Sunday, 12 December 2021

Bugle - December 2021

The December 2021 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.

Saturday, 4 December 2021

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting 29th November 2021

Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

1 Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (September 9th 2021)

Apologies had been received from Dianne Adams, Paddy Deeley, Helen Hehir and Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Circulate schedule for food bank collectionMary
Further ideas for Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrationsAll
Application for funding to Parish CouncilJudi
Community funding to next agendaJudi, Hilary and Rona  

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of September 2021 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Purchase and arrange erection of signs asking dog owners to remove dog mess – agenda item
  • Pass BBV invites to Peter Stanworth - completed
  • Distribute information about AGM - completed
  • Accounts to be sent to Marlene for Independent Examination - completed
  • Seek further information via Facebook about new 24 bus service - completed
  • Request attention to some 30mph signs in Red Lane - completed
  • Raise Red Lane issues with HS2 - completed
  • Circulate AGM agenda via village email loop - completed
  • Cancel Zoom subscription - completed
  • Ask Vic about availability of hall for future meetings - completed
  • Circulate Welcome Leaflet to all committee members - completed
  • Food collection and Santa Sleigh to be added to next agenda – agenda item

The minutes of the September meeting were approved.

2 Village Hall

The Village Hall trustees had held the AGM the previous week. It was anticipated that the building of the new hall would begin in January 2022 to be completed later that year. Currently, matters still to be resolved included the drainage and the method of heating.

A letter from the Minister referring to the minimizing of time before the current hall was demolished seemed not to have been seen by BBV who said there was no need to knock down the hall until the new one was completed.

Thanks were given to Cheryl and to all the trustees for the immense effort involved in progressing the build.

3 Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 19 November 2021
Current Account net balance: £ 3346.12
Deposit Account net balance: £1006.18
Total Funds (A): £4352.30 

Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent):-
Defibrillator: £ 149.56
Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £4202.74 

For Information: Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting Children In Need Donations - £80 Banqueting roll and serviettes – 30.80 AGM Refreshments - £11.50 Bookkeeper for BGRA Accounts Audit - £30 Residents’ lunches 1 October 2021 – loss £26. 

Income Since Last Meeting
Children In Need Donations - £80
Donations for printing of Christmas Cards received from Burton Green Honey, Hickories, Cattery, Hedgerow Nursery and Sarginsons Law - £220
Hickories to pay for printing of their Xmas menu to go out with Christmas cards - £50 

Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2022 - £1,436.22

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. 

4 Residents’ views/concerns

Access to and use of Greenway

Notice board – Paddy had reported that it had been agreed that one will be installed on the land at Burrow Hill somewhere around the playing field / car park. This had to wait until the land was acquired by the Parish Council but the PC clerk was getting costings. It was also likely to put another one along Red Lane, at a place to be determined. Paddy had also contacted Cala about some wires sticking up in the middle of the playing field and was told that this would be looked at. Finally at some point in the near future the PC will send a questionnaire out to all of BG asking for their opinions on the field and car park that the PC will soon own.

Publication of circular walking routes

This was being addressed by Chris Langton and an article would appear in the next edition of the Bugle.

Other matters of concern

It was reported that there was still flooding on the bend in Red Lane but it was acknowledged this was during unprecedented rainfall.

There was also concern about the number of concrete lorries travelling along Cromwell Lane to the Crest Nicholson site on Westwood Heath Road.

Paddy had raised the issue of the hole on the verge with the barrier on top between her house and Broadwells Wood with HS2 and this was also tied in with a resident on Broadwells who has been complaining about the light from the new street lamp post required as part of the Cala planning approval. Cala seemed to be reluctant to accept that this lamp post had been put up by them but having seen the HS2 plans, this was not one they put up. This has been chased up again.

Paddy had written to Cala and County Highways about the recent flooding on the road from the pond on Burrow Hill and how it was still not fit for purpose. Highways acknowledged this and stated that the site has still not been signed off by them and someone would be looking at it.

5 Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

Report from HS2 Community and Environment Fund group

A report had been circulated prior to the meeting as follows:

Update from Burton Green’s Sub-Group on accessing the HS2 Community and Environment Fund (CEF)

 5 November 2021

Members: Thea Gibbs (Chair), Paddy Deeley, Judi Hibberd (Secretary), Janet Hickinbottom, Lesley Tacon, Deirdre Vernon, Mary Webb

The group has met twice to explore the village’s options for accessing the CEF funding.  The focus of discussions was to review our eligibility, consider ideas for applications, and look at the timescales and logistics for making an application and managing a funded project.  The group has also undertaken some fact-finding to inform our deliberations.

The group has reached the following conclusions:

  1. That Burton Green would be able to make a strong application and meets the eligibility criteria: We’re within 1km of the line, we are experiencing significant disruption, and our ideas focus on both environment and community benefits.

  2. Currently Burton Green and Warwickshire is not on the list of priority areas for the allocation of funding awards. (Coventry and Solihull are both on the list).  We are not prevented from submitting an application, but a good application can be turned down because of this.  Priority areas are reviewed annually in late Spring, and so we will monitor the list in the expectation that we will be a priority in future.

  3. The requirement to start work on a funded project within 6 months of the award being made makes it impossible to plan projects for areas of the village which are involved in construction work and are a long way from completion (e.g. Village Hall completion in 2023, top of the tunnel potentially 2025).  The additional requirement to either own or have landowner permission to use the land adds to this sense of being premature at this stage.

  4. We have a number of ideas for projects but would wish to consult the community about their preferences for investment before working any up into a project plan.  Demonstrating community involvement is also a key element in preparing a successful application.  We believe that villagers would find a consultation more meaningful if they could visualise the projects and the spaces we would use, and this would be very hard before our new village landscape starts to emerge.  Ideas currently include:
    Public realm art project connecting various parts of local landscape
    Outdoor gym / trim trail Community orchard / edible garden / bee and butterfly gardens
    Boule pitch
    Shelter / bandstand / covered benches to forge social connections
    We are also still awaiting confirmation of landscaping proposals for over the tunnel, as we do not wish to duplicate any HS2 plans.  We would also wish to take into account any plans for the Cala Homes grassed area so that we plan complementary facilities.

  5. On the basis that there is little to be achieved before the new village hall is built and the tunnel starts to take shape, the group proposes to convene again in 2023 to reassess the situation.
  6. Thanks were expressed to all members of the group.

    Residents' Association initiatives (continued)...

  • Christmas Tree
    This was to be put up by the Hibberds and the Hickinbottoms on Sunday December 5th

  • Food collection to support the food bank
    It was agreed that a collection should take place again, as last year. Mary would circulate a schedule for volunteer collectors and Judi would arrange delivery to the food bank. Action: Mary

  • Santa’s sleigh
    Santa will tour the village on Friday December 17th. There will be a QR code in Bugle linked to Lions for donations. There will also be buckets so people can donate on the night. 

  • HS2 issues

Paddy had written about the empty houses to HS2 and got a reply which mainly centered around the fact that new managing agents came in effective 1st August and how much work it was to transition from one to the other. She was told that the houses were now being looked at and should be available to advertise in several weeks. This clearly did not happen and Paddy recently sent another letter of complaint as it was now approximately 8 months since Cornerways was last vacated and almost 6 months since Stonegate on Red Lane was acquired by HS2. Our MP was copied in.

Peter Stanworth who had attended a meeting on behalf of the Residents’ Association, had sent the following report

Rerouting of Electrical cable - Cromwell Lane.  The rerouting of the underground electricity cables is now complete and all properties are now supplied by this cable.  Traffic lights have been removed and the traffic flow is back to normal. 

Closure of Cromwell Lane.  Cromwell Lane over the region of the railway bridge will revert to single lane working in January 2022 for one year.  It will be traffic light controlled.  This is to allow safety fences to be erected on either side to protect the highway from the drop into the widened cutting.

HS2 Planned schedule of work.  HS2 are working northwards from the south end (Broadwells) of the proposed route of the track to the north end (Waste Lane).  At the south end they have excavated down to the level of the track and have laid a reinforced concrete base.  Problems have arisen with drainage of water and a large collection can be seen in the area.  This is due to be pumped out in due course.  

The railway cutting is to be very considerably widened on the west side (Red Lane side) on both the north and south side of the current bridge.  So called diaphragm walls are to be piled on either side of the cutting to provide the walls for the tunnel. 

The immediate plan is to provide a temporary bridge on the north side of the current one.  It will extend 8m. westwards to accommodate the widened cutting.  This will then allow the current bridge to be demolished.

Because there is no further demolition planned behind the houses in Hodgetts Lane, there is no immediate need to demolish the Village Hall.  Demolition is not on BBV's plans for September of 2022 as has been previously stated so it may exist for some time to come.

Thanks were sent to Peter Stanworth.

Residents' Association initiatives (continued)...

  • Bus stops
    New timetables had been attached to the bus stops for numbers 87, 24 and 244 (further information would be included in the Bugle) but, as yet no repairs had been made to the “flags” on top of the bus stops.

  • Children in Need Walk September
    Sadly, this had not been well supported but £80 was raised and thanks were given to those involved.
  • The verge
    It was agreed that the verge was now in a satisfactory state.

  • Litter pick
    Again, the recent organised litter pick was not well attended but several residents continue to litter pick on a regular basis and the Residents’ Association remains grateful for their work.

  • Beacon and armistice display
    The beacon was to be passed over to the Residents’ Association before Terry Heyes moved house as he had kindly stored it. A location for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee event in 2022 was still to be decided. Several possibilities were discussed and the most feasible would probably be the field on Burrow Hill once the Parish Council took ownership.  Other ideas for celebrations included a lunch for the retired and a picnic but ideas were welcome, especially to involve families. Action: All

    Thanks were extended to those involved in the armistice display. A query was raised about whether in future this could be lit up but this would involve renewed discussions regarding linking into the lamppost on the Jubilee verge.

  • Bugle
    The next edition was scheduled for December 11th.

  • Sponsorship of Christmas cards
    £270 in sponsorship had been raised. The cards would be inserted in the Bugle.

  • Christmas card designs – the school
    This had been completed and the winning card printed.

  • Bulb planting
    Thank you to Mary, Hilary and Bron for planting 500 bulbs in Red Lane.  Thanks also to Paddy and Alan Deeley who have planted a similar number at the Cromwell Lane end of Red Lane. 

  • PC grant application ready for January 2022
    It was agreed to increase the previous year’s bid by 10% to £2887 to account for the increased number of houses which would in future receive copies of the Bugle. For the same reason other means of communication would need to be increased.  Action: Judi

  • Priorities for precept money:
    Bugle funding
    Jubilee verge maintenance

6 AGM – debrief

It was agreed by all that the AGM was a success and that the format worked well. Residents were pleased to have a face-to-face meeting again. The date for the next AGM was set for October 10th 2022.

7 Greenway Trust Update

The last time Paddy spoke to Mel Ryan from LM she asked about whether the requested signage regarding dog notices was still required on the Greenway diversion and whether dog mess was still an issue. Paddy said signs were needed. Hilary had made contact but so far without a response. 

8 Parish Councillor's Report

Terry Heyes (for the PC) had been progressing the installation of speed monitoring throughout the village to facilitate data gathering. Obviously, the PC does not want to do this whilst we have traffic management in the area.

Cllr Andy Gibbs said most other PC matters had been covered during the meeting. He added that the Neighbourhood Planning continued. Two planning applications rejected by the PC had gone to appeal and been accepted.

9 Any Other Business

The Village choir would be holding a concert in the Village Hall on Friday December 17th at 7.30p.m. with desserts served at the interval. Tickets cost £10. Attendees should bring their own drinks and glasses.

Paddy reported that at a meeting with BBV mention was made of community funding which would take the form of availability of personnel to assist with projects. This elicited suggestions of the building of replacement flower tubs using reclaimed bricks from the demolished bridges. Another suggestion referred back to the idea of entrance gates to the village but that would require discussions with the Highways Department. This should be revisited at future meetings. Hilary and Rona would prepare further information to present to the meeting. Action: Judi, Hilary and Rona

10. Date of next Meeting

The next committee meeting was scheduled for Monday January 24th

Other meetings would take place as follows:

March 28
May 23
July 25
Sept 26
AGM Oct 10th
Nov 28 

Monday, 4 October 2021

Minutes of Residents' Association AGM September 27th 2021

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Burton Green Residents’ Association held on September 27th 2021 at the Village Hall

Rona welcomed everyone, especially the councillors from Warwick District and Parish Councils. 

1 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Margaret Cole, Helen Hehir, Lesley Tacon, Deirdre Vernon and Faith Ward.

2 Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of September 28th 2020 were accepted. 
Proposed: Chris Langton
Seconded: Judi Hibberd

3 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

4 Chair’s Report

A report had been circulated in advance as follows

The Residents’ Association has been proactive throughout the pandemic, responding to residents’ concerns, publishing the Bugle quarterly and liaising with the Parish Council, the Warwickshire County and District Councils, the police and HS2 contractors concerning relevant issues. Our committee meetings have been conducted by Zoom, along with last year’s AGM and we now look forward to meeting in person at the Village Hall. Any new members would receive a very warm welcome, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to join the committee or if you feel you would like to contribute in any other way.

We hope our activities over the past eighteen months have contributed a little to lifting residents’ spirits at a challenging time. The flower tubs have been a delight and the Christmas tree on the Jubilee Verge was a particular success last year. We hope to replicate that this year and look forward to liaising with Balsall Common Lions about the return of Santa and his Sleigh in December.

The lunches for the retired and friends of Burton Green begin again this week with an autumn lunch on October 1st. I know a lot of people will be looking forward to a delicious meal and a chance to catch up with friends. We have had a number of litter picks and you can join us for the next one on Sunday October 10th, meeting at the Village Hall at 11.0am. A number of residents litter pick on a regular, sometimes daily, basis and this community spirit is greatly appreciated.

Reports of fly tipping are always passed on to Warwick County or Solihull Metropolitan Borough Councils promptly. We do our best to maintain our environment and this year that included holding HS2 contractors to account for a number of issues, including the shameful state in which they left the Jubilee Verge.

Supporting charities has always been a feature of our work. The Children in Need event raised £80 and we hope to organise a Christmas food bank collection which meets the high bar of success set last year. We really enjoy liaising with Burton Green Church of England Academy and are grateful to a number of local businesses for sponsoring our annual Christmas card competition.

It has been reassuring to see our local police officers patrolling the area on foot and their efforts in dealing with speeding and pavement parking, two perennial issues of concern to residents, have been much appreciated.

The Bugle continues to be a hugely important vehicle of communication; it is delivered to every Burton Green household and goes out online to all families at Burton Green Academy. If you would like to contribute an article, please contact Mary Webb.

Our Speed Watch team has now, sadly, been formally disbanded because, despite on-going efforts over a number of years we have been unable to recruit enough residents to join it; there was no one available to complete the latest training provided by the police. We owe Pat Hehir Terry Heyes and all who have helped with Speed Watch a huge thank you for their sterling work over almost a decade.

Next year we look forward to celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and we have already signed up for being part of the national beacon event.

Thank you to everyone in Burton Green who has contributed over the past year to making the village such a special place to live. Despite enormous setbacks, our community continues to flourish. We welcome new residents in the Burrow Hill estate and elsewhere in Burton Green and look forward to meeting now that the end of covid restrictions makes this possible. 

Rona highlighted the key events during 2020/2021 and thanked residents for such tasks as frequent litter picking. A subgroup comprising of representatives of various village organisations was looking into the HS2 Community Fund. She said Burton Green remained a very special community.

5 Treasurer’s Report

Dianne had submitted a report which was available.

There were no questions.

Rona thanked Marlene Hills for arranging examination of the accounts.

6 Election of Independent Examiner 

Marlene Hills had agreed to act as Independent Examiner.
Proposed:  Andy Jones
Seconded: Jill Line
Unanimously agreed.

7 Election of Committee members

Janet Hickinbottom, as Joint Secretary, conducted this agenda item.

The constitution required that the officers and three committee members should stand down.  All the officers, Rona Taylor, Mary Webb, Janet Hickinbottom and Judi Hibberd were re-elected. 
Proposed: Andy Gibbs
Seconded: Liz Saxton
Unanimously agreed.

Three committee members also stood down and agreed to be re-elected:
Bron Putnam, Paddy Deeley, Hilary Cox
Proposed: Barbara Noronha
Seconded: Alan Marshall
Unanimously agreed.

It was reiterated that new committee members would be most welcome and should approach a current committee member to discuss this.

8 Report from Village Hall Trustees

Cheryl Hall, chair of the Village Hall trustees, explained that the building of the new village hall was still dragging on. The contractors had agreed to start digging the foundations to comply with planning permission which would otherwise expire on October 15th. The formal contract had not been signed because of ongoing discussions about drainage. Negotiations were taking place with HS2 to link to the main sewer rather than installing a sewage treatment plant. It was argued that maintenance costs for the latter would work out more expensive than connecting to the main sewer.

Once the contract was signed, the land would be signed over to the trustees and Cheryl was hopeful that progress would be made over the next month.

Plans for the new hall were on display in the hall and Cheryl pointed out the landscaping with many native trees.

Cheryl said that the trustees were attempting to resume “normal” service. The Produce Show in September had been successful. An open morning had been held the previous day for families and had attracted some new residents. A number of village hall activities had been represented such as the choir; the dance group had provided an interactive demonstration; and the Tai-kwon-do club had given a demonstration. Suggestions had been sought for activities in the new hall. Thanks were given to Adrian Hickinbottom for arranging this. A Christmas meal was being planned for residents.

