Saturday, 5 December 2020

Ancient Woodlands in Burton Green

From The Telegraph, 7th October 2020 (from here):

'A Culture is no better than its woods' -
The captivating history of England's
ancient trees

One of the earliest poems written in English is the Dream of the Rood, conserved in the 10th century Vercelli Book, which tells the origin story of the cross on which Christ was crucified. In part the poem is narrated by the Rood, or 'upright post', which recounts how an enemy entered the forest and felled it, separating it from its companion trees before carrying it away to bear the saviour in his passion. The Rood offers both a justification and a vindication for its felling, which at the time must have seemed a catastrophe. Seven hundred years later Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, wrote A Dialogue between an 'Oake', and a 'Man cutting him downe', in which the oak tree argued the case against its felling most eloquently, as a result of which its life was spared... 

The latest challenge to our ancient woodland is HS2. In September the 300 year old Hunningham Oak near Leamington was felled as part of the development. At the time of writing, England’s ‘2015 Tree of the Year’, the 250 year old Cubbington Pear, was likewise awaiting the chainsaw. 
So what are we to do? "A small grove massacred to the last ash… This great society is going to smash", wrote W.H. Auden, adding: "A culture is no better than its woods’"  


Eight hundred years ago this area was known as Burtonswode. The name occurs on a 12th Century map. Burtonswode formed part of the Forest of Arden. The Forest of Arden was not continuous forest, but a patchwork of woods and open spaces. 

Five hundred years ago all of the local woods were fairly similar to today's woods and had their familiar names, Black Waste Wood is named in a document dated 1542. Stonymoor and Long Meadow Woods are mentioned in 1581. 

Little Poors Wood and Big Poors Wood are so-named because they were owned by the Berkswell Charity for the poor. There is another Poors Wood at Honiley, which was owned by the Wroxhall Charity. 

All of our local woods are oak woods, with fern, bramble and bluebells. Although our woods are Ancient the individual trees in them are generally not ancient. Trees such as the 300-year old Hunningham oak are uncommon. Part of Broadwells Wood has been replanted since WWII with ash, spruce and pine.

The map shown below is based on current information held by DEFRA. 

Click image to enlarge
The green shaded areas are classed as Priority Habitat. The Poors Woods are not priority habitat. Woods owned by charities may have been harvested regularly for timber to provide income. 

The areas on the map with faint vertical hatching are Ancient Woodland; this includes the Poors Woods, Black Waste Wood, Broadwells and part of what remains of Longmeadow Wood. 

The dark brown shading (38 acres, 15 hectares) was called Red Lane Wood. Red Lane Wood was cleared between 1830 and 1900.

The light brown (approx 80 acres, 32 hectares) indicates Ancient woodland cleared since 1920. 

Red Lane Wood (Completely Disappeared)

At the right is the Ordnance Survey map of 1831, nearly 200 years ago.

This map shows the area of Red Lane Wood, though the wood is not named on this particular map. Red Lane Wood is clearly shown and named on a map of 1692.

The gap between Stonymoor Wood and Red Lane Wood is marked on the 1831 map as Long Meadow. The gap between the woods is also called Long Meadow in 1581.

By 1900 Red Lane Wood had completely disappeared.

Stonymoor Wood (1972 Felling)

In 1972 30 acres of Stonymoor Wood were felled by the landowner.
Click image to enlarge

There was a public outcry involving Dudley Smith the local MP, a petition from Kenilworth residents with 100 signatures, the Ministry of Agriculture, Warwickshire County Council, the Forestry Commission and the Under-Secretary of State for the Environment. Click on the image if you wish to read it.

Although 120 acres (48 hectares) of ancient woodlands in Burton Green have been felled in recent history most of that happened at a time when the environmental consequences were not fully understood. 

That is quite different to the situation today with HS2, when many of the issues are understood. Boris Johnson virtue signals that he is promoting a green agenda while in reality destroying the environment. 

It is nonsense to claim that planting some saplings is an adequate replacement for ancient woodland. Those saplings will not be comparable to the trees being destroyed for 60 years or more.

See Also

Friday, 4 December 2020

Bugle - December 2020

The December 2020 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.

Friday, 27 November 2020

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting November 25th 2020

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.


Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

1  Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (September 9th 2020)

Apologies had been received from Helen Hehir, Bron Putnam and Faith Ward.

Summary of actions following the September meetingResponsible
Contact HS2 about the well on Cromwell Lane bridgeRona 
Report back on progress with metal Christmas treeMary and Hilary
Increase Bugle print runMary
Arrange Zoom meeting for AGMJudi
Submit Chair’s Report etc. for distribution via the email loopRona
Liaison with school regarding Christmas card competitionFaith
Further ideas for chosen charity to be supported at ChristmasAll to Judi by September 25th
Community Fund item to remain on agendaJudi 
Maintain list of suggestions for funding requestsJudi


Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of September 9th 2020 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Contact HS2 about the well on Cromwell Lane bridge – matter still being progressed by Diana Dean, Community Engagement, LMS
  • Report back on progress with metal Christmas tree – agenda item
  • Increase Bugle print run – completed. There are now 513 dwellings in Burton Green
  • Arrange Zoom meeting for AGM – completed
  • Submit Chair’s Report etc. for distribution via the email loop – completed
  • Liaison with school regarding Christmas card competition – completed. Agenda item
  • Further ideas for chosen charity to be supported at Christmas – food collection to be organized for Trussell Trust food bank 
  • Community Fund item to remain on agenda – ongoing
  • Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests - ongoing
  • The minutes of the September meeting were approved.

