Sunday, 14 March 2021

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting March 11th 2021

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.


Dianne Adams; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

1  Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (January 21st 2021)

Apologies had been received from Bron Putnam, Hilary Cox and Helen Hehir. Cheryl Wall, Chair of the Village Hal committee had also sent apologies.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Find out about emptying of binsPaddy
Purchase long-handles litter grabbersMary
Set up fund-raising page for Children in Need rambleDianne
Ask LM about turfing the Jubilee VergeRona
Contact Parish Council suggesting noticeboard on Cala Estate Hilary 


Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See January 21st 2021 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Community Fund item to remain on agenda - ongoing
  • Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests – ongoing
  • Arrangements for next year’s end of year accounts – Sally Keys who had been recommended by Marlene Hills had carried out the inspection in 2020 and had agreed to do the same this year. 
  • List of suggestions for HS2 funding - maintained
  • List of priorities for precept money - maintained
  • Funding required via Parish Council grant – request submitted
  • Locate defibrillator notices – new notices would be ordered to be placed in the Parish Council noticeboard and suggestions requested for other places. The locations would be explained in a future edition of the Bugle.
  • Ask LM about facilitating plugging Christmas tree lights into lamppost 2021. Reply received from Melanie Ryan, Community Engagement Officer, LM:
 LM has put this to HS2, and we or HS2 will also put it to Warwickshire County Council. From what I understand about maintenance arrangements going forward, HS2 will be coordinating/covering management of the temporary Greenway infrastructure – but WCC will be the local authority for that particular lamppost. We’re hoping we can get everyone’s agreement and sign-off on this so Christmas lights could be plugged in, in December 2021.
  • Plan for re-use of materials for British Legion centenary in Nov 2021- to be included in future meetings.
  • Contact WCC regarding blocked drain on Red Lane. Completed. Potholes still to be dealt with.
  • Send flowers to Betty Woodward – completed.

The minutes of the January meeting were approved.

2 Village Hall

Paddy reported that there was still no start date for the commencement of the Village Hall building. Discussions were still taking place regarding drainage issues. The field was currently being levelled.

3 Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:
Current Account net balance: £1781.49
Deposit Account net balance: £1006.09
Total Funds (A): £2787.58
Ring Fenced Funds (B) (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent):- Defibrillator: £ 149.56
Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £2638.02 

For Information: Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting:
Book tokens for Snowman Competition - £10
Litter Pickers – 38.98
Income Since Last Meeting - None
Outstanding Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2021 - £240.88.
These would be used for the next edition of the Bugle.

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. 

4 Residents’ views/concerns

  • HS2 issues
Access to and use of Greenway - 
LM had been asked about signage on the Greenway. A response had been received as follows:
There are various types of signs for the Greenway diversion being installed, and we will also be putting up information boards showing the diversion route and giving HS2 Helpdesk details. We’ve had several requests from Burton Green residents to add more signs with specific instructions, e.g. ‘must keep dogs on a lead’, ‘cycle slowly’, etc. Some of these, we won’t be able to accommodate/install – because they would go against local authority guidelines for country parks. However, we’ll install as much information as we can (without making it too cluttered) and we’ll make sure the information boards carry general messages about using the temporary Greenway in a safe and responsible manner – covering dog walkers, cyclists, horse riders, and all types of users with messages about being careful and considerate.

Questions were asked about who had been consulted about signage. It was agreed a watching brief should be kept on the erection of further signs. Was the Greenway Trust involved? It was thought this was not the case. The bin at the top of the closed-off ramp had still not been moved. It appeared a plethora of bins was now in existence. Who would be responsible for the emptying of the bins? Paddy agreed to ask. Action: Paddy
A discussion took place with reference to the new temporary Greenway with mixed views expressed. There remained concerns about its width and the Parish Council was pursuing this matter. Waste materials continued to be left by the contractors but it was hoped all these would be removed in a final clear up of the area as LM completed its work. 
Parking for those visiting the Greenway was a problem which would be exacerbated once the roadworks on Cromwell Lane took place. This issue was also being addressed by the Parish Council.
  • A resident was pursuing the difficulties caused by parking on pavements by leaving notices showing vehicles parked in a similar way having parking tickets.

