Saturday, 14 July 2018

WI Air Ambulance Coffee Morning

Hodgetts Lane WI
Hodgetts Lane, Kenilworth CV8 1PH
Would like to invite you to a Coffee Morning

For Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance
This is a chosen Charity by Warwickshire WI’s for their Centenary Year

On Saturday 21st July
Coffee, Tea, soft drinks and Home Made cakes
Will be served from 10.00am until 12noon in Burton Green Village Hall

We would remind you that this very worthwhile cause does not receive
any Government funding and relies entirely on the
generosity of the public

We do hope you will come and support us
We would also like to remind you that on the Village Hall carpark
there is now a Clothing Bank which takes curtains etc. and paired shoes.
This is also for AIR AMBULANCE