Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting 25th November 2024


Draft Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting

November 25th at 7.30pm

Present: Judi Hibberd, Rona Taylor, Mary Webb, Hilary Cox, Faith Ward, Bron Putnam, Helen Hehir, Andy Gibb, Paddy Deeley, Dianne Adams, Rob Wright and Chris Langton(visitor)

Our newest committee member introduced himself and we to him.

  1. Apologies and minutes of the last meeting (September 23rd 2024):

Apologies had been received from Janet Hickinbottom

Summary of actions following the meeting


Anti littering poster that’s moveable


Second administrator to the treasurer


Verification of accounts


Thank you to Marlene


Pavement drop down


Christmas tree

Janet and Judi

Verge refurbishment for Armistice Day

Mary and others

Alms houses

Chris Langton to attend EGM

Paving slabs at the end of the path by the Village Hall

Rona to speak to Cheryl

Hickories liaison re fireworks 2025

Chris Langton

Hickories on the agenda for Sept 25


Speed signs at the end of Red Lane


Book  hall for May 11th afternoon tea


Anti snap locks information

Mary to put in the Bugle


Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Remove from future agendas item about Hodgetts Lane/Cromwell Lane junction - completed

  • Remove Community Fund from the agenda for six months - completed

  • Arrange banner informing about public meeting regarding the proposed almshouses. - completed

  • Details of the community lunch to be circulated on the email loop - completed

  • Arrange leaflet inviting new Westwood Heath residents to our AGM - completed

  • Chase up cost of anti-littering poster completed

  • Changes to and printing of Welcome leaflet completed

  • Coronation Verge to be decorated for Armistice Day -completed and agenda item

  • Liaise with the school regarding children’s Christmas card designs completed

  • Arrange Christmas tree on the Coronation Verge (agenda item) completed

  • Arrange banner advertising the AGM- completed

  • Add new objective on the Welcome leaflet - completed

  • Send email to Deirdre to confirm support of BGRA committee for pétanque pitch completed

  • Circulate dates for 2025 meetings completed

The minutes of the September 2024 meeting were approved.

Village Hall:

The Village Hall AGM is on Dec 2nd at 7:30 pm.

The wildflower sowing has been completed until Jan 25 when additional hedging will go in.

The community meal is on Dec 6th. The doors remain difficult.

There is a theatre production of “three men in a boat “on 24 Jan 2025.

           Treasurer’s Report:

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts on 21 November 2024: 

     Current Account net balance: £3221.66

     Deposit Account net balance: £1026.87

Total Funds: £4248.53

 Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting 

      Bugle Printing £520 

      Aprons for kitchen use £160.40 

      Cooker mats £10.95 

      Plants for tubs £36.25 

      RA Welcome letter - £150 

      Refreshments and Printing AGM £62.50 

      Residents’ lunches 11 October 2024 – loss of £135 (including hire of kitchen. 

NB no cost of hiring hall) 

Income Since Last Meeting: None 

Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2025 - £985.08

Dianne asked for a second administrator to look after the accounts and Paddy volunteered and was accepted.

Dianne had suggested a bank account change but after looking around decided to keep what we have.

The accounts have not yet been verified and Dianne will sort the verification with Lucy asap.

Dianne has discovered that we do not need an accountant so Rona will write to Marlene, who has been our accountant and say thank you for what she has done.

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. 

Residents’ views/concerns:

  1. Discussion of the meeting re 37 Berkswell Charity Alms Houses:

Andy reported that Berkswell Trust are putting in a planning application and there is to be an EGM of Berkswell PC to discuss it. Chris Langton is going to attend that meeting as are some of Burton Greens Parish Councillors.

Issues of definitions of eligibility were discussed. Until a formal planning application has gone in BGPC can’t formally comment.

