Monday, 31 July 2023

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting July 24th 2023

 Draft Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting
July 24th 2023


Dianne Adams; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Mary Webb.

1  Apologies and minutes of the last meeting (May 22nd 2023):

Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Check with Marlene Hills about examination of accounts.Mary
Purchase book tokens for girls who have watered the tub in Red Lane.Faith
Check with PC clerk about use of CIL.Paddy
Investigate costs of “entrance gates”Judi
Check with VH trustees about purchase of chair trolleys.Paddy
Suggested sites for bird boxes – request in the Bugle.Mary
Details of geocaching request on Facebook to see if anyone interested.Paddy
Expressions of interest to be sought via the Bugle for an Open Gardens event in June 2024.Janet
Add AGM details to the Bugle.Judi

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of May 22nd 2023 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

Add planning applications to Facebook pages – Paddy completed
Details of geocaching – agenda item
George Illingworth retirement gift – agenda item

The minutes of the March 2023 meeting were approved.

2  Village Hall:

Bookings were going very well. New enterprises were advertised on the Village Hall website, for example a potential brain training class and a Parkinsons group.

The BBQ and steel band evening was deemed a success.

3  Treasurer’s Report:

See: Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 21 July 2023

Current Account net balance: £4,734.73
Deposit Account net balance: £1,009.97

Total Funds: £5744.70

Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting

Unveiling of plaque drinks - £30.36
Tub plants and compost - £96.50
June Bugle printing - £406

Income Since Last Meeting


Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2024 - £1522.42 

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts.

Mary would ask Marlene Hills if she was happy to arrange examination of the accounts again.

Action: Mary 

Faith reported that the two girls from Jacksons’ Farm had been watering the flower tub at the far end of Red Lane.  It was agreed to thank them with two book tokens.

Action: Faith

4  Residents’ views/concerns:

  • Damaged road signs at the Solihull end of Hodgetts Lane were to be replaced, Rona reported. Potholes along Hodgetts Lane were also causing problems.
    Post meeting note: The potholes had first been reported to Solihull MBC on July 3rd and these had been logged for action.

  • Proposed battery farms and planning issues were being handled by the Parish Council.

  • Vehicles parked on the pavements in Hodgetts Lane continued to be a problem. Many of these belonged to workmen.

5  Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:

  • Community Fund from BBV – entrance gates. After much discussion, it was decided it was more appropriate to ask the clerk to the Parish Council if the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)might cover this cost. 

    Paddy agreed to ask the clerk and Judi would investigate costs.Action: Paddy and Judi

  • Extra funding

    There were excess funds remaining from the Warwick District grant. The purchase of a small battery-operated strimmer had been suggested to keep clear the areas around the flower tubs but Mary said she has one she can donate. Chair trolleys for the Village Hall could also be purchased and Paddy agreed to check this with the trustees. .Action: Paddy

    Other ideas were welcome.

  • HS2 issues

    Several queries had been sent with no response. Judi had requested the trimming of several hedges that were overgrowing the pavements and some of these had been cut. A fridge freezer on a resident’s drive in Hodgett’s Lane needed removal. It was agreed to submit this problem to the Council on behalf of the Residents’ Association. Many problems seemed to be arising because Carter Jonas was not checking the rented properties.

    Rona said she had reported several issues including the frequent closure of roads; the proposed lack of lighting in the underpass that was being constructed; and concerns about lack of consultation with regard to the top of the tunnel.

    Paddy said she had received notification about the availability of bird boxes for public spaces. These were made from recycled wood. Mary would ask for suggested locations in the next edition of the Bugle.

  • Defibrillator – a new defibrillator for Hodgetts Lane was to be sited on the verge outside the old village hall. This had not yet been progressed but was said to be imminent.

  • Priorities for precept money (Bugle funding; bulbs; verge maintenance)

  • It was decided that the request to be involved in establishing a geocaching stop was not of sufficient interest to the Residents’ Association committee but details would be added to Facebook to see if any local groups were interested in taking this on.

6  George Illingworth retirement:

As George has been such a great supporter of Burton Green, it had been decided to purchase a gift and to make a presentation at the next community lunch on September 29th to which he and his wife had been invited free of charge. It had recently been agreed that the Parish Council would contribute to a joint gift and it was agreed a garden gift voucher would be appropriate.

Action: Rona

7  Parish Councillor's Report:

A new member had joined the council: Warwick Webster of Red Lane.

8  Any Other Business: 

A bulb planting session would be held on September 27th at the Coronation verge.  All volunteers would be welcome.

The hedge along the track from Red Lane to the Greenway was overgrown. Rona would investigate who was responsible for the hedge.

Action: Rona

It was suggested that an Open Gardens Day should be held in June 2024. Details would be added to the Bugle to find out if people were interested in joining in by opening their garden for a day for charity. Janet would send an article to Mary.

Action: Janet

Judi would send the AGM agenda to Mary to include in the Bugle.

Action: Judi

9. Date of next Meeting:

The next committee meeting was scheduled for September 25th 2023. 

Other meetings would take place in 2023 as follows:

October 9th (AGM)
November 27th