9 Any Other Business

  • A discussion was held about reinstating the Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator role and Paddy would pursue this with a resident who had raised the issue. Action: Paddy
  • Chris Langton explained that the local police force was now carrying out speed watch checks and they were also proactive in stopping pavement parking.
  • Cllr Taylor asked when the building of the new Village Hall was likely to be completed and Cheryl estimated November 2022.
  • Another question concerned what would happen to the existing Village Hall. Cheryl said HS2 had assured the trustees that the hall would remain in place until the new one was built but these assurances were verbal and not written.
  • There remained questions about poor communication from HS2 and contractors. Rona said that Peter Stanworth had just started liaising on behalf of the Residents’ Association and was reporting back monthly.
Alan Marshall reported that he had been holding talks and that the existing Village Hall site was supposedly being retained as a car park for visitors to the Greenway. There were even discussions about creating a Heritage Centre on top of the new Greenway cut and cover tunnel. The top of the tunnel would create a significant public amenity for residents from 2025 onwards. 
There was still disquiet about the length of time houses purchased by HS2 were left empty. 
In addition, it remained a problem that residents could not access community funding because the land remained in the ownership of HS2.
  • Rona reminded attendees of the new 24 bus service operated by National Express and running four times a day. Rona had asked for timetables to be located at the bus stops.  She had also raised the issue of the poor state of the bus stops themselves. WDC had offered to update their timetables but said they were not responsible for the actual bus stops.
  • Adrian told residents that many of the activities at the Hall were now resuming including coffee, cakes and computers; the choir; and the WI.
  • Slow down stickers were available to attach to dustbins.
  • Rona thanked everyone for attending and praised Hilary and Mary for arranging the refreshments.  Committee members were thanked including Janet for taking the minutes of the AGM and all committee meetings.

10. Date of Next Annual General Meeting 

The next Annual General Meeting would be held in September 2022 at the Village Hall.


Sunday, 12 September 2021

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting September 9th 2021

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.


Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (July 15th 2021)

Apologies had been received from Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Purchase and arrange erection of signs asking dog owners to remove dog messHilary
Pass BBV invites to Peter StanworthRona
Distribute information about AGMRona
Accounts to be sent to Marlene for Independent ExaminationDianne
Seek further information via Facebook about new 24 bus servicePaddy
Raise Red Lane issues with HS2Paddy
Circulate AGM agenda via village email loopJudi and Rona
Cancel Zoom subscriptionJudi
Ask Vic about availability of hall for future meetingsJudi
Circulate Welcome Leaflet to all committee membersJudi
Food collection and Santa Sleigh to be added to next agendaJudi

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of July 15th 2021 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Set up fund raising page for Children in Need ramble – because of costs, decision taken to ask for donations on the day or to BGRA bank account
  • Ask PC about noticeboard for Burrow Hill. Question posed and left with PC to decide especially on positioning
  • Who has responsibility for the footpath next to the Hales on Red Lane? Rona had investigated but footpath now cleared
  • Signs about dog mess on Greenway. Discussions had taken place and decision taken to order and erect signs. Action: Hilary
  • Check if Chris Langton able to update footpath route maps – yes and will progress.
  • Note of thanks to Pauline and Mervyn Harvey – completed.
  • Formation of a working group to progress application to HS2 Community and Environment Fund (agenda item)
  • Raise question at PC meeting about process of communication with HS2. Andy reminded Rona about invites from BBV. It was agreed to pass invites to Peter Stanworth because of his interest and ask him to report back. Action: Rona
  • Further planning for Children in Need walk – agenda item
  • October 10th litter pick – check not clashing with other events – agenda item
  • Distribute information via the village loop and the banner etc regarding format of the AGM 2021. Action: Rona

The minutes of the July meeting were approved.

2 Village Hall

There was nothing further to report. Recent details had been provided in the Bugle. There were plans to start the Village Hall foundations to ensure planning permission requirements were met.

3 Treasurer’s Report

See: Treasurer’s Report

Dianne said there had been little change to funds apart from payments for Bugle printing.

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 6 September 2021
Current Account net balance: £ 3209.74
Deposit Account net balance: £1006.15
Total Funds (A): £4215.89
Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent):-
Defibrillator: £ 149.56
Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £4066.33
For Information: Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting Printing September Bugle - £25
Income Since Last Meeting None Outstanding
Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2022 - £1,478.52

Dianne was awaiting the fund statements which she would send to Marlene Hills in readiness for independent examination prior to the AGM. Thanks were given to Dianne.

4 Residents’ views/concerns

  • Bus service 

A query was raised about a new bus service that did not appear to stop in Red Lane. Investigation showed it was a new 24 bus operated by National Express. Information had been distributed via Facebook and it was pointed out this was not the best way to communicate with some elderly residents who might wish to use the service. Paddy agreed to communicate via Facebook to see if the bus had to be hailed along Red Lane. Action: Paddy
The state of some of the bus stop signs in the village had also been reported by residents.  Several bore incorrect information or out of date timetables. WDC had agreed to update the timetables but said the condition of the signs was a matter for the bus companies. 

  • Access to and use of Greenway 

Contractors were strimming the edges of the Greenway and had reported they were also intending to clear litter and empty bins regularly. 

  • Publication of circular walking routes

Chris Langton had agreed to progress this.

  • Fly tipping

There had been several incidents and these had been reported to the appropriate councils. 

  • Speed signs in Red Lane

Some of these were broken or in poor condition and Rona would again report this.

5 Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

  • Report from HS2 CEF group
Judi explained that the subgroup had now met comprising Judi, Janet and Mary from the Residents ‘Association with Thea Gibbs as Chair, Paddy Deeley from the Parish Council, Deirdre Vernon from the Village Hall and Lesley Tacon from the school governors.

The first meeting looked at possibilities for funding and consideration of the form. We formulated an action plan. Judi investigated other places that had successfully gained funding to set a proof of concept. Deirdre found a list of those and they were examined and not a lot of places asked for funding of one item such as a hall or an outdoor space. Thea was tasked with talking to GroundworkUK, which oversees the project applications, to get a feel for what they will and won’t accept. The group will meet again once there is some more information to work on. 
Thanks were expressed to the group.
  • HS2 issues
A house next to the demolished properties alongside the Cromwell Lane bridge had received damage to fences and a gate. The elderly residents had been very concerned and were involved in lengthy discussions with HS2. The matter was eventually resolved.