2  Village Hall Update

Paddy reported that a contractor had now been appointed but much time was being spent sorting out the legalities. On the site work on the pipeline was underway as was the Greenway diversion. It would be at least January before the site becomes available.

3  Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated which Dianne explained. This was accepted.

There was still £931 of the Parish Council grant to be spent before March 2021. Expenditure still to be covered included Bugle costs and the Christmas tree.

The BGRA Year End accounts were also accepted. A letter of thanks had been sent to Marlene Hills for arranging this at short notice following the untimely death of Peter Tacon as Independent Examiner. The committee was reminded that arrangements for the following year needed to be sorted.

Action: Dianne and all

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. 

4  Residents’ views/concerns

HS2 issues

  • Access to and use of Greenway- there had been many complaints about the state of the temporary Greenway because of lack of regular maintenance. The surface was not fit for purpose and frequent and sufficient resurfacing with wood chippings was not taking place in spite of reassurances.
  • The route of the temporary Greenway from the top of Red Lane across to the existing Greenway would be frequently re-routed because of on-going work there and this would exacerbate the problem of accessibility and re-surfacing of the route.
  • A compound of welfare units had been established in the field at the top of Red Lane without consultation with neighbours or the community.  This showed appalling disregard for the community engagement that was much spoken about but not implemented.
  • It seemed the contractors felt they should communicate only about traffic management and not all the accompanying issues.
  • The committee felt the basic courtesy of communication was not taking place and considered this insulting. 
  • Why should it be left to residents to check the state of everything rather than HS2 employees themselves?

Other HS2 related matters

  • A local elderly resident had fallen from his cycle because of the way barriers had been left. The resident had been put in touch with Diana Dean.
  • A resident of Hodgett’s Lane had complained about contractors – maybe involved in bat watching – parking outside her house during the night and causing a disturbance with chatting loudly, leaving engines running etc. Her verbal complaints had met with abuse. Again, she had been put in touch with Diana Dean
  • Contractors at the top of Red Lane frequently sit in their vans with the engines running constantly. This is in spite of HS2 claiming they are raising the bar on air quality.

A46 Link Road

Communication about this has been delivered to all homes and residents wishing to be involved in the consultation are asked to register their interest at


There have been reports of blocked drains in Cromwell Lane at the Westwood Heath Road end.  Rona agreed to investigate and to contact Peter Hallam as necessary. Action: Rona

5  Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

  • Christmas tree – It was decided to defer the idea of the metal tree for a variety of reasons and plans are now in progress to buy and install a “real” tree with help from Mike Hibberd and Adrian Hickinbottom who are overseeing the project.
  • Christmas cards – Thanks to Faith for liaising with the school.  She and Mary judged the entries and the cards are now being printed.
  • Planting – Thanks to Mary and Hilary for re-planting the flower tubs at the entrances to the village. It was agreed they lift people’s spirits. Plans were taking shape for the schoolchildren to plant bulbs in areas at the top pf Red Lane that have been disturbed by all the construction work. The bulbs would be funded by LM.
  • Cala Homes update on the site – There remain only three unsold properties on the site. The remainder of the empty properties are going to a housing association. Builders aim to be off site by June 2021.
  • HS2 fund- what should we ask for? (Further suggestions welcome) Action: all
Entrance gates
Trees around the village
Top of the tunnel ideas
Village hall signage recycling
A suggestion had been made by LM to put in a bid for tree planting. Mary said consideration was being given to trees with the greatest environmental benefits.Action: Mary
  • Priorities for precept money- ideas so far (Further suggestions welcome) Action: all
Bugle funding
  • Bugle -the next edition was to be distributed on the weekend of December 4th /5th 

6 Greenway Trust Update

Nick Hillard had written an article in the forthcoming edition of the Bugle.

The temporary Greenway was being opened in phases.

A question was raised about accessing the existing Greenway from the Balsall Common end. Paddy said this was now possible. It was stated that the temporary Greenway would be maintained for only 12 months by HS2.

Were there plans for preventing motorbikes from accessing the Greenway?  Hilary would raise this. Action: Hilary

7. Parish Councillor's Report

The Parish Council had agreed to pay WCC£500 to draw up a plan to deter speeding in the village (e.g. installation of speed cushions). WCC had requested a formal consultation to see if a majority of residents agreed with this idea.

8.  Any Other Business

  • Bookings had been placed for use of the Green Room on Wednesdays in 2021.  However, as virtual meeting were likely for the foreseeable future, the committee decided Thursdays were preferable.  Judi agreed to circulate a calendar of dates for virtual meetings. It was also agreed to add the link to each virtual meeting on the agenda. Action: Judi
  • Food bank – collections of donated foods would be collected by volunteers on Sunday December 13th. Details would be in the Bugle. It was pointed out that CALA Homes residents were already donating to a food bank.
  • The Village Hall AGM was to take place virtually on Friday November 27th. Details had been circulated via the Village loop.

