Saturday, 18 July 2020

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting July 15th 2020

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.


Dianne Adams; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb. 

Mary Webb was congratulated on the arrival of a new grandchild.

Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting 

Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox, Bron Putnam and Paddy Deeley.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Community Fund item to remain on agendaJudy 
Children in Need item to remain on agendaJudi 
Maintain list of suggestions for funding requestsJudi
Compile and submit final list of dates for BGRA bookingsJudi
Ask Paddy to add all committee members to BGRA What’s App groupPaddy
Report overgrown footpath on Red LaneRona
Drone footage of VE Day celebrations to be made availablePaddy
Discussion of precept spending to be added to next agendaJudi 
Next edition of the BugleMary
Preparations for the AGM via ZoomAll
Investigate metal outline of Christmas treeMary
Liaison re VJ DayMary and Rona
Suggestions for charity/ies to benefit from Santa Sleigh 2020All

1. Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of March 4th 2020 meeting

The minutes of the meeting were approved.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Community Fund item to remain on agenda - continues
  • Children in Need item to remain on agenda - continues
  • Thank you letter to PC - completed
  • Report potholes in Red Lane - completed
  • Various VE Day items superseded as event had to be cancelled because of the pandemic lockdown.
  • Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests - Judi will collate ongoing 
  • Compile and submit final list of dates for BGRA bookings – Judi to liaise with Village Hall trustees
  • Further research about village What’s App group – apparently, this had been established and Rona would ask Paddy to add all BGRA committee members 
  • Complaint letter to HS2 - completed and answer received
All other matters arising were to be agenda items.

Note added after the draft minutes had been sent out:

The set up of a village WhatsApp group was discussed at a previous RA meeting when it was concluded that it would not be practical to set up such a group and it was not progressed further.  However an RA Facebook group was set up early in lockdown and now has approx 150 members. We are trying to keep the group very much for local people where possible and to decline those not from the area.  If you use Facebook search for ‘Burton Green Residents’ Association and ask to be added.  It would be good to get more updates onto this group.

2. Village Hall Update

There was no report but it was understood the trustees were very busy arranging the necessary risk assessments and hygiene procedures for the re-opening of the Village Hall.

3. Treasurer's Reportt

Dianne went through her report, identifying the income (VE Day grant from the Parish Council and various refunds connected to the cancelled visit to Phantom of the Opera); and the expenditure items (Bugle printing; insurance renewal; year’s hiring of village hall for meetings; various expenses connected to VE Day celebrations).

A question was asked about the grant from the Parish Council as most of the planned activities had been cancelled. However, expenses had been incurred such as the VE Day planter and flowers and it was still planned to purchase an oak tree and plaque so the donation would be utilised to the full.

Thanks were given to Dianne.

4. Residents’ views/concerns

Access to and use of the Greenway

Some residents had objected to the actions of a landowner in Red Lane who had inserted posts close to the two gates to a footpath thereby restricting access.  It appears this was done to prevent horses using the path.  Rona had contacted WDC Footpaths officer who had surveyed the site and declared the farmer was under no obligation to provide spaces wider than a traditional kissing gate and so his actions were reasonable.  The Officer was put in touch with the complainants to explain the situation. He pointed out that cycling on the footpath constituted trespass.

A number of residents had complained about the problems of dual use of the Greenway, often leading to unpleasant altercations between walkers and cyclists. Indeed, one cyclist had been assaulted and ended up in hospital.  It was generally agreed that some cyclists travel far too fast to be using the Greenway. Many cyclists do not use a bell to signal their approach to walkers. Many cyclists also fail to dismount on the slope from the bridge in Cromwell Lane, in spite of clear signposting. This situation now deterred many local residents from using the facility.

Members of the Greenway Trust were planning to consider the situation during a site visit on Friday July 17th and to make recommendations about signage. There was some uncertainty about the ownership of the Greenway and whether the slope, in particular, now belonged to HS2.

It was asked whether those considering the situation had representation from the cycling community.

The footpath on Red Lane was overgrown again and Rona agreed to contact the relevant authorities.

5. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

VE Day

Thanks were expressed to the VE Day group for all their hard work. It was a shame that, because of the lockdown situation, the proposed event had needed to be cancelled. Some items from the plans had been salvaged such as the VE Day planters on the Jubilee Verge. Drone footage of individual residents’ celebrations had taken place in Cromwell Lane, thanks to Derek Lawrence and Jonathan Hehir had edited this.  It was to be made available soon.

Cala Homes update on the site

There was nothing to report.

Children in Need Ramble

Because of the current situation, this proposed fundraising event would need to be postponed.

HS2 fund – what should we ask for?

One suggestion had been entrance “gates” for the village.
Signs along the Greenway were also discussed but it was pointed out that any signs needed to be appropriate for the new Greenway which would be in use before long.

Priorities for precept money

The printing of the Bugle was supported by the precept.
Dianne agreed to send round an updated list of expenditure so that the committee could decide what else might be paid for from this money. This should be discussed at the next meeting.


The Bugle was much appreciated within the community and thanks were conveyed to Mary and to those who deliver the publication. The next edition would be prepared for the first week in September.

AGM September 28th

It seemed unlikely that the AGM in its usual format would be able to take place in September because of rulings about gatherings and the importance of social distancing.  A discussion took place as to whether the AGM could be postponed for a year but eventually it was agreed to hold the AGM via Zoom. Any voting could be carried out by email.  Perhaps some who wished to participate but were unable to use Zoom, could attend the Village Hall following the necessary protocols. If there were any technology problems on the night, the committee would roll forward to the following year.

Iron frame for Christmas tree

It was becoming increasingly difficult each year to obtain a Christmas tree and to find volunteers to erect it (and remove it).  It was agreed to investigate the acquisition of a metal outline of a tree for simple erection each year.  The cost of this might be found within the precept money.

VJ Day August 15th

Should the village participate in commemorating the safe return of military personnel from all wars since WW2? The owner of a vehicle with Help for Heroes on the side would be approached to see if he would be happy to display his vehicle and for there to be a collection on VJ Day, August 15th. If he agreed, slips explaining this would need to be delivered to residents.

6. Greenway Trust update

Matters had been discussed under agenda item 4. There was nothing further to report.

7. Parish Councillor's Report

Cllr Gibbs said the PC had also been holding meetings via Zoom. It had dealt mainly with planning applications. It faced the ongoing challenge of the 80k support available from Cala Homes but which had stringent specifications. It could be spent only on the infrastructure connected to the impact of the railway.

8.  Any Other Business

Janet shared a video of one of the activities of the Canley Community Centre which was the chosen charity of the Burton Green Santa Sleigh in 2018.

The link to the video is here:

Thought needed to be given to which charities should be in receipt of this year’s Santa Sleigh event. If there was more than one suggestion, a vote would be needed at the AGM.

9. Date of 2020 Meetings

The next committee meetings were scheduled for

September 9th
AGM September 28th
November 25th