  1. Battery Storage:

There are 4 proposed sites. Little Beanit has been approved. Burton Green Farm has gone to planning but there are concerns re visibility from the footpath. The other 2 have gone to the Secretary of State for appeal

  1. Pavements:

This item was brought from the floor of the AGM by Dierdre Vernon as to the poor state of the pavements in Burton Green. Rona had contacted Mike Newham from Warwick CC.

He would not agree to meet and look at the pavements with Rona as there is no money for any major overall. He clarified the possibilities:

Up to 50 square meters can be handled quickly.

The corner of Hodgetts Lane and Cromwell Lane are being restored to full height, but it will need a road closure to do it.

John Cooke has an elective member’s discretionary budget of £4 to £5 thousand pounds.

Highways have £36000 per year for targeted maintenance and a computer decides what needs to be done.

            There was a discussion about a small area of paving at the end of the path 

            close to the Village Hall entrance, Mike Newham had asked Rona if she

            could find out who had paved the area. It was felt that the paving slabs were 

            an improvement on the muddy verge. Rona will talk to Cheryl.

  1. Hickory’s fireworks:

This item came from the floor of the AGM as the event had caused considerable congestion on the night. It has been suggested that parking is limited to one side of the road with marshals. Chris Langton agreed to facilitate a meeting with the company nearer the time and to remember the police’s offer of extra cones.

  1. Speed signage at the end of Red Lane:

This item came from the floor of the AGM. A discussion ensued around speeding through the village. It was not clear whether the speed signs at the bottom of Red Lane were working and Warwick CC opinions as to whether speeding signs actually work. Rona will check the signs. This led to a discussion on the PCs hopes for speed gates at the entrance points to Burton Green and a speed limit of 30mph throughout the village.

Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:

  • HS2 issues – none reported

  • Community Lunch – the last one was successful but a loss of £135 was  incurred. Mary reported 4 people who booked didn’t come and a discussion was had about asking people to pay beforehand. Thanks were given to the lunch team.

Mary talked through plans for VE day 2025 and a suggestion that instead of a lunch we celebrate with an afternoon tea on the Sunday 11th of May 2025. Mary asked Judi to put it on the agenda for 2025 and the VH team asked Mary to book the room early to ensure availability.

  • Welcome Westwood Residents- leaflets went out to the whole of the Westwood site.

  • Litter Posters- the original idea proved too costly so Rona will look into a different format. Perhaps like the AGM banner so it could go to various sites in the village.

  • Bugle -Mary reported difficulties with format of photographs that are sent to her for inclusion. She will come up with a format people can use.

  • Armistice Day-One of the soldiers had been stolen. Mary and the team would like to change the display and a replacement is planned for the stolen soldier and a refurbishment of the display..

  • Christmas cards- are ready this week to go out. Thanks, given to Faith for approaching the school.

  • Santa’s Sleigh- The route will be in the Bugle. Its on 21st of Dec starting at 4:30

  • Tractor Run is on Tues Dec 17th staring from Stoneleigh and a map is available online.

  • Christmas tree arrangements- HS2 has supplied the tree and the Hickinbottoms and Hibberds will put it up and decorate the first week of December.

  • AGM debrief- it was deemed successful with the police presence helping draw people in. The police have been emphasizing anti snap locks. Rona had looked at the Facebook site and then contacted the firm that supplies them, Eydens in Wallace Road, Radford. She has negotiated a discount of 10% for Burton Green residents. Its £65 an hour to install and from £60 per lock. Mary will put an insert into the Bugle to let residents know.

  • BGRA objectives to be considered- This item was from the floor of the AGM by Chris Langton who was present at this meeting. He was concerned that the PC had too much to do and wondered if the RA could take on more actions. The PC have considered it and have formed some subgroups to reduce their agenda. Rona explained that our remits were different, but we retained a good relationship and flexibility with the PC. We have 2 PC on our committee and 2 of our members go to every PC meeting. The example of the bus stop was used. It had originally come into the RA but we escalated it to the PC as we don’t have the legal or monetary ability to achieve that outcome.