A query was asked about whether LM has filled in a hole on the verge in Red Lane. The verge outside Cornerways on Red Lane was overgrown. Why were two HS2-owned houses at the top of Red Lane still not let? Paddy would pose these questions to HS2 representatives. Action: Paddy
  • Children in Need Walk September 19th
Mary assured the meeting that plans were in place.  It had been decided to start at 10.45 at the Village Hall (for an 11a.m. start) and walk down Red Lane , to cross the road at the Hales (and volunteer marshals would be required here)and to access the Greenway for the return walk.
  • The verge – maintenance was now resolved.
  • Litter pick – to take place on Sunday October 10th at 11a.m. Grabbers, gloves etc would be available at the Village Hall and Nigel Ward had agreed to collect rubbish bags in his trailer.
  • Bugle – nothing further to report
  • Sponsorship of Christmas cards
Mary had obtained sponsorship from Hedgerow Nursery and Sarginsons solicitors.  Additional expenses would be covered by the Parish Council grant.
  • Christmas card designs – the school
The Head Teacher had agreed this project could go ahead again for Christmas 2021.
  • Priorities for precept money – nothing to add

6 AGM – September 27th

It was agreed that unless the Covid situation worsened, the AGM would go ahead in the Village Hall. 

Judi and Rona would organise the agenda which would be circulated on the village loop. 
Action: Judi and Rona

Adrian Hickinbottom attended briefly as a representative of the Village Hall trustees to explain what they wished to include on the evening. Several organisations including the choir; the coffee, cakes and computer group; the wine club; and the WI had agreed to attend to encourage new members to find out more about activities available. Adrian felt the trustees would be able to contribute to the costs of wine to be available before and after the AGM proceedings.

Adrian said a family fun event on the preceding Sunday would target families and would include games and activities such as Bingo and a Beetle Drive with demonstrations by the dance group and Tai-Kwon-Do class.

7 Greenway Trust Update

There was no update.

8 Parish Councillor's Report

No Parish Council meetings had been held since the last BGRA Committee meeting. Issues that were currently under discussion included the land transfer of the playing field on the Burrow Hill site; the Westwood Heath Road housing development; speed checks; and the progress of the neighbourhood Plan. All these topics had been covered in more detail in the recent edition of the Bugle.

9  Any Other Business

Residents had expressed concern about the amount of builder’s waste on the verge at 192 Cromwell Lane. The matter had been raised with the Parish Council who had been told this was subject to an enforcement investigation. There seemed to be little progress but it was agreed this was a Parish Council matter.

Westwood Heath History group would be holding a heritage evening at the Greek Orthodox Church from 4-7 on Thursday September 16th. All would be welcome.

Judi was asked to re-circulate the Welcome leaflet so that all committee members could print off copies as required for new residents. Action: Judi

Food collection and Santa Sleigh to be added to next agenda. Action: Judi

WI was collecting toiletries for Afghan women (sanitary wear, shampoo, and shower gel). Donations could be brought to the Village Hall on Monday evening or left with Jill Line at the Produce Show on Sunday September 12th.

10 Date of next Meeting

Should meetings continue to be held via Zoom as the subscription was about to expire? It was agreed that the subscription should be cancelled and face-to-face meetings attempted but if this proved unworkable, we could renew the subscription. Meanwhile, Judi would liaise with Vic regarding availability of the hall for future meetings. Action: Judi

Monday September 27th AGM

The next committee meeting was scheduled for November 25th.

Friday, 10 September 2021

Additional Bus Service 24 to Kenilworth

National Express Coventry have recently extended their 539 bus service to include Burton Green and Tile Hill and renumbered it 24 to highlight the new extension.

This now means you can travel with ease into Kenilworth, and the National Agricultural Centre. The service passes both Kenilworth and Coventry Railway Stations as well as Coventry Airport and goes on to Pool Meadow in the middle of the city.

Although the service does go to Coventry, it is a long route, via Kenilworth and Baginton, and takes nearly 90 minutes.  Passengers who simply want to go to Coventry should continue to use the hourly 87 service.

For full details of service 24, please see...

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Bugle - September 2021

The September 2021 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Crest Nicholson Planning Application

The Parish Council would like to alert Burton Green residents to a 9th September deadline for objections to the current “Reserved Matters” planning application from Crest Nicholson to Warwick District Council (WDC). This concerns the land to the south of Westwood Heath Road, where Crest flags are now flying.

In 2018 Crest received detailed planning approval from WDC for Phase 1 of the development (129 dwellings) and in principle approval for the rest of the development (a further 296 dwellings and convenience store). On July 2nd Crest Nicholson submitted their detailed planning application to WDC for the latter (what is known in the trade as  the “Reserved Matters”). WDC has a planning backlog, so we have only just been advised of the application by them. 

Your Parish Council will object to the application, on similar grounds to those we outlined in June’s Burton Green Bugle. We encourage residents to do likewise if they wish to, before the 9th September deadline. The planning reference is W/21/1280, and documents can be found under Planning on the WDC website

The best starting point there is Crest’s Design Compliance Statement (which re-christens the development as a Garden Village). 

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting (July 15th 2021)

 The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.

Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

1 Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (May 13th 2021)

Apologies had been received from Dianne Adams; Paddy Deeley; and Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Set up fund-raising page for Children in Need rambleDianne
Ask PC about noticeboard for Burrow HillRona
Who has responsibility for the footpath next to the Hales on Red Lane?Rona
Signs about dog mess on GreenwayHilary
Check if Chris Langton able to update footpath route mapsRona
Note of thanks to Pauline and Mervyn HarveyRona
Formation of a working group to progress application to HS2 Community and Environment FundJudi
Raise question at PC meeting about process of communication with HS2Rona
Further planning for Children in Need walkMary
October 10th litter pick – check not clashing with other eventsMary
Distribute information via the village loop and the banner etc regarding format of the AGM 2021All

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See May 13th 2021 meeting.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Set up fund-raising page for Children in Need ramble. Dianne had investigated costs which worked out at 39p for a £10 donation.  It was agreed to go ahead with this. Action: Dianne
  • Turfing bare patches on Jubilee Verge – local contact to be approached – now sorted.
  • Contact Parish Council suggesting noticeboard on Cala Estate – Rona would progress this.
  • Approach local businesses to sponsor 2021 Christmas card – Mary had this in hand.
  • Query local sculptor for wooden installations – Paddy had notified about progress with this. HS2 were liaising with Charlie Hubbard who might also be prepared to construct simple benches. HS2 were sourcing another chainsaw sculptor.
  • Investigate route for Children in Need ramble – agenda item.
  • Speak to Deirdre about art installations and a proposal to HS2 Community Fund – agenda item.
  • July agenda item to look in detail at proposals for HS2 Community Fund and precept spending - agenda item.
  • Update Welcome leaflet - completed.
  • Create diary of annual events for discussion at meetings - completed.

