Sunday, 24 January 2021

Minutes of Residents’ Association Committee Meeting January 21st 2021

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions.


Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

In attendance: Cheryl Wall (Chair of Village Hall committee) joined for part of the meeting.

1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting (November 25th 2020)

Apologies had been received from Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the September meetingResponsible
Community Fund item to remain on agenda Judi
Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests Judi 
Arrangements for next year’s end of year accounts – approach recommended person Mary and Hilary
List of suggestions for HS2 funding  Judi
Tree planting – suggestions for sites – Bugle article   Mary
List of priorities for precept money Judi  
Work out funding required via Parish Council grant and submit request   Judi
Locate defibrillator notices Paddy  Rona
Ask LM about facilitating plugging Christmas tree lights into lamppost 2021 (currently lamp post still owned by LM)   Rona
Plan for re-use of materials for British Legion centenary in May 2021  Mary
Contact WCC regarding blocked drain on Red Lane Hilary
Send flowers to Betty Woodward Rona


Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of November 25th 2020 meeting

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:

  • Community Fund item to remain on agenda - ongoing
  • Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests – ongoing
  • Arrangements for next year’s end of year accounts – The person recommended by Marlene Hills who had carried out the inspection in 2020 would be approached again. Action: Mary and Hilary
  • Investigation of blocked drains in Cromwell Lane – completed and actioned by WCC
  • Suggestions for HS2 funding
  • Tree planting bid
  • Priorities for precept money
  • Query to Greenway Trust about preventing motorbike access – nothing in place
  • Dates for future meetings and inclusion on agenda of Zoom details - completed

The minutes of the November meeting were approved.

2. Village Hall 

The Chair of the Village Hall committee, Cheryl Wall, reported that contract signing was to take place soon. Solicitors were finalising scrutiny of three necessary contracts. It was doubtful the site would be cleared before March but once contracts were signed, the land transfer could take place. It was hoped the new Village Hall build would be completed before the end of 2021.

Discussions were taking place about using some of the felled timber for benches and sculptures.

Thanks were given to Cheryl and to all the trustees for the immense effort involved in progressing the build.

4. Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated as follows:

BGRA Accounts as at 13 January 2021
Current Account net balance: £1852.47
Deposit Account net balance: £1006.08 Total Funds (A): £2858.55
Ring Fenced Funds (Balance remaining of monies donated/allocated for specific purposes but not yet spent):- Defibrillator: £ 149.56
Freely available/unallocated Funds (A – B): £2708.99

For Information: Major Expenditure Since Last Meeting Zoom subscription - £143.86 Book tokens for School Xmas card competition - £45
Xmas Tree for green - £85
Payment for Electricity used for Xmas Tree to Cornerways - £10
Income Since Last Meeting None Outstanding
Parish Funds to be used by 31 March 2021 - £281.86 NB – need to reapply to Parish for funds for 2021/2022

Thanks were given to Dianne for her efficient handling of the accounts. 

Diane reminded everyone that £281 remained of the Parish Council grant and this needed to be spent prior to the end of March.  This would not be a problem as there was still an edition of the Bugle to produce during that period.

A new bid needed to be submitted. It was agreed that the increase in the number of households in the village necessitated a greater cost for publication of the Bugles. There was an increase of approximately 25% which meant we should apply for the same increase in the amount of the grant (from £2100 to 2625) There was also the cost of the tree and plaque to mark VE Day. Action: Judi

4. Residents’ views/concerns

HS2 issues

  • Access to and use of Greenway- this was an ongoing problem.  Muddy paths had caused a lot of disquiet but after much intervention, chippings had been laid in parts to help alleviate the problem. This was not a surface recommended by the British Horse Society.  Double fencing of the temporary Greenway had also resulted in a narrowing of the path. Parish Councils in both Burton Green and Berkswell were continuing the dialogue.

  • Relocation of the bin that was sited at the top of the ramp on Cromwell Lane bridge was being considered. It was pointed out this needed to be adjacent to the road to allow for ease of emptying.

  • Q. What had happened to the notices informing of the location of defibrillators in the village? Paddy would enquire. Action: Paddy

  • Litter – Faith was thanked for her sterling work in patrolling the lower part of Red Lane to remove litter. The committee was aware of other residents carrying out a similar task in other parts of the village and extended thanks to them too.

  • State of Hob Lane – there had been a lot of mud on the road along with churning up of the verges.  The Parish Council was following this up.

  • Slow Ways – a resident had pointed to this initiative to survey local routes as part of a nation-wide project. Anyone interested in involvement should contact or can access a Zoom briefing here:

  • An incorrect web address had been included in the last edition of the Bugle. To report illegal pavement parking to the police, residents should contact

5. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

  • Christmas tree – this was deemed a great success and thanks were given to the Hibberds and the Hickinbottoms for obtaining, erecting, decorating and removing the tree. The residents of Cornerways were thanked for allowing use of their electricity for which they had been compensated.

  • Approach council re plugging in lights on lamppost on the verge for Christmas 2021 – Rona would approach Cllr.George Illingworth about the feasibility of this. Action: Rona
    (Post-meeting note: Rona was advised lamppost still owned by LM so she would ask them to arrange a socket to be fixed as part of their community engagement.)

  • Bulb planting – Children from the school had been involved in bulb planting at the top of Red Lane.

  • Food Bank – a tremendously successful collection of items had taken place for the Trussell Trust Food Bank. Thanks were given to all residents who had donated and to collectors and to the Hibberds for transporting to the Trussell Trust in Coventry. Consideration would be given to making this an annual event.

  • Wooden sculptures – Discussions had taken place with Diana Dean, (Community Engagement LMS) and it had been agreed that Burton Green community would receive two benches and two sculptures made from felled trees along the Greenway.  These would be placed in the grounds of the new Village Hall at an appropriate time.  Receipt of other timber was being discussed.

  • Sandstone blocks from the Greenway bridges to be saved for plant troughs – this idea needed to be progressed with details such as how the blocks would be moved and where stored. Demolition of the bridges along the Greenway (between Cromwell Lane and Waste Lane) was scheduled to take place in February. There was the added complication of the transfer of responsibility from LM to BBV and because the bridges lay within Solihull, not Warwickshire. 

  • Road closure/oak tree – further road closures had been highlighted in Hob Lane the following week between 9.30 and 2.30. There was also the possibility of Cromwell Lane bridge being closed w/c February 22nd for bore holes to be drilled. 

  • HS2 fund- what should we ask for? (Further suggestions welcome) Action: all
Entrance gates
Trees around the village
Top of the tunnel ideas
Village hall signage recycling 
Q. What will happen to the land where the current Village Hall stands? Could it be a car park for the Greenway? 
Priorities for precept money- ideas so far (Further suggestions welcome) Action: all 
Bugle funding

6. Bugle 

The next edition was to be distributed on the first weekend of March.

It would include thanks to all key workers in the village.

A note was made that May 2021 would see the centenary of the British Legion and some of our materials from previous commemorations should be reused. Action: Mary

7. Greenway Trust Update

There was no update.

8. Parish Councillor's Report

Several matters had already been covered.

Discussions about the A46 link road were continuing with concerns about increased traffic in Burton Green should Phase 3 take place.

The Neighbourhood Plan was nearing completion.

Crest Nicholson were still planning to build in Westwood Heath Road and had submitted minor changes to their planning application.

9.  Any Other Business

Q. Why had part of the land between the Park Homes site and the Plymouth Brethren Hall been cleared? The land, which is in the Green Belt, was owned by three parties and at least one of these was hoping to obtain planning permission to build houses, which the Parish Council would oppose.

A blocked drain on the bend in Red Lane near The Orchard was causing concern. Hilary agreed to contact WCC. Action: Hilary

Mary explained that, by request, she sends some Bugle copies to former residents and had received £5 towards postage from one person.

It was agreed to send flowers to Betty Woodward who had been ill in hospital. Action: Rona
(Post-meeting note – Rona delivered on January 23rd).

10. Date of next Meeting

All meetings would be held via Zoom until further notice.

The next committee meeting was scheduled for March 11th 2021
May 13th
July 15th
September 9th
Monday September 27th AGM
November 25th


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