Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Draft Minutes of Residents' Association AGM September 28th 2020

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Burton Green Residents’ Association held on September 28th, 2020 via Zoom

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the AGM was held virtually, via Zoom.

Rona welcomed everyone, especially the District and Parish councillors who had joined the meeting.

1 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Dianne Adams, Faith Ward and PCSO Rachael Clayton.  Judi was asked to invite PCSO Clayton to the next BGRA committee meeting.

Action: Judi

2 Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of September 30th 2019 were accepted.

Proposed: Eileen Nisbet

Seconded: Alan Marshall

3 Matters Arising

Any matters arising were to be covered by agenda points.

4 Chair’s Report

A report had been circulated in advance as follows:

Although COVID-19 has led to a number of disappointing cancellations, the Residents’ Association has still been able to respond to residents’ concerns and support the community in very challenging times. We have been holding our meetings using Zoom.

We are currently developing plans for Christmas 2020 and hope, as in previous years, to collaborate with the Balsall Common Lions in a Santa Sleigh evening which is pencilled in for Saturday December12th. Last year we raised £730 for the Warwickshire Air Ambulance and suggestions for this year’s charity include the Coventry Boot Fund, which provides shoes for needy children, and Trussell Trust Food Bank, Warwick. A decision will be made at the AGM regarding this year’s chosen charity. 

An amendment was made to the report as information had been received that, in the current situation, it would not be possible to arrange the Santa Sleigh at Christmas 2020 and so no charity collection would be held.

It is hoped Burton Green Academy children will again take part in our annual Christmas card competition and plans are afoot for festive lighting on the Jubilee Verge.

As usual, we have published four editions of the Bugle over the past year. This newsletter, greatly valued in “normal” times, has played an even more important role through the pandemic and is the community’s only form of communication which reaches every household. So many elements of the community contribute to it and so many members of the community distribute it. Particular thanks are due to Mary Webb, the editor.

VE Day and VJ Day anniversaries have been commemorated with displays on the Jubilee Verge and residents have appreciated this opportunity to mark the end of World War Two 75 years ago.

It is really disappointing that Burton Green is currently divided for a 16 week period by HS2 road closures, despite promises this would never be imposed on our community. The Residents’ Association has worked in partnership with the Parish Council to challenge HS2 Ltd, calling on Jeremy Wright to champion our cause. We were also very disappointed to have the Greenway closed prior to the full diversion open: another broken promise from HS2.

Despite the ravages of HS2, we continue to look after our environment. Issues concerning roads and pavements are regularly followed up with Warwickshire County Council and the troughs at the entrances to Burton Green are well maintained thanks to residents’ watering and tending.

This has probably been the most challenging year in Burton Green since World War 2. I would like to pay tribute to the people of Burton Green who have maintained our community spirit throughout. I hope next year to be able to report on the return of normal activities and events.

With sadness, Rona added grateful thanks to Peter Tacon who had served the Burton Green community so well and condolences were extended to his wife Lesley and the family after Peter’s untimely and sudden death in July 2020.

Should anyone have any questions regarding the report they were asked to email them to Rona for a response.

5 Treasurer’s Report

Dianne had submitted a report which had been circulated.

The Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet are attached separately.

Rona thanked Dianne for keeping the accounts. If there were any question these too should be sent to Rona who would forward them to Dianne for a response.

6 Election of Independent Examiner

In light of the death of Peter Tacon, Marlene Hills had agreed at short notice to arrange for the accounts to be independently inspected. Thanks were expressed to Marlene for stepping in at very short notice to arrange for the accounts to be examined and for providing her professional oversight for free.

As yet, a permanent Independent Examiner had not been appointed for the future.

7 Election of Committee members

Janet Hickinbottom, as Joint Secretary, conducted this agenda item.

The constitution required that the officers and three committee members should stand down.  All the officers and committee members had agreed to be re-elected for a further year. 

Proposed: Barbara Noronha

Seconded: Jill Line

Unanimously agreed.

Janet said that more residents were very welcome to join the committee, especially those new to the village, and could contact Rona or any other committee member to express interest.

8 Report from Village Hall trustees

Cheryl Wall gave a positive report to the meeting. There had at last been some progress with HS2 after a tortuous procedure over the past few years. HS2 had accepted the tender from the preferred contractor following professional disagreements regarding the tendering process had been overcome. Now HS2 was considering the funding in line with the tender, a process that should last 3-4 weeks.

After this it would be necessary to finalise the contract with the builders; to transfer the land to the Village Hall trustees; to sign a cost agreement involving the building contractors, the funding and the trustees. Trustees’ liability was a key factor which was being sorted out by solicitors.

There was to be a clause in the contract to ensure continuation of the building of the new hall in the unlikely event of HS2 being cancelled.

Building work was unlikely to start before January 2021 and would take 10-12 months.

The impact of the significant road closures had been raised with HS2 and now monthly meetings were to be held to progress the build. Assurances had been received that the existing hall will not be demolished before the new one is available for use.

Cllr Paddy Deeley added that the Greenway diversion through the Village Hall field was still under discussion. She had pointed out on many occasions the various plans highlighting a community orchard on land between the new Village Hall site and the ponds that had been installed. Planting of 1100 trees had already taken place.

Cllr Alan Marshall referred to the Neighbourhood Plan explaining that it was now to go out to consultation for two months.

Cllr George Illingworth explained the process as follows:

Draft plan goes to consultation; amendments are submitted; a final version is considered by WDC which checks it is in line with District policy; final version is sent out for public consultation; any objections are submitted to the examiner who comes back with proposed changes; and it finally goes to a referendum (in this case approximately May 2021).

Cllr Ray Watkins would be asked to provide a summary for the next edition of the Bugle.

Action: Mary

9 Any Other Business

Rona said speeding in the village was a perennial problem. A meeting had been held the previous week between the County Highways Department and some Parish Councillors to consider speed calming measures.

Rona paid tribute to the village Speedwatch team.

Chris Langton brought up concerns about the lack of consultation on the closure of the significant junction at the top of Red Lane.  He had asked HS2 if consultations had been held with the emergency services, Post Office, delivery services etc.  He had received no reply. Other residents gave examples of there being problems with deliveries or failure to notify residents of road closures.  There was general agreement that little or no consultation had taken place.

Chris also raised the matter of the road closure being mentioned in Prime Minister’s Question Time.  This was particularly in light of the effect on the local school, which again had not been informed.

Cllr Illingworth made reference to the threatened oak tree at the junction. A few weeks ago a meeting had been chaired by Jeremy Wright MP and a separate meeting was held with the Senior Engineer regarding the design of the junction. This would be discussed at a webinar the following day between HS2 and Jones Lang Lasalle building contractors.

Cllr Illingworth was thanked for his ongoing support for Burton Green matters. He said many people in the Warwick district were only just becoming familiar with the problems Burton Green was facing and there was much support for residents.

Cllr Paddy Deeley referred to the footpath alongside the properties at the top of Red Lane that was not fit for purpose and there had been complaints. Judi said it was not suitable for cyclists but was being highlighted as the replacement cycle route from Red Lane to the Greenway.

Eileen Nisbet had some postcards available of her painting of the Greenway and these were available from her.

There was no other business

10 Date of Next Annual General Meeting 

The next Annual General Meeting would be held in September 2021 at a date to be agreed.

Thanks were given to the 20 attendees, even extending internationally to Mr Chris Langton who had joined the meeting from Portugal.

Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

Work has been ongoing in relation to the creation of the Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan. Some months ago a draft plan was put out for consultation and a final version has now been submitted to the Planning Officer. The council have now put this out for consultation. 

There is one main document (against which comments can be made) and 3 supporting documents.  If you wish to make any comments you can do so online.  This requires you to create an  account and then, where applicable, you can show your support or objection and add any comments for a section when you see the 'comment symbol box'  Alternatively you can submit your comments via email.

The complete details are here:

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Burton Green Residents’ Association AGM Monday 28th September 2020

The Residents’ Association AGM will this year be held on Monday 28th September at 7:30 via  a Zoom Meeting.  If you do not already have Zoom installed then this should be downloaded in advance.  Joining instructions are available on request.

Zoom meeting Agenda

  • Apologies
  • Minutes of the last meeting
  • Matters arising
  • Chair’s report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Election of Independent Examiner
  • Election of committee members
  • Report from Village Hall Trustees
  • Any other business
  • Date of next meeting Sept 2021


Although COVID-19 has led to a number of disappointing cancellations, the Residents’ Association has still been able to respond to residents’ concerns and support the community in very challenging times. We have been holding our meetings using Zoom.

We are currently developing plans for Christmas 2020 and hope, as in previous years, to collaborate with the Balsall Common Lions in a Santa Sleigh evening which is pencilled in for Saturday December12th. Last year we raised £730 for the Warwickshire Air Ambulance and suggestions for this year’s charity include the Coventry Boot Fund, which provides shoes for needy children, and Trussell Trust Food Bank, Warwick. A decision will be made at the AGM regarding this year’s chosen charity. It is hoped Burton Green Academy children will again take part in our annual Christmas card competition and plans are afoot for festive lighting on the Jubilee Verge.

As usual, we have published four editions of the Bugle over the past year. This newsletter, greatly valued in “normal” times, has played an even more important role through the pandemic and is the community’s only form of communication which reaches every household. So many elements of the community contribute to it and so many members of the community distribute it. Particular thanks are due to Mary Webb, the editor.

VE Day and VJ Day anniversaries have been commemorated with displays on the Jubilee Verge and residents have appreciated this opportunity to mark the end of World War Two 75 years ago.

It is really disappointing that Burton Green is currently divided for a 16 week period by HS2 road closures, despite promises this would never be imposed on our community. The Residents’ Association has worked in partnership with the Parish Council to challenge HS2 Ltd, calling on Jeremy Wright to champion our cause. We were also very disappointed to have the Greenway closed prior to the full diversion open: another broken promise from HS2.

Despite the ravages of HS2, we continue to look after our environment. Issues concerning roads and pavements are regularly followed up with Warwick District Council and the troughs at the entrances to Burton Green are well maintained thanks to residents’ watering and tending.

This has probably been the most challenging year in Burton Green since World War 2. I would like to pay tribute to the people of Burton Green who have maintained our community spirit throughout. I hope next year to be able to report on the return of normal activities and events.


Monday, 14 September 2020

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting September 9th 2020

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom because of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic restrictions


Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Mary Webb.

1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting

Apologies had been received from Faith Ward and Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Contact HS2 about the well on Cromwell Lane bridgeRona 
Report back on progress with metal Christmas treeMary and Hilary
Increase Bugle print runMary
Arrange Zoom meeting for AGMJudi
Submit Chair’s Report etc. for distribution via the email loopRona
Liaison with school regarding Christmas card competitionFaith
Further ideas for chosen charity to be supported at ChristmasAll to Judi by September 25th
Community Fund item to remain on agendaJudi 
Maintain list of suggestions for funding requestsJudi

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
See Minutes of July 15th 2020 meeting

The minutes of the meeting were approved. 

Matters Arising from the previous minutes
  • Community Fund item to remain on agenda – confirmed
  • Children in Need item to remain on agenda – confirmed
  • Maintain list of suggestions for funding requests – confirmed
  • Compile and submit final list of dates for BGRA bookings – completed 
  • Ask Paddy to add all committee members to BGRA What’s App group – this was actually a Facebook group and members can request to join if already a Facebook user.
  • Report overgrown footpath on Red Lane – completed. Task carried out by residents. Rona had not had responses from Peter Hallam.
  • Drone footage of VE Day celebrations to be made available – completed 
  • Discussion of precept spending to be added to next agenda (agenda item)
  • Next edition of the Bugle – completed
  • Preparations for the AGM via Zoom (agenda item)
  •  Investigate metal outline of Christmas tree (agenda item)
  • Liaison re VJ Day – completed.  Thanks to Mary and Hillary
  • Suggestions for charity/ies to benefit from Santa Sleigh 2020 (agenda item)

2. Village Hall Update

Dianne reported that a very positive meeting had been held earlier in the day. A new HS2 Project Manager had attended and there had been a number of action points. An interesting presentation had been provided. It had been accepted that communication was crucial and this had been lacking from HS2. The holding of virtual drop-in meetings with all stakeholders had been mentioned. A presentation to the Parish Council was scheduled for October/November.

3. Treasurer’s Report

A report had been circulated. Dianne reported that there had been little change in finances in recent months including no further income. The only expenditure related to the printing of the June 2020 Bugle and items purchased for the VJ Day display.

Dianne has also circulated a summary of the spending amounts connected to the Parish Council grant of £1275. It was agreed that remaining funds would be spent on the tree and pot that had been agreed and the metal Christmas tree that was being investigated.

Thanks were given to Dianne. 

The committee recorded their sadness on the news of Peter Tacon’s death in July. For many years, Peter had undertaken the role of Independent Examiner of the BGRA annual accounts and had provided a thorough, timely and reliable service at all times. He would be greatly missed. He had also been a strong supporter, with his wife Lesley, of all events.

Thanks were extended to Marlene Hills for agreeing, at short notice, to sort out the end of year accounts for 2019-2020.

4. Residents’ views/concerns

  • Access to and use of Greenway- many concerns had been expressed regarding closure of the Greenway and footpaths at various points with no prior warning. There was now a great deal of security around the Greenway. One resident had expressed concern about access to the well by the Cromwell Lane Bridge and was interested to know if details could be recorded. Rona agreed to contact HS2 about this. Action: Rona
  • Residents had complained about HS2 staff parking overnight and causing a disturbance by running car engines, talking loudly and dropping litter.

5. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues
  • Cala Homes Update. Paddy reported that approximately 37 houses were now occupied. Residents were not happy about people trying to take a diversion between Red Lane and Hob Lane via the Cala Homes development. Some drivers had even driven over people’s front lawns in a bid to find a way through.
  • VJ Day display. Thanks were extended to Mary and Hilary for decorating the verge for this occasion. The result created a community statement which was particularly welcome at the time. Thanks were also given to Peter Stanworth for his article in the Bugle.
  • Road closure, oak tree. The sudden closure of the vital junction at the top of Red Lane had elicited much anger. Again, there had been no communication with the community and the school had been affected at a time when there was already a great deal of anxiety about returning after six months during the pandemic. The Parish Council and the Residents’ Association had taken a lead on this and a meeting had been held including Jeremy Wright MP who had raised the situation during Prime Minister’s Question Time. HS2 said it had “reached out” to the school but the Head Teacher had heard nothing from them. Parents were having to take a substantial detour via Hodgett’s Lane and Hob Lane to reach the school. It was hoped that the parking of vehicles would be carried out in a way respectful of the community. HS2 had now responded promising to extend its working week to include Saturdays and Sunday mornings to try to complete the work earlier than planned. 
  • Children in Need ramble. This was to be postponed to coincide with the opening of the new Greenway.
  • HS2 fund- what should we ask for?
Entrance gates
Trees around the village
Top of the tunnel ideas
Village hall signage recycling
Added to this list was the reclamation of sandstone blocks from the bridges but where to store these remained a problem.
  • It was thought that someone had stolen one of the artefacts in the form of a gradient marker but Paddy reported that it had been re-sited on the Greenway nearer to Kenilworth to avoid its destruction.
  • Priorities for precept money- ideas so far
Bugle funding
Iron frame for Xmas tree - Mary and Hilary had an appointment with a manufacturer on September 20th and would report back.
Action: Mary and Hilary
  • Charity collection at Christmas: it was not yet clear whether the Santa Sleigh Activity by Balsall Common Lions supported by the Residents Association would be able to go ahead.  Suggestions for a charity to support were the Coventry Boot Fund and a local food bank. Any further ideas should be submitted to Judi by Friday September 25th for inclusion at the AGM. Action: all
  • Bugle. Thanks were given to Mary for all her hard work in producing the Bugle, especially during the lockdown period. It was agreed to increase the number of copies ordered to accommodate new entrants to the village. Action: Mary
  • The next edition of the Bugle would be printed on December 4th with articles to be submitted to Mary by November 27th.
  • AGM Sept 28th It was agreed the AGM would be held via Zoom. Judi agreed to set this up. Action: Judi
Rona would send a report to be circulated via the village email loop. This would contain the information that all current committee members were willing to continue their membership but that new members would be welcome, in particular new entrants to the village. Any objections should be submitted by email. In addition, the accounts would be circulated in the same way along with a request for any questions to be raised. Action: Rona

6. Greenway Trust Update

A welcome update had been provided in the most recent edition of the Bugle.

7. AGM decisions September 28th

Covered under item 5.

8. Parish Councillor's Report

There had not been a meeting since the last Residents’ Association meeting except for an Exceptional Meeting to consider problems with HS2 and the road closure.
The threatened oak tree was now the subject of a number of surveys.

9.  Any Other Business

The Residents’ Association now held a key to the noticeboard.

10. Date of next Meeting

The next committee meeting was scheduled for November 25th 2020.

Faith would be asked to liaise with the school regarding the annual Christmas card competition. Designs would need to be submitted by Monday 23rd of November in time for judging and printing.
  Action: Faith