9. Date of next Meeting

The next committee meeting was scheduled for January 21st 2020 via Zoom. 

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Community Fund item to remain on agendaJudi
Maintain list of suggestions for funding requestsJudi  
Arrangements for next year’s end of year accountsDianne
Investigation of blocked drains in Cromwell LaneRona
Suggestions for HS2 funding All
Tree planting bidMary
Priorities for precept moneyAll 
Query to Greenway Trust about preventing motorbike accessHilary 
Dates for future meetings and inclusion on agenda of Zoom detailsJudi

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Burton Green Halloween

 How many items can you identify in this image? Why are they significant?

You can click the image which will enlarge it, and click again which will enlarge it to a much larger size. That will make some of the text more legible.

The centre of Burton Green used to be along Hob Lane near Moat Farm. That's where the old village green used to be. 

Burton Green expanded up Cromwell Lane and down Red Lane in the 1900s. In the 1800s part of Hob Lane was called Witches Lane. There is a farm named Hob Farm, and also a particular field that used to be named Hob Field.

We do not know exactly why the road was ever called Witches Lane or Hob Lane, or why Hob Field was so-called. 

These are the various symbols which appear in the image...

This is the Hob Lane road sign, at the top of Red Lane. 

The word Hob is related to Hobgoblin.

This is the name on the original Hobgoblins Cottage, in Hob Lane. The old cottage also used to have a black-cat weather vane. 

The original cottage was demolished around 2006 and a new building erected on the same spot

This is the Hobgoblins name on the present building that stands on the site of the old Hobgoblins Cottage in Hob Lane.

Deeds of Hobgoblins Cottage. 

The most recent owner of the cottage (before it was demolished) told me that a cottage had existed on that spot since 1661. 

The cottage was not originally called Hobgoblins; the cottage was given that name much later.

Front cover of a pamphlet published in 1638 titled 'Robin Goodfellow His Mad Prankes and Merry Jests'. 

This is the same character in folklore as Hob, or a Hobgoblin.

Front cover of an edition of A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare. 

It shows the same woodcut figure as the image just above. 

Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream is the same character. 

In the play Puck is addressed as Robin Goodfellow. 

Part of a map of Coventry from 1748.

If you look very carefully you can see a site named Hobbes Well, near the centre of this image. 

This was near to the far end of what is now Fairfax Street (near the bus station). 

Spirits were associated with wells and underground places. 

A Mayor of Hob's Hole was elected each year and forcibly ducked in this well. 

Bilbo Bagins and Gandalf from the Tolkien's story The Hobbit. 

Tolkien said that he invented the name hobbit and intended it to mean 'hole-dweller'. 

He would certainly have known about the word Hob and its various folklore associations.

Scene from the Harry Potter films with the house-elf Dobby. 

Dobby is the term used in Lancashire and Yorkshire  for a hobgoblin. 

The film includes a scene where Dobby is presented with clothes. The notion of presenting a hobgoblin with clothes is part of the folklore tradition.

Quatermass and the Pit was a series originally made in black and white by the BBC in 1957. The action takes place at a fictional location in London called Hobb's Lane which is an important key throughout the story. 

A later version was filmed in colour by Hammer in 1967. Both films follow roughly the same plot. 

Still image from the BBC version of Quatermass and The Pit showing the Hob's Lane name plates.

Still image from the Hammer version of Quatermass and the Pit showing the cover of a fictional pamphlet titled 'The True Historie of the Hobs Lane Ghostes Authentic Testimonial Concerning The Amazing Events At Hobs Lane''

Friday, 23 October 2020

Kenilworth Community Forum Policing Priorities Online Vote October 2020


Suggested priority options:

• Kenilworth Town Centre – Crime Reduction/Prevention Patrols

Burton Green – Speed Checks/Monitoring

• Dalehouse Lane, Kenilworth – Speed Checks/Monitoring

• St Nicholas CofE Community Primary School, Kenilworth – School Safety Patrols

• Crackley Hall School, Kenilworth – School Safety Patrols

Visit to cast your vote online. 

Voting closes Tuesday 27-OCT-2020. DON’T FORGET TO VOTE!


Kenilworth Safer Neighbourhood Team

01926 684404 

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Draft Minutes of Residents' Association AGM September 28th 2020

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Burton Green Residents’ Association held on September 28th, 2020 via Zoom

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the AGM was held virtually, via Zoom.

Rona welcomed everyone, especially the District and Parish councillors who had joined the meeting.

1 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Dianne Adams, Faith Ward and PCSO Rachael Clayton.  Judi was asked to invite PCSO Clayton to the next BGRA committee meeting.

Action: Judi

2 Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of September 30th 2019 were accepted.

Proposed: Eileen Nisbet

Seconded: Alan Marshall

3 Matters Arising

Any matters arising were to be covered by agenda points.

4 Chair’s Report

A report had been circulated in advance as follows:

Although COVID-19 has led to a number of disappointing cancellations, the Residents’ Association has still been able to respond to residents’ concerns and support the community in very challenging times. We have been holding our meetings using Zoom.

We are currently developing plans for Christmas 2020 and hope, as in previous years, to collaborate with the Balsall Common Lions in a Santa Sleigh evening which is pencilled in for Saturday December12th. Last year we raised £730 for the Warwickshire Air Ambulance and suggestions for this year’s charity include the Coventry Boot Fund, which provides shoes for needy children, and Trussell Trust Food Bank, Warwick. A decision will be made at the AGM regarding this year’s chosen charity. 

