Monday, 14 December 2015

Collection of Items for the Homeless

Update, Friday 18th December:

I have been totally overwhelmed by the amount of donations received this evening, in fact, so much so that I am literally bursting at the seems and I have no more room to take anymore. Unfortunately I will not be holding the collection in the village hall on Sunday as I just have no more storage space at present.

I do apologise for any inconvenience cause & would like to thank each & everyone of you that made kind donations today. It has been truly heart warming.

If you do wish to make donations still The Salvation Army church in Coventry  collect items for the homeless shelters.

Many thanks & best wishes.

Dionne Reeve


Message from local resident, Dionne Reeve.

I have volunteered to work some shifts at the Coventry Winter Night Shelter who provide shelter 7 nights a week at various churches around Coventry giving a warm bed & a hot meal to the homeless of Coventry. I'm not asking anyone to spend money, I know we don't have much of that to spare this time of year but I am asking if you could look in the back of your wardrobes and cupboards and see if you have a spare winter coat, a sleeping bag, blankets, thick socks and any toiletries that you may be able to spare

I have arranged two dates that I will be at Burton Green Village Hall to collect any items you can spare which I will then deliver to the homeless when I work my shifts at the night shelter.  I will be at the village hall on Thursday 17th December between 4pm & 7.30pm and Sunday 20th December between 10am-1pm.  Please please check if you have anything you can spare, these people have absolutely nothing.

Let's spread a little love this Christmas.

Many many thanks in advance,

Dionne Reeve

Friday, 11 December 2015

Bugle - December 2015

The December 2015 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page,

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015


This table lists the contacts for various groups that meet at the Village Hall. The table also shows when each of these groups meets.

All of this information is also duplicated in the Events Calendar here: Events Calendar.

This page can also be accessed from the 'Contacts' tab in the menu along the top of the website.

BilinguaSingWednesday 2.00 - 3.45 pm07815 149877
BG Congregation1st Sunday 11am
Dandy DevelopmentWednesday 10-12 noonNikki 07890 241301
Flower ClubMonday afternoonBarbara 01676 534 820
Hodgetts Lane WI2nd Monday 7.30pmJane 02476 415162
Line Dancing Thursday 8pm07894 947334
lyengar YogaTuesday 10.30am -12 noon Paula 07734 801698
Martial ArtsWednesday 5.30-8.30pmKian 07951 055610
Parent & ToddlerThursday 10-12 noon
term time; drop in group
Photography Group 2nd Friday 7.30pm 02476 463 810
Pilates MondayMonday 9.30am Stacey 07714 655012
Swan PilatesFriday 9.30am Karen 07794 439224
Stitch Group/made in BGThursday
Yoga [Hatha]Tuesday 8-9.30 pmMaureen 02476 692797
ZumbaTuesday 6.30-7.30 pm Jenny 07870315118
BG Village ChoirMonday 5.30 - 6.30pmJudi 024 7642 2977
BG HS2 Action 02476464188
BG Wine Club1st Friday
02476 466524
BG Residents Associationrpataylor@gmail.corn 
02476 463844
BG Parish Council3rd Monday 7.30pm Parish clerk Paul Knight
 07917 074666

Monday, 7 December 2015

Pop Up Cafe

Forthcoming Event

Burton Green Village Hall Pop up Cafe 

Friday 12th Feb, 2016 
Servings from 6.30 to 8.30pm


Matar Keema ( minced Iamb with peas ) + Rice 
Aloo Baingan Matar ( potato with peas and aubergines ) + Rice 

Chicken in Red Wine + Rice 
A pop up Vegetarian Special + Rice 

all home made, fresh, gluten, dairy and nut free ingredients
 no deliveries, collection only 

To eat in at B.G. Village Hall £8 p.p. 
please bring your own drink and glasses [ no corkage! ] 
To take away £7 p.p. 

please call us to give us an indication of the numbers by Mon. 8th
 contact Deirdre 02476 464188 or 

Monies raised will be ring fenced for a new high capacity oven 
at the proposed new Village Hall