Sunday, 12 September 2021

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting September 9th 2021

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.


Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (July 15th 2021)

Apologies had been received from Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Purchase and arrange erection of signs asking dog owners to remove dog messHilary
Pass BBV invites to Peter StanworthRona
Distribute information about AGMRona
Accounts to be sent to Marlene for Independent ExaminationDianne
Seek further information via Facebook about new 24 bus servicePaddy
Raise Red Lane issues with HS2Paddy
Circulate AGM agenda via village email loopJudi and Rona
Cancel Zoom subscriptionJudi
Ask Vic about availability of hall for future meetingsJudi
Circulate Welcome Leaflet to all committee membersJudi
Food collection and Santa Sleigh to be added to next agendaJudi

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of July 15th 2021 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Set up fund raising page for Children in Need ramble – because of costs, decision taken to ask for donations on the day or to BGRA bank account
  • Ask PC about noticeboard for Burrow Hill. Question posed and left with PC to decide especially on positioning
  • Who has responsibility for the footpath next to the Hales on Red Lane? Rona had investigated but footpath now cleared
  • Signs about dog mess on Greenway. Discussions had taken place and decision taken to order and erect signs. Action: Hilary
  • Check if Chris Langton able to update footpath route maps – yes and will progress.
  • Note of thanks to Pauline and Mervyn Harvey – completed.
  • Formation of a working group to progress application to HS2 Community and Environment Fund (agenda item)
  • Raise question at PC meeting about process of communication with HS2. Andy reminded Rona about invites from BBV. It was agreed to pass invites to Peter Stanworth because of his interest and ask him to report back. Action: Rona
  • Further planning for Children in Need walk – agenda item
  • October 10th litter pick – check not clashing with other events – agenda item
  • Distribute information via the village loop and the banner etc regarding format of the AGM 2021. Action: Rona

The minutes of the July meeting were approved.

2 Village Hall

There was nothing further to report. Recent details had been provided in the Bugle. There were plans to start the Village Hall foundations to ensure planning permission requirements were met.

3 Treasurer’s Report

See: Treasurer’s Report

Dianne said there had been little change to funds apart from payments for Bugle printing.

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 6 September 2021
Current Account net balance: £ 3209.74
Deposit Account net balance: £1006.15
Total Funds (A): £4215.89
Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent):-
Defibrillator: £ 149.56
Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £4066.33
For Information: Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting Printing September Bugle - £25
Income Since Last Meeting None Outstanding
Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2022 - £1,478.52

Dianne was awaiting the fund statements which she would send to Marlene Hills in readiness for independent examination prior to the AGM. Thanks were given to Dianne.

4 Residents’ views/concerns

  • Bus service 

A query was raised about a new bus service that did not appear to stop in Red Lane. Investigation showed it was a new 24 bus operated by National Express. Information had been distributed via Facebook and it was pointed out this was not the best way to communicate with some elderly residents who might wish to use the service. Paddy agreed to communicate via Facebook to see if the bus had to be hailed along Red Lane. Action: Paddy
The state of some of the bus stop signs in the village had also been reported by residents.  Several bore incorrect information or out of date timetables. WDC had agreed to update the timetables but said the condition of the signs was a matter for the bus companies. 

  • Access to and use of Greenway 

Contractors were strimming the edges of the Greenway and had reported they were also intending to clear litter and empty bins regularly. 

  • Publication of circular walking routes

Chris Langton had agreed to progress this.

  • Fly tipping

There had been several incidents and these had been reported to the appropriate councils. 

  • Speed signs in Red Lane

Some of these were broken or in poor condition and Rona would again report this.

5 Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

  • Report from HS2 CEF group
Judi explained that the subgroup had now met comprising Judi, Janet and Mary from the Residents ‘Association with Thea Gibbs as Chair, Paddy Deeley from the Parish Council, Deirdre Vernon from the Village Hall and Lesley Tacon from the school governors.

The first meeting looked at possibilities for funding and consideration of the form. We formulated an action plan. Judi investigated other places that had successfully gained funding to set a proof of concept. Deirdre found a list of those and they were examined and not a lot of places asked for funding of one item such as a hall or an outdoor space. Thea was tasked with talking to GroundworkUK, which oversees the project applications, to get a feel for what they will and won’t accept. The group will meet again once there is some more information to work on. 
Thanks were expressed to the group.
  • HS2 issues
A house next to the demolished properties alongside the Cromwell Lane bridge had received damage to fences and a gate. The elderly residents had been very concerned and were involved in lengthy discussions with HS2. The matter was eventually resolved.

A query was asked about whether LM has filled in a hole on the verge in Red Lane. The verge outside Cornerways on Red Lane was overgrown. Why were two HS2-owned houses at the top of Red Lane still not let? Paddy would pose these questions to HS2 representatives. Action: Paddy
  • Children in Need Walk September 19th
Mary assured the meeting that plans were in place.  It had been decided to start at 10.45 at the Village Hall (for an 11a.m. start) and walk down Red Lane , to cross the road at the Hales (and volunteer marshals would be required here)and to access the Greenway for the return walk.
  • The verge – maintenance was now resolved.
  • Litter pick – to take place on Sunday October 10th at 11a.m. Grabbers, gloves etc would be available at the Village Hall and Nigel Ward had agreed to collect rubbish bags in his trailer.
  • Bugle – nothing further to report
  • Sponsorship of Christmas cards
Mary had obtained sponsorship from Hedgerow Nursery and Sarginsons solicitors.  Additional expenses would be covered by the Parish Council grant.
  • Christmas card designs – the school
The Head Teacher had agreed this project could go ahead again for Christmas 2021.
  • Priorities for precept money – nothing to add

6 AGM – September 27th

It was agreed that unless the Covid situation worsened, the AGM would go ahead in the Village Hall. 

Judi and Rona would organise the agenda which would be circulated on the village loop. 
Action: Judi and Rona

Adrian Hickinbottom attended briefly as a representative of the Village Hall trustees to explain what they wished to include on the evening. Several organisations including the choir; the coffee, cakes and computer group; the wine club; and the WI had agreed to attend to encourage new members to find out more about activities available. Adrian felt the trustees would be able to contribute to the costs of wine to be available before and after the AGM proceedings.

Adrian said a family fun event on the preceding Sunday would target families and would include games and activities such as Bingo and a Beetle Drive with demonstrations by the dance group and Tai-Kwon-Do class.

7 Greenway Trust Update

There was no update.

8 Parish Councillor's Report

No Parish Council meetings had been held since the last BGRA Committee meeting. Issues that were currently under discussion included the land transfer of the playing field on the Burrow Hill site; the Westwood Heath Road housing development; speed checks; and the progress of the neighbourhood Plan. All these topics had been covered in more detail in the recent edition of the Bugle.

9  Any Other Business

Residents had expressed concern about the amount of builder’s waste on the verge at 192 Cromwell Lane. The matter had been raised with the Parish Council who had been told this was subject to an enforcement investigation. There seemed to be little progress but it was agreed this was a Parish Council matter.

Westwood Heath History group would be holding a heritage evening at the Greek Orthodox Church from 4-7 on Thursday September 16th. All would be welcome.

Judi was asked to re-circulate the Welcome leaflet so that all committee members could print off copies as required for new residents. Action: Judi

Food collection and Santa Sleigh to be added to next agenda. Action: Judi

WI was collecting toiletries for Afghan women (sanitary wear, shampoo, and shower gel). Donations could be brought to the Village Hall on Monday evening or left with Jill Line at the Produce Show on Sunday September 12th.

10 Date of next Meeting

Should meetings continue to be held via Zoom as the subscription was about to expire? It was agreed that the subscription should be cancelled and face-to-face meetings attempted but if this proved unworkable, we could renew the subscription. Meanwhile, Judi would liaise with Vic regarding availability of the hall for future meetings. Action: Judi

Monday September 27th AGM

The next committee meeting was scheduled for November 25th.

Friday, 10 September 2021

Additional Bus Service 24 to Kenilworth

National Express Coventry have recently extended their 539 bus service to include Burton Green and Tile Hill and renumbered it 24 to highlight the new extension.

This now means you can travel with ease into Kenilworth, and the National Agricultural Centre. The service passes both Kenilworth and Coventry Railway Stations as well as Coventry Airport and goes on to Pool Meadow in the middle of the city.

Although the service does go to Coventry, it is a long route, via Kenilworth and Baginton, and takes nearly 90 minutes.  Passengers who simply want to go to Coventry should continue to use the hourly 87 service.

For full details of service 24, please see...

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Bugle - September 2021

The September 2021 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.