Parish Council Report:

The Parish Councillors reported that the bus stop will be with us in Jan 25 with the defibrillator beside it.

The noticeboard on Cromwell Lane will be moved near the bus shelter on Cromwell Lane.

The playground now has a working party to look at refurbishment.

The PC leaflet re-planning has been distributed to the village.

Any Other Business: 

Salt and Pepper shakers need replacing as they have been stolen, so it was agreed the RA will buy more which and be kept under lock and key.

Hilary reported Hob Lane potholes had worsened and she was advised to use what3 words and where to report it.

Diane reported flooding in Hob Lane.

Rona reported that Lee Trust have money to spend for children for an educational project. A leaflet will go out with the Bugle looking for people to fund in Burton Green.

Date of next Meeting:

Meeting dates for 2025 are booked as follows:

January 27th

March 24th

May 12th

July 28th

September 22nd

AGM October 27th

November 24th

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Bugle - December 2024

The December 2024 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Minutes of Residents' Association AGM 4th November 2024

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Burton Green Residents’ Association held on November 4th 2024 at the Village Hall

Rona welcomed everyone in particular Parish Councillors. She was pleased to see so many residents in attendance at the meeting.

  1. Apologies:

Apologies had been received from Lesley Tacon, Adrian Hickinbottom, Mike Hibberd, David and Sheila Skinner.

Minutes of the last meeting:

The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of September 2023 were accepted.  

Proposed:   Mary Webb   

Seconded:   Archie Taylor  

  1. Matters Arising:

Any matters arising had been dealt with.

  1. Chair’s Report:

A report from Rona had been circulated in advance as follows:

The Residents’ Association has had another busy and productive year. Our community has

continued to grow, with the completion of Phase One of the Westwood Park development

bringing almost one hundred extra households into Burton Green. We were delighted to

welcome these new residents with a leaflet through every door and an invitation to the AGM!

Over the last year we have had two very successful, well attended community lunches, in

March and October. The Community Lunch Team manages to deliver amazing value whilst

setting a really high bar for quality and the October meal was amazing. Very many thanks to

the team.

The Open Gardens afternoon was a real treat this summer, providing a fascinating

opportunity to visit a variety of different gardens and to enjoy refreshments at the Village

Hall. We saw Burton Green at its best and all the hard preparation work paid off, delivering

another very special community event.

There will be a new display on the Coronation verge to mark Armistice Day and the

Christmas tree will be in place there at the end of November. Plans for other Christmas

traditions are well under way, with a Christmas card competition for the children of Burton

Green Church of England Academy and a visit from Santa on his newly improved sleigh on

December 21st . The two charities we are supporting this year are Warwickshire Air

Ambulance and Warwick Young Carers, so please give generously. As always, we are very

grateful to the Balsall Common Lions for including Burton Green in this event.

The Bugle is published four times a year and is distributed to each household in Burton

Green. It provides an opportunity for residents and groups to contribute and is an invaluable

tool for communication in the village.

Our environment continues to be enhanced by the flower troughs which are replanted each

season and watered with residents’ help. The Coronation verge is mowed regularly by

volunteers and the new mosaics are carefully maintained.

The IndieG0 Plus bus service is now an established feature of Red Lane, with routes to

Kenilworth, Leek Wootton, Hatton and Warwick. Book your journey by using the app or by

phone: 01926895559. Please use it so that we can justify pressure for the service to


We continue to report fly tipping and potholes and are keeping a close eye on the speed of

HS2 Ltd contractors’ vehicles going through the village. We have raised concerns about the

safety of the Hodgetts Lane/ Cromwell Lane junction regarding the speed of motorists

navigating the bridge.

The residents’ association always has a representative at the Parish Council monthly

meetings to pass on any concerns and suggestions raised with us. We are delighted that

residents’ request for a bus shelter in Red Lane has been taken up by the Parish Council

and we are very grateful the Parish Council has arranged for the solar powered defibrillator

case to be installed next to the new bus stop and a new defibrillator provided.

