Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Made in Burton Green 2018

This selection of photos shows some highlights of Made in Burton Green 2018. The event was organised in collaboration with Warwickshire Open Arts and the Coventry Arts Trail.

Art and Crafts in the Village Hall

The centrepiece in the Village Hall was a set of hand made clay models of houses and landmarks, made by their respective residents (with the assistance of Muddy Cottage Pottery), and positioned on an outline map of the village...

Scarecrows on the Greenway

This animation shows the 17 scarecrows along the Greenway...

Mischief in the Wood

'Mischief in the Wood' was the theme for an art project in the National Grid wood. The project featured the witches and gnomes of Burton Green. Burton Green has a long association with witches and gnomes. Hob Lane takes its name from such a figure.

Numerous gargoyles, attached to trees, had been made as an offshoot of the clay houses project...

A notice pinned to a tree explains...
"In Scandinavian folklore, these gnomes protect the homestead from misfortune or evil spirits, secretly acting as their guardian. However, the gnomes should be respected and treated with kindness, as they can be very easily offended, and will then play tricks on their family. Such mischief includes tangling your hair while you sleep, turning your milk sour, or stealing your sausages! 
These kindly yet tricksy gnomes are a very fitting subject for our 'Mischief in the Woods' Sculpture Trail." 

Some of those stolen sausages...

And more mischief...

The Terracotta Snail Army created by pupils of Burton Green School...

Exhibits Along Red Lane

Residents of Red Lane had created various exhibits along much of Red Lane. A sample is shown in this animation...

Previous Made in Burton Green Exhibitions

Made in Burton Green 2016
Made in Burton Green 2014
Made in Burton Green 2012