Saturday, 27 May 2017

CALA Homes Presentation

CALA Homes are inviting local people to comment on proposals for a development of 83 new homes at Burrow Hill Nursery.

A community consultation event is being held, where representatives from CALA Homes and their specialist consultants will be on hand to discuss the proposals and answer any questions you may have.

This will be your chance to have your say on the proposed development before a planning application is submitted to Warwick District Council.

The event will take place at the Village Hall on Wednesday 7th June 2017, 1.30pm to 6.30pm.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Cyber Attack - Police Message

Message sent by
Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)

Following the Ransomware cyber attack on Friday 12 May, which affected the NHS and is believed to have affected other organisations globally, the City of London Police’s National Fraud Intelligence Bureau has issued an alert urging both individuals and businesses to follow protection advice immediately and in the coming days.

Ransomware is a form of malicious software (Malware) that enables cyber criminals to remotely lock down files on your computer or mobile device. Criminals will use ransomware to extort money from you (a ransom), before they restore access to your files. There are many ways that ransomware can infect your device, whether it be a link to a malicious website in an unsolicited email, or through a security vulnerability in a piece of software you use. 

Key Protect messages for businesses to protect themselves from ransomware:
  • Install system and application updates on all devices as soon as they become available.
  • Install anti-virus software on all devices and keep it updated.
  • Create regular backups of your important files to a device that isn’t left connected to your network as any malware infection could spread to that too.
The National Cyber Security Centre’s technical guidance includes specific software patches to use that will prevent uninfected computers on your network from becoming infected with the “WannaCry” Ransomware:

 For additional in-depth technical guidance on how to protect your organisation from ransomware, details can be found here:

 Key Protect advice for individuals:
  • Install system and application updates on all devices as soon as they become available.
  • Install anti-virus software on all devices and keep it updated.
  • Create regular backups of your important files to a device (such as an external hard drive or memory stick) that isn’t left connected to your computer as any malware infection could spread to that too.
  • Only install apps from official app stores, such as Google’s Play Store, or Apple’s App Store as they offer better levels of protection than some 3rd party  stores. Jailbreaking, rooting, or disabling any of the default security features of your device will make it more susceptible to malware infections.


Fraudsters may exploit this high profile incident and use it as part of phishing/smishing campaigns. We urge people to be cautious if they receive any unsolicited communications from the NHS. The protect advice for that is the following:
  • An email address can be spoofed. Don’t open attachments or click on the links within any unsolicited emails you receive, and never respond to emails that ask for your personal or financial details. 
  • The sender’s name and number in a text message can be spoofed, so even if the message appears to be from an organisation you know of, you should still exercise caution, particularly if the texts are asking you to click on a link or call a number.

Don’t disclose your personal or financial details during a cold call, and remember that the police and banks will never ring you and ask you to verify your PIN, withdraw your cash, or transfer your money to another “safe” account.

If you have been a victim of fraud or cyber crime, please report it to Action Fraud at

Monday, 15 May 2017

Minutes of Residents’ Association Committee Meeting May 9th 2017

The meeting was preceded by a presentation to John Whitehouse to mark his retirement as a Councillor and in recognition of his tremendous service to and interest in Burton Green and our community.

Dianne Adams; Andy Gibbs; Trish Hancock; Janet Hickinbottom; Rona Taylor; Faith Ward and Mary Webb.

1. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Diane Swindells; Judi Hibberd and Cllr Caryll Green

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Request 50% of Bugle printing costs from PCJudi
Find out availability of Salvation Army BandJudi
Dementia leaflets to be obtained and distributedMary
Arrange Bugle distributionMary
Letter of thanks to Deirdre for sign refurbishmentRona
Include in Bugle information for residents to sign up to Village Email LoopMary
Greenway Trust to be consulted regarding problems of access and need for notices about taking home litterHilary
Book Village Hall for afternoon and early evening Saturday November 10th 2018Hilary
Mobile toilet hire for Jubilee Group eventFaith and Dianne
Bugle item about HS2 compensation packagesAndy
Payment of insurance premiumDianne
Future agenda item re bulb plantingRona and Judi
Minutes on Burton Green website to be published as draftJanet

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting of March7th 2017 were approved. 

Matters Arising from the previous minutes

  • Approach PC for full costs of Bugle printing. The matter had been discussed with the Parish Council who felt the full cost was too much to fund and queried what the subscriptions to BGRA were intended for.  Ultimately the Residents' Association agreed they would continue to apply for 50% of the costs from the PC and to carry on with the collection of subscriptions. A request for 50% of Bugle costs would be made. Action: Judi
  • Invite community beat officer to meet with BGRA and PC representatives to discuss parking problems. At the Community Forum the police had agreed to add this to their priorities so there was no further need to arrange a meeting.
  • Find out availability of Salvation Army Band for commemoration event in 2018. Carried forward to next meeting.  Action: Judi
  • Copies of dementia leaflet and article for next Bugle.  Action: Mary
  • Invite a speaker about dementia to the Residents’ lunch. A speaker about the fire service and community assistance had been booked by popular demand at the next lunch on June 16th.
  • Begin collecting subscriptions and selling bin stickers. Mary would arrange this to coincide with the distribution of the Bugle at the end of May. Action: Mary
  • Donation to choir. The £50 donation had been made.
  • £200 loan to Jubilee Committee. This had not yet been required.
  • Query replacement road sign Cromwell Lane. Andy Gibbs and Deirdre Vernon had carried out removal, cleaning, repainting and repositioning of the sign. Rona would write to thank Deirdre. Action: Rona
  • Publication of village loop information. Mary would include this in the next edition of the Bugle.  Action: Mary
  • Broadwells Wood hedge reinstatement query. Cllr Green was unable to attend but had reported as follows:
Regarding the hedge at Broadwells, I have spoken to the enforcement planning officer at Warwick District Council and he is supposed to come back to me having unearthed the documents.  He told me over the phone that requirements to reinstate a hedge are comparatively rare and depend on the type of hedge.  He is going to look it up to see if there was a stipulation on the planning documents. If any of the res Assoc members has a document which shows that reinstatement was insisted upon, I would be glad to see it.
It was stated that Cllrs Coker and Illingworth agreed there was a document containing this information. Subsequent to this report, it was believed a new hedge of whips had now been planted.
All other matters arising were to be part of the agenda.

