Sunday, 8 September 2019

Coffee, Cake, Computers........and Chat

Coffee Cakes and Computers is changing!

New time, new venture. We will now be starting at 10.00 and finishing at 12.00.

We will be starting on Tuesday 10th September.

We will continue to offer information and support on all matters relating to IT gadgets, but we will also be offering Coffee, Cake and Chat for those who would like to come to the village hall just for some company. We will have a pack of cards, a chess set and various board games for anyone wishing to just come along and enjoy some social interaction.  If you wish, you can bring your own games.

At our meeting on Tuesday 24th September, we will be making a presentation about home security when we will be explaining some technical and non-technical ways to improve your home security.

At £3.00 per session for tea or coffee and a slice of cake, it’s a bargain and (we feel) much more interesting than sitting in Costa!  Come and join us!

You will all be very welcome.