Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Minutes of Residents' Association AGM October 10th 2022


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Burton Green Residents’ Association held on October 10th 2022 at the Village Hall

Rona welcomed everyone, especially all the councillors. 

  1. Apologies:

Apologies had been received from Adrian Hickinbottom, Lesley Tacon, Pat and Helen Hehir, PC Ed King, Peter and Janet Stanworth, Cllr George Illingworth, Tracey Grant, Bron Putnam, Hilary Cox and Cheryl Wall.

  1. Minutes of the last meeting:

The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of September 2021 were accepted.  

Proposed: Deirdre Vernon

Seconded: Barbara Noronha

  1. Matters Arising:

There were no matters arising.

  1. Chair’s Report:

A report had been circulated in advance as follows:

The Residents’ Association has been working hard over the year, responding to residents’ concerns, organising activities and events and liaising with the Parish Council and Local Authorities.

The highlight of the year was the Platinum Jubilee celebration, organised by the Platinum Jubilee Group. The community gathered on the Green for the beacon lighting, as part of a national event and the Picnic on the Green with Circus Mash was enjoyed by old and young. These celebrations were our first community use of the Green and showed what potential this space has. Plans are already underway for an exciting event there next summer.

The tradition of a Christmas tree on the Jubilee Verge is now well established and this year it is being provided by the HS2 contractor who is also arranging an electricity supply for the Verge. The children of Burton Green Church of England Academy will again be taking part in a Christmas card competition and your card will be delivered on our Santa Sleigh evening, Friday December 16th. Last year’s collection at this event raised £250 for Riding for the Disabled and £250 for the Tile Hill Food Bank. With the return of door knocking this year, we anticipate an even more generous sum. If you have any suggestions for the charities we should support, please put them forward. We always need stewards for this evening, so please let Mary Webb know if you can help. We are really grateful to the Balsall Common Lions for their meticulous planning and organisation of this evening.

Lunches for the retired and friends of Burton Green have been enjoyed for almost a decade and many thanks are due to the team who have worked so hard over the years to deliver this top-class service. The team is no longer able to undertake the catering, but we have booked external caterers for a lunch in March, when we will be able to celebrate the use of the new Village Hall. We hope to provide a 3-course lunch with wine and tea/ coffee at a reasonable price.

The Bugle has continued to keep us informed, with four editions a year. This is the only Burton Geen publication which goes through every door, thanks to Mary and the delivery team.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Dianne had submitted a report which was available.

BGRA Accounts as at 21 September 2022

Current Account net balance: £ 3595.00 

Deposit Account net balance: £1006.33 

Total Funds (A): £4601.33 

Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent):- Defibrillator: £ 149.56 Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £4451.77 

Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting Annual hire of hall £45.50 for BGRA meetings 

Income Since Last Meeting None 

Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2022 - £ £1841.02

There were no questions but Paddy noted that we are covering our costs.

Rona thanked Marlene Hills for arranging examination of the accounts.

  1. Election of Independent Examiner 

Marlene Hills had agreed to arrange the Independent Examiner.

Proposed:  Andy Gibbs

Seconded: Liz Saxon

Unanimously agreed.

  1. Election of Committee members:

Janet Hickinbottom, as Joint Secretary, conducted this agenda item.

The constitution required that the officers and three committee members should stand down.  All the officers, Rona Taylor, Mary Webb, Janet Hickinbottom, Judi Hibberd and Dianne Adams were re-elected  

Proposed: Caryll Green

Seconded: Jenny Bailey

Unanimously agreed.

Three committee members also stood down and agreed to be re-elected: 

Bron Putnam, Andy Gibbs, Hilary Cox, Helen Hehir

Proposed: Deirdre Vernon

Seconded: David Line

Unanimously agreed.

It was reiterated that new committee members or those willing to volunteer for specific projects would be most welcome and should approach a current committee member to discuss this.

  1. Discussion of key Burton Green issues:

  • Village Hall

As Cheryl Wall, Chair of the Village Hall trustees, was unavailable, Deirdre Vernon, one of the trustees, explained that the scaffolding had now been removed from the new build, the windows had been installed and work inside had begun. The sound system and blinds were likely to be fitted early in 2023 and so the hall would be in use by Easter 2023. There were some final decisions to be made about fixtures and fittings. One of the stained-glass windows designed and created by Vicki Aizlewood had now been installed with others to follow.

Rona thanked the trustees for all their hard work in managing such a huge project over several years.

A question was asked about the future of the current village hall and the land it stands on.  As yet, no information was available on this but it was felt local residents would like the land to be used as a car park for visitors to the Greenway in the future.

