Sunday, 26 May 2019

Kenilworth Community Forum - Policing Priority Vote

The Kenilworth Community Forum policing priorities vote is now live.

There's nothing specific to Burton Green on this occasion.

Priority options are:
  • ASB / Reassurance Patrols – Kenilworth Parks & Open Spaces
  • Crime Reduction Patrols – Kenilworth Town Centre
  • Speed Checks / Monitoring – Rounds Hill, Kenilworth
  • Burglary Prevention Patrols - Kenilworth
  • Inconsiderate Parking Patrols – Kenilworth

You can cast your vote here:

Voting closes 3rd June 2019.

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Save Crackley Woods Event

It is understood that HS2 Ltd intend to build the Burton Green haul road, which would follow the proposed route of HS2 this year, as this is enabling work and can happen before the notice to proceed.

This means that HS2 intend to cut down trees in these woods BEFORE the project has received the final go ahead. Or in other words, parts of these ancient woodlands could be trashed and then HS2 is subsequently cancelled!

A family fun day and picnic has been organised to help raise awareness of the impact of the HS2 development on the Crackley Woods Nature Reserve.

The event, scheduled for 11.30am to 2.30pm on Sunday June 2, will include a family picnic time in the meadow area, along with some woodland activities and games for children.

The event will also include a guided (10-15 minute) walk to show people parts of the ancient woodland impacted by the HS2 project.

There will also be two longer walks where the HS2 is planed to go through Crackley, Roughknowles and Broadwells Woods.

The walks will start at 12pm and 2.30pm from the clearing in Crackley Woods next to Crackley Farm, and five minutes later from the Crackley Farm Greenway bridge.

Matt Bishop, who has organised the event through the group Walk the Line – Stop HS2, said: “The message is if people want to save Crackley Woods they need to come on the day, and they need to sign the petitions online.”

More details

Notice of the Event in the Kenilworth Weekly News:

Walk-the-Line Facebook Page:

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Burton Green Produce Show 2019

This years Produce Show will take place on 
Sunday 1st September.

The Schedule is being prepared and should be delivered by mid June.

We hope that residents will be able to help us with donations for some of our stalls and we will be in touch closer to the date with drop off details.

  • Plants and Bulbs - do you have any spare plants you can pot up for us to sell or are you able to take cuttings from your garden and grow them on over the summer months 
  • Tombola - last years stall was a great success and all donations are appreciated
  • Games/Puzzles/Books - if you are clearing out any games, puzzles and recent books please donate them to us.  If you have some but are not able to store them until the show, please contact us and we will arrange collection.

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting May 15th 2019

Present: Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Andy Gibbs; Helen Hehir; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward; Mary Webb.

1. Apologies and Minutes of the March 13th meeting

Apologies had been received from Paddy Deeley and Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Cala Homes to be asked about refurbishment of Red Lane air warden’s shelterRona
Liaison with Cala Homes re Bugle entryMary
Progress litter postersRona
Add Village Hall chair to agenda distribution listJudi
Update Welcome leafletJudi
Arrange for copies of the Bugle to go to Cala HomesMary
Speak to Berkswell charities regarding bench and plaqueRona
Include thank you from Canley Community Centre in next edition of the BugleMary

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of March 13th meeting

The minutes of the March 13th meeting were approved.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Hodgett’s Lane overgrown hedge – Rona would contact the residents concerned. Post meeting note: the residents concerned acted very promptly in cutting back their hedge and the committee would like to thank them for their response and for the immediate action.
  • Red Lane shelter project – still to be progressed
  • Communication with PC regarding precept. Rona would bring this up at the meeting on May 20th, but it was understood there would be no problem now in the new financial year.
  • Overgrown hedge near Cromwell Land bridge – Rona has contacted the residents concerned.

All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.

2. Treasurer's Report

A report had been circulated. Dianne explained the items. The only items of expenditure had been:

  • Insurance Employers liability £186.48
  • Pick Up Litter Signs - £86.40

Income was:

  • Cheque from Parish Council for flower tubs £200
  • Profit from Residents’ Lunches on 26 April 2019 - £82.74
  • Profit from Charity Breakfast on 28th April 2019 to be donated to Helping Hands, Kenilworth Charity £352.60

3. Amendment to constitution

Following the discussion at a previous meeting regarding stopping collection of subscriptions (which would be replaced by money from the precept), in line with the current constitution, a special meeting was held as part of the proceedings and the following amendments to the constitution were agreed:

Point 5 All residents of Burton Green shall be eligible for membership
Was changed to
All residents of Burton Green are deemed members unless they indicate to the contrary to the secretary in writing

Point 6 The annual subscription for a household shall be decided at each Annual General Meeting (AGM) and subscriptions shall be due by May 31st of each year
Was changed to
There are no subscription fees.

