Thursday, 4 August 2016

Black Cat

A resident writes:

We normally have a daily visit from a black cat,who seems to be more or less wild / very timid.  He had not been around for about two weeks, and yesterday he turned up very thin, with injuries under his chin. I got him trapped in the shed (as per RSPCA instructions), and the RSPCA collected him this morning, and have taken him to their vet to treat his injuries.  In their check, they discovered he has a microchip, and while they cannot release the address or name of the owner, they could say that the owner resides in Burton Green, and from the work contact details, appears to be on holiday at present.

They are trying to get hold of the owners through the microchip company to get authorisation for treatment, and after discussing it with the RSPCA representative, we thought we may be able to track the owners through Burton Green Parish Council.

He is black, with yellow/ green eyes. He has slightly longer than short haired fur, and may have a white patch of fur on his lower jaw, at present the fur there is completely missing, but there's a white patch of skin. He is thin and badly neglected, with ticks, but this may just be because of his injuries. He did not bite when we put him in the carrier. Was quite good about the whole ordeal. And he does know how to use a litter box.

Does anyone know who this poor boy belongs to so that the vets can provide the care needed?

The cat is at the Birmingham RSPCA vet.

Phone number: 0300 123 8585

His reference number: NC25598

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