centimetres.
Presumably several hundred, or possibly thousands, of saplings would be planted to compensate for the environmental destruction. The number of leaves on a mature oak (leaf area) is between 200,000 and 500,000. How many saplings will be required to replicate that?
How many saplings will HS2 guarantee to plant to replace this single tree?
Report in the Kenilworth Weekly News
After consultation with Warwickshire County Council and HS2, this particular oak tree has been reprieved.
Burton Green are trying to save a mature oak tree in Red Lane, Burton Green.
The tree is due to be cut down on Wednesday 19th by contractors working for British Pipeline Agency, on behalf of HS2, unless a reprieve can be obtained some way.
Apparently the reason why HS2 want to cut this tree down is that it would obstruct the view of lorry drivers coming out of the field behind; even though the road is being completely closed to traffic this week.
The tree is apparently in the way by 50 centimetres.
Presumably several hundred, or possibly thousands, of saplings would be planted to compensate for the environmental destruction. The number of leaves on a mature oak (leaf area) is between 200,000 and 500,000. How many saplings will be required to replicate that?
How many saplings will HS2 guarantee to plant to replace this single tree?
Report in the Kenilworth Weekly News
John Webb
Friday, 14 June 2019
Caravan Theft - Red Lane
Please be aware that between 18.00hrs on Tuesday 11 June and 07.30hrs on Wednesday 12 June 2019 offenders have cut through a fence and then forced the padlocks off gates to a secure area on premises at Red Lane, Kenilworth.
Following the forced entry to the secure area the offenders have stolen a white “Classic” caravan that also contained a number of personal effects.
It is believed the offenders made off along Red Lane with the caravan towards Birmingham Road.
This is incident 56 of 12 June 2019
If you think you may have seen or heard anything suspicious or have any information about this incident then please contact Warwickshire Police on 101 or you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Following the forced entry to the secure area the offenders have stolen a white “Classic” caravan that also contained a number of personal effects.
It is believed the offenders made off along Red Lane with the caravan towards Birmingham Road.
This is incident 56 of 12 June 2019
If you think you may have seen or heard anything suspicious or have any information about this incident then please contact Warwickshire Police on 101 or you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
John Webb
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Wine Tasting Event
Friends of Burton Green School
invite you to a
Wine Tasting Evening
at the school
on Friday 14th June 7pm - 9pm.
John Webb
Monday, 10 June 2019
HS2 - Pipeline Diversion
There is an underground high-pressure fuel line that runs through Burton Green. This is part of the national pipeline network, operated by the British Pipeline Agency. It transfers fuel from an oil refinery near Liverpool to Heathrow and Gatwick.
More about the British Pipeline Agency:
Some work needs to be done on this pipeline in preparation for HS2, in case HS2 ever happens.
This is one of the pipeline marker posts, which you can clearly see beside the road in Hob Lane, near the corner with Red Lane.
The present path of the pipeline is shown by the bold red line on this map...
Most of the works will take place on the private land next to Red Lane (on the site of the projected new Village Hall).
During the first phase (11th June-21st June) site access will be created. During this period traffic management systems will be used to control traffic. This will involve:
The majority of vehicles will be 4x4s and pick-up trucks. The only large vehicles used will be for the delivery of necessary machinery and equipment to the work site. The lorry movements will be kept in line with levels agreed with HS2 Ltd and the County Council.
There will be no impact on the Kenilworth Greenway. The public right of way connecting Kenilworth Green Way and Red Lane will be kept open.
More about the British Pipeline Agency:
Some work needs to be done on this pipeline in preparation for HS2, in case HS2 ever happens.
This is one of the pipeline marker posts, which you can clearly see beside the road in Hob Lane, near the corner with Red Lane.
Most of the works will take place on the private land next to Red Lane (on the site of the projected new Village Hall).
During the first phase (11th June-21st June) site access will be created. During this period traffic management systems will be used to control traffic. This will involve:
- 11th June to 14th June. 4-day one lane closure on Red Lane
- 17th June to 21st June, 5-day complete closure of the top of Red Lane (access for residents only)
The majority of vehicles will be 4x4s and pick-up trucks. The only large vehicles used will be for the delivery of necessary machinery and equipment to the work site. The lorry movements will be kept in line with levels agreed with HS2 Ltd and the County Council.
There will be no impact on the Kenilworth Greenway. The public right of way connecting Kenilworth Green Way and Red Lane will be kept open.
John Webb
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Bugle - June 2019
The June 2019 edition of the Bugle has been published.
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...
The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.
John Webb