4. Residents' views/concerns

  • A question was raised as to whether the Greek Orthodox Church should have obtained planning permission to put down hard standing in their car parking area in Westwood Heath Road Cllr Illingworth was following this up.
  • A number of dog waste bags were being carelessly disposed near the sports field on Cromwell Lane. Mary had enquired but currently there was no funding available for a dog waste bin to be erected in that area.
  • Mary would purchase a long-handled grabber to help dispose of the waste.
  • The committee commended Deirdre Vernon’s actions in raising the question of why so many HS2-purchased properties were standing empty. A meeting had been held with relevant bodies and it had been explained that there was a cost ceiling of £20k regarding refurbishment of properties for the rental market.  Now there were four houses being prepared for renting. Some people had enquired about buying the properties but HS2 was not selling because of “crystallised blight” (selling at a low price now might impact the sale price of other local properties.) It was considered ridiculous that a gas safety inspector was brought from Leeds rather than using local contractors. It was suggested our MP should be involved in further investigating how the remaining empty houses could be added to the rental market more quickly.

5. Update on and discussion of Residents’ Association initiatives and issues

  • Cala Homes update on the site.Paddy remained vigilant but residents were not happy with the way Cala Homes were responding. For example, there had still been no signs erected to advise lorries of a suitable route to use. Cala Homes had asked if there were any community projects they could assist with and it was decided to ask if they would consider refurbishment of the old air warden’s shelter in Red Lane. Action: Rona
  • Charging for Cala Homes Bugle entry. A 4-page document had been submitted for inclusion in the Bugle, but Mary explained this was far too lengthy and would ask Cala Homes to provide an article of suitable length and they would be advised of a cost of £200 Action: Mary
  • Positioning of litter posters. Following discussion, it was agreed to position sign sin several locations in Red Lane and Hob Lane and to place them on stakes rather than lamp posts so that they could be moved around.  Two further signs would be ordered to make 5 in total. Action: Rona
  • Lunch for retired and friends of BG April 28th. Once again, this had been a successful event with many compliments paid.
  • Level 2 Food Hygiene certificate. This was now to be a requirement for anyone responsible for food handling in the Village Hall kitchen. It was agreed to pay the costs for Hilary and Mary to take the online course.
  • Breakfast for Helping Hands. Another successful event and the amount raised had been covered under item 2 of the agenda.  The cheque would be presented at a forthcoming event for Kenilworth Helping Hands.

6. Village Hall

There was nothing more to report. It was agreed that the Village Hall Chair would be added to the circulation list and asked if she would like to present at each meeting or, if more appropriate, to send a written report. Action: Judi

7. Parish Councillor's Report

Andy reported that a new Parish Councillor, Richard Paine, had joined the Council.

There was nothing further to report.

8.  Any Other Business

  • Paddy had made suggestions regarding the Welcome Leaflet. Judi agreed to update the current one and it was agreed that copies of the Bugle would be best to ask Cala Homes to distribute to potential home buyers. Action: Judi and Mary
  • A question had been raised at the recent Neighbourhood Plan meeting about tree preservation orders.  Although some work had been carried out on this many years ago, there was no information available.
  • The Berkswell Charities had removed a bench donated to the Residents’ Association which used to sit by the almshouses. It had been removed to carry out essential services, but it was not in a fit state of repair to reinstate.  It was agreed the bench could be disposed of and if it bore a plaque this should be returned to the committee. Action: Rona
  • Thanks received from Canley Community Centre for the donation resulting from the Santa Sleigh – to be published in the Bugle. Action: Mary

9. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

The next committee meetings were scheduled for July 17th, Sept 11th, AGM Sept 30th, Nov 27th

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Saturday, 4 May 2019

District Council Election Results

Burton Green is part of a brand new ward known as Kenilworth Abbey and Arden.

This ward covers Kenilworth Castle, Burton Green, Honiley, Rowington, Baddesley Clinton, Packwood and Lapworth (roughly the area of the old Forest of Arden).

The complete results for the May 2nd local election are shown below.

The 3 Councillors elected were John Cook (Conservative), Richard Hales (Conservative) and George Illingworth (Conservative).

The experience of Burton Green (3 Conservatives elected) was not typical of Kenilworth, or Warwickshire as a whole.

On Kenilworth town council, 12 incumbent Councillors lost their seats, including Mayor Mike Hitchins; only 4 incumbent Councillors survived.

The Green Party made huge gains and now holds the most seats on Kenilworth Town Council (8 seats) with Liberal Democrats (7 seats) and the Conservatives (2 seats).

The Conservatives have also lost control of Warwick District Council including council leader Andrew Mobbs who lost his seat. In contrast there were gains for the Greens and Lib Dems who will now go forward as part of a rainbow coalition as no party has overall control.

These are the complete results for Kenilworth Abbey and Arden:

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Coffe, Cake and Computers - Cyber Safe Presentation

Burton Green Village Hall
14th May 3pm