As work on the cut and cover tunnel moves nearer to completion, we look forward to

residents being able to have some ownership over plans for the top of the tunnel, which

should be an attractive focal point for our community.

Many thanks to everyone who has supported the Burton Green community over the year. Many thanks to the Bugle team for providing four editions, keeping the whole community fully informed over the year. Thanks also to Peter Stanworth for taking on the role of liaising with HS2 and keeping us well informed.

Despite, or perhaps because of the devastating impact of HS2, we have maintained our priority of keeping our environment as pleasant as possible. The flower tubs always look amazing, potholes and fly tipping are reported promptly and the progress of complaints followed up. We are really grateful to the large number of residents who regularly carry out litter picks, many of them doing so on a daily basis. Thanks also to Alison and Jim Fielding who have undertaken the mowing of the Verge and watering of the Verge troughs.

We now have three defibrillators in the Village: at Hedgerow ‘s Nursery, Cromwell Lane (paediatric and adult), at the new Village Hall in Red Lane, and in Hodgett’s Lane, close to the old village hall. There is also one being planned for Red Lane. Thanks to our First Responder, Alice Hawkins for overseeing the operation of these vital pieces of equipment.

The 87 Bus continues to trundle through Burton Green each hour, Monday to Saturday. Please do your best to support this vital service when you can by leaving your car at home and going to Balsall Common and Solihull, or Cannon Park and Coventry by bus. Unfortunately, the 24 Bus to Kenilworth no longer goes through Burton Green after the bus company’s analysis showed very, very low usage. This is such a blow to Red Lane residents without cars who now have just two buses a week to Kenilworth. At the suggestion of the resourceful Chloe Skidmore, a new Red Lane resident who organised a petition concerning the demise of the Number 24, we have asked Warwick County Council Transport Department to extend the patch of the IndieGo+ to Red Lane. Watch this space!

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Dianne advised that the accounts were currently with Lucy Hatton as the Independent Examiner and would be made available once they had been signed off. 

Dianne was thanked for being such a competent and reliable treasurer.

  1. Election of Independent Examiner 

Dianne is arranging for the current bookkeeper to take on the role of examiner, and because the RA is so small, it seems we do not need the services of an accountant. We are very grateful to Marlene Hills who has voluntarily provided this service for some years, and the Committee will express their sincere thanks to Marlene in writing.

  1. Election of Committee members:

Janet Hickinbottom, in her role as Joint Secretary, conducted this agenda item.

The constitution requires that the officers and three committee members should stand down.  All the officers, Rona Taylor, Mary Webb, Janet Hickinbottom, Judi Hibberd and Dianne Adams were willing to stand again and were re-elected.  

Proposed:  Peter Stanworth

Seconded:  Eileen Nisbet

Unanimously agreed.

Three committee members also stood down and agreed to be re-elected: 

Andy Gibbs, Faith Ward, Helen Hehir

Proposed:  Deirdre Vernon

Seconded:  Caryll Green

Unanimously agreed.

It was reiterated that new committee members or those willing to volunteer for specific projects would be most welcome and should approach a current committee member to discuss this. At the end of the meeting Rob Wright volunteered to join the committee.

  1. Discussion of key Burton Green issues:

  • Village Hall

Cheryl Wall, Chair of the Village Hall trustees, provided an update on the Village Hall. She explained that the first full year of occupation had taken place in March 2024. There had been quite a few snagging issues to sort out and the Village Hall committee was working on maintenance and costs. A local contractor had been working on the grounds. In conjunction with Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, wildflower seeds were to be sown the following week and in January 2025 extra hedging was to be planted.

The committee aimed to provide a facility for as many people as possible. To this end, they were trying to expand the range of activities on offer. For example, the Produce Show had been extended to incorporate children’s activities and was now called the Village Show. Other events had included a barn dance, a curry night and a New Year’s Eve party. A theatre production of Three Men in a Boat was planned for January 2025. A lindy hop session had been held with more planned.

