Thursday, 19 December 2019

Burton Green Neighbourhood Development Plan

A draft version of the Burton Green Neighbourhood Development Plan has been published for public consultation.

The document can be viewed on the Parish Council website, here:

Complete details for submitting comments about the plan can be viewed on the Parish Council website, here:

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Bugle - December 2019

The December 2019 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.

Saturday, 7 December 2019

Burton Green Village Choir Christmas Concert

Please come along to our third Christmas Concert 
20th December 7.30pm 
Burton Green Village Hall  CV8 1PH 

Under the direction of Seb Farrall 

A Wassailing Evening 
Song and More ! 

£10 (Children free) 
Including a complimentary glass
 of Wassail Cup and seasonal puddings, 
pastries and cheese etc. 
BYO Drink and Glasses 

Do join us to start the Christmas celebrations! 
If you require details 02476464188 or 02476422977 or a choir member 

New male and female members welcome 
to join our new programme in the New Year. 
No auditions required. 
Meeting Monday 5.30-6.30pm details 024 7642 2977 

Sunday, 1 December 2019

Draft Minutes of Residents' Association Committee November 27th 2019

Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

In attendance: Cheryl Wall, Chair of Village Hall committee (and Charlie the dog).

1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting

Apologies had been received from Paddy Deeley, Helen Hehir and Rona Taylor.

Summary of actions following the meeting

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Application for grant from PCJudi
Availability of flood warning sign for Hob LaneMary
Report to PC mess opposite entrance to Cala siteJudi
Ask Chris Langton to register as a Santa Sleigh volunteerJudi
Arrange for flyers about Santa Sleigh at Hickory SmokehouseMary
Christmas tree decisionsMary
Add to March agenda item about Children in Need rambleJudi
Disposal of broken recycling boxes in Cromwell LaneAndy

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of September 11th meeting

The minutes of the meeting were approved.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Ask Peter Hallam again about rubble in Hob Lane as the problem was recurring – Rona (completed)
  • Send to Parish Council (PC) HS2 response to letter about house in Hodgett’s Lane – Judi (completed)
  • Contact Chair of Village Hall (VH) committee re website – Rona (completed)
  • Contact representative of Broadwells Wood re dust problem – Rona (completed)
  • Email PC about dust complaint – Judi(completed)
  • Email PC regarding HS2 parking problems – Judi (completed)
  • Sort out who is standing down and those willing to be re-elected at AGM – Janet (completed)
  • Invite councillors, police and school head to AGM as guests – Judi (completed)
  • Establish date for 2020 AGM and book room – Judi (completed)
  • Book VH 18 Dec 2020 for Santa Sleigh – Judi (completed)
  • Canvass opinion in Red Lane re shelter – Rona (completed)
  • Introduce shelter topic at AGM – Rona (completed)

All other matters arising were to be agenda items.

2. Village Hall Update

Cheryl said meetings or telephone conferences were now being held monthly with HS2. HS2 wanted the hall vacated in October 2020 and demolished by December 2020. The architects had said this was feasible but unlikely especially as most hold ups were caused by HS2. A survey and architectural reports were needed before tenders could be issued for the building of the new hall and after that HS2 would need to approve builders’ quotes.

Ownership of the site was not possible until the pipeline construction team had handed back the land to HS2. Also, a written funding agreement needed to be in place to safeguard the hall trustees.
Investigations continued into landscaping, especially with regard to native trees suitable for use in car parks.

A bid had been made to the HS2 Community Environment Fund for the design and build of some stained-glass panels for the new hall.

Events: the trustees had held a successful development session looking at how the committee could work more efficiently and effectively and had resulted in a list of objectives. It was important to strive for a balance between community events and fund-raising activities. The Produce Show, quizzes and lunch for the retired would continue. It was suggested that although members of different committees and organisations worked together on an ad hoc basis, more collaborative working would be beneficial.

Q. Was the new hall to be on mains sewage?
This remained a problem as Severn Trent would not consider a link to the Cala site sewage system until the Cala site was completed.

