Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Kenilworth Policing Priorities (October)

The next Kenilworth Community Forum takes place at 6:30pm on Tuesday 2nd October 2018 at the Kenilworth Senior Citizens Club, Abbey End car park, Kenilworth, CV8 1LA.

Ahead of the forum the online vote is now live and will close on Monday 1st October 2018. There will be a further chance to contribute at the forum.

Priority options are:

  1. Inconsiderate parking in Burton Green to prevent/deal with vehicles causing obstructions on the highway, educate motorists and provide reassurance to the local community.
  2. Anti-social behaviour patrols at parks,recreational areas and open spaces in Kenilworth to prevent/deal with anti-social behaviour and to provide reassurance to members of the local community.
  3. School safety patrols at Thorns Infant School, Blackthorn Road, Kenilworth to promote pupil safety when going to/from school; including the prevention/detection of road related issues during school drop-off and collection times.
  4. School safety patrols at Kenilworth School, Leyes Lane, Kenilworth to promote student safety when going to/from school; including the prevention/detection of road related issues during school drop-off and collection times.
  5. Crime reduction patrols in Kenilworth town centre to prevent/deal with incidents of theft and anti-social behaviour, and to provide reassurance to businesses/members of the public.

You can vote (and see the results of the vote so far) here: