Monday, 31 January 2022

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting January 24th 2022


Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Mary Webb.

In attendance: Cheryl Wall, Chair of the Village Hall Trustees.

  1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (November 29th 2021):

Apologies had been received from Faith Ward.


Summary of actions following the meeting


Query timing of traffic lights on Cromwell Lane


Ask Peter Stanworth to query why so many temporary signs in Hodgett’s Lane


Report large pothole in Hodgett’s Lane


Deliver letter of thanks to residents who have cleaned road signs etc.


Observe examples of village entrance gates


Contacts for a cornet player


Information on Juibilee celebrations planning to be sent to Judi for circulation to committee

Mary and Judi

Arrange for Santa Sleigh collection to be distributed to selected charities


Arrange for purchase of signs regarding dog mess



Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of November 29th 2021 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Circulate schedule for food bank collection - completed

  • Further ideas for Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations - agenda item

  • Application for funding to Parish Council - agenda item 

  • Add BBV Community funding to next agenda – agenda item

The minutes of the November 2021 meeting were approved.

  1. Village Hall: 

Cheryl was welcomed to the meeting.

Rona thanked Cheryl for inviting her to attend, on behalf of BGRA, to celebrate the start of the new Village Hall build.

Photos had been taken but any publicity needed permission from HS2 so these could not yet be released. It was hoped that photos could be published in the next edition of the Bugle.

Regarding progress with the build, the contractors, Deeley’s, had levelled the field, and a drainage ditch was receiving attention. A site meeting was being planned with neighbours to the field with the architect and site manager in attendance.

It was hoped the Hall would be built by November 2022. There might be some excavation of the road in Red Lane to accommodate cabling. Starting at the beginning of February, monthly site meetings were planned with the construction team and some of the Village Hall trustees.

There had been expressions of interest in artworks etc. in the grounds such as a boules pitch and chess board. Deeley’s might consider some small projects. It would be necessary to look at grants available such as the HS2 Community Fund.

Cheryl reported that the Village Hall booking system was being reviewed.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

See: Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 19 January 2022

Current Account net balance: £ 2553.69

Deposit Account net balance: £1006.20

Total Funds (A): £3559.89

Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific

purposes but not yet spent):-

Defibrillator: £ 149.56

Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £3410.33

For Information:

Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting

Bulbs for communal areas - £66.63

Book token for Xmas card winners - £40

Bulb planter - £6.99

Bugle Xmas Card Printing - £276

December 2021 Bugle Printing - £250

December 2021 Bugle Insert Printing - £170

Income Since Last Meeting


Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2022 - £419.60

Discussions took place about the spending of the remaining Parish Funds and it was agreed these would cover the cost of the next edition of the Bugle plus signs about clearing up dog mess, especially on the Greenway.

Judi was pleased to report that the Parish Council had approved the application for a further grant of £2887 and she had sent a letter of thanks.

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. 

  1. Residents’ views/concerns:

  • HS2 issues

Peter Stanworth had followed up on a few matters as follows:

  • There are some old railway posts a yard or so to the north of the bridge in Cromwell Lane

These are certainly on BBV land and I suspect that you will be demolishing them soon.

Is there any chance of collecting them for us please?

I am very willing to store them if it would help.

On other matters I have been asked by the Residents about:

  • What I take to be the black Bentonite Silos. (Paddy asked if someone from HS2 could provide an explanation for the Bugle).

Are these containers for the Bentonite slurry and why are that at differed heights?

  • Residents in Hodgetts Lane are worried about the vibration that is apparently occurring in their properties.

I have been asked whether this is affecting the reservoir in Red Lane?

  • How thick is the concrete base for the train and how thick is the lid for the tunnel?

Thanks were sent to Peter Stanworth.

Concerns about security issues had resulted in the establishment of a WhatsApp group on Burrow Hill. Newly planted hedging had been stolen from a property in Cromwell Lane. In addition, batteries had been stolen from the temporary traffic lights in Cromwell Lane, causing further disruption and confusion for motorists.

The length of time between lights changing was questioned and the committee asked if the timings could be altered.

Action: Paddy

Hilary had reported to WDC the number of bottles and cans deposited in a ditch on Red Lane.  A response was awaited.

Another resident was concerned about the large number of temporary road signs erected in Hodgett’s Lane.  Rona would ask Peter Stanworth to raise this.

Action: Rona

(Since the meeting, all the signs have been removed.)

A large pothole in Hodgett’s Lane needed reporting.

Action: Rona

A resident and his wife in Hodgett’s Lane do regular litter picks and they have also been out cleaning the signs. Rona would deliver a letter of thanks.

Action: Rona

Mud on Westwood Heath Road as a result of the building work by Crest Nicholson had been raised as a concern. Parish Councillor Richard Payne was dealing with this.

  1. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:

  • Community Fund from BBV

The idea of village entrance gates was still to be considered. Committee members were asked to look out for examples.

Action: all

  • Beacon and position decision

It was anticipated that by June the Parish Council would own the small playing field on Burrow Hill and so it was proposed to light the beacon in that position. 

Judi had circulated details from Bruno Peek, the Queen’s Pageant Master, regarding timings throughout the nation.  This included the lighting of beacons on June 2nd at 9.45 p.m. preceded by a bugler at 9.40. Committee members were asked for any contacts for a cornet player.

Action: All

  • Platinum Jubilee Celebration with the Village Hall

In addition, A group of residents representing different organisations was coming together to discuss celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June.  Vic had been contacted about use of the Hall. Deirdre was working on a wine club event to which all would be welcome. Information would be sent to Judi for circulation.

Action: Mary and Judi

  • Bugle

The next edition was scheduled for the first week in March. It was suggested that the latest village hall plans could be included (or at least a link to them)

  • Charity decision from Santa Sleigh money

£500 had been raised in Burton Green by the Santa Sleigh and it was decided to divide the money between Tile Hill Food Bank and Riding for the Disabled (the latter in memory of Peter Tacon).

Action: Mary

Thanks were given to the Hibberds and the Hickinbottoms for once again arranging the purchase, erection and decoration of the Christmas Tree. Judi explained that she had since been in contact with a variety of people to establish if at Christmas 2022 we could plug the tree lights into the nearby lamp post. Her enquiries revealed that the post and several others were still not adopted by the Council but progress was being made in fulfilling this request.

  • Priorities for precept money;

Bugle funding


Jubilee verge maintenance

A new defibrillator box once the new Village Hall was built

  1. Greenway Trust Update:

There was an ongoing problem with dog mess and it was agreed to purchase some signs reminding dog owners of their responsibilities.

Action: Hilary

  1. Parish Councillor's Report:

  • Cllr. Gibbs said the precept had been set and a small increase had been agreed.

  • The A46 link road was still being discussed.

  • The Red Lane playground had been inspected and declared safe.

  • A questionnaire for Burrow Hill residents was being devised to seek opinions about use of the small playing field.

  • The Neighbourhood Plan was now ready for re-submission.

  • Speed cameras were being considered.

  1. Any Other Business:

There was no other business.

10. Date of next Meeting:

The next committee meeting was scheduled for March 28th

Other meetings would take place in 2022 as follows:

May 23

July 25

Sept 26

AGM Oct 10th

Nov 28