Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Made in Burton Green 2018 - Houses and Scarecrows

Clay House 27th Friday 10.30-1.30

Another session is being held again at Thea’s pottery studio, 293 Cromwell Lane for those that missed Sunday and for those who would like to complete their houses. Please bring your own refreshments.

Scarecrows Thursday 26th April 7.30-8.30

We would like to fill the section between Cromwell Lane and the National Grid wood with lots and lots of Scarecrows!

We are holding a chat and information session where we will have lots of advice and crib sheets to help you build your scarecrow. If you have a mobile device please bring it along to also do some online research too.

The outside space that we are using will be lost to HS2 forever so it would be great to make this year a special one.

Registration for scarecrows is 15th June 3.30-7 pm at Village Hall and they will remain along The Greenway until 8th July.

You can enlarge the following information sheets by clicking on them...

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Housing Development at Westwood Heath

Please note that the discussion of the planning application for Westwood Heath has been withdrawn from the WDC Planning Committee meeting of 24th April. The reason for the withdrawal is "to enable further consultations to be undertaken in respect of a recently designated Scheduled Ancient Monument located near to the site".


Archaeological Trenching at Westwood Heath
Some archaeological investigations were undertaken at the site in September, described in more detail here:

It is not known whether the Scheduled Ancient Monument referred to has any connection with those activities.


A decision on the planning application to build up to 425 houses at Westwood Heath will be taken at the Warwick District Council Planning Committee meeting to be held on 24th April at Leamington Town Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend. The meeting commences at 6pm. Westwood Heath is the 7th item on the agenda.

The recommendation of the WDC Planning Department is that the application should be granted.

This is a list of the people who will be speaking...

The agenda for the entire meeting is here:
Planning Agenda 24 April 2018

A 23-page summary of the Westwood Heath application, including a summary of objections is here:
Item 07 - W17 2357 Land South of Westwood Heath Rd

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Women's Institute 9th April

MON 9th APRIL 7.30pm

Flower Arrangement Demonstration   
by Julia Mitchell
All Visitors welcome