An amendment was made to the report as information had been received that, in the current situation, it would not be possible to arrange the Santa Sleigh at Christmas 2020 and so no charity collection would be held.

It is hoped Burton Green Academy children will again take part in our annual Christmas card competition and plans are afoot for festive lighting on the Jubilee Verge.

As usual, we have published four editions of the Bugle over the past year. This newsletter, greatly valued in “normal” times, has played an even more important role through the pandemic and is the community’s only form of communication which reaches every household. So many elements of the community contribute to it and so many members of the community distribute it. Particular thanks are due to Mary Webb, the editor.

VE Day and VJ Day anniversaries have been commemorated with displays on the Jubilee Verge and residents have appreciated this opportunity to mark the end of World War Two 75 years ago.

It is really disappointing that Burton Green is currently divided for a 16 week period by HS2 road closures, despite promises this would never be imposed on our community. The Residents’ Association has worked in partnership with the Parish Council to challenge HS2 Ltd, calling on Jeremy Wright to champion our cause. We were also very disappointed to have the Greenway closed prior to the full diversion open: another broken promise from HS2.

Despite the ravages of HS2, we continue to look after our environment. Issues concerning roads and pavements are regularly followed up with Warwickshire County Council and the troughs at the entrances to Burton Green are well maintained thanks to residents’ watering and tending.

This has probably been the most challenging year in Burton Green since World War 2. I would like to pay tribute to the people of Burton Green who have maintained our community spirit throughout. I hope next year to be able to report on the return of normal activities and events.

With sadness, Rona added grateful thanks to Peter Tacon who had served the Burton Green community so well and condolences were extended to his wife Lesley and the family after Peter’s untimely and sudden death in July 2020.

Should anyone have any questions regarding the report they were asked to email them to Rona for a response.

5 Treasurer’s Report

Dianne had submitted a report which had been circulated.

The Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet are attached separately.

Rona thanked Dianne for keeping the accounts. If there were any question these too should be sent to Rona who would forward them to Dianne for a response.

6 Election of Independent Examiner

In light of the death of Peter Tacon, Marlene Hills had agreed at short notice to arrange for the accounts to be independently inspected. Thanks were expressed to Marlene for stepping in at very short notice to arrange for the accounts to be examined and for providing her professional oversight for free.

As yet, a permanent Independent Examiner had not been appointed for the future.

7 Election of Committee members

Janet Hickinbottom, as Joint Secretary, conducted this agenda item.

The constitution required that the officers and three committee members should stand down.  All the officers and committee members had agreed to be re-elected for a further year. 

Proposed: Barbara Noronha

Seconded: Jill Line

Unanimously agreed.

Janet said that more residents were very welcome to join the committee, especially those new to the village, and could contact Rona or any other committee member to express interest.

8 Report from Village Hall trustees

Cheryl Wall gave a positive report to the meeting. There had at last been some progress with HS2 after a tortuous procedure over the past few years. HS2 had accepted the tender from the preferred contractor following professional disagreements regarding the tendering process had been overcome. Now HS2 was considering the funding in line with the tender, a process that should last 3-4 weeks.

After this it would be necessary to finalise the contract with the builders; to transfer the land to the Village Hall trustees; to sign a cost agreement involving the building contractors, the funding and the trustees. Trustees’ liability was a key factor which was being sorted out by solicitors.

There was to be a clause in the contract to ensure continuation of the building of the new hall in the unlikely event of HS2 being cancelled.

Building work was unlikely to start before January 2021 and would take 10-12 months.

The impact of the significant road closures had been raised with HS2 and now monthly meetings were to be held to progress the build. Assurances had been received that the existing hall will not be demolished before the new one is available for use.

Cllr Paddy Deeley added that the Greenway diversion through the Village Hall field was still under discussion. She had pointed out on many occasions the various plans highlighting a community orchard on land between the new Village Hall site and the ponds that had been installed. Planting of 1100 trees had already taken place.

Cllr Alan Marshall referred to the Neighbourhood Plan explaining that it was now to go out to consultation for two months.

Cllr George Illingworth explained the process as follows:

Draft plan goes to consultation; amendments are submitted; a final version is considered by WDC which checks it is in line with District policy; final version is sent out for public consultation; any objections are submitted to the examiner who comes back with proposed changes; and it finally goes to a referendum (in this case approximately May 2021).

Cllr Ray Watkins would be asked to provide a summary for the next edition of the Bugle.

Action: Mary

9 Any Other Business

Rona said speeding in the village was a perennial problem. A meeting had been held the previous week between the County Highways Department and some Parish Councillors to consider speed calming measures.

Rona paid tribute to the village Speedwatch team.

Chris Langton brought up concerns about the lack of consultation on the closure of the significant junction at the top of Red Lane.  He had asked HS2 if consultations had been held with the emergency services, Post Office, delivery services etc.  He had received no reply. Other residents gave examples of there being problems with deliveries or failure to notify residents of road closures.  There was general agreement that little or no consultation had taken place.

Chris also raised the matter of the road closure being mentioned in Prime Minister’s Question Time.  This was particularly in light of the effect on the local school, which again had not been informed.

