Friday, 18 November 2016

Minutes of Residents' Association Committee November 15th 2016

Judi Hibberd; Janet Hickinbottom; Bron Putnam; Rona Taylor, Mary Webb, Dianne Adams, Trish Hancock Faith Ward, Hillary Cox

In attendance: Cllr Caryll Green

Dianne was welcomed to her first meeting as treasurer.

1. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Diane Swindells.

Summary of actions following the meetingResponsible
Approach PC for full costs of Bugle printingRona
Article on walking group for BugleCllr Green
Cromwell Lane car parked on pavement to beraised at police surgeryBron and Rona
Next AGM to ask for new committee membersJudi
Arrange distribution of 30mph stickers with the BugleMary

Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting of September 13th 2016 were approved.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes:It had been established that fly tipping on the Greenway was a matter for Warwick District Council.

Rona was yet to approach the Parish Council regarding funding for the Bugle.Action: Rona

Mary would pursue sponsorship from Hickory’s Smokehouse at a later stage.Cllr. Green agreed to write an article for the Bugle to ascertain interest in a walking group.Action: Cllr Green

The cable litter from BT was no longer considered a problem but would be monitored.

All other matters arising had been covered or were to be agenda items.

2. Treasurer's Report   

A report had been circulated. There was very little to comment upon. Contributions had been received from Warwick District Council for Speedwatch and for dining equipment.

3. Residents' views/concerns

A car was persistently parked on the pavement in Cromwell Lane and this had been reported to the police who had agreed to put a warning notice on it. As this had not yethappened, the matter would be raised again at the forthcoming police surgery.

Rona had received two complaints about inconsiderate parking on the night of the fireworks display at Hickory's Smokehouse. Rona had conveyed the complaints to the management who had responded, saying they had tried very hard to manage this first community event and would take note of the complaints to rectify the situation in future. Cones would be placed along one side of the road and marshalls would be needed further along the road.

On the whole it was felt the management had acted very responsibly and had created an excellent and well managed event.

Thanks for the work of the Residents' Association committee had been received from a Cromwell Lane resident.

4. Update on and discussion of Residents' Association initiatives and issues

  • October 28th retired of Burton Green lunch. Thanks were extended to Mary, Diane and the team. Diane would not be available for the next lunch and so Mary and Hilary were making contingency plans for February. A grant of £266 had been received for 4 dozen sets of cutlery and the Village Hall committee were to purchase 6 dozen sets.
  • Collection of £3 subscription. Thanks were given to Hilary and Mary for tackling Red Lane in the dark. A resident had asked when collections take place.  It was established that each collection should fall within the Association's financial year (up to August 31st). Although collecting started earlier in the year, it was a lengthy task and sometimes took longer than anticipated to complete.
  • Children in Need ramble. Mary and Hilary organised this and had raised £65.
  • Chatsworth visit November 23rd. This had been cancelled because of lack of support.
  • Christmas: Father Christmas and Christmas Tree. Thanks were given to Joy and Rob Barnes for once again agreeing to donate the Christmas tree. Thanks would also be given to Laura Schlotel, Barry Putnam and Darren for their involvement. Mary and Rona had attended two meetings with Balsall Common Lions to agree the process for extending the route of their Father Christmas sleigh to cover most of Burton Green. A route had been agreed and a co-ordinated approach decided with Balsall Commons Lions supported by Burton Green Residents' Association. The hall would open at 5pm on Friday December 16th and collectors would be briefed. Collections would take place for The Myton Hospice and collecting tins were to be placed at Hickory's Smokehouse and the school would also be asked if a tin could be placed there for parents to contribute.The Lions would issue their Christmas card as usual and Rona and Mary had asked Faith to organise with the school for designs to be submitted for a Residents' Association card. The entries were shortlisted at the meeting and Hilary and Trish agreed to make the final selection.

5. AGM  Review of new format and follow up on issues  

Rona had received a lot of positive feedback. It was felt the new format worked well. Rona had been unwilling to cut short any presentations because of the amount of time speakers contributed to the community and because different people had different amounts of information to impart. It was felt the guidance of three minutes was sufficient and that no-one had needed to exceed this unnecessarily.

A comment had been received that when members of the committee had stood down and been re-elected there had been no opportunity for people to volunteer to join. This was acknowledged and would be acted upon next time. Action: Judi

The provision of bite size nibbles had been well received and Residents had made donations for the refreshments.

6. Village Hall

No-one was available from the Village Hall committee but a full report had been provided at the AGM. Rona and Janet had attended the Village Hall AGM the previous week.

7. HS2 Opposition Group

Andy had not been available. The northern route had been announced and inevitably was not popular with all.

8. Parish Councillor's Report

Cllr Green reported that the Council was in limbo in terms of the Local Plan which was still with the inspector. The Parish Council was making various submissions. Cllr Green commended the chairman of the Parish Council who had spent many hours on this and attended so many meetings. It would be necessary to progress to a Neighbourhood Plan once the inspector had submitted a report. This would need a committee of residents outside the Parish Council and should be followed by a formal referendum in the village.

The chair of the Parish Council had also been involved in discussions regarding the Hodgetts Lane/ Nailcote Lane junction and copies of the Parish Council response were circulated.

The Parish Council had considered small planning matters but also considered was an application from Two Oaks Nursey which was planning to rebuild the nursery separate from the house and to increase its capacity to 70 children. Two further houses were planned on the site. Cllr Green said the County Council was unlikely to oppose the plans because of the need to supply additional nursery places.

Cllr Green explained that objections to small plans usually had to be placed within three weeks and so to facilitate this, a sub committee of three councillors had been tasked with making decisions on behalf of the Parish Council.

Two councillors had resigned recently but two new members had volunteered to be co-opted.

BT wanted to close the phone box at the top of Red Lane. Some local residents had proposed using it as a Village Library.

Cllr Green asked for the history of the ivy-clad bus shelter in Red Lane. Rona replied that it started life as a shelter for air raid wardens during the war. There was uncertainty regarding its ownership. Local residents felt the ivy needed cutting back but who was responsible for its maintenance?

Thanks were given to Cllr Green.

9.  Any Other Business

An idea had been put forward of using 30mph stickers on rubbish bins and that these could be left facing the road on bin collection days. Stickers were to be issued with the next edition of the Bugle. Action: Mary

Stickers about Doorstep callers would also be available on request.

A question was asked about how to use the defibrillator. Mary explained that a phone number was provided on the casing and that the caller would then be given a code to access the equipment. The step by step instructions were provided and were easy to follow.

Signs explaining the location of the defibrillator were placed at the school and on the Greenway.

10. Date, time and venue of Next Meeting

Judi would contact Vic Stuthridge to book similar dates to the current year. It was anticipated the next meeting would take place on January 17th 2017.

Post meeting note: Judi had proposed the following dates which had been agreed by Vic Stuthridge on behalf of the Village Hall:January 17th, March 7th, May 9th, July 11th, September 12th, November 14th, The AGM: October 30th

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