5 Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

  • Approach council re plugging in lights on lamppost on the verge for Christmas 2021. Already discussed under Matters Arising.
  • Wooden sculptures – Discussions had taken place and it had been agreed that Burton Green community would receive two benches and two sculptures of a fox and an owl made from felled trees along the Greenway.  These would be placed in the grounds of the new Village Hall at an appropriate time.  Receipt and storage of other timber was being discussed. Charlie Hubbard was being very helpful in this matter.
  • Sandstone blocks from the Greenway bridges to be saved for plant troughs –Demolition of the bridges along the Greenway (between Cromwell Lane and Waste Lane) was imminent. Paddy had not received replies from any questions. It was hoped that BBV would be amenable to creating the troughs at the entrances to the village.
  • March 21st litter pick – volunteers should meet in the Village Hall car park at 11a.m. Nigel and Faith Ward would book a slot at Kenilworth recycling centre and Nigel would be asked to collect up the bags of rubbish gathered by volunteers. Mary would investigate the purchase of long-handles grabbers to add to the ones already owned by the Residents’ Association. Action: Mary
  • Children in Need Ramble – the date for this fund-raising event would need to be flexible to meet government guidelines. It would be announced in the June edition of the Bugle. It was planned to sell yellow sashes for people to wear on the ramble and Dianne agreed to investigate setting up a fund-raising page. Action: Dianne

  • HS2 fund- what should we ask for?
Entrance gates
Trees around the village
Top of the tunnel ideas
Village hall signage recycling
Car park where VH car park was
  • Priorities for precept money- ideas so far
Bugle funding
Lots of Spring bulbs
  • Bugle
    Thanks were given to Mary for her work on the Bugle.

6 Greenway Trust Update

There was no report.

7 Parish Councillor's Report

An interview had taken place for the vacancy for a Parish Clerk and it was hoped to fill the role soon.

Matters recently discussed by the Parish Council included ongoing complaints to LM; arranging a meeting with BBV for when the tunnel work begins; submitting a response to the Phase 2 Relief Road; traffic calming; and Westwood Heath housing developments which now seemed to involve revamping of some housing models and the purchase of the land. 

8  Any Other Business

  • A resident had queried the muddy state of the Jubilee Verge following all the works at the junction of Red Lane/Cromwell Lane. Rona would ask if LM would be prepared to turf the area. Action: Rona
  • Hilary had offered to write to the Parish Council suggesting a noticeboard on the Cala Estate. Action: Hilary
  • Having received a copy of the Warwick University newsletter, Rona had written to say residents were pleased to hear the Coventry City football club would be returning to the Ricoh Arena and assumed this meant the university would no longer be pursuing its plans for a stadium .  The following response was received:

News of the agreement for Coventry City Football Club to return to Coventry at the Ricoh Arena is great news for the supporters, the community and the city of Coventry as a whole, and of course the Football Club.

Coventry City Football Club and the University of Warwick are actively continuing their discussions regarding a long-term collaboration to provide a new home for the Sky Blues.

Those discussions are progressing positively and further details will be announced when both the club and the University are able to do so.

We will engage with our neighbours on this when we are able to do so, and of course Burton Green are some of our closest neighbours and your views are important to us.

Post meeting note: Burton Green speed monitoring was top of the police priority vote. Thank you to all residents who voted. There will be a number of police speed monitoring sessions over the next 3 months

9 Date of next Meeting

All meetings would be held via Zoom until further notice.

The next committee meeting was scheduled for May 13th
July 15th
September 9th
Monday September 27th AGM
November 25th

Thanks were given to Judi for arranging the Zoom call and to committee members for attending.

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