Cllr Illingworth made reference to the threatened oak tree at the junction. A few weeks ago a meeting had been chaired by Jeremy Wright MP and a separate meeting was held with the Senior Engineer regarding the design of the junction. This would be discussed at a webinar the following day between HS2 and Jones Lang Lasalle building contractors.

Cllr Illingworth was thanked for his ongoing support for Burton Green matters. He said many people in the Warwick district were only just becoming familiar with the problems Burton Green was facing and there was much support for residents.

Cllr Paddy Deeley referred to the footpath alongside the properties at the top of Red Lane that was not fit for purpose and there had been complaints. Judi said it was not suitable for cyclists but was being highlighted as the replacement cycle route from Red Lane to the Greenway.

Eileen Nisbet had some postcards available of her painting of the Greenway and these were available from her.

There was no other business

10 Date of Next Annual General Meeting 

The next Annual General Meeting would be held in September 2021 at a date to be agreed.

Thanks were given to the 20 attendees, even extending internationally to Mr Chris Langton who had joined the meeting from Portugal.

Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Work has been ongoing in relation to the creation of the Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan. Some months ago a draft plan was put out for consultation and a final version has now been submitted to the Planning Officer. The council have now put this out for consultation. 

There is one main document (against which comments can be made) and 3 supporting documents.  If you wish to make any comments you can do so online.  This requires you to create an  account and then, where applicable, you can show your support or objection and add any comments for a section when you see the 'comment symbol box'  Alternatively you can submit your comments via email.

The complete details are here:

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Burton Green Residents’ Association AGM Monday 28th September 2020

The Residents’ Association AGM will this year be held on Monday 28th September at 7:30 via  a Zoom Meeting.  If you do not already have Zoom installed then this should be downloaded in advance.  Joining instructions are available on request.

Zoom meeting Agenda

  • Apologies
  • Minutes of the last meeting
  • Matters arising
  • Chair’s report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Election of Independent Examiner
  • Election of committee members
  • Report from Village Hall Trustees
  • Any other business
  • Date of next meeting Sept 2021


Although COVID-19 has led to a number of disappointing cancellations, the Residents’ Association has still been able to respond to residents’ concerns and support the community in very challenging times. We have been holding our meetings using Zoom.

We are currently developing plans for Christmas 2020 and hope, as in previous years, to collaborate with the Balsall Common Lions in a Santa Sleigh evening which is pencilled in for Saturday December12th. Last year we raised £730 for the Warwickshire Air Ambulance and suggestions for this year’s charity include the Coventry Boot Fund, which provides shoes for needy children, and Trussell Trust Food Bank, Warwick. A decision will be made at the AGM regarding this year’s chosen charity. It is hoped Burton Green Academy children will again take part in our annual Christmas card competition and plans are afoot for festive lighting on the Jubilee Verge.

As usual, we have published four editions of the Bugle over the past year. This newsletter, greatly valued in “normal” times, has played an even more important role through the pandemic and is the community’s only form of communication which reaches every household. So many elements of the community contribute to it and so many members of the community distribute it. Particular thanks are due to Mary Webb, the editor.

VE Day and VJ Day anniversaries have been commemorated with displays on the Jubilee Verge and residents have appreciated this opportunity to mark the end of World War Two 75 years ago.

It is really disappointing that Burton Green is currently divided for a 16 week period by HS2 road closures, despite promises this would never be imposed on our community. The Residents’ Association has worked in partnership with the Parish Council to challenge HS2 Ltd, calling on Jeremy Wright to champion our cause. We were also very disappointed to have the Greenway closed prior to the full diversion open: another broken promise from HS2.

Despite the ravages of HS2, we continue to look after our environment. Issues concerning roads and pavements are regularly followed up with Warwick District Council and the troughs at the entrances to Burton Green are well maintained thanks to residents’ watering and tending.

This has probably been the most challenging year in Burton Green since World War 2. I would like to pay tribute to the people of Burton Green who have maintained our community spirit throughout. I hope next year to be able to report on the return of normal activities and events.


Monday, 14 September 2020

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting September 9th 2020

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions


Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Mary Webb.

1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting

Apologies had been received from Faith Ward and Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Contact HS2 about the well on Cromwell Lane bridgeRona 
Report back on progress with metal Christmas treeMary and Hilary
Increase Bugle print runMary
Arrange Zoom meeting for AGMJudi
Submit Chair’s Report etc. for distribution via the email loopRona
Liaison with school regarding Christmas card competitionFaith
Further ideas for chosen charity to be supported at ChristmasAll to Judi by September 25th
Community Fund item to remain on agendaJudi 
Maintain list of suggestions for funding requestsJudi

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of July 15th 2020 meeting

The minutes of the meeting were approved. 

