Saturday, 15 December 2018

Minutes of Residents' Association 18th December 2018

Draft Minutes of Burton Green Residents’ Association Committee Meeting December 11th, 2018

Dianne Adams, Hilary Cox, Andy Gibbs, Judi Hibberd, Janet Hickinbottom, Faith Ward and Mary Webb.

Thanks were given to Judi for accommodating the meeting when the Village Hall Green Room had been double booked.

1. Apologies and Minutes of the last meeting

Apologies had been received from Bron Putnam.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Check Red Lane lamppost workingRona
Speak to Hodgett’s Lane resident about overgrown hedgeRona
Inform Canley Community Centre trustees of presentation dateJanet
Application to Parish Council for funds to contribute to Bugle costsJudi
Progress Red Lane shelter projectMary
Invite Fiona Anderson to next BGRA committee meetingRona

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

See Minutes of September 11th

The minutes of the September 11th meeting were approved.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • One lamp post not working had been sorted out very quickly. A check would be made to see if the other one reported was now functioning. Action: Rona
  • Rona had not yet managed to find at home the owner of the overgrown hedge in Hodgett’s Lane. She would try again. Action: Rona

All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.

2. Treasurer's Report

A report had been circulated. Dianne explained that current funds stood T £2946.26 with main expenditure being Bugle printing costs. The Armistice commemoration tea raised a profit of £69,79 and the recent Retired of Burton Green lunch made a profit of £66.48.

Q. How much do we charge for the lunches?

Thanks were given to Dianne.

3. Residents' views/concerns

Litter remained a problem. The last litter pick had been postponed because of adverse weather but some committee members go out independently. Mr Marshall had been asked to speak with Cala Homes to see if they could help with clearing the ditch and adjacent bank outside the site.

4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues

Review of Armistice commemoration

This was considered a very successful event and reflection of the true community spirit in Burton Green. The afternoon tea had been attended by 81 people and the evening beacon lighting by around 200 people. Rona thanked everyone who had been involved in any way.

Christmas plans - tree, cards and Sleigh evening

Andy had donated a tree from his garden (and offered another one for 2019!) Thanks were extended to Barry, Luke, Andy and Terry for erecting it on the Jubilee verge.

Details were given out of the Santa Sleigh evening.  Two groups of volunteers were needed at 4:15 and 6:15. The Balsall Common Lions would sort out administrative procedures and give out hi-vis jackets etc. Soup and bacon rolls would be available for volunteers at a cost of £2 per item to cover costs. Hot drinks would be provided free of charge. Christmas cards designed by the schoolchildren would be distributed during the collection. A major percentage of the funds (yet to be agreed) was to be donated to Canley Community Centre as voted for at the AGM. A representative from the latter would be invited to the presentation evening in January.
 Action: Rona

Hilary reminded everyone of the Food Bank collecting box in the hall foyer.

Grant application

It was decided a new application for £348 should be made to the Parish Council in respect of a contribution to 2018 Bugle costs. Action: Judi

Community fund 

See Parish Councillor’s Report below

Kenilworth Lions had also offered funding to a community project that utilised volunteers. The refurbishment of the air warden’s shelter in Red Lane was suggested. Mary agreed to seek volunteers and to provide further details in the Bugle. Action: Mary

Paddy’s comments on Cala Homes

Paddy Deeley had asked if information was available to distribute to new residents once the Cala Homes houses were occupied. Judi reminded everyone of the Welcome Pack that was available. It was decided that nearer the time maybe March/April 2019 we should ask Cala Homes to hold a stock of these to distribute to new home owners.

5. Village Hall

There was no further update. It was now likely that the new Village Hall would not be built and available until 2020.

6. Parish Councillor's Report

There had been some meetings of a joint group of organisations in the village to discuss the potential of the HS2 Community Fund.

The Parish Council was asked to keep an eye on the state of the roads during the building work on the new housing estate.

7.  Any Other Business

Judi highlighted a cycle event with 17000 riders which was proposed. Details are available at The event would be passing through the Balsall Common area.

Several members of the committee were planning to hold a coffee morning with proceeds going to Kenilworth Helping Hands. A local young man who had attended Burton Green School benefitted from this organisation and some of his old school friends had offered to help. A date was yet to be arranged.

Fiona Anderson of Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action had asked to speak to the committee about rural isolation. She was to be invited to the start of the next committee meeting. Action: Rona

The question of subscriptions was raised and whether the parish precept should be increased instead. It was decided that there were still advantages to be gained from personal contact when collecting subscriptions. To address some of the opposition faced by a few collectors, the committee agreed that a document should be prepared outlining what projects and activities subscription money helped to fund.

A reminder was issued of the Village Choir Christmas concert on December 21st and the Carol Service on December 23rd. Both events would take place at the Village Hall.

Rona thanked everyone for attending and especially Judi for hosting the meeting.

8. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

The next committee meetings were scheduled for Jan 23rd, March 13th, May 15th, July 17th, Sept 11th AGM, Sept 30th, Nov 27th.

All dates have been conformed with the Village Hall bookings secretary.