Monday, 17 September 2018

Minutes of Residents' Association September 11th 2018

Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting September 11th, 2018 

Present: Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Faith Ward; and Mary Webb,

 1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting:

 Apologies had been received from Paddy Deeley

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Words and music for Armistice commemoration community singingHilary
Request for school involvement in Armistice eventFaith
Lamp post in Red Lane not workingRona
Voting forms for AGM Santa’s Sleigh charitiesRona
Finalise Santa’s sleigh arrangementsRona
Arrangements for erection of Christmas treeBron
Liaise with school re Christmas card competitionRona
Arrange printing of banner advertising armistice eventsRona
Seek permission from the farmer to erect the beaconRona
Source buglerRona
Village litter pick on October 14th 11 am at Cromwell Lane bridgeAll
Details for bulb plantingMary and Hilary
Speak to homeowner about overgrown hedgeRona
AGM agenda to be sent round the email loopJudi
Refreshments for AGMRona, Mary and Hilary

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the July 10th meeting were approved. 

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:( as above)
  • The application to the Parish Council had been successful.
  • Faith would be approaching the school in October
  • Mary had not had room in the Bugle to request cake stands.
  • The Choir had agreed to sing two songs at the Armistice commemoration. Hilary was to source words and music for the community singing.
  • Judi had arranged thank you cards.
  • Mary had asked several times about the removal of the barrier around a manhole on the verge in Red Lane. This had still not been actioned.
All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.

2. Treasurer's Report

A report had been circulated. Dianne explained the various items. 
Total funds available amounted to £3489.24 with the £149.56 defibrillator costs still to be taken out.

Subscriptions collected amounted to £1,049 compared to last year’s 1039.40. Expenditure since the last meeting included the plants for the flower tubs (£109.43). A £250 donation had been received from Warwick District Council for WW1 Commemorative Funds.

3.  Residents' views/concerns
  • A lamp post in Red Lane was not working.  Rona would report this. Action: Rona
  • There had been water problems again in Cromwell Land and residents had been unable to contact Severn Trent

4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues

Choice of charity for Santa Sleigh

It was agreed that a local charity should be selected. 

Several charities were suggested including Canley Community Centre; Kenilworth Helping Hands Club; Coventry Boot Fund; and Helen Ley House.

It was decided that the charities should be asked to provide information for the AGM where a public vote would be held.  Those not selected would be considered for future years.

Rona would prepare forms for voting. Action: Rona

Date and arrangements for Santa Sleigh

Details were still being finalized by Mary, but it was hoped the event would take place on December 14th.  The choir had very considerately changed the date of their concert to December 21st to make the Village Hall available.  However, there was still some uncertainty because of a regular booking of the hall. Action: Mary

To avoid future clashes the Hall had been booked for December 13th, 2019.

Christmas tree and Christmas cards

Andy Gibbs offered a tree which he would cut down in his garden.  Barry and Darren would be asked if they would erect it on the Jubilee Verge w/c December 7th

Faith would again liaise with the school regarding the Christmas card competition.  The final entry needed to be ready for printing on November 21st.

Jubilee Group feedback on plans for commemorating 1918 armistice

Final arrangements were taking place.  Orders would be taken for afternoon tea. The choir would sing at 3.30 to be followed by community singing. A colouring table would be made available for children. Soldier silhouettes had been produced to place on the Jubilee Verge. British Legion crosses would be available to purchase at £2.50 each. Deirdre Vernon had demonstrated how to make poppies which the schoolchildren would be creating to display on the Jubilee Verge.

Rona would order a £15 banner to display at the top of Red Lane to publicise the armistice event.
Action: Rona

The Parish Council had agreed to purchase a gas-fired beacon as part of a national initiative to mark the armistice.  The committee discussed the best location for this and it was agreed to seek permission to place it in the field at the top of Red Lane. 
Action: Rona

Post meeting note: the farmer had kindly agreed to this request

Peter Hancock had volunteered to erect the beacon.  Also, in line with the national initiative, it was hoped to have a bugler to play the Last Post at 7p.m. on November 11th.
Action: Rona

Litter initiative

Litter remained a problem, but a productive meeting had been held with WDC and the recycling adviser.  Suggestions for how residents could secure their recycling items had been published in the recent edition of the Bugle. The cleansing team would also visit the village every two months.

