Monday, 25 February 2019

Balsall Common (Solihull) Housing Plans Consultation

New housing numbers increase from 1215 to 1755 

Solihull Council have published a 2nd version of the housing plan for the borough for the period 2020 to 2035. Far from reducing planned housing numbers for Balsall Common, the new plan takes homes planned for elsewhere and puts them in Balsall Common. The new plan proposes huge areas being taken out of greenbelt all the way south to Everson Fuels. It also gives some commitments on local infrastructure

Spare 30 minutes of your time to see what is planned

Berkswell PC needs residents’ input to help frame its response to the plan. Not only the number of homes but infrastructure, greenbelt boundaries and town planning. You can also find out how to respond as individuals to the consultation.

It is worth coming even if you went to the library event. Our exhibits will be much larger so they can be viewed easily and we have information SMBC have not shown on the extent of greenbelt changes and the risk of even more housing.

Come see the plans and give us your views

Saturday 2nd March 2019 1.30 pm to 5 pm– Jubilee Centre, in the Library Car Park, Station Road, Balsall Common