Monday, 10 June 2019

HS2 - Pipeline Diversion

There is an underground high-pressure fuel line that runs through Burton Green. This is part of the national pipeline network, operated by the British Pipeline Agency. It transfers fuel from an oil refinery near Liverpool to Heathrow and Gatwick.

More about the British Pipeline Agency:

Some work needs to be done on this pipeline in preparation for HS2, in case HS2 ever happens.

This is one of the pipeline marker posts, which you can clearly see beside the road in Hob Lane, near the corner with Red Lane.

The present path of the pipeline is shown by the bold red line on this map...

Most of the works will take place on the private land next to Red Lane (on the site of the projected new Village Hall).

During the first phase (11th June-21st June) site access will be created. During this period traffic management systems will be used to control traffic. This will involve:
  • 11th June to 14th June. 4-day one lane closure on Red Lane
  • 17th June to 21st June, 5-day complete closure of the top of Red Lane (access for residents only)
Diversion signs will be in place for the duration of the closure.

The majority of vehicles will be 4x4s and pick-up trucks. The only large vehicles used will be for the delivery of necessary machinery and equipment to the work site. The lorry movements will be kept in line with levels agreed with HS2 Ltd and the County Council.

There will be no impact on the Kenilworth Greenway. The public right of way connecting Kenilworth Green Way and Red Lane will be kept open.