Matters Arising from the previous minutes
  • Community Fund item to remain on agenda – confirmed
  • Children in Need item to remain on agenda – confirmed
  • Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests – confirmed
  • Compile and submit final list of dates for BGRA bookings – completed 
  • Ask Paddy to add all committee members to BGRA What’s App group – this was actually a Facebook group and members can request to join if already a Facebook user.
  • Report overgrown footpath on Red Lane – completed. Task carried out by residents. Rona had not had responses from Peter Hallam.
  • Drone footage of VE Day celebrations to be made available – completed 
  • Discussion of precept spending to be added to next agenda (agenda item)
  • Next edition of the Bugle – completed
  • Preparations for the AGM via Zoom (agenda item)
  •  Investigate metal outline of Christmas tree (agenda item)
  • Liaison re VJ Day – completed.  Thanks to Mary and Hillary
  • Suggestions for charity/ies to benefit from Santa Sleigh 2020 (agenda item)

2. Village Hall Update

Dianne reported that a very positive meeting had been held earlier in the day. A new HS2 Project Manager had attended and there had been a number of action points. An interesting presentation had been provided. It had been accepted that communication was crucial and this had been lacking from HS2. The holding of virtual drop-in meetings with all stakeholders had been mentioned. A presentation to the Parish Council was scheduled for October/November.

3. Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated. Dianne reported that there had been little change in finances in recent months including no further income. The only expenditure related to the printing of the June 2020 Bugle and items purchased for the VJ Day display.

Dianne has also circulated a summary of the spending amounts connected to the Parish Council grant of £1275. It was agreed that remaining funds would be spent on the tree and pot that had been agreed and the metal Christmas tree that was being investigated.

Thanks were given to Dianne. 

The committee recorded their sadness on the news of Peter Tacon’s death in July. For many years, Peter had undertaken the role of Independent Examiner of the BGRA annual accounts and had provided a thorough, timely and reliable service at all times. He would be greatly missed. He had also been a strong supporter, with his wife Lesley, of all events.

Thanks were extended to Marlene Hills for agreeing, at short notice, to sort out the end of year accounts for 2019-2020.

4. Residents’ views/concerns

  • Access to and use of Greenway- many concerns had been expressed regarding closure of the Greenway and footpaths at various points with no prior warning. There was now a great deal of security around the Greenway. One resident had expressed concern about access to the well by the Cromwell Lane Bridge and was interested to know if details could be recorded. Rona agreed to contact HS2 about this. Action: Rona
  • Residents had complained about HS2 staff parking overnight and causing a disturbance by running car engines, talking loudly and dropping litter.

5. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues
  • Cala Homes Update. Paddy reported that approximately 37 houses were now occupied. Residents were not happy about people trying to take a diversion between Red Lane and Hob Lane via the Cala Homes development. Some drivers had even driven over people’s front lawns in a bid to find a way through.
  • VJ Day display. Thanks were extended to Mary and Hilary for decorating the verge for this occasion. The result created a community statement which was particularly welcome at the time. Thanks were also given to Peter Stanworth for his article in the Bugle.
  • Road closure, oak tree. The sudden closure of the vital junction at the top of Red Lane had elicited much anger. Again, there had been no communication with the community and the school had been affected at a time when there was already a great deal of anxiety about returning after six months during the pandemic. The Parish Council and the Residents’ Association had taken a lead on this and a meeting had been held including Jeremy Wright MP who had raised the situation during Prime Minister’s Question Time. HS2 said it had “reached out” to the school but the Head Teacher had heard nothing from them. Parents were having to take a substantial detour via Hodgett’s Lane and Hob Lane to reach the school. It was hoped that the parking of vehicles would be carried out in a way respectful of the community. HS2 had now responded promising to extend its working week to include Saturdays and Sunday mornings to try to complete the work earlier than planned. 
  • Children in Need ramble. This was to be postponed to coincide with the opening of the new Greenway.
  • HS2 fund- what should we ask for?
Entrance gates
Trees around the village
Top of the tunnel ideas
Village hall signage recycling
Added to this list was the reclamation of sandstone blocks from the bridges but where to store these remained a problem.
  • It was thought that someone had stolen one of the artefacts in the form of a gradient marker but Paddy reported that it had been re-sited on the Greenway nearer to Kenilworth to avoid its destruction.
  • Priorities for precept money- ideas so far
Bugle funding
Iron frame for Xmas tree - Mary and Hilary had an appointment with a manufacturer on September 20th and would report back.
Action: Mary and Hilary
  • Charity collection at Christmas: it was not yet clear whether the Santa Sleigh Activity by Balsall Common Lions supported by the Residents Association would be able to go ahead.  Suggestions for a charity to support were the Coventry Boot Fund and a local food bank. Any further ideas should be submitted to Judi by Friday September 25th for inclusion at the AGM. Action: all
  • Bugle. Thanks were given to Mary for all her hard work in producing the Bugle, especially during the lockdown period. It was agreed to increase the number of copies ordered to accommodate new entrants to the village. Action: Mary
  • The next edition of the Bugle would be printed on December 4th with articles to be submitted to Mary by November 27th.
  • AGM Sept 28th It was agreed the AGM would be held via Zoom. Judi agreed to set this up. Action: Judi
Rona would send a report to be circulated via the village email loop. This would contain the information that all current committee members were willing to continue their membership but that new members would be welcome, in particular new entrants to the village. Any objections should be submitted by email. In addition, the accounts would be circulated in the same way along with a request for any questions to be raised. Action: Rona

6. Greenway Trust Update

A welcome update had been provided in the most recent edition of the Bugle.

7. AGM decisions September 28th

Covered under item 5.