  • Speedwatch

Speeding through the village was a perennial problem. The late Cllr. John Whitehouse had been instrumental in setting up the 30mph speed limits and 20mph near the school and the Speedwatch team had tried hard to get motorists to adhere to the limits. Pat Hehir was unable to attend but had forwarded the following report to Rona:

After a lapse of some years due to a lack of volunteers and Covid, we are in a position to start up Speedwatch activities once again.

Those of us who have been involved in the past strongly feel that our activities made a difference in educating some motorists to reduce speed through the village. Unfortunately, some motorists take little or no notice of our speed limits. We are fortunate that 6 or 7 members of the community are concerned enough to help restart Speedwatch and will be trained in the next week or so.

I am not in a position to say exactly when we can begin Speedwatch sessions as this will depend on the training having taken place and the necessary equipment being available.

As a community we must thank our volunteers for their commitment. I would also like to thank our Community Police Support Officer Ed King who has not only been hugely supportive but has also taken a very keen interest in helping with the formation of the team.

Paddy added that the speed indication signs on Cromwell Lane hadn’t been working for some time but the Council had declined to repair them, saying they felt they weren’t effective. A new resident had spoken to our MP about this and now, for whatever reason, they seemed to be functioning again.

When he was on the Parish Council, Terry Heyes had drawn up a plan to monitor speeding and there were now plans to reinstate this once the Cromwell Bridge opened again on November 7th. This will provide statistics as a baseline.

  • Burton Green allotments

Rona said she had visited the allotments for a Parish Council meeting in the summer and felt it was an amazing facility of which she had not been fully aware.

Alan Deeley had kindly agreed to make a presentation to the meeting about the Westwood Heath Leisure Gardens and Allotments Association, of which he is chair.

He explained that the association had been established in the late 1970s when Cannon Park allotments were moved to make way for the Cannon Park shopping centre. The allotments were created on a continental concept of leisure gardens. The land is leased from Coventry City Council and the lease needs renewing very soon. The association is managed by a committee of members who meet regularly. There are 90 plots and half plots; a pavilion with tearoom and toilets; a trading shed, 20 poly tunnels; an orchard of 15 fruit trees and an apiary which this year produced 500 pounds of honey.

Members represent a cross-section of the community coming from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. They have diverse growing styles and produce. Climate change is presenting challenges with wet, cold Springs and hot, dry summers. Rainwater is harvested across the site.

Although the land is “safeguarded” in the Local Plan, it is safeguarded for future development. The members have a hard task to ensure the allotments remain as a community facility, especially as knowledge grows about the positive impact growing and green spaces have on People’s physical and mental health. Visitors to the site would be welcome on Sunday mornings between 10 and 12.

The” Village Green” on the Burrow Hill site was discussed. Residents were reminded that a condition of the planning permission for this development was the provision of a car park and playing field for all the community. The Parish Council would soon be taking over responsibility for this area, after a lengthy legal process. There were problems with mowing the grass on the village green but these would soon be sorted when the turf would be weeded and dead trees replaced. It had been decided, following a consultation with residents, that no play equipment would be erected and no dogs would be allowed.

Rona thanked the Parish Council for their involvement and said what an excellent facility this had proved to be for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee event.

The Parish Council was also thanked for its care of the Red Lane playground which one resident commented was kept in excellent condition.

  1. Any Other Business: 

David Line raised the issue of the failure to repair streetlights on Cromwell Lane. He had first raised the issue four years ago.  Rona reported that several of the lights had recently been fixed and one which was still not working was dependent on work on the power supply. Rona promised to follow up with Ryan at WDC who was now responsible for street lighting.

Action: Rona

Cracks had been reported in some properties with residents blaming the vibrating machinery used on the Greenway. This led to some discussion about whether the culprit was the very dry summer weather and its impact on clay. HS2 had been contacted by some residents and had been told to complete a specific form after which a surveyor would be sent out.

A defibrillator refresher course was being offered on Wednesday October 26th and Rona asked people to sign the sheet available at the meeting if they were interested in attending.

Archie Taylor explained that there were changes about to happen with the Parish Council. The link with Warwick University was being reduced and so there would be vacancies for three more councillors. He said that at such a time, when Burton Green was under threat in so many ways, the Parish Council served a vital role.

Thanks were extended to Mary and Faith for arranging the evening’s refreshments and to Mike Hibberd for assisting with the technology. Janet was thanked for taking the meeting minutes so competently.

All residents who were in attendance were also thanked for their support.

10. Date of Next Annual General Meeting

The next Annual General Meeting would be held on October 9th 2023 at the new Village Hall.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting September 26th 2022


Outline Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting

September 26th 2022


Dianne Adams; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Mary Webb.