The minutes of the May meeting were approved.

2 Village Hall 

Cheryl, Chair of the Village Hall trustees, had kindly joined the meeting. She said there was still no date for starting the building work. Problems remained regarding foul drainage and the siting of a septic tank. A percolation test had been carried out by the contractors.

3 Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as of 12 July 2021
Current Account net balance: £ 3459.74
Deposit Account net balance: £1006.14
Total Funds (A): £4465.88
Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent): -
Defibrillator: £ 149.56
Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £4316.32
For Information: Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting
Printing June Bugle - £250
Condolence gift for J Whitehouse - £17.79 

Income Since Last Meeting None
Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2022 - £1,728.52.

Thanks were given to Dianne. 

4 Residents’ views/concerns

  • Access to and use of Greenway – the path from Red Lane next to the Hales was reported as overgrown and Rona agreed to find out who had responsibility for this footpath. Action: Rona
  • Dog mess being left on the Greenway. Hilary would ask the Greenway Trust to erect more signs. Action: Hilary
  • Publication of new circular walking routes in BG – Chris Langton would be approached to see if he would update his earlier work on village footpaths now that so many of them had been closed by HS2 work.  Action: Rona
  • It was agreed to thank Pauline and Mervyn Harvey of Red Lane for their verge improvements to add to the safety of the often-flooded bend on Red Lane. Rona would send a note of thanks.
  • It was established that the term “Burrow Hill” be used in future rather than “Cala Homes.”
  • Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues:
  • HS2 Community and Environment Fund details – Judi
  • Judi had circulated a document about the HS2 Community and Environment Fund. She went through the document emphasising the key steps necessary before a bid could be submitted.  These included:

  • Reading a great deal of information
  • Considering the need for whatever is proposed
  • Looking at what disruption HS2 has caused (!)
  • The legacy of the project and how this ties in with HS2’s legacy.
  • In light of the complexity of the process, Judi would invite participants to a working group which would report back on progress at the next meeting. Action: Judi
Judi was thanked for all her research so far.
  • HS2 fund- what should we ask for? (Linked to above)

  • Entrance gates
  • Trees around the village
  • Ironwork sculpture
  • School project
  • Benches
  • Top of the tunnel ideas
  • Village hall signage recycling
  • Car park where VH car park was
  • Mosaic to be developed with children from the village school – discussions had begun on this.
  • Metal sculpture to reflect the history of the village. Deirdre and Thea would be asked to develop their idea and a costed proposal could then be given to HS2
  • HS2 issues
Communication/consultation regarding progress of HS2 work remained poor.  Rona would ask about this at the Parish Council meeting.  Action: Rona
  • Children in Need walk September
A date had been set for September 19th starting at the Village Hall with the route established. Mary was finding the marshals’ vests and had obtained material to make sashes to be bought by participants on the day for a small donation. Action: Mary
  • The verge
It was considered this was now sorted as grass had now grown and Bill had kindly mown.
  • Litter Pick
A litter pick would take place on Sunday October 10th at 11a.m. Mary would check this date did not clash with any other events in the village.
Action: Mary
  • Beacon
The Residents ‘Association was already in possession of a portable beacon and so would hope to use this in 2022 for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  Rona had signed up for further information.
A suggestion was made that the beacon might be able to be placed on the new sports field on Burrow Hill.
  • AGM – Zoom or live on Sep 27th
It was hoped that this year’s AGM could be a face-to-face event. Government guidance at the time would be followed, such as increased ventilation. The Village Hall trustees had suggested that the formalities of the AGM should be followed by a selection of stalls explaining the different activities on offer in the village hall with the hope of attracting new residents and especially residents from Burrow Hill and Broadwells Wood. The VH committee would also plan to offer a second event to attract families with children.  It was agreed that this was a good idea although some members of the committee were still hesitant about the possibility of a “live” event.  Plan B would be to hold the event by Zoom as in 2020. Information would be distributed via the usual channels nearer to the time.
  • Bugle
Mary reported that volunteers had come forward to deliver the Bugle on Burrow Hill.
  • Priorities for precept money- ideas so far
Bugle funding
Spring bulbs
Jubilee verge maintenance


6 Greenway Trust Update

Hilary reported that the Trust had purchased 6 oak saplings to be grown on the Greenway in memory of John Whitehouse. Very sadly, John had recently died and he was acknowledged as a great friend and supporter of Burton Green.

7 Parish Councillor's Report

Cllr Gibbs said that the bridge in Cromwell Lane was to be closed from July 21st to 24th to move some services. 

A meeting with BBV had been held with little outcome.

8 Any Other Business

Rona had delivered a card and plant to John Whitehouse’s widow as a mark of thanks for all his work with the Residents’ Association.

Rona had visited the new owners of the Water Tower and had received their approval for the continued use of the water tower logo by the Residents’ Association.

Thanks were extended to Jonathan Hehir for designing seasonal header images for the Bugle.

9 Date of next Meeting

All meetings would be held via Zoom until further notice.

The next committee meeting was scheduled for September 9th.

Further meetings
Monday September 27th AGM
November 25th

Thanks were given to Judi for arranging the Zoom call and to committee members for attending.

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Bugle - June 2021

The June 2021 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.

Monday, 17 May 2021

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting May 13th 2021

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.


Dianne Adams; Paddy Deeley; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

1 Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (March 11th 2021)

Apologies had been received from Bron Putnam and Andy Gibbs. 