The next Village Clean Up would take place on October 14th 11am at Cromwell Lane bridge 
Action: all

Bulb planting 

The digging of trenches for the bulbs would be the best method. Barry would be asked for help with this.  Hilary and Mary would purchase the bulbs and a date for planting would be sent via the email loop.

AGM arrangements

 The banner had been amended and would be put up.  Judi would send the agenda, once agreed, round the email loop. The format was agreed as last year with the chair’s report available in advance and on the seats.  The key issues would be: 
  • The charity to be supported from the Santa’s sleigh collection
  • Village Hall update
  • The road (Andy Gibbs)
  • An introduction from the new school head (if available) 
The constitution required that the officers and three committee members should stand down. All committee members plus Andy, Bron and Hilary would stand down but were prepared to stand again.  Helen Hehir had volunteered to join the committee.  Other volunteers would be welcome.

Refreshments would be arranged by Rona, Mary and Hilary. Action: Rona, Mary and Hilary

5. Village Hall

Cheryl had submitted the following:
Amazingly, we’re still awaiting planning permission… we hope it will now be heard at the October committee but it’s not definite. 
·         We’re looking for new trustees from Autumn next year, please ask anyone interested to get in touch with me for an informal chat about the role and shadowing opportunities.·         We’re currently awaiting information from Groundworks to see whether we are eligible to apply to the HS2 community fund. If so, we intend to apply for funding for a range of art works to enhance the interior and exterior/grounds of the new hall. We’re open to suggestions and will need to/would like to consult the community. If we are eligible and if the residents’ association are thinking of applying too, perhaps we could do a joint consultation? 
·         Next events were advertised in the Bugle: Off the Cuff on 13th October with a sharing platter and Autumn crumble supper and a Quiz Night on 17th November.

6. Parish Councillor's Report

Andy reported that the next meeting would be held on the following Monday.
The main contractor for HS2, Balfour Beatty would be presenting
New Parish Councillors were in post and details had been included in the recent edition of the Bugle.

7.  Any Other Business

Notice was drawn to the fact that double yellow lines were to be introduced to one side of Westwood Heath Road.

WDC was consulting on air quality but it was agreed this would be a matter for the Parish Council.

Some residents had expressed concern about an overgrown hedge in Hodgetts Lane.  Rona would arrange to speak to the home owner. Action: Rona

HS2 Community Fund – a coordinated approach had been recommended.

Post meeting note - Rona circulated the following:
A meeting had been held in July with these actions:
  • It was agreed to find out details of the Greenway Trust’s application
  • Lesley Tacon would see if the school had ideas.
  • Paddy- agreed to contact Groundwork regarding the fact that the village is hugely disadvantaged by the criteria for awarding funding: we can't apply until we own the land, we have to be in the position to start 6 months after being granted funding and finish in 2 years. Paddy will also clarify with Groundwork the five projects per community rule. 
  • Deirdre wold ask Red Lane residents to contribute ideas.
  •   Rona would ask at the AGM
A further meeting would be held in September.
Post meeting note- Rona had received the following correspondence:
I’m writing to you on behalf of the Leigh Educational Foundation in order to publicise ourselves more widely to the residents of Burton Green. 
The Foundation as a charity has been going for 308 years and was begun in 1710 by the Leigh family to give financial assistance to young people in the parishes of Stoneleigh, Ashow, Leek Wootton and Guys Cliffe. Over the years young people in these parishes have benefitted considerably and both Leek Wootton and Burton Green schools as a combined Academy have benefited too. However when Burton Green split from Stoneleigh and formed their own new civil parish, individual applications from the new parish have dried up! 
I as Chairman of Trustees to the Foundation, would like to remind residents of Burton Green that you are not forgotten and we would welcome applications from young people living in your area. To that end I attach a flyer which I hope may be useful for you to email out to residents, perhaps include in the next Bugle and put up on your Village Hall noticeboard too?  
I have met Archie and have spoken about the Foundation to residents at an HS2 meeting in the Village Hall which at the time probably wasn’t the best forum. 
Many thanks and kind regards  
Richard Coates, Chairman, Trustee of the Leigh Educational Foundation 

Judi had represented the Residents’ Association at the Made in Burton Green meeting.  The group was considering involvement in the Coventry City of Culture 2021 events. Thanks were given to Judi for her involvement.

8. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

The next meetings were scheduled for  October 1st (AGM),  December 11th