Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting January 22nd 2024


Draft Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting

January 22nd 2024


Dianne Adams; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Mary Webb. 

  1. Apologies and minutes of the last meeting (March 27th 2023):

Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox, Judi Hibberd, Paddy Deeley, Bron Putnam and Faith Ward.

Summary of actions following the meeting


Check with PC about Red Lane bus stop progress


Raise matter of Hodgetts Lane/Waste Lane junction at next PC meeting


Add charity donation to May agenda


Reminder in next Bugle about Open Gardens on June 16th


Find other local printers and compare costs for Bugle printing

Mary and Dianne

Funding application to PC



Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of November 27th 2023 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Pass on spare daffodil bulbs to Cheryl - completed

  • Report to Peter about bridge brickwork discussions - completed

  • Remove Red Lane housing item from the agenda - completed

  • Inform Lesley we do not wish to insure the defibrillators and the bleed kit. (agenda item) - completed

  • Ask Alice if she can use the spare defibrillator cabinet within Burton Green (agenda item) completed

  • Letter of thanks to Marlene Hills - completed

The minutes of the November 2023 meeting were approved.

  1. Village Hall:

Dianne Adams, as one of the Village Hall trustees, said the Hall was receiving a lot of bookings, in particular for children’s parties. Although internal walls had been repainted, black marks were still in evidence and the trustees were considering attaching a wall covering that could be cleaned easily. The hall’s insurers wanted key codes to be changed weekly. A decision had been taken to install a second key box for casual hirers and the code would be changed more regularly. Regular hirers would not need to have their code changed so often.

Rona asked about lighting outside when events or meetings finish after dark. Dianne pointed out the override switch which activates the outside lights for 30 minutes.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

See: Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 16 January 2024 

Current Account net balance: £2399.62 

Deposit Account net balance: £1,016.62 

Total Funds: £3416.24 

Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting 

Book Tokens for Xmas card competition - £40 

Hire of hall for Jeremy Wright Meeting - £11.25 

Santa Sleigh refreshments £16.68 

December Bugle and Xmas card printing - £766 

Income Since Last Meeting None 

Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2024 - £0 (£395.82 overspent)

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. 

  1. Residents’ views/concerns:

Bowling Club

The committee was pleased to see this was so successful. Rona had been approached to see if the Residents’ Association could provide a loan to help extend the lanes. It was agreed that as the committee has a policy saying it is not a grant giving organization, this would not be possible.

Red Lane bus stop

There was a need for more hard standing for the children who wait for a bus to go to school. A bus shelter would also be useful.  It was agreed this was a matter for the Parish Council. Rona would check with the Parish Council clerk if there was any progress on this matter.

Action: Rona

Red Lane bus service

Rona reported a meeting had taken place with Jeremy Wright MP on December 16th. As a result, he had agreed to approach the bus service to see if the route could be restored and then to speak to Warwickshire County Council to point out their plans to build new housing estates did not take into consideration the lack of public services.

Concerns over safety Hodgetts Lane/Cromwell Lane junction

Now that the temporary bridge in Cromwell Lane was in use, many drivers were going too fast to accommodate the sudden turning into Hodgetts Lane. This situation had been exacerbated by the traffic lights that had recently been in place just inside Hodgetts Lane as these had caused tailbacks onto Cromwell Lane.

A committee member also pointed out the problems that continued with the junction at the Waste Lane end of Hodgetts Lane and that another accident had happened there very recently. It was agreed that the problem of the dangerous junction should be raised by Burton Green Parish Council with Berkswell and Balsall Common Parish Council. Rona would raise the matter at the next PC meeting.

Action: Rona

  1. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:

  • Community Fund from BBV – entrance gates.

It was hoped that these matters could be actioned before long.

  • HS2 issues

HS2 had agreed to remove and store the coping stones from the original Cromwell Lane bridge until they were needed. The Village Hall trustees had expressed an interest in using some of them.

  • Defibrillator update 

A new defibrillator for Hodgetts Lane had been sited on the verge outside the old village hall. Judi had sent a report as follows:

The defib is in place but as it’s solar powered there have been concerns re the hedge behind it so after discussions with HS2 they cut a hole in the hedge to allow the light in.

Mike Hibberd installed a data logger in the cabinet to check the temperature as it needs to be between 3 and 5 to keep the defib warm enough to keep the gel pads working.

If it isn’t warm enough it alarms and that runs the battery down really quickly.

So far it isn’t keeping it above 3 but Mike continues to monitor it.

If it doesn’t work then plan b is to get HS2 to turn the whole thing around so the solar panels face south and again monitor using the data logger.

So although it is in place it isn’t working so far. To be continued!

  • Charity decision. 

Because the Santa’s sleigh collection had been so successful, it was agreed that the collection would be split between three charities, rather than two as originally stated.

The committee agreed further thought needed to be given to the process next year.  A unanimous decision was taken that any charities supported would need to be local. Further discussion would take place at the May 2024 meeting Action: Judi

Thought needed to be given to how the collection could incorporate on-line donations.

  • Garden Open Day 2024. 

Plans were in place for this event to take place on June 16th 2024.Six residents had volunteered to take part and one meeting had taken place so far.  A reminder would be added to the next Bugle in case of any further interest.

Action: Mary

  • PC funding application (Bugle funding; bulbs; verge maintenance)

Last year we asked for £3000 as it went up from 2022 which was £2887.

The purpose we put was:

All costs associated with running and administering The Bugle.

The production of publicity material relating to community matters.

The purchase of equipment and material used to further community ventures and events

It was agreed that because of the increase in resident numbers, more copies of the Bugle needed to be printed. Mary and Dianne agreed to check costs with other printers to ensure value for money.

Action: Mary and Dianne

An application to the PC for £3,300 should be submitted.

Action: Judi

  • Priorities for precept money (standing item): Bugle funding; bulbs; Coronation verge maintenance

  • Parish Council Report


Cllr Gibbs reported that a PC planning committee was to be established. At the recent PC meeting, discussions had taken place about biodiversity to incorporate tree planting to connect existing pockets of woodland in the area and the question of tree preservation orders.

The PC was looking at providing a barrier for the car park on the Burrow Hill estate.

The PC clerk was to be appointed as a full-time post which will result in a slight increase to the precept.

  1. Any Other Business: 

A first aid event was to be held in the Village Hall on Monday January 29th at 7p.m.

Deadline for Bugle entries

Issue dates for Bugle

March 1st

9th-10th March

May 31st

8th-9th June

August 30th

7th-8th September

November 20th

30th-31st November

7. Date of next Meeting:

The next committee meeting was scheduled for March 25th 2024. 

Other meetings would take place in 2024 as follows:

May 20th

July 22nd

September 23rd

November 25th