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Set up fund-raising page for Children in Need rambleDianne
Turfing bare patches on Jubilee Verge – local contact to be approachedRona
Contact Parish Council suggesting noticeboard on Cala EstateHilary
Approach local businesses to sponsor 2021 Christmas cardMary
Query local sculptor for wooden installationsHilary and others
Investigate route for Children in Need rambleMary
Speak to Deirdre about art installations and a proposal to HS2 Community FundRona
July agenda item to look in detail at proposals for HS2 Community Fund and precept spendingJudi
Update Welcome leafletJudi
Create diary of annual events for discussion at meetingsJudi and Mary

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See March 11th 2021 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Find out about emptying of bins (Paddy)- Bins were to be emptied each Monday. Discussions were ongoing.
  • Purchase long-handled litter grabbers (Mary)- Completed
  • Set up fund-raising page for Children in Need ramble (Dianne)- Carried forward
  • Ask LM about turfing the Jubilee Verge (Rona)- It was agreed Rona would ask a local contact to carry out this work.
  • Contact Parish Council suggesting noticeboard on Cala Estate (Hilary)- Carried forward

The minutes of the March meeting were approved.

2 Village Hall

Paddy said there was little to report. Discussions were still ongoing and no start date had yet been agreed.

3 Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

Current Account net balance: £3727.53
Deposit Account net balance: £1006.12
Total Funds (A): £4733.65
Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent): -
Defibrillator: £ 149.56
Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £4584.09
For Information: Major expenditure since last meeting:
Litter picker and flowers for Mr and Mrs Doyle £32.48 Printing March Bugle £450 BGRA Public Liability Insurance £196.48
Income since last meeting:
Funding from Parish Council £2625
Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2022 - £1978.52

Thanks were given to Dianne. 

4  Residents’ views/concerns

  • Access to and use of Greenway – compounds were gradually starting to be established.
  • Indoor bowls at the new village hall – this had been suggested by a new resident and was a matter for the Village Hall trustees. It was mentioned that a petanque pitch had been considered outdoors as part of the Village Hall design but matters about access and usage would need to be considered.
  • Publication of new circular walking routes in BG – Chris Langton had been approached to see if he would update his earlier work on village footpaths now that so many of them had been closed by HS2 work. 
  • Rona reported problems with the 233 bus service to Kenilworth. She had received conflicting information about whether the service had been axed and was now told it was no longer running on a Thursday. The only remaining service was the 10.56 to Kenilworth on a Monday. A demand response service was not available on this route. Rona would add information to the Bugle and asked WCC to ensure it consulted residents and kept us informed of changes to bus services.
  • A complaint had been received about the noise from a machine thought to be a stone crusher on the HS2 route.
  • Post meeting note: Paddy had investigated and this was not a stone crusher but a stump grinder /woodchipper removing the trees that were cut down at the end of last year.

5  Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

  • Sponsor for Christmas cards – a number of local businesses were suggested to approach. It was agreed if one business could not fund in entirety, smaller donations from a number of businesses would be welcome. Action: Mary
  • Wooden sculptures – discussions were still taking place. A number of sculptures plus some benches had been promised along with wood for use by a local sculptor.  As the Hickinbottoms had agreed to receive some of the wood for the latter, Janet asked if a local sculptor had been sourced but the answer was negative. Further requests would be made, including by Hilary. Other wood was to be stored by the Hubbards on Waste Lane but details of all this had been delayed.
  • Sandstone blocks from the Greenway bridges to be saved for plant troughs – it was reported that a verbal agreement had been reached to save and store coping stones as bridges were demolished.
  • Children in Need Ramble – the date for this fund-raising event was set for June 27th at 11a.m. Mary would work with her contacts to investigate a suitable route. Action: Mary
  • HS2 fund- what should we ask for?
Entrance gates
Trees around the village
Top of the tunnel ideas
Village hall signage recycling
Car park where VH car park was
Mosaic to be developed with children from the village school – discussions had begun on this.
Metal sculpture to reflect the history of the village. Deirdre and Thea would be asked to develop their idea and a costed proposal could then be given to HS2 
  • Priorities for precept money- ideas so far

Bugle funding
Lots of Spring bulbs
Jubilee verge maintenance
It was agreed to look in more detail at proposals for HS2 Community Fund and precept at the July meeting. Judi would add this to the agenda.
  • Bugle
Thanks were given to Mary for her work on the Bugle. The next edition would be published early in June with a deadline for articles of May 24th.


6  Greenway Trust Update

There was no report.

7  Parish Councillor's Report

The Parish Council had been discussing building matters, especially the development on Westwood Heath Road considering recent national reports that population growth figures, including those from Coventry, had been inflated. There were concerns about increased traffic and pressure on local schools.

8  Any Other Business

  • Thanks were extended to the local police force who had been in evidence in the village, for example putting fixed penalty notice on cars parked across pavements.
  • A question was asked about the progress of a planning application for a house on land adjacent to Broadwells Park on Red Lane but no further information was available.
  • If anyone is interested in joining the Westwood Heath History Group for a whistle stop tour of the history of the area please email and they will send you the Zoom link - Tuesday 18th May at 7:30pm 
  • Judi volunteered to update the Welcome Leaflet. Action: Judi
  • It was agreed to create a diary of annual events and the appropriate meetings at which to discuss each of these. Action: Judi and Mary
  • Ditch clearing in Red Lane had resulted in piles of debris left on the verges but Hilary had been told this would be removed the following day.

9  Date of next Meeting

All meetings would be held via Zoom until further notice.

The next committee meeting was scheduled for July 15th.
Further meetings:
September 9th
Monday September 27th AGM
November 25th

Thanks were given to Judi for arranging the Zoom call and to committee members for attending.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Lettice Floyd

The Floyd family were wealthy local landowners who owned several local farms including Arnold Farm in Cromwell Lane. They were social reformers and philanthropists and had a long association with Burton Green School.

Education in Burton Green can be traced back to the 1840s, when local children were educated by Mrs Chatterway in her cottage which was very near to Moat Farm, in Hob Lane. She was supported by Ann Floyd (1813-1884). 

In 1842 Ann Floyd's father, William Floyd (b1771) put up the money to build a purpose-build school, which was built on land donated by Lord Claverdon.  

This was the large brick-built building that we know today. The building was intended to be used as a school and also as a place of worship on Sundays.

This figure shows part of the Floyd family tree. 

Ann's brother, William (1807-1879), married Alison Clapperton who was the sister of Jane Hume Clapperton, the philosopher and social reformer.  

The Floyd family owned many farms and other properties in the area including Beanit Farm in Hob Lane, Arnold's Farm in Cromwell Lane, Beechwood House Farm in Tanners Lane, and Home Farm in Spencers Lane, plus several cottages around the district. 