8. Parish Councillor's Report

There had not been a meeting since the last Residents’ Association meeting except for an Exceptional Meeting to consider problems with HS2 and the road closure.
The threatened oak tree was now the subject of a number of surveys.

9.  Any Other Business

The Residents’ Association now held a key to the noticeboard.

10. Date of next Meeting

The next committee meeting was scheduled for November 25th 2020.

Faith would be asked to liaise with the school regarding the annual Christmas card competition. Designs would need to be submitted by Monday 23rd of November in time for judging and printing.
  Action: Faith

Monday, 31 August 2020

Bugle - September 2020

The September 2020 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.

Monday, 24 August 2020

HS2 Burton Green Oak Tree and Road Closure Protest

There will be an Extraordinary Meeting of Burton Green Parish Council on Aug 24th, 2020 at 7:30pm.

The meeting is scheduled to take place via Zoom, meeting ID: 863 2544 1122. Password available on request.

The meeting will consider the situation surrounding the proposed felling by HS2 Ltd of an oak tree at the corner of Hob Lane, and the closure of Red Lane, Hob Lane and Cromwell Lane for 16 weeks, including the consequences for Burton Green School in Hob Lane.

The meeting will also consider as an objective the passing of an emergency resolution calling on Jeremy Wright to immediately involve Andrew Stephenson, the Minister of State at the Department for Transport with special responsibility for the HS2 Project, on this issue.


Sunday, 9 August 2020

Burton Green Produce Show 2020

In line with many other community events we unfortunately now have to cancel this years Produce Show.  We are adhering to all the guidance for the use of village halls and the show cannot be accommodated within the indoor hall space available

However, in its place we are planning a 'Burton Green Pop Up Produce Market with Tea and Cakes'.  We hope to be selling the following and are encouraging the community to help stock the stalls with home produce including the following:

  • Homemade Jams, Curds and Pickles etc labelled with the Month and Year they were made
  • Spare Fruit and Vegetables from your garden
  • Garden Plants and smaller plant cuttings - please start to take cuttings now
  • House Plants and smaller plant cuttings - please start to take cuttings now
  • Cut Flowers from your garden
  • Herbs
  • Garden Bulbs
  • Anything else garden/produce themed you can think of!

Tea/Coffee and the always delicious cakes will also be on sale.

We anticipate this all being held within the car park which will mean that no parking at the hall will be available so if possible please walk. 

This event will take place on Sunday 13th September, time to be confirmed but probably 1pm-4pm.  

More information will be sent around closer to the date regarding how donations will be collected.  Thanks to all in advance.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Burton Green VE Day Commemoration May 8th 2020 Drone Footage

Burton Green VE Day Commemoration May 8th 2020 Drone Footage. 

 Drone videography by Derek Lawrence, video editing and soundtrack by Jonathan Hehir. 

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting July 15th 2020

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.


Dianne Adams; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb. 

Mary Webb was congratulated on the arrival of a new grandchild.

Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting 

Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox, Bron Putnam and Paddy Deeley.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Community Fund item to remain on agendaJudy 
Children in Need item to remain on agendaJudi 
Maintain list of suggestions for funding requestsJudi
Compile and submit final list of dates for BGRA bookingsJudi
Ask Paddy to add all committee members to BGRA What’s App groupPaddy
Report overgrown footpath on Red LaneRona
Drone footage of VE Day celebrations to be made availablePaddy
Discussion of precept spending to be added to next agendaJudi 
Next edition of the BugleMary
Preparations for the AGM via ZoomAll
Investigate metal outline of Christmas treeMary
Liaison re VJ DayMary and Rona
Suggestions for charity/ies to benefit from Santa Sleigh 2020All

1. Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of March 4th 2020 meeting

The minutes of the meeting were approved.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Community Fund item to remain on agenda - continues
  • Children in Need item to remain on agenda - continues
  • Thank you letter to PC - completed
  • Report potholes in Red Lane - completed
  • Various VE Day items superseded as event had to be cancelled because of the pandemic lockdown.
  • Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests - Judi will collate ongoing 
  • Compile and submit final list of dates for BGRA bookings – Judi to liaise with Village Hall trustees
  • Further research about village What’s App group – apparently, this had been established and Rona would ask Paddy to add all BGRA committee members 
  • Complaint letter to HS2 - completed and answer received
All other matters arising were to be agenda items.

Note added after the draft minutes had been sent out:

The set up of a village WhatsApp group was discussed at a previous RA meeting when it was concluded that it would not be practical to set up such a group and it was not progressed further.  However an RA Facebook group was set up early in lockdown and now has approx 150 members. We are trying to keep the group very much for local people where possible and to decline those not from the area.  If you use Facebook search for ‘Burton Green Residents’ Association and ask to be added.  It would be good to get more updates onto this group.

2. Village Hall Update

There was no report but it was understood the trustees were very busy arranging the necessary risk assessments and hygiene procedures for the re-opening of the Village Hall.

3. Treasurer's Reportt

Dianne went through her report, identifying the income (VE Day grant from the Parish Council and various refunds connected to the cancelled visit to Phantom of the Opera); and the expenditure items (Bugle printing; insurance renewal; year’s hiring of village hall for meetings; various expenses connected to VE Day celebrations).