2. Treasurer's Report

A report had been circulated. Since the last meeting, expenditure had comprised £50 donation to the choir; £70 for the painting and frame as the gift to John Whitehouse; £170 Bugle printing costs.
Income consisted of £1.50 from the sale of bin stickers and £30.63 profit from the most recent lunch event.

Thanks were given to Dianne. 

3. Residents' views/concerns

  • Water pressure: Nick Hogue was still pursuing residents’ concerns on this matter. Residents with water pressure problems in their homes were asked to inform Nick Hogue but at the same time to continue to report to Severn Trent. Thanks were expressed to Nick. A comment had been made by a representative of the Village Hall committee member who had attended a meeting with Crest Nicholson builders that the construction of housing developments on Westwood Heath Road would have further impact on water pressure.
  • Hilary agreed to raise with the Greenway Trust committee the problem of access to the Greenway at various access points. Action: Hilary
  • The Retired of Burton Green lunches continued to be popular and those involved were thanked for organising the event in March.
  • Two meetings with developers were to be held at PC meetings on May 15th (Cala Homes) and June 19th (Crest Nicholson.)
  • A community clean up had been held on March 19th and thanks were given to those who had taken part. Litter and dog poo bags remained a problem on the Greenway. Hilary would suggest to the Greenway Trust that notices were erected asking people to take home their litter and dog poo bags because there was no one with responsibility for removing these items. Action: Hilary

4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues

  • Commemoration of Nov 11th 1918 – ideas for community event. Some discussion took place and it was decided an event was best held on Saturday November 10th 2018 for the afternoon and early evening. Judi would be asked to book the Village Hall. Action: Judi 
  • Ideas included a singer of WW1 songs whom Hilary had met. Action: Hilary
  • Jubilee Group: June 19th event. Flyers were being distributed. There was not a great deal of arranging to be done. Faith had arranged mobile toilet hire and Dianne would sort out the payment charge of £144. Action: Dianne and Faith
  • Chevrons in Hob Lane had been damaged in a recent accident. Residents had contacted Solihull MBC without response. It was understood the PC was also following up this issue.
  • Parking on pavements. This had been discussed under Matters Arising. There remained problems at some events at the Village Hall such as the recent Parish Meeting but a resident had asked those parking on the pavement to move their vehicles into the road. Continued reinforcement of the message remained necessary.
  • Feedback from Kenilworth Community Forum. This had been discussed under Matters Arising.

5. Village Hall

There was no report.

6. HS2 Opposition Group

Andy said the only matter concerned the compensation available to residents in a number of bands marked at different intervals from the proposed line. He agreed to write an article for the Bugle. 
Action: Andy

7. Parish Councillor's Report

The situation with the hedge at Broadwels Wood had been covered under Matters Arising.

8.  Any Other Business

  • Insurance. Lesley Tacon had kindly researched insurance renewal premiums.  The cost had increased a little to include the defibrillator. The policy covers not only the activities of BGRA lunches, carol singing, other social events but also the Jubilee Group’s annual event including the portable toilets. It was agreed to pay the increased amount. Action: Dianne
  • Andy felt the defibrillator was a community asset and so costs could be met by the PC. The committee decided it would pay for the insurance but the PC could be asked to pay for replacement pads due in January 2018. Andy recommended the pads which were past their expiry date should be retained separately for use in training sessions.
  • A proposed date of June 26th was being considered for a First Aid refresher course.
  • Emergency services. There had been a delay in the arrival of an ambulance which had gone to Barford in error. It was pointed out that when the emergency services were summoned by phone, the location could be matched to the nearest phone mast but not necessarily to the exact location.
  • Bulbs. A resident had suggested buying spring flowering bulbs in bulk and asking people to plant seven near their homes. A bulb planting day was suggested in the autumn. This would be considered at a future meeting agenda. Action: Rona and Judi
  • Thanks were given to Mary and Hilary for maintaining the flower tubs.
  • Draft minutes. In future minutes would be circulated to the committee after being checked by the chair and would then be sent to John Webb who kindly adds them to his website. It was agreed to ensure the minutes were published on the website as Draft minutes. Minutes had to be agreed at a subsequent meeting before they became final minutes. Action: Janet

9. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

The next meeting would take place on July 11th 2017.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Westwood Heath Road Housing Proposals

A presentation has been held at the Village Hall detailing the first phase of proposed new housing developments along Westwood Heath Road. The information from that presentation can be viewed in full at the developer's website here:

Once a formal application has been made to Warwick District Council, then the public will have the opportunity to comment on these proposals directly to Warwick District Council.

This map (from the link above) shows the present design proposal:

A summary of all of the other planning proposals affecting the area is here: