Saturday, 7 March 2020

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee 4th March 2020


Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward.

1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting

Apologies had been received from Dianne Adams, Helen Hehir and Mary Webb

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Community Fund item to remain on agendaJudy 
Children in Need item to remain on agendaJudi 
Thank you letter to PCJudi
Report potholes in Red LaneRona
Cakes for VE dayAll
Item about VE day to be sent for school newsletter Faith
VE day item to be added to Bugle Mary 
Maintain list of suggestions for funding requestsJudi 
Compile and submit final list of dates for BGRA bookings Judi
Further research about village What’s App group Paddy
Complaint letter to HS2Rona

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of January 22nd 2020 meeting

The minutes of the meeting were approved.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • To enquire if a management committee existed at Cala Homes site (Cala Homes was responsible until the build was completed. Often a landscape company would be contracted by residents at a later stage but there were no plans as yet)
  • Continued planning of VE day celebrations (continuing)
  • Community fund item to remain on agenda (continuing)
  • Visit to Hickory’s Smokehouse to discuss community involvement (Rona had decided it was not currently appropriate to visit. A request had been made to add to the Santa Sleigh collection without response)
  • Liaise with school about 2020 Santa Sleigh (completed)
  • Children In Need ramble to remain on agenda (continuing)

All other matters arising were to be agenda items.

2. Village Hall Update 

The chair of the Village Hall committee had sent her apologies.
The trustees were still waiting for specifications to be finalised to go out for tender regarding the new village hall.
It was suggested the trustees be contacted regarding the re-siting of the defibrillator at the new village hall. Would it be accessible and how would the emergency services enter if a barrier was in place?
Post meeting note: Hedgerow Nursery had recently purchased a defibrillator for community use and a refresher training session would be held soon.

3. Treasurer's Report

A report had been circulated. Rona outlined the details. Total funds amounted to £5087.09. The only expenditure since the last meeting was the Christmas card prizes at £40 and deposits for two visits arranged by Mary (to the Phantom of the Opera and the National Memorial Arboretum.)

Income had been received from the Parish Council grant (£2100); £64.27 profits from the lunch; and £363 payments towards the visits detailed above.

Judi was to write to thank the Parish Council for its recent grant.

4. Residents’ views/concerns
  • A number of local footpaths had been barriered off and padlocked by HS2. This was considered premature and residents were annoyed there had been no prior warning. The PC would be following this up.
  • There were a number of potholes again in Red Lane. There was a particularly bad one outside Wyndrushe and another near Hillcrest. Rona would inform the relevant authorities.
  • Broadwells Wood site had suggested holding tea dances once the new hall was available.

5. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

  • Cala Homes update on the site.  No-one else had moved in recently. There remained concerns about the amount of water in the ditch, although it was acknowledged that the weather had been extremely wet of late. The balance pond was supposed to deal with water levels but at present there were still issues with overflowing water. There were concerns for implications for the new Village Hall site.
  • VE DAY May 8th 2020. The sub committee reported on the planned programme which included the planting of an oak tree in a large pot at 2pm which would later be transferred to the new hall site. A flower display on the Jubilee verge was being considered. Children’s games would take place in the car park (no cars would be allowed in there.) Children would be invited to dress as evacuees. Sherry would be served at 2.45 and Peter Stanworth would propose a toast. Churchill’s speech would be played. Community singing would follow afternoon tea and John Webb was compiling a video of the war history as it affected Burton Green. The event would conclude at 5pm.
Requests for cakes were made. Wartime recipes would be distributed. Action: Hilary
Help with refreshments on the day would be appreciated. Action: All
An item would be added to the school newsletter. Action: Faith
An item would be added to the Bugle as bookings would need to be taken for refreshments. Action: Mary
A request was made to the committee for funding to manage the event but this would be paid back as the event would be charged at £3 per head, £1 for children. This was agreed.
Should new residents receive a special invitation? It was decided a different welcome event would be arranged later in the summer for any new residents.
  • HS2 fund – what should we ask for? A number of village organisations were considering submitting applications. The PC was looking at a suggestion about the monitoring of air quality in the village. Gated entrances to the village were a popular suggestion. It was agreed a list of suggestions should be maintained.
  • Priorities for precept money: A new defibrillator box and the Bugle cost had already been included in the grant request. Other items should be added as they arose.
  • Booking schedule: Judi explained that the Village Hall trustees were hoping to improve the hall booking system. Judi had been asked to submit all hall requirements for the Residents’ Association, (including meetings and events such as the Residents’ lunches), by April for the following academic year (September 2020 to August 2021.) Judi circulated a table showing dates selected for the meetings. She would liaise with Mary to obtain the proposed dates of the lunches. She would then submit to Vic. Action: Judi
  • Village What’s App. A suggestion was made for a village What’s App group to supplement the Bugle and the email loop as a means of more instant communication. It might be used just for security issues such as reporting suspicious vehicles. Paddy agreed to do more research into this ready for the next meeting. Action: Paddy
 6. Greenway Trust update

There was nothing to report.

7. Parish Councillor's Report

The PC had discussed a number of matters including a proposal to increase the size of the Tile Hill station car park; the Neighbourhood Plan; the Crest Nicholson building site on Westwood Heath Road (where house building was now unlikely to begin until the autumn); the demolition of the air raid warden’s shelter which had taken place in Red Lane; and a proposition for an emergency plan.

8.  Any Other Business

  • Children in Need ramble. It was hoped this would go ahead in September 2020. Mary was liaising with local walkers to create a simple route for families to use at a low- key event. This would remain on the agenda. Action: Judi
  • Damage on the Jubilee verge was reported. Daffodils had been damaged by strimming carried out by HS2’s contractors. Rona would send a letter of complaint to HS2 to incorporate this and a number of other complaints about the way HS2 was handling issues. Action: Rona
  • It was agreed to move some of the litter signs designed by children to other locations to maximise impact. Alternative locations were agreed.
  • March 16th Balfour Beatty representatives planned to attend a PC meeting to provide feedback about people’s views regarding suggestions for what should be provided on top of the covered HS2 tunnel.

10. Date of 2020 Meetings

The next committee meetings were scheduled for

May 13th, July 15th,September 9th, AGM September 9th, November 25th