Sunday, 16 June 2019

Pointless Vandalism by HS2 Contractors

Update 19th June

After consultation with Warwickshire County Council and HS2, this particular oak tree has been reprieved.


Burton Green are trying to save a mature oak tree in Red Lane, Burton Green.

The tree is due to be cut down on Wednesday 19th by contractors working for British Pipeline Agency, on behalf of HS2, unless a reprieve can be obtained some way.

Apparently the reason why HS2 want to cut this tree down is that it would obstruct the view of lorry drivers coming out of the field behind; even though the road is being completely closed to traffic this week.

The tree is apparently in the way by 50 centimetres.

Presumably several hundred, or possibly thousands, of saplings would be planted to compensate for the environmental destruction. The number of leaves on a mature oak (leaf area) is between 200,000 and 500,000. How many saplings will be required to replicate that?

How many saplings will HS2 guarantee to plant to replace this single tree?

Report in the Kenilworth Weekly News