In the 1800s the large field just behind Arnold Farm was known as Floyd's Close. 

The Burton Green School Log Book and Miss Floyd

There is a Burton Green School Log Book, which is effectively a diary of school activities written by the head teacher. The log book is now kept in the archives of the Warwick Records Office. 

The log book includes numerous references to a 'Miss Floyd'. One or other of the Floyd sisters visited the school occasionally, over a period of 36 years, the first visit being in 1875 and the last visit in 1910. 

Most of the entries simply say 'Miss Floyd visited', but there are a few more informative entries. These are some examples...

12 February 1881
"Miss Floyd and a lady-friend came in on Thursday and heard the children sing.
 Miss Floyd spoke to the children after school about the 'Missionaries'"

20 January 1883
"Miss Floyd came in today and heard the 1st Class read, 
she afterwards promised the children a Tea for Monday"

25 November 1887
"Miss Floyd visited the school on Friday morning and gave the children some apples"

20 December 1889 (Christmas)
"Miss Floyd and a lady friend visited on Friday morning & heard the children sing. Afterwards each child received a prize from Miss Floyd who also gave them a Christmas Card and an orange."

17 July 1908
"Miss Floyd invited all the children to tea at her house today"

William Floyd (1807-1879) had two daughters - Lettice Floyd and Mary Floyd. Most of the entries in the school log book simply refer to 'Miss Floyd' and it is not clear whether this refers to Lettice Floyd or Mary Floyd. A very small number of entries do include an initial - L Floyd or M Floyd, and on a few occasions both women visited the school together. There are some periods when we know that Lettice Floyd was working away from home but, in general, we do not know which sister each of the entries in the school log refers to.

An article about the Floyd family, written by Jean Musgrove, which was published by the Berkswell Local History Group, includes a paragraph about Lettice Floyd and states that she was an active supporter of the suffragette movement and that visiting Burton Green school was one of her activities:

Social Activism

Jean Musgrove's article does not give any further details about Lettice Floyd's activities in the suffragette movement.

In 1888 Lettice Floyd went to work as a nurse a children's hospital, and we know that from September 1895 to September 1898 she was working as a sister (in charge of a ward) at the Nottingham Children's hospital. Her time spent working in the children's hospital motivated her to become an active social justice campaigner.

In 1907 Lettice Floyd returned to Berkswell, and together with her sister, founded a local branch of the non-militant Women's Suffrage Society. But shortly afterwards, in 1908, the Berkswell branch was dissolved and its members joined the militant Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU).

The first significant reference to Lettice Floyd in a national newspaper occurs in October 1908. This would have been three months after the Floyd sisters had entertained all of the school children at their house...

At their trial the accused were ordered to be of good behaviour for 12 months, otherwise they would be sent to prison. None of them would agree to be bound over to be of good behaviour...

After they had served their sentences...

This is from the women's suffrage newspaper 'Votes For Women'...

Lettice took part in a further demonstration and was arrested a second time, but not charged, a year later, on 'Black Friday', 13 November 1910. This occasion was notable for the violence which the Police used against the suffragettes. This is from Lettice Floyd's entry in the National Biography
She was arrested for a second time the following November after travelling to London to take part in the mass protest organized against the loss of the women's suffrage 'Conciliation Bill'. The demonstrators encountered considerable violence, the day becoming notorious as ‘Black Friday’, but no charges were brought, the government realizing that to do so would be to incur adverse publicity.

Lettice travelled to London again in March 1912 to take part in a further protest...

Lettice Floyd was one of those arrested and subsequently sentenced to two months hard labour...

According to her entry in the National Biography, on this occasion, in prison she went on hunger strike and was forcibly fed. 

Being forcibly fed was a very unpleasant experience, and came to be regarded as the hallmark of the suffragette martyr. 

After their release from prison, suffragettes who had been force fed or received other exceptionally harsh treatment were given a personalised Certificate of Thanks showing their name in a bold script and signed by Emmeline Pankhurst. This image of such a certificate is a screenshot from a BBC documentary (The Suffragettes).

Click to enlarge

This image is not original. but it is a reasonably accurate reconstruction of a Certificate of Thanks. 

The suffragette campaign was suspended at the outset of WWI. Women's suffrage was eventually granted, at the end of the World War, in 1918

Disposal of the Estate - Legacy - Margaret McMillan House

After the deaths of her brothers William (d1895) and George (d1922), and her elder sister, Mary (d1918), the entire estate, of Beanit Farm, Arnold Farm, Home Farm and other properties, was inherited by Lettice Floyd (1922). 

Lettice Floyd maintained ownership of the entire estate until her own death in 1934.

After her death the estate was divided into lots and sold at a public auction. Arnold Farm was sold for £1,600. The two cottages adjacent to Arnold's Farm which had also been part of the estate were sold for £450 for the pair. The sale of the estate fetched £13,810. 

Lettice Floyd's total assets amounted to £51,660.

As directed in her will, various bequests of sums of money were made to friends and acquaintances, but the majority was gifted to the Rachel McMillan Centre, a children's charity, and was subsequently used to build the Margaret McMillan House at Wrotham, Kent. This is a country retreat outside London where children from deprived backgrounds can go to experience adventure holidays and other activities.

Rachel McMillan (1857-1917) was a social reformer with a particular interest in children's welfare. Rachel McMillan had taught at a girls' school in Coventry for 3 years c1874-1876.

The Margaret McMillan House at Wrotham was opened by the Duke of York  (shortly to become King George VI) in May 1936 ...

The Duchess of Cambridge visiting the Margaret McMillan House at Wrotham, 12th June 2012.

For most of these children it was the first time they had seen the countryside. 

Talk by the Royal College of Nursing 

Lettice Floyd was featured in a talk given by the RCN Library and Archive Service, on 11 March 2021, and which was presented over the internet during the pandemic. 

The section about Lettice Floyd begins at 15 minutes into the talk..


There is a complete biography of Lettice Floyd here:

That biography is a verbatim copy of the biography of Lettice Floyd which appears in the book The Women's Suffrage Movement, A Reference Guide, 1866-1928, written by Elizabeth Crawford.