Ideas were needed for use of the Red Lane site at the bottom of the field in between the hall and the current Greenway. A community orchard was one suggestion. This formed part of the Neighbourhood Plan consultation and needed to fit in with village plans.

Thanks were given to Cheryl for attending.

3. Treasurer's Report

See: Treasurer's Report

A report had been circulated. Dianne highlighted the items of expenditure: bulbs, weed killer, litter pickers, salt and pepper mill plus printing of welcome letter and of September Bugle.

Cllr Gibbs was asked if a larger grant could be requested because the £1275 this year had just about been spent. It was agreed to submit a larger claim to incorporate a new box for the defibrillator and increased costs for the the printing of the Bugle because of the amount of new housing to be delivered to and price increases at the printers. Judi would submit the application form. Action: Judi

4. Residents’ views/concerns

  • Two street lights had been repaired thanks to reporting by the BGRA committee.
  • Fly tipping had been reported in Hodgett’s Lane and had been dealt with by Solihull MBC. The same could not be said of rubbish left in Cromwell Lane which had not been dealt with courteously or efficiently by WCC.
  • Flooding in Hob Lane was reported. Mary would ask if flood warning triangles were available. Action: Mary

5. AGM review

Thanks were given to Janet and Judi for conducting the AGM so efficiently and at short notice in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair. There had been good attendance.

6. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

  • Cala Homes update on the site.  Paddy had reported her delivery of the Welcome leaflet to people who had moved into the Cala site. She would continue with this as people moved in. She had also left some in the Showroom. All new residents except one had been added to the email loop.
  • Currently there were 12 properties sold with 6 moved in; 8 reserved and 3 available for sale.
  • The mess opposite the site entrance should be reported to the Parish Council for them to contact the builders. Action: Judi
  • VE DAY May 8th 2020. A sub committee to include members of the Village Hall committee was to meet the following week to discuss proposals. A report would be provided at the next meeting.
  • HS2 fund – what should we ask for? It had already been reported that the Village Hall trustees had submitted an application for stained-glass panels. Another idea was for cosmetic “gates” to mark the entrances to the village. Some members felt it would be good to save some of the sandstone blocks and blue bricks from the bridges that are to be demolished on the Greenway and to use them in building projects such as a picnic area.
  • Santa’s Sleigh planning. The event was scheduled with Balsall Common Lions on December 13th. There were considerable problems this year as the main hall and kitchen would not be available as they were being used by the dance class. In addition, the school play was taking place on the same night which would result in parking all along Hob Lane. After much discussion and regret it was agreed that Hob Lane would not be covered this year. Mary had compiled a list of volunteer collectors. Judi would ask Chris Langton if he would be happy to be added to the list so that he could collect at the Hickory Smokehouse. Action: Judi
  •  It was suggested some flyers were produced and the manager asked if these could be placed in the restaurant a few days prior to the event. Action: Mary
  • Christmas tree. Sue Spence had offered a tree from her garden. This would be checked but if felling it looked a big job, a tree would be purchased from CostCo instead. Barry would be asked if he could erect it. Action: Mary
  • Priorities for precept money. This had been discussed under Treasurer’s Report.

7. Greenway Trust update

Negotiations were taking place regarding the crossings for the re-routed Greenway across Red Lane and Hob Lane and positioning of crossing light indicators suitable for horse riders.

8. Parish Councillor's Report

The Neighbour hood Plan was being approved to go to preliminary consultations.

9.  Any Other Business

Children in Need ramble. Mary suggested this as an activity for 2020. Mary would liaise with local walkers to decide on a suitable route. Judi would add it to the March agenda. Action: Judi
Some broken recycling boxes were reported on Cromwell Lane. Andy agreed to remove them if possible. Action: Andy

10. Date of 2020 Meetings

The next committee meetings were scheduled for

January 22nd
March 4th
May 13th
July 15th
September 9th
AGM September 9th
November 25th