Saturday, 30 March 2019

Dawn Chorus in Cromwell Lane

This is a 4-minute recording of the dawn chorus in Cromwell Lane.

The chorus begins at about 5am (GMT) and lasts for about 45 minutes.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Helping Hands Charity Breakfast 28th April

Charity Breakfast 
Village Hall
Hodgetts Lane
Burton Green

Sunday 28th April 10.00 - 12.00

In support of HELPING HANDS, a charity supporting Young adults in Kenilworth with learning and physical disabilities.

A SELECTION OF BREAKFAST MENUS from full English to avocado poached egg muffin.


Please come and support this local charity.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan

A draft version of the Burton Green Neighbourhood Plan can be seen here:

Please note that the iconic image of Burton Green on the cover of the Neighbourhood Plan (see above) shows a field adjacent to Westwood Heath Road, that is about to be covered by a housing estate!

A Community Meeting will be held on Sunday 24th March in the Village Hall, 10.00am to 1.00pm with coffee and refreshments included.

We hope you are able to take part in this event because we need to know what’s good about what has been done on the Neighbourhood Plan so far and what could be better. We have to be able to demonstrate that our Plan has been developed in response to the input of Burton Green residents so your views really do matter.

Please come along to the Village Hall on the 24th March and make a difference.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee Meeting March 13th 2019


Dianne Adams; Hilary Cox; Paddy Deeley; Andy Gibbs; Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor; and Faith Ward.

In attendance: Fiona Anderson, CAVA

1.Apologies and Minutes of the January meeting

Apologies had been received from Helen Hehir and Mary Webb. The committee was pleased to hear of Mary’s successful hip replacement.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Ask Hodgett’s Lane resident about overgrown hedgeRona
Progress Red Lane Shelter projectFaith and Mary
Inform Westwood Heath residents about Santa SleighMary (at appropriate time)
Communication with PC regarding preceptPaddy and Andy
Overgrown hedge near bridge on Cromwell LaneRona
Next meeting agenda item re BGRA membershipJudi
Production of anti-litter posterRona

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of January 23rd

The minutes of the January 23rd meeting were approved.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes
  • Hodgett’s Lane overgrown hedge – Rona would try again to contact the residents concerned.
  • Red Lane shelter project – still to be progressed
  • Treasurer’s report had been re-sent.
  • Blocked drains had been reported
  • Shed break-ins – response had been sent

All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.

2. Fiona Anderson, Rural Capacity Officer - presentation

Fiona is the Rural Capacity Officer working for Warwickshire Community Voluntary Action.

CAVA provides a single point of access for everyone who wants to engage in community and voluntary action. Fiona explained her work tackling rural isolation. The group can provide signposting to potential funding and tackles issues such as internet and telephone scams, safeguarding and governance. She was thanked for attending and providing information.

3. Treasurer's Report

A report had been circulated. Dianne explained the items. There were no questions.

4, Residents' views/concerns

  • Cala Homes – is there a site office yet? Paddy agreed to continue to liaise with the site manager who was always very helpful. 
  • Rubbish dumped in the ditch outside the site would be removed by Cala Homes even though it had not come from the site.
  • There had been some complaints regarding water from the site puddling on Red Lane.  It was agreed this needed to be monitored but that the situation was likely to improve as site development reached a conclusion. 
  • Nearby residents had complained about lights being left on all night in some of the properties. Cala Homes had been approached about this and explained it was their security policy. Once site security was established it was hoped the lights could be extinguished. 
  • Lorries were travelling past the school in Hob Lane and presented a danger, especially at each end of the school day when there was always congestion on the narrow lane. Cala Homes could not force delivery lorries to use other routes as that had not been included in the planning permission, but they had ordered signs recommending a different route.
  • Subscriptions. At the last meeting it had been agreed to investigate including funding in the precept to avoid collecting subscriptions from an ever-growing population in the village and to cover basic BGRA expenses and administration costs. Paddy and Andy, both Parish Councillors, agreed to pursue this to ascertain if this had been included in the precept. Action: Paddy and Andy
  • It might be necessary to add a clause to the constitution to explain that all residents were automatically members of the Residents’ Association (unless they specifically wished to withdraw). This would be considered at the next meeting Action: Judi
  • Lunch for retired and friends of BG, April 26th .This was being arranged. Volunteers to assist were always welcome.  Further publicity of the event would be circulated on the loop.
  • Report from Waste Partnership conference. Rona had attended and reported back on some of the presentations with a focus on recycling and using “waste” food. She said it was an annual event and would be worth attending every year.
  • Report from Kenilworth Forum, March 5th Thanks to residents’ votes, there would be 10 police speedwatch sessions on Cromwell Lane. Walking for Health was another project to tackle isolation and bowls sessions at Castle Farm were also highlighted. A grant had also been given to the Kenilworth Greenway group that oversees the Kenilworth end of the Greenway.
  • Rona had attended the Balsall Common presentation evening. The £500 collected by the Santa Sleigh in Burton Green was presented to our chosen charity Canley Community Centre with an additional £100 from the Lions. This was gratefully received by the Centre representative who explained some of their work especially with children in the area.
Other concerns/views included:
  • The overgrown hedge on Cromwell Lane near the Greenway. Rona agreed to visit the householders.
  • Roadworks which probably had little communication between HS2 and various services. A resident’s letter highlighting the problems to HS2 had been copied to BGRA.
  • Crime Prevention – Mary was liaising with our community police to arrange a meeting on Sunday June 9th.
  • Bus timetable – slight amendments to the bus services were not displayed at the bus stops.  WCC were responsible for this and had been informed.  New timetables had been distributed with the recent edition of the Bugle.

5. Village Hall

A date of the end of 2020 was still anticipated as the date for the completion of a new hall.
There was nothing more to report.

6. Parish Councillor's Report

There was nothing further to report.

7.  Any Other Business

  • A breakfast was to be held in support of Kenilworth Helping Hands on Sunday April 28th
  • Pupils at Burton Green School had been involved in the design of a poster to deter littering from passing cars.  A design was to be chosen and Faith would investigate having it printed and erected at key points. Action: Rona
  • The committee wished to thank John Webb for his continued support in the research and production of interesting articles for the Bugle and for maintaining such an excellent website for Burton Green.

8. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

The next committee meetings were scheduled for

 May 15th,  July 17th, Sept 11th, AGM Sept 30th, Nov 27th

Sunday, 3 March 2019

Bugle - March 2019

The March 2019 edition of the Bugle has been published.

Just below are thumbnails of the page images. To enlarge any page image, click on the thumbnail below. Once you have the individual page, you may also need to click on the magnifying glass in your browser, where you can view the page at its original size...

The text of the Chair's Report has also been added to the Residents' Association page.

The archive of back issues of the Bugle is here: Bugle Archive.