Monday, 14 December 2015

Collection of Items for the Homeless

Update, Friday 18th December:

I have been totally overwhelmed by the amount of donations received this evening, in fact, so much so that I am literally bursting at the seems and I have no more room to take anymore. Unfortunately I will not be holding the collection in the village hall on Sunday as I just have no more storage space at present.

I do apologise for any inconvenience cause & would like to thank each & everyone of you that made kind donations today. It has been truly heart warming.

If you do wish to make donations still The Salvation Army church in Coventry  collect items for the homeless shelters.

Many thanks & best wishes.

Dionne Reeve


Message from local resident, Dionne Reeve.

I have volunteered to work some shifts at the Coventry Winter Night Shelter who provide shelter 7 nights a week at various churches around Coventry giving a warm bed & a hot meal to the homeless of Coventry. I'm not asking anyone to spend money, I know we don't have much of that to spare this time of year but I am asking if you could look in the back of your wardrobes and cupboards and see if you have a spare winter coat, a sleeping bag, blankets, thick socks and any toiletries that you may be able to spare

I have arranged two dates that I will be at Burton Green Village Hall to collect any items you can spare which I will then deliver to the homeless when I work my shifts at the night shelter.  I will be at the village hall on Thursday 17th December between 4pm & 7.30pm and Sunday 20th December between 10am-1pm.  Please please check if you have anything you can spare, these people have absolutely nothing.

Let's spread a little love this Christmas.

Many many thanks in advance,

Dionne Reeve

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