The committee was always open to suggestions for other events.

An application was to be put in for a pétanque pitch.

Committee members were mindful of noise levels especially at private events and so a capacity of 80 was now applied to private bookings and a noise limiter had been installed. Acoustic panels would be added in the hall.

Finances were healthy with bookings at a high level and even until autumn 2025. A discount was to be given to Burton Green residents booking the hall. A toddler group served the community and there was no charge made for booking the hall for community lunches.

  • Questions from the floor

Police Matters

P C Mark Finch introduced himself. He had been in the police service for 27 years in various wide-ranging roles. He is the Safer Neighbourhoods Officer for Kenilworth and his responsibilities cover Burton Green. He works alongside our Community Support Officer. He emphasised that Burton Green and Kenilworth are safe places to live with very little crime.  He provided some advice for residents with cars using keyless entry.  Car keys should be kept away from the vicinity of a front door and lodged in a Faraday Bag, a foil lined bag or a metal biscuit tin to ensure potential thieves cannot use electronic devices to access the vehicle.

It is important to report crimes and using online reporting is the best way.  If a resident witnesses a crime in progress, the 999 facility should be used.

PC Finch was aware of the anti-social problems on the Burrow Hill estate and had spoken to residents about it before the meeting began. Citizen Housing was dealing with the problem and if the persons concerned went to appeal, Citizen Housing would take the matter to court.

Residents were advised not to use social media as a source of information.

The problem of speeding vehicles was a matter was a matter for the Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership which had its own website where incidents can be reported.

He had issued a report which detailed local crime statistics and signposted to THRIVE which records every reported incident and determines the level of engagement and the appropriate agency or department to deal with the matter. He highlighted www.police.uk which contains crime statistics and the status of investigations.  Residents can search it using their postcode.

P C Finch was thanked for attending the meeting and providing such useful information.

Questions from the floor:

  • Has anything been heard about the proposed planning application for housing in the fields adjoining Red Lane?

Information would be available on November 21st. If the site behind the houses on Red Lane was to go ahead, an expert in planning would need to be engaged. There had been a lot of sites put forward and some will go through to the next stage.

  • The problem was raised of parking causing disruption on Cromwell Lane when a fireworks event was held at Hickory’s Smokehouse.

The establishment does a good job in the community. It employs a parking control company on these occasions but its focus is on the area immediately surrounding the restaurant and residents felt it should allow parking on only one side of the road and all the way along Cromwell Lane. It was agreed that before the next Fireworks event in 2025, the owners should be invited to meet the Residents’ Association committee to explain residents’ concerns and to look at mitigating procedures. P C Finch added that police cones were available on request.

  • Chris Langton explained the history of the Parish Council. He said that now the agenda of the Parish Council at each meeting was inordinately lengthy and asked if the Residents’ Association could share some of the tasks. Rona said the committee would be happy to discuss this.

  • Can speed cameras be installed at the top of Red Lane?

The speed of traffic was an ongoing issue and Jeremy Wright MP had tried to have the speed limit reduced to 30MPH but had not received support from Warwickshire County Council. Mention was made of speed cameras in Berkswell but a resident pointed out that drivers often still ignore the speed limit.

  • A question was asked if the flashing speed sign at the bottom of Red Lane was no longer working. P C Finch said Warwickshire County Council will not routinely manage these signs because of the cost involved. At the same time, it was recommended that people park on the road and not on the pavement thereby narrowing the road and making traffic slow down. Another resident pointed out that cars should be parked facing the direction of traffic

  • A further concern was the state of the pavements in the village and Rona agreed this should be discussed at the next committee meeting. P C Finch signposted residents to the website www.fixmystreet.com where reports go through to Highways to investigate.

  1. Any Other Business

There was no other business

9. Date of Next Annual General Meeting

The next Annual General Meeting would be held on October 27th 2025 at the Village Hall.