A question was asked about the grant from the Parish Council as most of the planned activities had been cancelled. However, expenses had been incurred such as the VE Day planter and flowers and it was still planned to purchase an oak tree and plaque so the donation would be utilised to the full.

Thanks were given to Dianne.

4. Residents’ views/concerns

Access to and use of the Greenway

Some residents had objected to the actions of a landowner in Red Lane who had inserted posts close to the two gates to a footpath thereby restricting access.  It appears this was done to prevent horses using the path.  Rona had contacted WDC Footpaths officer who had surveyed the site and declared the farmer was under no obligation to provide spaces wider than a traditional kissing gate and so his actions were reasonable.  The Officer was put in touch with the complainants to explain the situation. He pointed out that cycling on the footpath constituted trespass.

A number of residents had complained about the problems of dual use of the Greenway, often leading to unpleasant altercations between walkers and cyclists. Indeed, one cyclist had been assaulted and ended up in hospital.  It was generally agreed that some cyclists travel far too fast to be using the Greenway. Many cyclists do not use a bell to signal their approach to walkers. Many cyclists also fail to dismount on the slope from the bridge in Cromwell Lane, in spite of clear signposting. This situation now deterred many local residents from using the facility.

Members of the Greenway Trust were planning to consider the situation during a site visit on Friday July 17th and to make recommendations about signage. There was some uncertainty about the ownership of the Greenway and whether the slope, in particular, now belonged to HS2.

It was asked whether those considering the situation had representation from the cycling community.

The footpath on Red Lane was overgrown again and Rona agreed to contact the relevant authorities.

5. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

VE Day

Thanks were expressed to the VE Day group for all their hard work. It was a shame that, because of the lockdown situation, the proposed event had needed to be cancelled. Some items from the plans had been salvaged such as the VE Day planters on the Jubilee Verge. Drone footage of individual residents’ celebrations had taken place in Cromwell Lane, thanks to Derek Lawrence and Jonathan Hehir had edited this.  It was to be made available soon.

Cala Homes update on the site

There was nothing to report.

Children in Need Ramble

Because of the current situation, this proposed fundraising event would need to be postponed.

HS2 fund – what should we ask for?

One suggestion had been entrance “gates” for the village.
Signs along the Greenway were also discussed but it was pointed out that any signs needed to be appropriate for the new Greenway which would be in use before long.

Priorities for precept money

The printing of the Bugle was supported by the precept.
Dianne agreed to send round an updated list of expenditure so that the committee could decide what else might be paid for from this money. This should be discussed at the next meeting.


The Bugle was much appreciated within the community and thanks were conveyed to Mary and to those who deliver the publication. The next edition would be prepared for the first week in September.

AGM September 28th

It seemed unlikely that the AGM in its usual format would be able to take place in September because of rulings about gatherings and the importance of social distancing.  A discussion took place as to whether the AGM could be postponed for a year but eventually it was agreed to hold the AGM via Zoom. Any voting could be carried out by email.  Perhaps some who wished to participate but were unable to use Zoom, could attend the Village Hall following the necessary protocols. If there were any technology problems on the night, the committee would roll forward to the following year.

Iron frame for Christmas tree

It was becoming increasingly difficult each year to obtain a Christmas tree and to find volunteers to erect it (and remove it).  It was agreed to investigate the acquisition of a metal outline of a tree for simple erection each year.  The cost of this might be found within the precept money.

VJ Day August 15th

Should the village participate in commemorating the safe return of military personnel from all wars since WW2? The owner of a vehicle with Help for Heroes on the side would be approached to see if he would be happy to display his vehicle and for there to be a collection on VJ Day, August 15th. If he agreed, slips explaining this would need to be delivered to residents.

6. Greenway Trust update

Matters had been discussed under agenda item 4. There was nothing further to report.

7. Parish Councillor's Report

Cllr Gibbs said the PC had also been holding meetings via Zoom. It had dealt mainly with planning applications. It faced the ongoing challenge of the 80k support available from Cala Homes but which had stringent specifications. It could be spent only on the infrastructure connected to the impact of the railway.

8.  Any Other Business

Janet shared a video of one of the activities of the Canley Community Centre which was the chosen charity of the Burton Green Santa Sleigh in 2018.

The link to the video is here:

Thought needed to be given to which charities should be in receipt of this year’s Santa Sleigh event. If there was more than one suggestion, a vote would be needed at the AGM.

9. Date of 2020 Meetings

The next committee meetings were scheduled for

September 9th
AGM September 28th
November 25th

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Kenilworth Community Forum Policing Priorities – Online Vote July 2020

The online vote for the Kenilworth Community Forum Policing Priorities is now live.

The options are:

  • Kenilworth Town Centre - Crime Reduction Patrols
  • ASB Patrols - Parks and Open Spaces
  • Clinton Lane - Speed Checks/Monitoring
  • Rouncil Lane - Speed Checks/Monitoring
  • Burton Green - Foot/Cycle Patrols

To cast your vote online, please visit

(If prompted, enter event code #99406)

Voting closes at 1pm on Monday 20th July.

For more information about the Kenilworth Community Forum, visit

Don’t forget to vote!

Friday, 3 July 2020

Cromwell Lane - Temporary Traffic Lights

There will be temporary traffic lights by the railway bridge for 3 weeks from July 20th

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Bugle - June 2020

The June 2020 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.