  1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (July 2022):

Apologies had been received from Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; and Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the meeting


Article about Ann Benfield for December Bugle


Condolence card to Ann’s family


Problems with booking the hall for meetings to be raised with VH Trustees



Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of July 2022 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Check availability of hall for defibrillator training. Arranged

  • Progress on streetlamp light fitting? Ongoing – see agenda item: residents’ views/concerns.

  • Contact Severn Trent again about water in Cromwell Lane. Completed

  • Contact Parish Council to ask relevant authorities to follow up on fires off the Greenway. Passed on to Parish Council.

  • Follow up emptying of waste bins. Completed.

  • Liaise with farmer about permanent banner poles. Farmer in agreement.

  • Provide AGM details for the Bugle. Completed

  • Remove litter pick from standing agenda items – completed.

  • Decision on erection of dog mess posters. Ongoing.

  • Allotment presentation at the AGM. Arranged.

  • Add AGM to next agenda – added

  • Reminder about changes to bins and the collection dates. Completed.

The minutes of the July 2022 meeting were approved.

  1. Village Hall: 

Cheryl had reported that the new hall was on schedule to complete by Christmas.  The petanque pitch would be added afterwards along with landscape planting. Indoor fittings were being finalized.

It was suggested the two benches in store could be placed on the green on the Cala Homes site.  The sculptures should reside in the gardens of the new hall.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

See: Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 21st September 2022 

Current Account net balance: £ 3,595 

Deposit Account net balance: £1006.33 

Total Funds (A): £4601.33 

Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent):- 

Defibrillator: £ 149.56 

Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £4451.77 

For Information: 

Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting:

Annual hire of hall for BGRA committee meetings: £45.50

Income Since Last Meeting:


Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2023 - £1841.02

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. Marlene Hills was preparing the accounts for the AGM. 

  1. Residents’ views/concerns:

Letters had been received concerning a battery store on Hob Lane on land at Little Beanit Farm. An open event is to be held on October 6th 4-7:30 at Balsall Common Village Hall to explain further.

Fly tipping in the locality remained a problem.

  1. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:

  • Community Fund from BBV – entrance gates; flower tubs

Were there any other suggestions?  It was hoped that before too long this item would report actions.

  • HS2 issues

Peter Stanworth was to be thanked for his comprehensive reports about the current work being carries out by HS2

  • Bugle

The next edition of the Bugle would be issued at the start of December. Mary was thanked for her hard work in collating the Bugle.

  • Training first aid session for defibrillator

It had been agreed another training event was needed as the last one had been over two years ago.  Mary had now arranged a new session.

  • Sponsorship of Christmas card;

Hickory’ s would part sponsor the printing of the 2022 Christmas card.  Should other sponsors be sought?

  • Street lights

Concerns had been raised about several street lights not working in Cromwell Lane.

Post meeting note: Rona contacted Ryan at WDC and 3 street light lamps were replaced.  One further needed input from Western Power.

  1. Greenway Trust Update:

There was no update.

  1. AGM

This year’s AGM was scheduled for Monday October 10th, with refreshments at 7p.m. and the meeting beginning at 7.30. The banner had been amended and would soon be erected at the top of Red Lane. There would be two presentations at the AGM in addition to the standing items. Community Police Officer Ed King would speak about Speedwatch while Alan Deeley would provide details of the Burton Green Allotments on Westwood Heath Road.

  1. Parish Councillor's Report:

Questions had been asked about the future of the land on which the current village hall stands.  Its use as a car parking area for visitors to the Greenway was a popular suggestion. Discussions were still taking place.

  1. Any Other Business:

On Friday December 16th Balsall Common Lions would once again be bringing Santa to the village and would be calling at houses with collection boxes.  Members of the committee and other volunteers would be needed to assist with this task and marshals would be required.  The hall was booked and collectors would assemble, there after doing their rounds, to partake of refreshments.

A local resident who voluntarily mows the Jubilee Verge had again pointed out its poor state. It was accepted that it does no look its best and the mosaics are looking worn.  Should the Residents’ Association apply to the Parish Council for funds to renovate the area? It was decided to wait to see whether further disturbance to the area was likely when the situation with lighting for the Christmas tree was resolved.  This was an ongoing discussion.

It was agreed to mark the passing of Ann Benfield, a much loved and respected former secretary of Burton Green School who had recently died.  Mary would seek assistance in producing an article for the Bugle.

Action: Mary

Rona would send a condolence card to Ann’s family on behalf of BGRA.

Action: Rona

10. Date of next Meeting:

The next committee meeting was scheduled for November 28th 


Other meetings would take place in 2022 as follows:

AGM Oct 10th

Judi pointed out difficulties experienced with booking the hall for meetings.  Dianne would raise this at the next Village Hall trustees’ meeting.

Action: Dianne